Page 6 of Phoenix Reborn

  “That was some caveman impression back there.”

  “Do you expect me to apologize?”

  “No. But I’m going to let Leo apologize, because that will be important to his recovery and mental well-being. He already has enough to deal with, and he doesn’t need me on his conscience, too.”

  He had a point. Nix, however, wasn’t ready to concede it, so he dropped the subject.

  His baby was so tired, there was no fooling around that night. As he pulled Noah into his arms, though, he knew he was a lucky man.

  There would be plenty of loving going on, soon as the sun came up.


  Noah loved his morning wake-ups courtesy of a certain sexy wolf.

  One thing for sure that he definitely had no cause to complain about—Nix was a very dedicated, voracious lover.

  The man wanted him on every surface, in every position. Something or somewhere new each day. They’d been back to their stream a couple of times in the week during Noah’s recovery, and had even done the dirty in one of the stairwells in the main building—and had nearly been caught by Nick Westfall. Noah was sure the man knew what they’d been doing, and blushed every time he saw the imposing commander.

  This morning, Nix was dragging him along, up the same stairwell past the scene of the earlier crime. “Where are we going? There’s nothing up here.”

  “Oh, but there is.”


  “The roof.”

  “Yeah, but there’s nothing on the roof.”

  “There will be.” Pausing at the door leading to the outside, Nix grinned. “Us.”

  With that, he shoved open the door and pulled them out into the morning sunlight. The day was crisp and warm, only a few clouds in the sky, mountains looming in the distance. A gorgeous morning with an even more gorgeous man standing there looking at Noah as though he was the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen.

  “Do I even need to ask what we’re doing here?”

  “Probably not.” Grabbing the hem of his shirt, Nix treated him to a stunning view of him removing it.

  “But somebody might see! You do realize that those eagles up there could be eagle shifters from Sanctuary who’re relearning how to fly, right?”

  “So they’ll learn something about the mating rituals of wolves and their mates.”

  With a flourish, Nix draped his T-shirt over a large U-shaped air duct protruding from the roof. Then he stalked Noah, easily catching him. Not that Noah tried very hard to escape. Nix wrangled him over to the duct and it became apparent why he’d placed the T-shirt over the metal—to make Noah more comfortable while he pounded his ass from behind.

  Noah found himself draped over the bend, jeans and underwear yanked down around his ankles. Nix nudged his feet apart as far as the material would allow, and bent over his back to growl in his ear.

  “I want to fuck you rough and hard. Got a problem with that?”

  Noah nearly came on the spot. Which would’ve been a damn shame.

  “Not a single problem at all,” he managed.


  As Nix moved into position behind him, Noah was so hard his cock could’ve pounded through the duct. He loved a man who knew what he wanted and took it. This was a side of his mate he hoped to see a lot more often. Not that he didn’t adore the gentle lovemaking equally as much.

  But this? Was so. Fucking. Hot.

  “God, your ass is so fine,” Nix said reverently. “Wish I could spend all day buried to the hilt right here.”

  Noah’s ass cheeks were parted, leaving him totally exposed. There was something really naughty about that, especially with his man still clothed. It hit one of his kink buttons. Next, a cool finger slipped into his opening, stretching him, preparing him properly. Even though Nix intended to be rough, there was no way his mate would risk truly harming him.

  The prep didn’t last long, but was good enough.

  “Hurry up and fuck me,” Noah rasped.

  “With pleasure.”

  Behind him, there was the sound of a zipper, a rustle of clothing. Then the head of his mate’s hard cock pressed to his hole—and shoved inside. Noah gasped, desire spiking into bald lust as his mate began to fuck him. Deep, hard, and fast. This wasn’t going to last long.

  The rhythmic slap of skin was music to his ears, and he loved the feeling of being owned. Possessed. There was no way he could hold back his orgasm under such a passionate assault, and his release erupted long before he wanted.

  “Ahh! Yes!” Noah barely managed to brace himself to take his cock in hand and milk the last of his release, so brutal was the fucking. He came so hard he thought he was going to turn himself inside out.

  “You like that, baby?” Fangs grazed his neck, followed by kisses.

  “Shit, yes. I think I just died and went to heaven.”

  “Nope. You’ve got to stay right here on Earth, angel. For me.”

  After they calmed down, Nix pulled free, zipped up, and helped him straighten his clothes. Turning to face his mate, Noah chuckled.

  “What?” Nix eyed him.

  “Since we got together, I spend equal amounts of time drenched in come and in the shower.”

  His mate looked decidedly smug. “Your point?”

  “Well, there isn’t one. Except don’t stop.”

  “Thought so.”

  They stood on the roof together for a few minutes, appreciating the morning before heading inside to clean up. Again. Afterward, Noah told his mate he had to go meet Blue and Kalen, as he’d been doing every day. He wondered when Nix was going to break, and today was that day.

  “What exactly are you guys doing? I heard you say something to Blue the other night about practice of some sort.”

  “You’re exactly right—I’m practicing. But it’s a surprise. I can’t show you until I’m ready.”

  “What, are you learning karate or something?”

  “No.” He rolled his eyes. “I’ll leave the combat stuff to you and your team.”

  “Why is it such a big secret? Can’t I come watch?”

  “Not yet,” he said. “Be patient. I should be ready to show you and everybody at the barbeque on Saturday.”

  “You mean I have to find out along with everyone else? That’s not fair.”

