When I mentioned this to Trisha Dittrick, the therapist who supervised our group, she told me she wasn’t surprised. Rape and war, she explained, are among the most common causes of post-traumatic stress disorder, and survivors of sexual assault frequently exhibit many of the same symptoms and behaviors as survivors of combat: flashbacks, insomnia, nightmares, hypervigilance, depression, isolation, suicidal thoughts, outbursts of anger, unrelenting anxiety, and an inability to shake the feeling that the world is spinning out of control.

  There is no “cure” for PTSD. The repercussions of severe emotional trauma, whether from war or rape, are typically felt for decades. But there are ways to transcend the trauma and recapture the ordinary pleasures of existence. Counseling from a skilled therapist can certainly help. And so can speaking the truth about the unspeakable nature of the harm. By such means, Laura Summers managed to regain her equilibrium and find a measure of peace. A significant part of her healing, she said, came from sharing the excruciating facts of her ordeal with her family and friends after suffering in secret for so long.

  Rapists rely on the silence of their victims to elude accountability. Simply by recounting their stories and breaking that silence, survivors of sexual assault strike a powerful blow against their assailants. Inevitably, many victims who come forward will be disbelieved, and will fail to find justice in the courts, in the halls of academia, or anywhere else. But by speaking out, they are likely to encourage other victims to tell their stories, too, and may find that they’ve advanced their own recovery in the bargain. As more and more survivors emerge from the shadows and reveal the pervasiveness of sexual assault, they draw strength from their numbers. This collective fortitude touches all victims, even those too fearful to speak for themselves, by eradicating the undeserved sense of shame that is so often borne in isolation.

  * * *

  *1 According to 2010 census data, the female population of Missoula was 33,456.

  *2 Unless the defendant can’t afford a good lawyer, of course. But that’s a topic for another day.

  *3 pseudonym

  *4 Another term for what Sigmund Freud called the “repetition compulsion.”


  Note: An asterisk following a name denotes a pseudonym.

  Adams, Zeke*: University of Montana student accused of sexually assaulting Kerry Barrett in September 2011.

  Aronofsky, David: University of Montana’s chief legal counsel; he participated in the university’s adjudications of Calvin Smith for the 2011 rape of Kaitlynn Kelly and of Grizzly quarterback Jordan Johnson for the alleged 2012 rape of Cecilia Washburn.

  Baker, Guy: Veteran Missoula police detective who investigated the 2010 rape of Allison Huguet by Beau Donaldson and the alleged 2010 gang rape of Kelsey Belnap.

  Banks, Brian: Student falsely accused of raping Wanetta Gibson in Long Beach, California, in 2002. Banks served more than five years in prison before Gibson admitted that Banks had not raped her.

  Barrett, Kerry: University of Montana student who accused Zeke Adams of sexually assaulting her in September 2011.

  Barz, Diane: Former Montana Supreme Court justice who conducted an investigation into the apparent eruption of rapes at the University of Montana in 2010 and 2011.

  Belnap, Kelsey: University of Montana student who was allegedly gang-raped by four members of the Grizzly football team in December 2010.

  Bienemann, Alex: University of Montana football player who was a housemate of Grizzly quarterback Jordan Johnson when Johnson allegedly raped Cecilia Washburn in February 2012.

  Bierer, Ali: Friend of Cecilia Washburn who urged her to have a forensic medical examination at the First Step Resource Center after Washburn told Bierer she had been raped by Grizzly quarterback Jordan Johnson in February 2012.

  Blood, Mark: Missoula police detective who partnered with Detective Guy Baker to investigate the rape of Allison Huguet in September 2010 and the rape of Kelsey Belnap in December 2010.

  Boylan, Suzy: Missoula County prosecutor who participated in the prosecution of Beau Donaldson for raping Allison Huguet in 2010 and the prosecution of Jordan Johnson in 2012.

  Brady, Mike: Missoula police chief who succeeded Chief Mark Muir after Muir retired, in December 2013.

