it should not be so with him.

  PROVOST So please you, this friar hath been with him, and

  advised him for th'entertainment463 of death.

  ESCALUS Good even, good father.

  DUKE Bliss and goodness on you!

  ESCALUS Of whence are you466?

  DUKE Not of this country, though my chance467 is now

  To use it for my time468. I am a brother

  Of gracious order, late come from the See469

  In special business from his holiness.

  ESCALUS What news abroad471 i'th'world?

  DUKE None, but that there is so great a fever on goodness

  that the dissolution of it472 must cure it. Novelty is only in

  request473 , and it is as dangerous to be aged474 in any kind of

  course475 as it is virtuous to be constant in any undertaking.

  There is scarce truth enough alive to make societies476 secure,

  but security477 enough to make fellowships accurst. Much

  upon this riddle runs the wisdom of the world. This news is

  old enough, yet it is every day's news. I pray you, sir, of what

  disposition was the duke?

  ESCALUS One that, above all other strifes481, contended especially

  to know himself.

  DUKE What pleasure483 was he given to?

  ESCALUS Rather rejoicing to see another merry than merry

  at anything which professed to make him rejoice. A

  gentleman of all temperance. But leave we him to his events486,

  with a prayer they may prove prosperous, and let me desire

  to know how you find Claudio prepared. I am made to

  understand that you have lent him visitation489.

  DUKE He professes to have received no sinister measure490

  from his judge, but most willingly humbles himself to the

  determination492 of justice: yet had he framed to himself, by the

  instruction493 of his frailty, many deceiving promises of life,

  which I by my good leisure494 have discredited to him, and now

  is he resolved to die.

  ESCALUS You have paid the heavens your function, and the

  prisoner the very debt of your calling501. I have laboured for the

  poor gentleman to the extremest shore of my modesty503, but

  my brother justice have I found so severe that he hath forced

  me to tell him he is indeed Justice505.

  DUKE If his own life answer the straitness506 of his

  proceeding, it shall become him well: wherein if he chance

  to fail, he hath sentenced himself.

  ESCALUS I am going to visit the prisoner. Fare you well.

  DUKE Peace be with you.

  [Exeunt Escalus and Provost]

  He who the sword of heaven511 will bear

  Should be as holy as severe:

  Pattern in himself to know513,

  Grace to stand514, and virtue go,

  More nor less to others paying

  Than by self-offences weighing515.

  Shame to him whose cruel striking

  Kills for faults of his own liking.

  Twice treble shame on Angelo,

  To weed520 my vice and let his grow!

  O, what may man within him hide,

  Though angel on the outward side!

  How may likeness made in crimes523,

  Making practice524 on the times,

  To draw with idle spiders' strings

  Most pond'rous and substantial things525!

  Craft527 against vice I must apply.

  With Angelo tonight shall lie

  His old betrothed529 but despised,

  So disguise530 shall, by th'disguised,

  Pay with falsehood false exacting531,

  And perform an old contracting532.


  Act 4 Scene 1

  running scene 9

  Location: outside Vienna

  Enter Mariana and [a] Boy, singing

  BOY Take, O, take those lips away,

  That so sweetly were forsworn2,

  And those eyes, the break of day3,

  Lights that do mislead the morn;

  But my kisses bring again, bring again,

  Seals of love, but sealed in vain, sealed in vain.

  Enter Duke [disguised as before]

  MARIANA Break off thy song, and haste thee quick away:

  Here comes a man of comfort, whose advice

  Hath often stilled9 my brawling discontent.

  [Exit Boy]

  I cry you mercy10, sir, and well could wish

  You had not found me here so musical.

  Let me excuse me, and believe me so,

  My mirth it much displeased, but pleased my woe13.

  DUKE 'Tis good; though music oft hath such a charm14

  To make bad good, and good provoke to harm.

  I pray you tell me, hath anybody inquired for me here today?

  Much upon17 this time have I promised here to meet.

