Page 36 of Hopeless Magic

Page 37


  "Slowly," he said in a low voice, but he didnt need to warn me. I was barely able to take one drink before the violent nausea washed over me.

  "Im alive?" I whispered, in a barely audible voice.

  "Yes, my dear, youre alive," he smiled at me, looking very much like a grandfather. "I dont think its wise to use your magic just yet, but you seem to be making a turn around. "

  "Avalon too?" I knew the answer, but I needed to hear it from Amorys mouth.

  "Yes, Avalon too," he held me up again for another drink.

  "How long?" was all I could ask with my dry and scratchy voice.

  "Two weeks, Love," Kiran offered from the back of the room and I realized for the first time that this was not my bedroom.

  "But how?" I wished they would just explain everything to me, I didnt want to talk right now, or maybe even ever again.

  "At the mall you met some Titans?" Amory asked, gauging how much I remembered. I nodded, clearly remembering the fight and the first feeling of stabbing pain. He continued, "When you and Avalon took their magic, it was already infected with late stage Kings Curse. The whole event was set up for you to take their magic. From what Jericho says, I understand that you took two and Avalon took two and, Kiran?" He turned around before continuing, "Im sorry to inconvenience you, but would you mind running down the hall and finding some cool cloths for Eden," Kiran nodded and turned to walk out the door, "Oh and also. . . . Would you mind finding Lilly and Sylvia? Im sure they would be happy to know Eden is awake. " When Kiran left the room, Amory continued, "The two of you had a combined four different magics infected with the Kings Curse inside of you. I thought," Amory cleared his throat and shook his head as if to gain composure, "I didnt know how you would survive. Your own magic was infected with the awful disease and so when your bodies would try to heal themselves there would only be more pain. Your magic is still recovering. Avalon woke up yesterday, and is doing better today, but you both need to be careful. I dont know what saved you or how you were able to both come out alive, Im just thankful you did. " He hung his head without looking at me.

  "Just as long as hes Ok," I whispered, closing my eyes again and wanting sleep.

  "He said the same about you," Amory replied, the pride clear in his tone.

  "Where am I?" I asked, remembering I wasnt in my house.

  "The farm. We thought we could give you better care here, but nothing we did seemed to make any difference.

  "What about. . . . Kiran?" I asked, dropping my whisper down even lower.

  "We brought him in, hoping he could help you. In the end, Im afraid we only shocked him, but I think he was glad to be here. The boy cannot lose you, Eden, I am afraid of what will happen to him if he does," Amory patted my hand, before kissing my forehead and standing up.

  Lilly and Aunt Syl were through the doorway seconds later, hovering around me in the gentlest of ways. I smiled at them both, the best I could; and accepted their offer to help me with drinks of water.

  I was exhausted and still miserable from the leftover pain, but would never complain about anything less than the Kings Curse agony again. That was real pain. That had been true misery.

  Kiran stood in the back of the room while they talked softly about nothing things that I found interesting. He just stared at me, an unreadable expression on his face, while Aunt Syl told me how they celebrated Christmas and Lilly talked about the Christmas ball I had missed, but Amory had made her go with him. He had to chaperone and she just sat at the table wishing she was back here.

  Eventually, when I couldnt keep my eyes open any longer, even through their sweet chatter, they got up to leave. They said goodbye to Kiran at the door and he took the chair next to me after they left. He held my hand, bringing it to his lips and kissing me sweetly.

  "I cannot lose you," he whispered hoarsely into the quiet room. My eyes were closed but his lovely words felt like medicine.

  "You wont," I whispered back before finding the sweet surrender of sleep again.

  "I just want to see that shes all right," an angry voice woke me later. Sleep was still heavy on my eyes and I could barely move. The pain had lessened even more, but exhaustion would be the next battle to fight.

  "There she is. She is all right. If you really cared about her, you never would have let her out of your sight to begin with. Now please, leave," a second voice tried to stay calm, while clearly upset with the first voice.

  "I want to see her," the first voice growled.

  "Not while Im here," the second voice sounded even more dangerous than the first and I heard the door close forcefully and then nothing else.

  "Who was that?" I asked, my eyes still closed.

  "No one, Love," Kiran sat back down next to me, reaching for my hands and holding them tightly.

  "Dont you need to go home and sleep?" I asked, struggling to open my eyes. The candle had been blown out and the room was completely dark.

  I couldnt tell if it was the same day or a different one from the first time I had awoken, but Kiran was still in the same clothes, looking worse than ever.

  "No," he said simply but kindly.

  "Kiran, Im better now," I had more of a voice this time, but my throat still burned and my eyelids were still heavy.

  "I know," his voice broke with emotion before he continued, "I just have to know. . . . I just have to know that youll stay better. "

  "Believe me, I will never get that sick again," I tried to smile. "And if I do, Im just going to die. I cant do that again. " I sighed, not joking at all.