  Brueckner, Connie: Missoula police detective who investigated the October 2011 rape of Kaitlynn Kelly by Calvin Smith and the alleged February 2012 rape of Cecilia Washburn by Grizzly quarterback Jordan Johnson.

  Burton, Katie: Missoula probation and parole officer assigned to the Beau Donaldson case.

  Campbell, Tanya: Missoula crime-victim advocate.

  Cates, Irina: Reporter for the Missoula television station KPAX who broke the news that University of Montana quarterback Jordan Johnson had allegedly raped Cecilia Washburn in February 2012.

  Clark, Jennifer: A Missoula County prosecutor.

  Cotter, Michael: U.S. attorney for the District of Montana, married to Montana Supreme Court Justice Patricia O’Brien Cotter.

  Couture, Charles: University of Montana dean of students who conducted investigations of the alleged 2010 gang rape of Kelsey Belnap by four Griz football players, the 2011 rape of Kaitlynn Kelly by Calvin Smith, and the alleged 2012 rape of Cecilia Washburn by Grizzly quarterback Jordan Johnson.

  Datsopoulos, Milton: Defense lawyer who represented Beau Donaldson when he was charged with the 2010 rape of Allison Huguet.

  Donaldson, Beau: Grizzly football player convicted of raping Allison Huguet in September 2010.

  Donaldson, Brady: Older brother of Beau Donaldson, the Grizzly football player convicted of raping Allison Huguet in September 2010.

  Donaldson, Cathy: Mother of Beau Donaldson, the Grizzly football player convicted of raping Allison Huguet in September 2010.

  Donaldson, Larry: Father of Beau Donaldson, the Grizzly football player convicted of raping Allison Huguet in September 2010.

  Donovan, Shaun: Missoula County prosecutor who participated in the prosecution of Beau Donaldson, the Grizzly football player convicted of raping Allison Huguet in September 2010.

  Duerk, Adam: Missoula lawyer, deputized as a special prosecutor, who participated in the prosecution of Grizzly quarterback Jordan Johnson for allegedly raping Cecilia Washburn in February 2012.

  Engen, John: Mayor of Missoula.

  Engstrom, Royce: President of the University of Montana.

  Erschler, Sam*: Friend of Allison Huguet and Beau Donaldson.

  Eustace, Bob: Teacher and football coach at Missoula’s Big Sky High School who coached Beau Donaldson.

  Fairmont, Betsy*: Friend of Kelsey Belnap who was present when Belnap was allegedly gang-raped in December 2010.

  Fargo, Joanne*: Jury member at the trial of Jordan Johnson for allegedly raping Cecilia Washburn.

  Florio, Gwen: Senior reporter for the Missoulian whose numerous articles exposed the Missoula rape scandal.

  Foley, Jim: Vice president for external relations at the University of Montana who resigned after playing a controversial role in the university’s rape scandal. Prior to serving as UM vice president, Foley had been chief of staff for Pat Williams, a member of the U.S. House of Representatives from Montana.

  Francoeur, Claire: Nurse-practitioner at the First Step Resource Center who performed forensic examinations of Allison Huguet after she was raped by Beau Donaldson in September 2010, Kelsey Belnap after she was allegedly gang-raped by four Grizzly football players in December 2010, and Cecilia Washburn after she was allegedly raped by Griz quarterback Jordan Johnson in February 2012.

  Froland, Kelli: University of Montana student with whom Griz quarterback Jordan Johnson wanted to have a romantic relationship at the time he allegedly raped Cecilia Washburn in February 2012.

  Green, Stephen: Friend and housemate of Cecilia Washburn; Green was playing a video game just outside the door of her bedroom when Washburn was allegedly raped by Griz quarterback Jordan Johnson in February 2012.

  Haake, Kathryn: Reporter for the Missoulian.
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  Herr, Rudy: Youth pastor and childhood football coach to University of Montana quarterback Jordan Johnson who testified as a character witness for Johnson at his trial for allegedly raping Cecilia Washburn.

  Huguet, Allison: Longtime friend of University of Montana football player Beau Donaldson who was raped by Donaldson in September 2010.

