Page 4 of Feeling Hot

  Dylan reached one arm around and brought his hand between her legs. Cash knew the moment his buddy’s fingers found her clit, because she reared her ass like a filly in heat and moaned against Cash’s erection.

  Didn’t take long until she started to orgasm, and before he could make a preemptive withdrawal, Dylan had already yanked the girl’s mouth off Cash’s dick. “Easy there,” he drawled. “No biting, honey. Cash plans on using that cock of his again after tonight.”

  As Vanessa recovered from her climax, Cash sank to his knees, positioned her so she was draped over his chest, and slid his hand between her legs. He took over for his friend, rubbing her pussy and huskily urging her to another orgasm while Dylan pumped into her.

  A groan sliced through the air as Dylan began to come, followed by Vanessa’s delighted cry as she came again. Cash rode out the orgasm with the duo, stroking that swollen clit, kissing her neck, watching as Dylan rested his forehead between Vanessa’s shoulder blades and shuddered with release.

  The pair finally went still, Dylan’s green eyes glazed as he pulled out. Vanessa sagged into Cash’s chest. Her tongue darted out to briefly taste one of his nipples and then she lifted her head, those brown eyes hazy with desire. “I want you in me,” she said in a breathy voice.

  She didn’t have to ask him twice.

  He donned a condom, then took her hand and led her to the couch. The cushions bounced as she got on her back. A second later, Cash covered her body with his and plunged into her with one fluid stroke.

  And then his cell phone rang.

  He froze.

  So did Dylan, who stood in the middle of the room, ditching his condom.

  “You gonna get that?” Vanessa asked, looking annoyed that he’d stopped midthrust.

  When a second ringtone didn’t join the first, both men relaxed.

  Cash bent down to plant a kiss on her lips. “Naah. If we had to report in, both our phones would’ve gone off.”

  “You’re good to go, McCoy. Resume the fucking,” Dylan drawled.

  Ignoring the smartass remark, Cash brushed his lips over Vanessa’s and rocked his hips as he eased back into a nice, languid rhythm. Watching her brown eyes grow misty with pleasure, he realized just how pretty she was. High cheekbones, pouty lips, smooth olive-toned skin. She wasn’t as beautiful as Jen, but—

  Uncool, bro.

  Shit, what was he doing, thinking about another woman right now?

  And why had his erection hardened to a whole new level the moment Jen’s face floated into his mind?

  “Faster. God, I need it faster.”

  Swallowing, he forced himself to focus on the woman beneath him, who was bumping her pelvis into his groin, trying to deepen the contact. He withdrew completely, slammed back in to the hilt, and gave the lady what she wanted. Hard, fast strokes guaranteed to drive them both over the edge.

  It didn’t take long before he was coming in a hot, boiling rush. He shortened his strokes and dug his fingers into her hips as the orgasm burned through his body like wildfire. When Vanessa let out a throaty cry and clenched her inner muscles over him, the fire burned hotter, making his balls ache with exquisite agony.

  Fuck, he’d needed that.

  Once the pleasure finally ebbed, Cash caught his breath and gently pulled out. The haze of satisfaction fogging Vanessa’s eyes brought a jolt of matching satisfaction to his gut. He might not have given her his full attention by the end, but at least he’d gotten her off again. He still felt shitty, though, for tastelessly thinking about Jen during that one inappropriate moment. Vanessa didn’t deserve that.

  Fortunately, Dylan was considering her feelings for the both of them. As Cash removed the condom and staggered to his feet, Dylan quickly took his place, launching himself at Vanessa, making her laugh as he nuzzled her neck and whispered something in her ear.

  Sighing, Cash stalked naked across the living room to the spot on the floor where he’d ditched his pants.

  It really fucking sucked, losing Jen’s number. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d had that much fun with a woman. He’d been dying to see her ever since they’d parted ways at the Gaslamp Tavern two days ago, but he had no idea how to track her down.

  You can’t. Deal with it.

  Resignation fluttered through him and settled in his gut. Yeah, he really had to put Jen out of his mind. The chances of seeing her again were pretty much nonexistent, and as much as that sucked, he needed to face the facts.