  "No, dont say that," Kiran knelt down next to me, his face close to mine. "When I said I couldnt lose you before, I meant it. I cannot live without you. You hold too much of me. I would never survive it," he was desperate and I believed him, I had no choice but to believe him, the same would have been true had the tables been turned. "Besides," his voice lightened, "I need at least one male son before I can go off and die. I cant leave a Kingdom in chaos. " He smiled at me and I smiled back.

  "Well," I cleared my throat, trying to cough away the fire, "then we better not plan on dying for a long time. I am just not ready for the responsibility of parenting," I smiled bigger, finding my sense of humor and a little more of my health. I had no idea how I came out on the other side of the Kings Curse, but I did. And Avalon did. And Kiran was by my side. All was right in the world again.

  At least for now.

  Chapter Thrity-One

  I worked at listening to Ms. Devereux. I had the book opened to the right page, my brain thinking magically in French, and the right answer already in mind should she ask me a question, but I couldnt focus. I couldnt even pretend to look in her direction.

  I couldnt even blame my still weak body. I wasnt completely recovered yet from the Kings Curse, and I was still afraid to use my magic fully. But I was at school and doing my best to not get behind, although I got tired quickly. Avalon was the same way and together our shared fatigue seemed to double our symptoms, though none of that had anything to do with my inability to focus on French.

  I wasnt alone in distraction. The entire class, even Ms. Devereux, was craning necks as best as we could to catch a glimpse of the King. Lucan had arrived in Omaha with as much pomp and circumstance as is expected from royalty.

  The school had been in a frenzy for a week. As soon as Christmas break was over and we returned to regular classes, the announcement had been made. Lucan would be visiting Omaha and sequentially Kingsley.

  Today was the day he toured the great halls of the exclusive Immortal prep school and everything was to go perfectly. Or so the teachers, staff and students had been told. But from conversations with Amory at home, I really had a hard time believing he cared at all.

  Kiran hadnt been in school since his father arrived, although he was allegedly here today, guiding Lucan across campus. Talbott, the ever faithful bodyguard, had been away too and I was surprised at how relaxing the week had felt wit
hout the two of them around.

  Lilly had also been missing for the week, but not by choice. Although it was Ok for her to be at school while Kiran was there, it was definitely not Ok for her to be there while Lucan was around. He demanded that Amory keep her home for the week and she had gladly complied.

  I was actually jealous of her. Days at home were sounding more and more fun with Jericho, Lilly and Roxie. Avalon and I were usually in terrible moods at school, wishing we could be away from the Kingsley crowd and home with our real friends.

  At least something was happening at school today. We could all hear Lucan and Amory out in the hallway, but not make out what they were saying. Avalon was the only student not interested in the activity, I could feel the irritation and resentment radiating off of him, but I dismissed it. Good or bad, Lucan was still King, and still at our school.

  The door opened slowly; Amory and Lucan stepped inside the classroom. There was no need for the noise to stop, the entire class was already silent and offering their attention. Someone in the front stood up first and the rest of the class followed suit, paying Lucan their respect.

  Avalon was quick to stand up and I was surprised at his reverent bow. I had expected him to be the last out of his seat and barely show any sign of respect.

  I dont want to draw unnecessary attention to myself. He sent me, answering my question.

  "Jacqueline, pardon the interruption. " Amory addressed a fidgeting Ms. Devereux; I had to laugh at her nervous behavior. Finally, she seemed human. "Do you mind if I introduce our King?" he continued politely.

  "Not at all," Ms. Devereux mumbled, her icy demeanor melted for the moment.

  "This is our Freshman French Honors, your Highness. Jacqueline Devereux teaches all of the secondary students and this would be her youngest class. As you know, most students arrive with a basic working knowledge of the language, but Jacqueline makes sure they know how to both read and write fluently before the year is over," Amory smiled reassuringly at Ms. Devereux whose mouth dropped open just slightly and offered no reply.

  The door behind Lucan and Amory opened; Kiran and Talbott slipped in quietly. Both boys looked oddly casual in respective jeans and sweaters. Kiran was wearing a cream cable-knit bulky sweater that looked especially warm and Talbott, a black, more-fitted, wool sweater that showed off his thick arms and muscular chest. Out of the school uniform Talbott looked years older, but Kiran only looked more handsome.

  "Kiran, are you in this class?" Lucan asked his son without turning around.

  "Yes, I am Father," Kiran replied and then cleared his throat.

  "But this is a beginners class," Lucan continued, the disdain obvious in his tone.

  "By the time Kiran arrived, language classes that may have suited him more favorably were already full," Amory interrupted, his tone firm. Ms. Devereux looked like she would throw up. "I was given instructions not to treat him differently than I would other students," he finished, looking straight ahead and out the second story window.

  "Surely, an exception could have been made," Lucan turned on Amory, who nodded his head without giving an answer. I didnt know what to make of his head nod. Was he agreeing with Lucan but refusing to do anything about it, or was he defying him completely, or was he complying with his not-so-straightforward command? I really did not understand the dynamic between the King and my grandfather.