  Huguet, Beth: Mother of Allison Huguet and first wife of Kevin Huguet.

  Huguet, Kathleen: Younger sister of Allison Huguet.

  Huguet, Kevin: Father of Allison Huguet.

  Huguet, Margie: Second wife of Kevin Huguet and stepmother of Allison Huguet.

  Huguet, Sarah: Older sister of Allison Huguet.

  Johnson, Jordan: University of Montana quarterback accused of raping Cecilia Washburn in February 2012.

  Johnson, Marty: Father of Jordan Johnson.

  Johnson, Trumaine: University of Montana football player (unrelated to Jordan Johnson) arrested in December 2011 for assaulting another student at a party. Johnson became a star cornerback for the St. Louis Rams after leaving UM.

  Jones, Nancy*: University of Montana roommate of Kaitlynn Kelly who was present when Kelly was raped by Calvin Smith in October 2011.

  Kato, Dillon: Reporter for the Montana Kaimin who wrote about the sexual assaults of two University of Montana students by a Saudi exchange student in February 2012.

  Keck, Darla: Lawyer in Milt Datsopoulos’s law firm who provided free legal representation to Griz cornerback Trumaine Johnson in December 2011 when he was charged with disorderly conduct and resisting arrest.

  Kelly, Kaitlynn: University of Montana student who was raped by Calvin Smith in October 2011.

  Lacny, Peter: One of two lawyers representing Beau Donaldson at the January 2013 hearing to determine Beau Donaldson’s sentence for raping Allison Huguet in September 2010.

  Lang, Mitchell: Missoula police officer who interviewed Kelsey Belnap at the hospital after she was allegedly gang-raped in December 2010.

  Lisak, David: Clinical psychologist who is one of the nation’s foremost experts on rape and its associated trauma.

  Marks, Jason: Prosecutor in the Missoula County Attorney’s Office.

  McGowan, Michael: Chaplain for the University of Montana football team who testified as a character witness for Jordan Johnson at his trial for allegedly raping Cecilia Washburn.

  McLaughlin, Hillary: Resident of Great Falls, Montana, who was sexually assaulted by Beau Donaldson in Missoula in 2008.

  Merifield, Jamie: Missoula police detective who investigated Zeke Adams’s alleged sexual assault of Kerry Barrett.

  Moore, Michael: Missoulian reporter who wrote an article about the gang rape of Kelsey Belnap.

  Morin, Lori: Assistant dean for student affairs at the University of Montana School of Pharmacy when Cecilia Washburn, who was one of her students, was allegedly raped by Griz quarterback Jordan Johnson in February 2012.

  Mortimer, Sharon*: Friend of Beau Donaldson and second cousin of Hillary McLaughlin, Mortimer was present at the 2008 party at which Donaldson attempted to rape McLaughlin.

  Motl, Jonathan: Montana commissioner of political practices.

  Muir, Mark: Missoula police chief.

  Myers, Jim: One of two psychologists who evaluated Beau Donaldson after he was arrested in January 2012 for raping Allison Huguet.

  O’Day, Jim: University of Montana athletic director who was fired in March 2012 as the Missoula rape scandal escalated.

  Pabst, Kirsten: Missoula County prosecutor who declined to charge Calvin Smith with rape after he sexually assaulted Kaitlynn Kelly; shortly thereafter, Pabst resigned from the Missoula County Attorney’s Office and became defense counsel for Griz quarterback Jordan Johnson when he was charged with raping Cecilia Washburn.

  Page, Robert: One of two psychologists who evaluated Beau Donaldson after he was arrested in January 2012 for raping Allison Huguet.

  Paoli, David: Defense counsel for University of Montana quarterback Jordan Johnson when he was accused of raping Cecilia Washburn in February 2012.

  Perez, Thomas: Assistant attorney general for the Civil Rights Division of the U.S. Department of Justice who announced in May 2012 that the DOJ was investigating the way eighty sexual-assault cases had been handled by the Missoula County Attorney’s Office, the Missoula Police Department, and the University of Montana.