  With a weary exhale, he fished his cell phone from one of the many pockets of his cargo pants. A moan caught his attention, and his gaze drifted to Dylan and Vanessa, who were still tangled together on the couch. Gripping the back of Dylan’s blond head, Vanessa held him in place as he kissed her breasts. Dylan’s mouth latched onto one dusky nipple, and he made a little growling sound of approval as he suckled her.

  Despite his frustrated mood, Cash’s body responded to the scene in front of him.

  “Ready for round two or are you heading out?” his buddy called when he caught Cash looking.

  “Round two. Let me just check my messages.”

  He glanced at his phone, cursing when he noticed the missed call flashing on the screen. Carson Scott. Shit, why was the lieutenant calling him? Did they have plans he’d forgotten about?

  He was just punching in the code for his voice mail when the phone vibrated in his hand. Text message coming in. From…Carson Scott.

  Frowning, Cash opened the message. Wariness crept up his spine as he skimmed the terse note.


  Well, okay then. That didn’t sound good. And all caps? Definitely important.

  He shot back a quick text saying he was on his way, then cast a rueful look in the direction of the couch, where Vanessa now lay on her back, legs spread wide. Kneeling on the floor, Dylan had his head buried between her thighs, and from the throaty purring noises she kept making, she was clearly enjoying everything Dylan was doing.

  So much for round two.

  “Actually, I gotta go,” Cash announced.

  Dylan lifted his head long enough to mumble, “See you later,” then resumed feasting.

  Lucky bastard.

  Stifling a sigh, Cash got dressed, grabbed his keys and headed out the door.

  Chapter Three

  “Hey, man, thanks for coming over.” Carson gestured for Cash to enter the apartment.

  As Cash stepped inside, he experienced a sense of disorientation. He’d been to Carson’s place a dozen times, for poker games and whatnot, but something felt off tonight. It took him a moment to realize that it was the smell. Or lack thereof. Every time he’d been here, Carson’s wife had been cooking up a storm, thrilled to use her husband’s teammates as guinea pigs for whatever recipe she happened to be experimenting with.

  “Where’s Holly?” he asked, shooting his commanding officer a quizzical look.

  Carson’s jaw tensed. “She’s crashing at her sister’s tonight.”

  He didn’t elaborate, and Cash didn’t push. But damn, he hoped there wasn’t trouble in paradise. Carson and Holly were the most rock-solid couple he’d ever met, and so well suited for one another it was almost disgusting. They’d been together for five years, married for two, and every time Cash saw them, he experienced a raw pang of envy. They were so at ease with each other, on the same wavelength in every conceivable way, something Cash had never experienced with a woman.

  The girls he’d dated accused him of being too blunt, too detached, too selfish. It grated, because he truly didn’t see himself as any of those things. Sure, maybe he didn’t always know the right thing to say, maybe he didn’t understand all those mind games females liked to play, but that didn’t make him a shitty person, did it?

  Pushing aside his troubling thoughts, he followed Carson into the living room and settled on the couch, while Carson disappeared into the kitchen to grab them some beers. He returned a minute later, handed Cash a bottle of Bud Light and sank
into the leather recliner opposite the couch.

  “So listen, I need a favor,” Carson began, his blue eyes crinkling with discomfort.

  Cash furrowed his brows. “Sounds ominous.”

  “Not really. It’s just… Fuck, my sister drives me crazy sometimes. You won’t believe the trouble she winds up in.”

  “Your sister? The favor has to do with her?”

  “Yeah. See, she’s got this psycho ex-boyfriend.” Carson’s mouth flattened. “Well, more like a stalker.”

  “Your sister has a stalker.”

  “I know, right? Sounds really fucking dumb when you say it out loud. But it’s not a joke. This guy is a total creep. She broke up with him about a month ago, but he refuses to leave her alone. I actually went to the police station with her this morning to file a restraining order.”

  Shit. That sounded bad.

  “What’d he do?” Cash narrowed his eyes. “Did the asshole get physical?”

