Page 28 of Feeling Hot

  Gulping, he opened the door and climbed the narrow staircase up to the second floor. Savannah’s door was painted a bright yellow, and it swung open the moment he reached the landing. She appeared in the doorway, wearing a pair of tight black yoga pants and a loose red T-shirt that didn’t hide the fullness of the breasts beneath it.

  “Hey,” she said with an easy smile. “I figured we’d stay in, if that’s cool with you?”

  Another gulp. Crap. Looked like he needed to conjure up some willpower. Pronto.

  In a strained voice, he said, “Sure.”

  Savannah gestured for him to come inside, and when he stepped into the apartment, he immediately saw her personality splashed all over the place. Mismatched furniture, some modern, some antique, filled the spacious living room. Colorful abstract paintings hung on the wall, with the occasional breathtaking landscape sandwiched between them. A small kitchen was tucked off to one side, and the living area was separated from the sleeping area with a see-through Japanese screen that featured bright pink cherry blossom trees. He caught a glimpse of a large futon with a bright magenta bedspread, but tore his gaze away. He couldn’t focus on the bed. Beds meant sex. And he was determined not to sleep with Savannah Harte until he figured out why he liked her so much.

  “I like your place,” he said, turning to meet her silver-gray eyes.

  “Thanks,” she said simply.

  “Have you lived here long?”

  “About eight years now.” She headed to the kitchen and pulled open the fridge, appearing a moment later with a six-pack in her hands. “I moved in when I bought the shop.”

  They headed over to the plump brown sofa. Savannah flopped down, removed two beer bottles from the case and held one out to him. After a second of hesitation, he joined her on the couch and accepted the beer. At least three feet of space separated them, but it was still too damn close for comfort. Her sweet scent wafted over, surrounding him in a lust-crazed cloud. Of course, she smelled like flowers. Roses and lavender, with a hint of minty soap thrown in.

  He unscrewed the cap of the bottle and took a long swallow of beer, hoping the cold liquid would ease the burn in his groin. But then Savannah reached up to untie her ponytail, letting her pale blonde hair fall loose, and the burn deepened. Fuck, he wanted to run his fingers through that silky hair, feel it tickling his pecs as she straddled his naked body, riding him…

  No sex, a little voice ordered.

  Right, no sex. He took another sip of beer, then set the bottle down on the coffee table.

  “So,” he started. “Your dad teaches at Stanford… Does that mean you’re from Palo Alto?”

  “Yeah, I grew up there. I moved here after I dropped out of college.”

  He grinned. “You’re a college drop-out?”

  “Sure am. I was never a school person. I wanted to work with flowers, so I moved down here to work at a nursery one of my mom’s friends owns. When this store came up for sale, she went in on the deal with me. We were partners until about three years ago, and then I bought her out.”

  Matt was impressed. Savannah couldn’t be older than twenty-seven, twenty-eight, and she already owned her own business. A successful one, judging by the fact that she’d been able to buy out her partner.

  “Where are you from?” she asked him.

  “Nashville. Well, just outside of it. My family owns a cattle ranch.”

  She laughed. “You’re a cowboy, huh?”

  “Naah, I wasn’t cut out for cowboy life. I left home at eighteen, joined the Navy, and now I live here full-time.”

  “Too bad.” Her gray eyes darkened to smoky silver. “Cowboys are extremely sexy.”

  He swallowed. Fuck, why did she have to look at him like that? Like she wanted to lick him up. He was normally the one dropping the loaded remarks, while his date steered the conversation to more wholesome topics. He found this role reversal totally disconcerting.

  Savannah slid closer and rested her hand on his thigh.

  Matt nearly jumped off the couch. Her hand was warm, her fingers teasing as she ran them along the denim seam of his jeans.

  “How do you like owning your own business?” he blurted out, desperate to ignore the searing bolts of heat moving from the tips of her fingers to his suddenly throbbing thigh.

  Savannah let out a sigh. “Are we really going to do this?”

  “Do what?”

  “Carry on with the idle chitchat when we both know what we really want to do?”

  His cock jerked, strained against his zipper. She instantly noticed the reaction, a small smile spreading across her lush pink lips.

  “Look, I don’t like relationships,” she said bluntly. “They don’t interest me. But I am interested in flings. Fun, casual flings, no strings, no promises, just a good time and great sex.”

  He wanted to ask why. Why did she hate relationships so much? But his vocal chords had gone numb. She was using his own lines on him. Fun, casual, good time, great sex. He couldn’t even count how many times he’d uttered those exact phrases.

  And as much as he wasn’t sure he liked being the recipient of his own speech, the moment the word sex slipped from her luscious mouth, all he could think about was shoving his cock deep inside her.

  “So if you want me—” her gaze moved to the bulge of his crotch, “—and I think you do, what do you say we just skip the tell-me-about-yourself and get to the fun part?”

  All work and no play? Not for this girl. Not anymore.

  Office Affair

  © 2012 Jess Dee

  Melissa Sparks has had enough. Enough of being an overachiever, enough of having no social life, enough of being lonely. Just this once she wants a change. Something different. Something that looks very much like her business associate, Ben Cowley.