  MARIANA You have not been inquired after: I have sat here

  all day.

  Enter Isabella

  DUKE I do constantly20 believe you. The time is come even

  now. I shall crave your forbearance21 a little, maybe I will call

  upon you anon22 for some advantage to yourself.

  MARIANA I am always bound to you.


  DUKE Very well met24, and well come.

  What is the news from this good deputy?

  ISABELLA He hath a garden circummured26 with brick,

  Whose western side is with a vineyard backed,

  And to that vineyard is a planched28 gate

  That makes his opening29 with this bigger key.

  Shows keys

  This other doth command30 a little door,

  Which from the vineyard to the garden leads.

  There have I made my promise, upon the

  Heavy33 middle of the night to call upon him.

  DUKE But shall you on your knowledge34 find this way?

  ISABELLA I have ta'en a due35 and wary note upon't:

  With whispering and most guilty diligence,

  In action all of precept37, he did show me

  The way twice o'er.

  DUKE Are there no other tokens39

  Between you 'greed40 concerning her observance?

  ISABELLA No, none, but only a repair41 i'th'dark,

  And that I have possessed42 him my most stay

  Can be but brief, for I have made him know

  I have a servant comes with me along,

  That stays upon45 me, whose persuasion is

  I come about my brother.

  DUKE 'Tis well borne up47.

  I have not yet made known to Mariana

  A word of this.-- What ho, within! Come forth!

  Enter Mariana

  I pray you be acquainted with this maid,

  She comes to do you good.

  ISABELLA I do desire the like52.

  DUKE Do you persuade yourself that I respect you?

  MARIANA Good friar, I know you do, and have found it54.

  DUKE Take, then, this your companion by the hand,

  Who hath a story ready for your ear.

  I shall attend your leisure57, but make haste,

  The vaporous night approaches.

  MARIANA Will't please you walk aside?

  Exit [Mariana with Isabella]

  DUKE O place60 and greatness! Millions of false eyes

  Are stuck61 upon thee: volumes of report

  Run with these false and most contrarious quests

  Upon thy doings62, thousand escapes63 of wit

  Make thee the father of their idle dream64

  And rack65 thee in their fancies.

  Enter Mariana and Isabella

  Welcome, how agreed?

  ISABELLA She'll take the enterprise upon her, father,

  If you advise it

  DUKE It is not my consent,

  But my entreaty too69.

  ISABELLA Little have you to say71

  When you depart from him, but, soft and low,

  'Remember now my brother.'

  MARIANA Fear me not.

  DUKE Nor, gentle daughter, fear you not at all.

  He is your husband on a pre-contract76:

  To bring you thus together 'tis no sin,

  Sith78 that the justice of your title to him

  Doth flourish79 the deceit. Come, let us go:

  Our corn's to reap, for yet our tithe's to sow80.


  Act 4 Scene 2

  running scene 10

  Location: Vienna

  Enter Provost and Clown [Pompey]

  PROVOST Come hither, sirrah. Can you cut off a man's head?

  POMPEY If the man be a bachelor, sir, I can. But if he be a

  married man, he's his wife's head3, and I can never cut off a

  woman's head.

  PROVOST Come, sir, leave me your snatches5, and yield me a

  direct answer. Tomorrow morning are to die Claudio and

  Barnardine. Here is in our prison a common7 executioner, who

  in his office lacks a helper: if you will take it on you to assist

  him, it shall redeem9 you from your gyves: if not, you shall have

  your full time of imprisonment and your deliverance10 with an

  unpitied11 whipping, for you have been a notorious bawd.

  POMPEY Sir, I have been an unlawful bawd time out of mind12,

  but yet I will be content to be a lawful hangman. I would be

  glad to receive some instruction from my fellow partner.

  PROVOST What, ho, Abhorson15! Where's Abhorson there?

  Enter Abhorson

  ABHORSON Do you call, sir?