  Carson’s cheeks hollowed, as if he were grinding his teeth together. “Son of a bitch manhandled her outside a club. She managed to get in a cab and hightail it home, but the next day, Psycho McGee shows up at her store with flowers. She says thanks but no thanks, asshole, but he doesn’t stop there. Starts sending her creepy texts and emails, along the lines of if I can’t have you, no one else will.”


  “Fuck is right. She changed her number and blocked his email address, hoping that if she keeps ignoring him he’ll give up. But then last night, she comes home from work and finds rose petals all over her fucking bed. Apparently he figured out where she hides the spare key and let himself in—and before you ask, yes, she had the locks changed. Anyway, Psycho McGee left another note with the rose petals. Some real sicko shit.” Carson shook his head. “I’m worried a restraining order isn’t going to stop the guy, that he’ll come after her again, except this time, he really won’t take no for an answer.”

  “So what do you need from me?” he asked slowly.

  “I want you to keep an eye on her.”

  Cash blinked. “What?”

  “The psycho’s office is transferring him to Oakland so he’ll be leaving town soon, but until then, I don’t want my sister to be alone. She’ll come stay with you for a few weeks—”

  “Wait, what?”

  Carson shot him an impatient look. “Should I slow down and talk in words you understand?”

  “Yes,” he grumbled. “What do you mean, your sister’s coming to stay with me?”

  “I can’t leave her all alone in her apartment, not while this guy is still around. I’d let her stay with Holly and me, but—” Carson paused, looking vaguely embarrassed, “—but it’s not a good time, okay? And I can’t stay at Jenny’s and leave Holly here by herself.”

  “Don’t you have parents?”

  He knew he sounded like a whiny brat, but come on, he wasn’t in the mood to babysit Carson’s sister. He didn’t go back on duty for a few more weeks, and he’d been looking forward to the downtime.

  “She won’t go for it,” Carson said with a sigh. “My parents give her a lot of shit, and there’s no way she’ll agree to stay with them. Besides, I’d like her to be around someone who can protect her in case Psycho McGee shows up and gets violent.”

  Great, this just got better and better. Babysitter and bodyguard.

  “I already spoke to Matt and he agreed to give up his room for the next few weeks. He’ll stay at Savannah’s.”

  Cash stifled a groan. Looked like the lieutenant had it all planned out. Would’ve been nice if Cash had had a say in the matter before Carson decided to rearrange his life.

  He quickly scanned his brain for another option, one that didn’t involve spending the rest of his vacation babysitting. “She can stay with Seth and Dylan,” he suggested. “They have a spare room.”

  “And send my baby sister into the lion’s den?” Carson looked horrified. “No way. I know the kind of shit that goes on there. Not that I’m knocking the lifestyle—I was all about the fun and games before I met Holly. But those guys give a whole new meaning to the word player.” He paused. “Well, so do you, but I figured you’re probably not as bad as the tag-teamers.”

  Uh… Cash decided not to mention what he’d been doing before he’d been so rudely interrupted.

  Instead, he tossed out another suggestion. “Jackson’s got an empty room too…”

  “Yeah, and the second he gets my sister in it, he’ll turn up the Texan charm and have her out of her clothes in five seconds flat.” The lieutenant shrugged. “You’re the lesser of four evils, man. And I know you’re planning on going to Officer Candidate School first chance you get, so…”

  So you’d be a fool to deflower my sweet virgin sister and risk a bad recommendation from me, was Carson’s unspoken warning.

  Wow. He really wasn’t getting out of this, was he?

  “It’ll only be for three weeks,” Carson said, clearly picking up on his hesitation. “You don’t have to entertain her or prepare home-cooked meals or any of that shit. Just tag along if she needs to go somewhere and make sure she’s safe. That’s all.”

  That’s all? He wanted to point out that having a houseguest pretty much guaranteed he wouldn’t be getting laid for the next month but he suspected Carson valued his sister’s safety over Cash’s sex life.

  And wow, didn’t that make him a total jackass, Cash realized as he registered where his thoughts had drifted. Was he really bitching about the lack of sex he’d get when some poor girl was being terrorized by a stalker?

