Page 14 of Falcon Fae

  Armed guards were all over the castle now, archers lining the wall walk above. This really did not look good.


  “I feel this is wrong—involving the dragon fae,” Sigrid said, waiting with the other dragon fae and Owen and his cousins at the butte castle.

  “We haven’t had a good fight in a good long while.” Kiernan flexed his muscles. “We need a fight to keep in shape.”

  “And possibly get yourself killed.” Sigrid scoffed. Sometimes she wished she were a mighty dragon, rather than a tiny bird of prey. Not that her kind were that tiny, but compared to dragons, they were. Yet, if she needed to hide, it was much easier accomplished as a falcon fae.

  Amerand agreed with Kiernan. “Flying for fun, as opposed to flying for battle, works different muscle groups.”

  Sigrid just shook her head.

  Halloran watched out the window while the king’s guards rode back to the castle. “Do you think they will side with you or your father?”

  “I would think, if they are smart enough, and if we eliminate the threat, they’ll side with us.” Owen joined Halloran at the window and looked out at the castle in the distance, the forest, and the rivers crisscrossing through the area. “My father can’t believe we’d stay here, if we didn’t intend to fight King Malcolm and his mercenary mage.”

  Halloran huffed. “Then he’ll be a coward and wait inside his castle fortification while you do his dirty work.”

  “That seems to be his plan,” Kiernan said.

  “I have my own plan,” Owen said.

  Sigrid joined Owen. “Oh?”

  “I suspect we won’t be able to make peace with King Malcolm until we remove his mage. If we can do that, and you and Brett show him how powerful we can be, then possibly, we could affect a treaty,” Owen said.

  “And you will help with your magic as well. What will we do about your father?” Sigrid wouldn’t stop believing in Owen, and in his magic.

  Owen took her hand and squeezed it. “The treaty will be contingent on my father stepping down, and we will have peace between our kingdoms.”

  “All right. That sounds like a good plan.”

  “Agreed,” Halloran said.

  “There will be fighting, correct?” Kiernan asked.

  Everyone smiled at him, though he looked serious.

  Sigrid was certain there would be fighting, as much as she wished they could avoid it.

  At King Malcolm’s castle, a blond-haired man came out to greet Tanya and Alton, all smiles, looking like he was around their age. Tanya didn’t believe his friendliness was genuine, more that it looked as though he pasted it on for show. She wondered if he was the king’s advisor, or if this was the mage. Maybe he was both. He didn’t dress in mage cloaks, but neither did Brett. By not doing so, it would make newcomers unaware of who or what he was.

  His fae aura indicated he was a griffin fae, and that’s what made her suspect he was the mage. An outsider, not a falcon fae. She couldn’t imagine the king having just any outsider serve as the greeter for them. She instantly thought of Sigrid’s winning the war against his kingdom through her use of magic.

  “I am Sinbad. Who do I have the pleasure of greeting?” the man said, dipping his head in respect.

  “Tanya, from the golden fae kingdom.”

  “Golden fae?” Sinbad asked. “But you are a dream-weaver.”

  She inclined her head in acknowledgment.

  “Alton from the dragon fae kingdom.”

  “My, my, two fae from two different kingdoms. We had word that another dragon was with you. A female. Your mate?” Sinbad asked Alton.

  “She is.”

  “And you are here because…?” Sinbad asked.

  “We understand you have a quarrel with King Yarrow and we hoped we might be able to diffuse the situation,” Tanya said, though she hadn’t really discussed this with the dragon fae, or Sigrid and Owen. She felt if she were being honest with them, maybe they’d be more honest with her and Alton.

  Sinbad smiled broadly. “Good. We welcome your visit. Come, join us in the great hall where we are now feasting.”

  She worried that as soon as they moved into the castle, they would be arrested. Inside, they wouldn’t be able to transport, though Alton could shift and use his flame to take out any number of them if the fae were so foolish as to try to take them hostage.

  Unless they used bolts to shoot him, and then he could die.