  Ben is all alone in the deserted offices of Preston Elks. He’s gorgeous, he’s single and he’s been her secret fantasy for the last two years. It’s a split-second decision, but there’s no going back.

  When Ben looks up from his desk, the last thing he expects to see is his too-serious, straight-laced colleague stripping naked. It’s been a year since his last relationship ended, and though he’s still picking up the pieces, Melissa throws his carefully balanced world off its axis. So does her offer: a brief affair, no strings attached.

  Right about the time he realizes a simple affair will never be enough, she’s back in professional mode—and clearly as distant as ever. Now it’s up to him to show her that what they have is no fluke…and he’ll do whatever it takes to convince her. Even if it means inviting another man into their bed.

  Warning: This book contains a man haunted by his past decisions, a woman determined to succeed, sex hot enough to steam up every office window on the block, and a voyeur who gets off watching those windows steam up.

  Enjoy the following excerpt for Office Affair:

  Ben was back in his chair maybe five minutes before Melissa made her entrance.

  She didn’t say a word. She simply stood in his doorway like she had last night, looking imposing and dressed to kill.

  And hell, she about gave him a heart attack right then and there. She wore a charcoal, pinstriped skirt suit, with the jacket buttoned up in front, just like she had last night.

  Last night, however, she’d hidden every asset with a severe white blouse and her jacket. Tonight, she had on absolutely nothing beneath her blazer. Which meant when she stood at that angle and folded her arms, the jacket gaped a little, giving him an enticing view of a full, firm breast and a dusky pink nipple.

  Ben swallowed. Any greeting he might have spoken died in his throat. The wild mane of untamed hair was back. This time she’d lost her ponytail before leaving her office. Her lips were painted a deep, sexy red. His first once-over failed to reveal what the second one did: a pair of lacy knickers hanging off one of her fingers, and a white and blue object tucked comfortably into her other hand.

  Just like that he was hard. Again.


  “I’m pleased to see you came prepared.”

  She arched an eyebrow. “Give me five minutes and you’ll find a whole new reason to be pleased.” Her smoky voice filled the room with promise.

  “If you think five minutes is all we need, you’re going to be sorely disappointed.”

  She cocked an eyebrow. “Somehow I doubt disappointment will feature as a key element in tonight’s proceedings.” A soft, electric buzz hummed through the air.

  Ben’s dick ached. The eternal wait for this moment, combined with the subtle fragrance of her perfume—cinnamon and vanilla—was proving too much for him. He wanted a piece of Melissa Sparks.

  Nope, scratch that. He wanted all of Melissa Sparks, but now, with her dressed so enticingly, with the sensual promise of things to come in her voice, he wasn’t exactly focused on everything.

  He was focused on sex.

  Snap out of it. Show some respect. Hell, show some dignity.

  “You haven’t asked me what I needed to tell you earlier.”

  She nodded. “I figured if it was that important you’d tell me in your own good time.”

  Cool as a cucumber. How did she do that? Act as though nothing in the world bothered her while he was burning up at about a million freaking degrees. Tonight she showed no hint of the woman who’d blushed more than once last night. “I received an email this morning.”


  The buzz continued. Soft. Barely audible. “You need to read it.” He turned his laptop so the screen faced her.

  “Why don’t you read it for me?” Melissa shifted her hand so the tip of the blue and white object she held slipped beneath the lapel of her jacket. Her vibrator. A sleek, chic, stylish vibrator intended purely for a woman’s pleasure. “I’m…a little busy here.”

  Ben swallowed again, only this time his throat was dry as a bone, which only increased his discomfort.

  Jesus, fuck.

  The lapels of her jacket quivered. Color rose in her cheeks, and her pupils dilated.

  Ben stifled a groan and pressed a hand to his balls, desperately trying to ease the strain there.

  What the hell had happened to his straight-laced colleague? Could she have a twin sister he’d never known about? An identical twin who only came out to play at night? And so much for his plans to take control of the reins tonight. Yeah, she’d “obeyed” him and brought along the vibe. But instead of him using it to torment her, she was the one doing the tormenting.

  He should have known she’d up the ante. She’d never have just heeded his instruction. Melissa would have looked at every possible way she and he could utilize the vibrator, and settled on choosing the one that would get the best response—from both of them.

  She gave him an enquiring look. “The email?”

  Ah, right. The email. He’d forgotten all about it. “You sure you don’t want to see it for yourself?” It might be less embarrassing for her if she read it.

  “Quite sure.” She edged the vibe over to her other breast.

  Okay, well, he’d given her the choice. He turned the computer back around. “It’s short. A couple of lines. That’s all.” Christ, he’d about give his left testicle to see her slip her hand inside her skirt.

  “I’m listening.”

  Was she? Her eyes had closed, and her color had heightened even further.

  “It’s from a, uh, friend of mine.”

  “Mm hm?”

  “He works close by. In the building next door.”

