Page 42 of Hopeless Magic

Page 43


  Once on the stone stairwell, I marveled at how the underground club had transformed into much more. Candles of every size and shape lined every wall, burning softly and casting long shadows of the dancers moving about the open floor. The furniture had been removed except for one corner and just a dance floor was left in the expansive room with hundreds of people dancing.

  I froze on the stairs, not even knowing how I would handle the night. The magic from all of the excitement and revelry was almost overwhelming and I had a hard time believing the humanity living in any proximity to this would not be able to feel it.

  "Are you all right?" Jericho asked gently. "Use your magic. "

  I nodded and let him escort me down the stairs, holding my full skirt carefully, so not to trip on it. I turned on the magic and my nerves disappeared.

  At the bottom of the stairs Kiran was waiting with his father and mother. There was more royal court with them as well, but I only recognized the Cartiers, Sebastians family. All of the men were dressed in expensive tuxedos with tails, and the women in elegant ball gowns that both flattered and boasted of their wealth. Kiran and Lucan had styled their hair back smoothly, away from their faces, and their more elaborate crowns were worn in an identically crooked way. I wondered if they were wearing their party crowns; Kirans was solid gold with rubies and emeralds glinting in the candlelight. Lucans was also solid gold but his stones were all diamonds. . . . huge diamonds.

  "Your Highness," I curtsied, extending my hand to Kiran, mimicking Roxie who had been before me.

  "Eden," Kiran responded slyly. When I lifted my head I was greeted with an unabashed smirk. His eyes were smoldering and he had yet to let go of my hand.

  "Happy birthday," I smiled back, leaning in. Something about Kirans attitude encouraged me to throw caution to the wind.

  "Thank you," his smirk grew and his eyes took a sweeping view of me, returning to mine obviously pleased. "Youll save a dance for me?"

  "Of course," I replied coyly, but really hoping he wouldnt ask. If he found me attractive now, dancing later would just ruin that. "It is after all, your birthday. "

  "Eden, what a pleasure for you to join us," Lucan moved me down the reception line by calling my attention to him. I curtsied politely, extending my hand to him as well. "You look beautiful as always. "

  "Thank you, Your Highness," I lifted my head and met his careful smile with my own.

  "I hope you will save me a dance as well. " Lucan let go of my hand and moved me down the line before I could respond. I stumbled to Queen Analisa trying to think of an excuse or exit strategy but I was caught. I curtsied for Analisa and then left the line before meeting any of Sebastians family.

  Jericho was waiting for me at the end of the reception line and I ran to him, trying to keep myself together.

  "Lucan wants to dance with me," I whispered frantically, out of breath, my head spinning.

  "Now?" Jericho asked, looking around for Lucan.

  "No, I mean, I dont think so, later some time," I smoothed out my skirt and checked myself over to make sure everything was where it was supposed to be.

  "Oh," Jericho said simply. "Eden, thats normal, I think hes obligated to dance with almost everyone. "

  "Oh," I echoed. "But I dont know how to dance," I whined, afraid of the scene I would make.

  "Then we better practice," Jericho grabbed my hand and pulled me to the floor.

  He put a strong hand on my lower back and held my other delicately in his hand, leading me around the dance floor expertly. I laughed at Jerichos serious face and business-like manner, letting him lead and teach me.

  "I forgot how good you are at this," I laughed, completely relaxing in his arms.

  "Seriously, how could you forget that?" He smiled back at me and slowed down a little bit.

  "That is a good question!" I agreed and then screamed a little when he suddenly dipped me low without warning.

  "Relax, I got you," he whispered, lifting me back up and bringing me closer to his body. He looked deep into my eyes, the green part of his eyes flashing golden, before returning to a mixture of chocolate brown and emeralds; they were blazing, as if set on fire by the candle light, and I forgot the room around me for a moment.

  "Um, should we, should we find Avalon?" I ruined the moment, but I couldnt let Kiran find me like that in Jerichos arms. Their confrontation at the Winter Solstice Dance flashed through my memory and I didnt want to ruin Kirans party.

  "Yes," Jericho narrowed his eyes at me, "that is a good idea. "

  He took his hand from my lower back, but led me through the crowd of people with his other one. I followed closely at his heels, using magic to keep from tripping on my long train.

  "I could get used to this," Avalon grunted, when we finally found them near the bar. He was holding a plate of small appetizers. "Eden, you should get these recipes. "

  "And do what with them?" I laughed.

  "So anything interesting happen?" He ignored me, scanning the room with his well-trained surveillance eye.

  "I have to dance with Lucan later," I grumbled, praying I wouldnt make a fool out of myself.

  "How awful," Roxie empathized and I was thankful she understood how terrible it would be.

  "Thank you!" I exclaimed, "And do I have to talk during it, or can I just I save myself the trouble of putting my foot in my mouth!"

  "You dont have to talk if you dont want to, Love. You can just stand there and look pretty, Im sure my father wont mind. " Kiran answered from behind me, clearly amused.