  “King Malcolm is seated at his table already, feasting. We didn’t expect company. Though we’ve made seating arrangements for three of you. Your mate didn’t wish to join us?” Sinbad asked Alton.

  “We all know how this could go,” Alton said. “I didn’t want her in the middle of a fight if that should occur.”

  “Why would we be in the middle of a fight when you are being so honest with me?”

  Tanya worried then that the mage, if that’s what he was, might be able to read their minds.

  Alton glanced at the archers. “A precaution.”

  Sinbad nodded. “I understand. So why bring Tanya with you? Surely, you worry about her health just as much as you are concerned about your mate’s. Or does the dream-weaver plan to cast a spell over me?”

  “When you are a powerful mage? Hardly,” Tanya said, not that they knew if he was one or not.

  Sinbad smiled at her. “You have come from the enemy’s camp and know all about me it seems. Or at least, hope to. And then what? Return to tell all my secrets?”

  “Are they worth telling?” Tanya smiled back at him.

  Sinbad chuckled, his blue eyes sparkling with good humor. “I like you.”

  But it didn’t mean he wouldn’t trying to eliminate them if he thought they would fight him.

  They entered the great hall where everyone was eating, though the courtiers all stopped to stare at the newcomers, and whispered conversations ensued.

  “We are missing one of our distinguished guests,” King Malcolm said, but what had Tanya staring at the king with such disbelief was the fact he resembled Sigrid to such a degree, the same dark eyes and hair and smile, when he smiled. He was older though, maybe by a decade.

  A creepy feeling slithered up her spine, and she worried that this king might be related to Sigrid. A cousin, older half-brother? An uncle? Or just similar in appearance and not related at all?

  If he was related to her, then what? Would Sigrid switch sides and fight against the man she was married to? What a mess.

  Alton cast Tanya a quick glance, and she knew he was thinking the same from the look of concern in his expression.

  “My mate is waiting for us,” Alton simply stated, bowing low to the king.

  Tanya curtseyed.

  “Take your seats and tell us what brings you here,” King Malcolm said.

  “Are you related to the man who tried to take over the crown during King Yarrow’s father’s rule?” Taking a seat, Tanya had to know if the king and Sigrid were related. It could change everything.

  The king stared at her for a moment, then frowned. “I’m not usually answered with a question when I wish to learn something about my guests.”

  “The man who was murdered by King Caracal, who, according to the king, was trying to take over the falcon fae kingdom, had a wife, and she fled with her baby daughter and a toddler who would marry the girl when they were of age.”

  “Nay, King Caracal had them killed before they reached a safe haven,” Malcolm said, his eyes narrowed.

  “I know otherwise. The murdered man’s wife and her daughter and the boy she raised have since died, but they had a baby girl, who has come of age and she’s called Sigrid. She’s our good friend. She has been living with the golden fae all these years and was born in their territory.”

  “If what you say is true, I wish to see her.”

  “You look like her,” Alton said, “when you smile.”

  “You do. That’s why I asked if you were related to Sigrid’s grandfather. She didn’t know that any of the falc
on fae existed. Her grandmother told her they had all perished in the fighting between factions,” Tanya said.

  The king frowned. “You have sided with King Yarrow. We know you have been to his castle.”

  A chill went through Tanya. She was glad she’d been honest with him since he seemed to know so much about them already.

  “His father wouldn’t let Prince Owen or his cousins inside. We were headed to King Yarrow’s castle, until we were warned Owen and the others weren’t there. You most likely know they have built their own castle,” Alton said.

  “I have had reports of Owen building the castle on the butte.” The king drank from his wine chalice.

  So, Malcolm didn’t know that Sigrid was a magic user. Tanya didn’t contradict him. If he knew magical means were used to build the castle—it was most likely because the castle had been built so quickly. His witnesses must not have actually seen who had created it. Did Owen know she was related to King Malcolm? Knowing Sigrid, she would be furious if he had and he hadn’t told her. Tanya suspected he hadn’t told her. After all, he hadn’t even told her who she was supposed to be fighting.