  Ever so sensually, she tucked her knickers in her pocket and popped the buttons of her jacket, treating Ben to the unhindered sight of those exquisite breasts being tormented by the vibrator. Her nipples stood taut and hard, two perfect peaks begging to be kissed.

  Ben sucked in a breath and thanked God for the darkness outside. Although a part of him, a very small part, almost wished light would glimmer through the two windows behind him. “His office overlooks mine.”

  “That’s nice,” Melissa said, definitely distracted. She lowered the hand with the toy in it so it trailed down over her belly, vibrating over her skin. Goosebumps covered every visible inch of her flesh.

  And his. The non-visible bits too.

  For long seconds he couldn’t talk. All he could do was watch as she did what he’d desperately wanted her to do. She slipped the toy beneath the waistband of her skirt. Her arm moved slowly and then stopped.

  Melissa moaned.

  He had no doubt whatsoever the vibrator now rested against her clit. Ben forgot to breathe.

  Her skirt quivered.

  “So, you going to read it or not?”

  At least she had the presence of mind to ask. He had not an intelligible thought in his head. He cleared his throat and forced himself to concentrate on the screen.

  “Benny Boy…”

  Melissa’s mouth twitched in the makings of a smile. “Benny Boy?”

  “A nickname.” He frowned. “Not the point of the email.” But he appreciated the half smile anyway.

  “Okay, go— She arched her back, pushing her chest out in the process, displaying those exquisite breasts in all their aroused glory, telling Ben the vibe had touched a sensitive spot. “G-go on.”Oh…God!”

  Goddamned lucky vibrator.

  “Benny Boy,” he read, his voice so hoarse he had trouble articulating the words. “That was quite some show you put on last night. Thoroughly enjoyed it. Same time tonight?”

  Melissa froze. She opened both eyes, staring at him in silence.

  So quiet was she, the subdued sounds of the vibrator seemed to hum through the office.

  “He saw us together.” Ben eyed her carefully, looking for any hint of a reaction. “Watched everything we did to each other.”

  Her gaze skittered away from him to the window behind his chair, but other than that she did not respond.

  Surprising. Maybe she hadn’t registered his words. He went for a more blunt approach. “He saw me go down on you. Watched me lick your pussy.”

  Her gaze did not move from the window, and her lack of reaction worried him. He’d expected horror. Shame. Embarrassment. He got nothing of that.

  “He stood there, looking through his window, the one directly opposite mine, when I stuck my tongue in your cunt.”

  She trembled, but still said not a word. Although she did whimper, and the sound sent shivers over his skin.

  “He was there, with us, when I fucked you. He watched you come apart. Watched me climax inside you. He saw it all. Every last thing. He saw every dirty act we indulged in.”

  A soft gasp escaped her. She closed her eyes as she jerked, as though a sharp jolt had just gone through her body.


  Her head fell back and several more jolts shuddered through her. A keening sound filled the air. She grabbed the doorpost with her free hand.

  Oh, fuck. Oh, Jesus.

  Not shock. Not even close to shock.

  Melissa was coming. Orgasming before his eyes. A real pleasurable orgasm, if the expression of rapture and the flush on her breasts and her neck were anything to go by. An orgasm brought about by the combination of his disclosure and her vibrator.

  The woman had gotten off on hearing that someone had seen them last night.

  Not just someone. Will.

  Feeling Hot

  Elle Kennedy

  In tight quarters, anything can happen.

  An Out of Uniform Story

  It’s been a rough month for Navy SEAL Cash McCoy. Fresh off six months of celibacy during his deployment, he almost got into a hot blonde’s panties before they were interrupted. Since then, he still hasn’t gotten laid. The reason? He lost her number. And no other woman has replaced her face in his fantasies.

  Then his CO asks him to keep an eye on his sister for a few weeks. Just until her psycho stalker ex is transferred. Cash’s new houseguest is none other than the same gorgeous, quirky blonde. And just his luck—his orders include an emphatic hands off.
br />
  Jen Scott is having none of it. Now that she has a second chance, she’s not letting Cash slip away. Orders be damned, he’s the one man capable of helping her explore her sexuality. She’s even willing to break her own rule—never date military men—to get the gorgeous SEAL into her bed.

  Except Cash makes it clear he wants more than she bargained for. Much more. Not just her body, but the one thing she promised herself she’d never give to a man in uniform. Her heart.

  Warning: Sexy SEAL? Check. Sassy heroine determined to seduce him? Check. Scorching hot sex bound to make you blush? Double check. A threesome and some man-on-man action? Triple check. You’ve been warned.

  eBooks are not transferable.

  They cannot be sold, shared or given away as it is an infringement on the copyright of this work.

  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locale or organizations is entirely coincidental.

  Samhain Publishing, Ltd.

  11821 Mason Montgomery Road Suite 4B

  Cincinnati OH 45249

  Feeling Hot

  Copyright © 2012 by Elle Kennedy

  ISBN: 978-1-61921-092-9

  Edited by Jennifer Miller

  Cover by Kendra Egert

  All Rights Are Reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

  First Samhain Publishing, Ltd. electronic publication: August 2012

  Table of Contents