  "Well, hello," I turned on my heel to face him. "I didnt expect to see you so soon. "

  "Didnt you?" he smirked, extending his elbow to me. "You could hardly expect me to stay away for long; look at you. " His eyes shimmered in their deep ocean of a way, "Will you dance with me?"

  I nodded respectfully and took his arm. Kiran led me to the dance floor, twirled me about the floor, all eyes watching him. I was effortless in his arms, a characteristic I didnt even know that I possessed.

  The music changed, slowing down and so did Kiran. Pressing my body to his and resting his cheek against my temple. The moment was enough to easily forget the rest of the room, although in the back of my mind I knew we were never alone.

  "Youre the envy of every lady in this room tonight," Kiran whispered in my ear.

  "I suppose theyre all jealous of my dance moves," I joked, sarcastically, assuming he meant because I was the one dancing with him.

  "Of course," he agreed, dramatically, pulling away for a moment to gaze into my eyes. "I meant because of your incomparable beauty. "

  "Oh that. I mean, obviously!" I was still joking, but my cheeks blushed from the compliment. "Well, I can hardly take credit for the dress. "

  "Nor should you," he kissed me on the cheek and I was shocked at his boldness in front of everyone. "I have excellent taste. "

  "Yes, you do," I smiled adoringly at him, and his eyes swept over me, taking me in again.

  "Is that the necklace I gave you?" he stopped moving for a moment and took the soft pink pendant in his hand, fingering the stone as if rubbing the color off of it.

  "Yes," I answered. The look in Kirans eyes changed from obvious love to strange curiosity. I cleared my throat, suddenly nervous I made a mistake.

  "How did you do that with the color?" he moved closer, bringing the necklace to his face.

  "I dont know," I began, "I just put it on, and that is the color it turned," I was a bad liar. I didnt even know why I was lying, but something in the expression on Kirans face made the hair on the back of my neck stand up.

  "But that is impossible," Kiran looked up at me, a flash of betrayal passed across his face and I opened my mouth to explain the truth, but we were interrupted.

  "May I?" Lucan was behind Kiran, extending his hand to me.

  "Of course," Kiran replied respectfully, bowing to his father before disappearing into the crowd.

p; Lucan took another step forward and I placed my hand gently in his. He moved me across the dance floor with grace, while keeping me at a healthy distance. For a while he didnt speak, he looked over my head at the gathered room dancing. I was thankful for that and didnt offer any conversation, doing my best to keep my eyes from staring at my feet.

  "Are you having a good evening?" Lucan asked curtly.

  "Yes, lovely, thank you, Your Majesty. "

  "Good. And your friends? Are they also having a good evening?" Lucan looked towards the bar, where Avalon, Jericho and Roxie stood watching us, drinks in hand.

  "I believe they are," I smiled politely, but Lucan didnt notice, he was still watching my friends.

  "Your friend, what is his name?" Lucan asked, his careful tone never changing.

  "Jericho Bentley, Your Highness," I replied, worrying that I was over-doing it with all of the titles.

  "Yes, I know Jericho. His father has a position in my court. The other one, what is his name?" Lucan had yet to take his eyes off Avalon.

  "His name?" I cleared my throat. "His name is Avalon St. Andrews. "

  "And he is in your grade?"

  "Yes, he is," I said softly, beginning to worry about Avalon.

  "And what are his parents names?" Lucan turned his eyes from Avalon to me, and their steely blue, icy stare sent a shiver down my back.

  "I dont know his parents," I offered honestly, "I dont really know any of my friends parents though. . . . your Highness. "

  "Hmph," Lucan grunted and then looked back into the crowd of dancers. "Eden, I would like you to be aware that tomorrow morning I will call off the engagement between Kiran and Seraphina. "

  I tripped over my long train, catching myself awkwardly on Lucans shoulder. "Forgive me," I gushed, "Im so sorry. "

  "Are you surprised?" Lucan was amused.

  "Yes," I answered a little overzealously. "What I mean to say, is that, I didnt know that was. . . . I thought. . . . I dont understand. "

  "Its simple," Lucan explained, the amusement gone. "Kiran is clearly not happy with my choice for him. I would like to prevent any rash or reckless behavior and so I have decided to give him the choice. If he chooses Seraphina, then so be it. If however, he chooses someone else. . . . " His eyes found mine again, "Well, then I trust his wisdom. "

  "Of course," I mumbled, my thoughts racing. "And when will he have to decide?" I gulped, swallowing my fears about the future.

  "Soon," Lucan said simply. "The Kingdom wants stability. They want an heir. "

  I gulped again.

  "And Eden," Lucan continued, "Whomever Kiran chooses, will always have to put the Kingdom before her own interest," he stared at me seriously, dropping my hand and taking a step back as the song ended.

  "Naturally," I said with a gravelly voice and curtsied.

  Lucan returned a respectful head nod and then walked away, leaving me in the middle of the dance floor. My eyes fell on Kiran and Seraphina, twirling expertly and laughing happily. Seraphinas dreams were about to end, this was her last night as the Crown Princes betrothed.