  Peterson, John: Missoula drywall contractor who employed Beau Donaldson.

  Pflugrad, Robin: Head football coach at the University of Montana who was fired in March 2012 as the Missoula rape scandal escalated.

  Richards, Ralph*: Friend of Calvin Smith who testified at the University Court hearing at which Smith was found guilty of raping Kaitlynn Kelly in 2011.

  Roe, Rebecca: A Seattle lawyer in the King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office from 1977 through 1994, where she supervised the Special Assault Unit for eleven years.

  Ronan, Lewis*: Portland State University student who allegedly raped Keely Williams in September 2008.

  Samuels, Jocelyn: Acting assistant U.S. attorney general in 2014, when the federal government settled its lawsuit with Missoula County Attorney Fred Van Valkenburg.

  Sells, Paul: Clinical social worker who treated Beau Donaldson for drug and alcohol dependency after he was arrested in January 2012 for raping Allison Huguet.

  Smith, Calvin*: University of Montana student who raped Kaitlynn Kelly in October 2011.

  Smith, Mary*: Mother of Calvin Smith, who raped Kaitlynn Kelly in October 2011.

  Styron, Benjamin*: University of Montana football player who was the boyfriend of Betsy Fairmont. Kelsey Belnap was allegedly gang-raped during a party at Styron’s apartment in December 2010.

  Sutherlin, Joanna*: Friend of Hillary McLaughlin who invited McLaughlin to a party at her home in 2008; there, Beau Donaldson tried to rape McLaughlin.

  Thompson, Joel: Montana assistant attorney general who served as a prosecutor at the trial of University of Montana quarterback Jordan Johnson, who was accused of raping Cecilia Washburn in February 2012.

  Townsend, Karen: Judge for Montana’s Fourth District Court who sentenced Beau Donaldson for raping Allison Huguet; she also presided over the trial of University of Montana quarterback Jordan Johnson, who was accused of raping Cecilia Washburn in February 2012.

  Trieweiler, Terry: Former justice on the Montana Supreme Court who wrote a 2013 opinion piece in the Missoulian in support of Pat Williams after Williams was widely criticized for remarking that the University of Montana football team “was recruiting too many thugs.”

  Tully, Bo: University of Montana football player who was a housemate of Grizzly quarterback Jordan Johnson when Johnson allegedly raped Cecilia Washburn in February 2012.

  Van de Wetering, Josh: Missoula lawyer who represented Calvin Smith at the 2011 UM University Court hearing that found Smith guilty of raping Kaitlynn Kelly. Van de Wetering also served as Cecilia Washburn’s personal attorney after she accused Griz quarterback Jordan Johnson of raping her in February 2012.

  Van Valkenburg, Fred: Prosecutor in charge of the Missoula County Attorney’s Office during the Missoula rape scandal.

  Voorhees, Rhondie: University of Montana dean of students who replaced Charles Couture when he retired in July 2012.

  Vreeland, Brian: Missoula police officer who interviewed Kerry Barrett on the night she was allegedly sexually assaulted by Zeke Adams in September 2011.

  Washburn, Cecilia*: University of Montana student who was allegedly raped by Griz quarterback Jordan Johnson in February 2012.

  Williams, Keely: Allison Huguet’s close friend who was allegedly raped by Lewis Ronan in Portland, Oregon, in 2008. Williams was sleeping in a nearby bedroom when Huguet was raped by Beau Donaldson in September 2010.

  Williams, Pat: After representing Montana as a U.S. congressman from 1979 to 1997, Williams was appointed to the Montana Board of Regents of Higher Education in 2012.

  Witt, Greg*: Friend of Kaitlynn Kelly who urged her to invit
e Calvin Smith up to her dorm room on the night that Smith raped Kelly in 2011.

  Wolken, Cynthia: Missoula city councilwoman who held a public forum in January 2012 to discuss the rash of unprosecuted rapes in Missoula.