  “You are friends with Prince Owen and have come to spy on me?” Malcolm asked.

  “We are friends of Sigrid’s,” Tanya said. “Sigrid and I were both living with the golden fae. And Alton is married to our friend who is half dragon shifter and half golden fae.”

  “Then, if Sigrid knew nothing of us, which would mean she didn’t know Prince Owen, why are any of you here? With Owen? Had he taken her prisoner to use her as a hostage to make a concession from me because we are related? He will not be successful.”

  Tanya frowned at the king, not liking his cavalier attitude, treating Sigrid as unimportant, even if she could be family. “How is she related to you?”

  “Again, a question instead of answering mine.” King Malcolm studied Tanya for a moment. “If Sigrid is truly who you say she is, she’s my cousin.”

  “She will be shocked to learn she has more family. She didn’t know that the enemy King Yarrow was fighting were falcon fae also. She was furious with Owen for not telling her. But he has not taken her hostage.” Tanya glanced in the direction of the mage. She didn’t trust him so she didn’t want to reveal that Sigrid had abilities. Then again, since she was a falcon fae living with the golden fae, he might put two and two together, even if he didn’t know her by name. She was afraid telling Malcolm that his cousin had married his enemy wasn’t wise either. Yet, if she could, what if Malcolm thought it was a good idea. A way to oust King Yarrow from his throne and have Malcolm’s cousin sitting on the throne instead? Then they could become allies, as blood relations.

  “Then you have to tell her that she must come here and live with her own people,” King Malcolm said.

  “What is the dispute about?” Alton asked.

  “Yarrow wants us to bow down to his rule or leave the region. We fought hard to win what we have. My great uncle started the revolt, and he’s the one who sacrificed his life for the cause. My grandfather ruled here until my father took over, and then I did. Sigrid would have a place of honor here, under my rule. I would find her a suitable mate, and—”

  “She has married Prince Owen.” Tanya couldn’t pretend it wasn’t so and hoped the king would consider it a good thing—a uniting the families of the two kingdoms.

  The king slammed his chalice on the table, his face red.

  Not what she’d hoped for, Tanya held up her hand to speak further, though she realized afterward she was being rude by motioning for the king to be silent.

  “The prince had King Yarrow’s concession to step down and allow Prince Owen and Princess Sigrid to rule the kingdom. That’s why they returned here. King Yarrow must have changed his mind and wouldn’t let them into the courtyard when they arrived,” Tanya said.

  Malcolm smiled. “Then we must offer them an invitation to stay with us in the comfort of my castle and befitting their station.”

  “You wouldn’t imprison Owen and his cousins, forcing King Yarrow to grant concessions to you, would you?” Tanya asked.

  “Why would King Yarrow grant concessions to me, if he won’t even allow them into the safety of his keep?” Malcolm asked.

  “True. What about your mage?” Tanya asked.

  Looking amused, Sinbad smiled at her.

  “What about him?” Malcolm asked, looking in Sinbad’s direction.

  “What if the two men fight? Prince Owen and Sinbad?” Tanya asked. “We don’t want any harm to come to the prince.”

  “What about me, fair lady?” Sinbad asked Tanya.

  She sipped from her wine and ate some of her fish stew. “You either.”

  Sinbad smiled. “You truly don’t mean it.”

  “I promise no harm will come to the princes. Enough talking. Finish your meals in peace and then send word to Sigrid and the princes. I wish them to stay with us. I want to meet my cousin,” Malcolm said.

  “And if they choose to leave here after meeting with you?” Alton asked.

  “They would be free to do so at any time. You have my word.”

  “Thank you.” Tanya didn’t trust any of the falcon fae, except Sigrid.

  After they ate, they thanked the king again and Sinbad inclined his head to them, but instead of the mage escorting them out of the castle, a couple of guards led them to the courtyard instead. She suspected that was because the king wanted to discuss matters with his mage.