  As everything shifted into perspective, he let out a resigned breath, knowing he couldn’t refuse the request. Carson never asked him for anything, and the man had taken Cash under his wing once he’d joined the team. Invites to dinner, poker night, the mini-golf tourney Carson and his buddies held every month. Carson had done a helluva lot to welcome him to the fold.

  “Okay,” he agreed. “I’ll keep an eye on your sister.”

  Relief flooded the other man’s face. “Thanks, man. I’ll drop her off tomorrow morning.”

  Cash took a swig of beer, then set the bottle on the coffee table and eyed the flat screen. “Wanna catch the NFL highlights?”

  Carson reached for the remote. “Sure.” But rather than turn on the TV, he fixed Cash with a deadly look. “One more thing I forgot to mention.”


  “Keep your hands off my sister.”

  Cash frowned. “I wasn’t planning on—”

  “I’m serious. You touch her, and I’ll drown you. Your building’s got a pool in the back, so I won’t have to go far.”

  He had to laugh. “You’ll drown me? That’s the most creative death you can come up with?”

  “I’m in the navy. I do my best work in the water.” Those blue eyes glittered with menace. “And don’t think I’m kidding, McCoy. Touch my little sister, and you’re a dead man. She’s off-limits.”

  Brrr. The temperature in the room had dipped below the freezing mark, and from the look on his lieutenant’s face, Cash didn’t doubt the dude meant business.

  With a pleasant smile, Carson clicked a button on the remote. “What’ll it be? ESPN or SportsCenter?”

  Sitting in the passenger seat of Carson’s Range Rover, Jen resisted the urge to reach over the center console and strangle her brother to death. She was beyond furious, but he’d been pretending not to notice the steam rolling out of her ears as they’d driven in complete silence.

  Up ahead, a low-rise apartment building came into view. Seven stories or so, it boasted a sleek gray exterior, balconies with wrought-iron railings, and colorful flowerbeds lining the lush lawn out front. It was much nicer than her building, but that didn’t make this situation any less annoying.

  With an overly pleasant smile, Carson pulled over by the curb and killed the engine. “We’re here.”

  She shot him a stony glare.

  “Come on, Jenny, stop with the silent treatment already. You know this is
a good idea.”

  Right, because being blackmailed into staying with a complete stranger was a splendid idea. She couldn’t believe she was letting Carson call the shots like this, but the alternative he’d posed was even worse; he’d threatened to tell their parents that her life was in danger, which wasn’t only an exaggeration but also a surefire way to get her locked up in the family panic room for the next month. If the admiral believed his little girl was even in the slightest bit of danger, he’d throw her over his shoulder in a fireman’s carry and march her all the way back to the family homestead in Del Mar.

  Jen loved her parents—she really, truly did—but the two of them drove her absolutely crazy. No way could she survive living under their roof again.

  So Carson’s “solution”, as much as it aggravated her, was clearly the better option.

  Didn’t mean she had to be happy about it, though.

  “How do you know Brendan didn’t follow us here?” she asked in a last-ditch effort to derail her brother’s plan. “Maybe he’s been watching my apartment, tailed us and ruined your cunning scheme to keep me hidden. In that case, I might as well go back to my place.”

  Carson smirked. “Do you honestly think I didn’t keep an eye out for a tail? Trust me, we weren’t followed.”

  “Fine.” She pursed her lips. “But what if Brendan does show up, and this rookie you’re sticking me with drops the ball? What if he gets, uh, rookie freeze-up syndrome or something?”

  Now her brother rumbled out a full-blown laugh. “Rookie freeze-up syndrome? I like it. Remind me to accuse one of the guys of having that.”

  “I’m serious, Carson.”

  “So am I. And trust me,” he said again, “Cash has mad skills. He won’t let anything happen to you.”

  Jen froze as the name registered in her head.

  No, she must have heard wrong.

  And if she’d heard right, then that didn’t mean the Cash he’d referred to was the same one she’d met at the Tavern. Her Cash worked in security, or at least that’s what he’d told her. Unless he’d lied… But why would he? If he was a SEAL, why not just tell her?