  I am immensely grateful to Allison Huguet, Keely Williams, Hillary McLaughlin, Kerry Barrett, Kaitlynn Kelly, Kelsey Belnap, and Laura Summers for talking to me and trusting me to tell their stories. They are strong, courageous women.

  For their important contributions to this book, I owe special thanks to Kevin Huguet, Beth Huguet, Margie Huguet, Joanne Fargo, Guy Baker, David Lisak, Josh Van de Wetering, Terry Trieweiler, Becky Hall, Sarah Sand, Rebecca Roe, Mike Meloy, Kimberly Hult, Bill Meyer, Michelle D’Arcy, Trisha Dittrick, Martin Shapiro, Catherine Rebish, Stephanie Morrow, Janet Foss, Bill Briggs, Pat Joseph, David Roberts, and Sharon Roberts.

  At Penguin Random House, I am deeply indebted to Bill Thomas, Alison Rich, Kathy Trager, Rose Courteau, Bette Alexander, Andy Hughes, Kathy Hourigan, Maria Carella, John Fontana, Lorraine Hyland, John Pitts, Suzanne Herz, Beth Meister, Janet Cooke, Sonny Mehta, Carol Janeway, LuAnn Walther, Kate Runde, Catherine Tung, Amy Metsch, Anne Messitte, Russell Perreault, John Siciliano, Dan Zitt, Anke Steinecke, Laura Golden, Bill Shannon, Nancy Rich, Joelle Dieu, Serena Lehman, Deborah Foley, and Pauline James. Thanks to Bonnie Thompson for copyediting the manuscript.

  For providing counsel, support, and inspiration over the years, thanks to Steve Rottler, Dave Jones, Roger Briggs, Roman Dial, Peggy Dial, Neal Beidleman, Amy Beidleman, Ron Harris, Mary Harris, Sally La Venture, Mike Pilling, Kerry Kirkpatrick, John Winsor, Bridget Winsor, David Trione, Michael Moore, Laura Brown, Helen Apthorp, Pamela Brown, Ed Ward, Matt Hale, Chris Gulick, Deborah Shaw, Nick Miller, Mark Fagan, Sheila Cooley, Sam Brower, Tom Sam Steed, Carine McCandless, Mark Bryant, Tom Hornbein, Harry Kent, Owen Kent, Ruth Fecych, David Rosenthal, Charlie Conrad, Jonathan Southard, Masood Ahmad, Chip Lee, Erica Stone, Richard Blum, Greg Child, Chris Reveley, Annie Finley, Chris Wejchert, Monty McCutcheon, Martin Shapiro, Ray Meyers, Judy Nogg, Craig Brown, Denny Sedlack, Dan Janosko, Eric Ackerman, Christian Somoza, Scott Van Dyke, Lori Smith, Eric Zacharias, Coco Dughi, Jenny Feiger, Jeremy Rodgers, Ania Mohelicki, Marie Tillman, Sean Penn, Eddie Vedder, Amy Berg, Erica Huggins, Lance Black, Dan Stone, Charley Mace, Rick Accomazzo, Gerry Accomazzo, Dave Turner, Geoff Friefeld, Conrad Anker, Jenni Lowe-Anker, Steve Swenson, Pamela Hainsworth, David Quammen, Jimmy Chin, Renan Ozturk, Chai Vasarhelyi, Doug Chabot, Genevieve Chabot, Mike Alkaitis, Josh Jespersen, Jeremy Jones, Cecilia Perucci, Roberto Santachiara, Brian Nuttall, Christine Durnan, Drew Simon, Alexandra Martella, Eric Love, Josie Heath, Margaret Katz, Carol Krakauer, Karin Krakauer, Wendy Krakauer, Sarah Krakauer, Andrew Krakauer, Bill Costello, Tim Stewart, Robin Krakauer, Rosie Lingo, Ali Stewart, Shannon Costello, Maureen Costello, Ari Kohn, Miriam Kohn, Kelsi Krakauer, A. J. Krakauer, Devin Lingo, Zay Lingo, and Abilene Rose Lingo.