  Alton shifted, and Tanya climbed onto his back. He flew and over the castle walls and to the forest beyond. Alton’s wings flapped up and down in a graceful way that was both beautiful and efficient, moving them quickly to the tops of the trees of the forest.

  He made a sound, calling out to his mate, and Kayla called back to him from a couple of miles away. He flew in her direction. Before long, he was settling in a treetop where she was sitting. Tanya climbed off him, and the two dragons shifted.

  “What news do you have?” Kayla asked, but Alton was more interested in hugging and kissing her, and telling her that he was glad she was safe.

  Tanya smiled at the two of them, glad Sigrid had helped her to be with Alton. “King Malcolm is Sigrid’s cousin,” Tanya said. “He looked so much like her, except, of course, he was much more masculine. He wants everyone to come to stay with him since Prince Owen’s father won’t allow them to enter his castle.”

  “It would serve King Yarrow right if Owen did do just that. Do you trust that he and his cousins would be safe there?” Kayla asked.

  “Not really. I can see him using the princes as a bargaining tool, though King Malcolm said he wouldn’t. If he did, I would imagine King Yarrow not doing anything about it—just letting the princes deal with the trouble themselves. They’d be on their own. Malcolm does know Owen has abilities, but not that Sigrid does. He’s a griffin fae and you know Sigrid was instrumental in winning the war against them when she was twelve.”

  “That’s when people started calling her a witch,” Kayla said.

  “Right. What if Malcolm could get Owen to work alongside Sinbad, the mage the king hired? Then they could stop this war before it ever got started. What if together they could oust King Yarrow from his throne?” Tanya said.

  “What do you think?” Kayla hugged Alton again.

  “I think we’re going to see some trouble between Sigrid and Owen when she learns King Malcolm is her cousin. Did Owen or his cousins know the truth? That’s possibly why King Yarrow wouldn’t have wanted his son married to Sigrid. All we can do is present what we know and hope for the best possible outcome. Let’s return so they know we’re all safe.” Alton shifted and Tanya climbed onto his back.

  “I can see us having all kinds of trouble when we return.” Kayla shifted.


  The two dragons flew off, giving king Malcolm’s castle a wide berth, just in case the king had changed his mind about wanting to offer his hospitality and had ordered his archers to shoot them down. But Tanya saw Sinbad waving from
the wall walk as if they were the best of friends.

  She prayed Sigrid and Owen could work this out to both their satisfaction. She hadn’t seen Sigrid fall for a guy ever, not like she had with Owen. Tanya was sure his beautiful wings had something to do with it.

  As they drew nearer to King Yarrow’s castle, guards and archers were on alert on the wall walks, but no one tried to shoot at them. They were too far away for the archers to target them, but an overeager archer might attempt the feat anyway.

  On top of the butte, everyone was waiting for them outside of the castle, looking concerned. Tanya hoped nothing bad had happened while they were gone, though everyone appeared to be there and no one seemed injured.

  Sigrid smiled at them and waved. Tanya wanted to wave back, but she held onto Alton for dear life.

  He soon landed on top of the butte, and Prince Owen hurried forth to help her off Alton, then Kayla landed and the two dragons nuzzled, then shifted.

  “Did you see the mage?” Sigrid asked, sounding anxious.

  “We did,” Tanya said. “He’s a griffin fae by the name of Sinbad.”

  “A griffin fae?” Sigrid asked.

  “You sound worried,” Brett said.

  “I sent some of their griffin warriors to…” Sigrid hesitated to say.

  She had never told anyone where she’d sent the warriors, stating it was a “trade secret.” But Tanya knew it had always troubled her. Sigrid hadn’t wanted to use her magic to fight others. She’d promised her grandmother that she wouldn’t. Though Tanya knew she really didn’t have a choice. Obey the queen or move somewhere else and try to get by.

  Everyone waited with anticipation.

  Sigrid finally said, “I sent them to the unseelie world.”