  PROVOST Sirrah, here's a fellow will help you tomorrow in

  your execution. If you think it meet18, compound with him by

  the year, and let him abide19 here with you. If not, use him for

  the present and dismiss him. He cannot plead his estimation20

  with you: he hath been a bawd.

  ABHORSON A bawd, sir? Fie upon him, he will discredit our


  PROVOST Go to, sir, you weigh equally24: a feather will turn the



  POMPEY Pray, sir, by your good favour26 -- for surely, sir, a

  good favour you have, but that you have a hanging look27 --

  do you call, sir, your occupation a mystery28?

  ABHORSON Ay, sir, a mystery.

  POMPEY Painting30, sir, I have heard say, is a mystery; and

  your whores, sir, being members of my occupation, using

  painting, do prove my occupation a mystery. But what

  mystery there should be in hanging, if I should be hanged, I

  cannot imagine.

  ABHORSON Sir, it is a mystery.

  POMPEY Proof?

  ABHORSON Every true37 man's apparel fits your thief--

  POMPEY If it be too little for your thief, your true man thinks

  it big39 enough. If it be too big for your thief, your thief thinks

  it little40 enough. So every true man's apparel fits your thief.

  Enter Provost

  PROVOST Are you agreed?

  POMPEY Sir, I will serve him, for I do find your hangman is a

  more penitent43 trade than your bawd: he doth oftener ask


  PROVOST You, sirrah, provide your block and your axe

  tomorrow, four o'clock.

  ABHORSON Come on, bawd, I will instruct thee in my trade.


  POMPEY I do desire to learn, sir, and I hope, if you have

  occasion to use me for your own turn50, you shall find me yare.

  For truly, sir, for your kindness I owe you a good turn51.

  [Exeunt Pompey and Abhorson]

  PROVOST Call hither Barnardine and Claudio.

  The one has my pity; not a jot the other,

  Being a murderer, though54 he were my brother.

  Enter Claudio

  Look, here's the warrant, Claudio, for thy death.

  Shows warrant

  'Tis now dead midnight, and by eight tomorrow

  Thou must be made immortal. Where's Barnardine?

  CLAUDIO As fast locked up in sleep as guiltless labour58

  When it lies starkly59 in the traveller's bones.

  He will not wake.

  PROVOST Who can do good on61 him?

  Well, go, prepare yourself. But hark, what noise?

  Knocking within

  Heaven give your spirits comfort.-- By and by.

  [Exit Claudio]

  I hope it is some pardon or reprieve

  For the most gentle Claudio.

  Enter Duke [disguised as before]

  Welcome father.

  DUKE The best and wholesom'st spirits of the night

  Envelop you, good provost. Who called here of late?

  PROVOST None, since the curfew69 rung.

  DUKE Not Isabel?


  DUKE They will, then, ere't be long.

  PROVOST What comfort is for Claudio?

  DUKE There's some in hope.

  PROVOST It is a bitter deputy.

  DUKE Not so, not so: his life is paralleled76

  Even77 with the stroke and line of his great justice.

  He doth with holy abstinence subdue

  That in himself which he spurs on his power

  To qualify80 in others. Were he mealed with that

  Which he corrects81, then were he tyrannous,

  But this82 being so, he's just. Now are they come.

  [Exit Provost]

  This is a gentle83 provost: seldom when

  The steeled84 jailer is the friend of men.

  Knocking within

  How now? What noise? That spirit's85 possessed with haste

  That wounds th'unsisting86 postern with these strokes.

  [Enter Provost]

  PROVOST There he must stay until the officer

  Arise to let him in. He is called up88.

  DUKE Have you no countermand89 for Claudio yet,

  But he must die tomorrow?

  PROVOST None, sir, none.

  DUKE As near the dawning, Provost, as it is,

  You shall hear more ere morning.

  PROVOST Happily94

  You something know, yet I believe there comes

  No countermand, no such example96 have we:

  Besides, upon the very siege97 of justice

  Lord Angelo hath to the public ear

  Professed the contrary.

  Enter a Messenger

  This is his lordship's man.

  DUKE And here comes Claudio's pardon.


  MESSENGER My lord hath sent you this note, and

  Gives a paper

  by me this further charge, that you swerve not from the

  smallest article of it, neither in time, matter, or other

  circumstance. Good morrow, for, as I take it, it is almost day.

  PROVOST I shall obey him.

  [Exit Messenger]

  DUKE This is his pardon, purchased by such sin107


  For which the pardoner himself is in.

  Hence hath offence his quick celerity,

  When it is borne in high authority109.

  When vice makes mercy, mercy's so extended111,

  That for the fault's love112 is th'offender friended.--

  Now, sir, what news?

  PROVOST I told you. Lord Angelo, belike114 thinking me remiss

  in mine office, awakens me with this unwonted115 putting-on

  methinks strangely, for he hath not used it before.

  DUKE Pray you let's hear.

  PROVOST 'Whatsoever you may hear to the

  Reads the letter
r />
  contrary, let Claudio be executed by four of the clock, and

  in the afternoon Barnardine. For my better satisfaction120, let

  me have Claudio's head sent me by five. Let this be duly121

  performed with a thought122 that more depends on it than we

  must yet deliver123. Thus fail not to do your office, as you will

  answer124 it at your peril.' What say you to this, sir?

  DUKE What125 is that Barnardine who is to be executed in


  PROVOST A Bohemian born, but here nursed up and bred,

  one that is a prisoner nine years old128.

  DUKE How came it that the absent duke had not either

  delivered him to his liberty or executed him? I have heard it

  was ever his manner to do so.

  PROVOST His friends still wrought132 reprieves for him: and

  indeed, his fact133, till now in the government of Lord Angelo,

  came not to an undoubtful134 proof.

  DUKE It is now apparent?

  PROVOST Most manifest, and not denied by himself.

  DUKE Hath he borne himself penitently in prison? How

  seems he to be touched138?

  PROVOST A man that apprehends139 death no more dreadfully

  but as a drunken sleep, careless, reckless, and fearless of

  what's past, present, or to come: insensible of mortal141ity and

  desperately mortal.

  DUKE He wants143 advice.

  PROVOST He will hear none. He hath evermore had the liberty

  of the prison144. Give him leave to escape hence, he would not.

  Drunk many times a day, if not many days entirely drunk.

  We have very oft awaked him, as if to carry him to execution,

  and showed him a seeming148 warrant for it, it hath not moved

  him at all.

  DUKE More of him anon. There is written in your brow,

  Provost, honesty and constancy. If I read it not truly, my

  ancient skill beguiles152 me, but in the boldness of my cunning,

  I will lay myself in hazard153. Claudio, whom here you have

  warrant to execute, is no greater forfeit to the law than

  Angelo who hath sentenced him. To make you understand

  this in a manifested effect156, I crave but four days' respite, for

  the which you are to do me both a present157 and a dangerous


  PROVOST Pray, sir, in what?

  DUKE In the delaying death.

  PROVOST Alack, how may I do it, having the hour limited161 and

  an express command, under penalty, to deliver his head in

  the view of Angelo? I may make my case as Claudio's163, to

  cross164 this in the smallest.

  DUKE By the vow of mine order, I warrant165 you, if my

  instructions may be your guide, let this Barnardine be this

  morning executed, and his head borne to Angelo.

  PROVOST Angelo hath seen them both and will discover the


  DUKE O, death's a great disguiser, and you may add to it.

  Shave the head and tie171 the beard and say it was the desire of

  the penitent to be so bared172 before his death: you know the

  course173 is common. If anything fall to you upon this, more

  than thanks and good fortune, by the saint whom I profess, I

  will plead against it with my life.

  PROVOST Pardon me, good father, it is against my oath.