  “You’re really cute when you pout, you know that?”

  Nix shoved him, but not hard. And he was laughing when he did it. “Shut up.”

  Noah made kissing faces at him, and he laughed harder.

  “Fine, I’ll wait! Better be worth it.”

  “Oh, it will. Trust me. And you won’t be the only one surprised.”

  * * *

  Noah walked into the gym and found Blue and Kalen in their usual spots, waiting for him at the far end. They’d been reserving the place to themselves for the same two-hour period every day and, like Nix, others were getting curious about what they were doing.

  Oh, he knew his meager abilities were next to nothing compared to the Fae prince or the Sorcerer. Nor could they compare to his Pack shifter friends. But he was proud that he fit in with them somehow, no matter how small the degree. It gave him a feeling of connection, of belonging, that he’d never had growing up, or working in Atlanta.

  “Ready, squirt?”

  He knew Kalen didn’t mean anything by the nickname. There wasn’t a mean bone in the man’s body—unless you were threatening his friends or family. Then he had the power to destroy mankind.

  “As I’ll ever be.”

  The brothers put him through the paces, and when they were finished, Blue leaned against the bleachers and waved a hand at Noah. “We’ve taught you everything you need to know about how to tap the well of your power. It’s stronger than you think. Just keep practicing and give it a chance to grow.”

  His throat closed
with emotion. “Thanks, guys. You’ll never know how much this means to me.”

  Kalen shared a look with Blue, then said, “Oh, we have a good idea. Trust us.”

  He had nothing to say to that. “Thank you. I’ll keep practicing.”

  “You must,” Blue said, suddenly serious. “I have a feeling your abilities are going to be more important than you ever dreamed.”

  Noah shivered in spite of himself. He hated when these guys got all mystical and shit. “I’ll remember that.”

  Blue’s words stuck in his mind, and he couldn’t forget them. Especially not coupled with Nick’s warning as well.

  Still, he managed to savor the days with his mate. As Saturday approached, he grew more and more excited. He was sure that this was the day he’d prove himself worthy. Nix would see him as more of an equal.

  And maybe he’d finally claim Noah as his Bondmate.

  * * *

  Power sizzled in the air over the Shoshone. Brand-new, unlike any of the others he’d been watching over the past few months. Nowhere close to his own abilities, but . . . malleable. Those wielded by perhaps a novice. He’d felt it a couple of times now, and his curiosity was piqued.

  Jinn rose, gathering his cloak around him and walked to the windows of the old house. Staring out, he expanded his senses to pick up the direction from which this new energy was emitting.

  It was as he suspected—the crackle of raw power was coming from the direction of the Alpha Pack’s compound. Their haven, the one they believed Jinn couldn’t breach. And he couldn’t—at least in physical form. That damned Sorcerer of theirs had the place too well warded.

  But Jinn was every bit as accomplished as Kalen, the nemesis he’d almost killed once. Probably should’ve finished him off, but that was the nature of a dark genie, or trickster such as himself. Sometimes he did what profited him—and sometimes he simply did what amused him.

  Leaving Kalen alive fell into the latter category. The man was a worthy adversary, and a rarity.

  Closing his eyes, he let himself relax. Opened his mind and let his own energy wrap itself around the new thread and follow it over the miles to the source. Through the forest, past lakes and streams, all manner of wildlife. All the way to the compound and into the main building. Once there, the thread grew wide and bright, leading him to a large room the humans called a gym, and inside were Kalen, Sariel, and another male Jinn didn’t recognize.

  “That’s it, Noah!” Kalen shouted. “You’ve got it!”

  The young man, Noah, wasn’t entirely human. That much was clear, as he was the source of the power that he was apparently practicing to improve. Noah’s hands were in front of him, palms out, as he concentrated on levitating a barbell. A fairly heavy one, if the huge weights at either end were any indication.

  The weight rose and when it reached several feet above their heads, Noah lowered his hands slowly. The barbell started down accordingly. At the last second it landed with a loud clank. Though Noah winced at the noise, his friends slapped him on the back and gave him one-armed hugs.

  “That was most impressive,” Sariel said, smiling.

  “You think so?” Noah bit his lip, looking uncertain. “I want Nix to be proud of me.”

  “How could he not?” The Fae prince shook his head. “You’re going to knock your mate’s socks off, as you humans say.”

  “Hey, I’m a Halfling, remember? You said so yourself.” Noah looked pleased about that fact.

  A Halfling? Is that so? Jinn smiled to himself.

  Just then, Sariel glanced around the gym with a frown, as though searching for something. Jinn stilled, concentrating on making his presence completely untraceable. After a moment, the prince relaxed and returned his attention to his friends. Jinn focused on Noah again thoughtfully.

  Young. Vulnerable. Half Fae. And the owner of untapped power.

  The possibilities were endless.

  Satisfied, Jinn withdrew. He would keep an eye on the young man, and wait for the perfect moment to spring his trap.

  * * *

  “So,” Nix began, eyeing his mate as they got dressed. “I’d really like to take you to lunch today, in town. Then I thought we could visit some of the shops. What do you think?”

  Noah blinked at him. “Lunch, out? You mean it?”

  “The way you say that.” He shook his head ruefully. “Am I that much of a jerk?”

  “No. I just want to be sure you’re ready for this.”

  “I wouldn’t have suggested it otherwise.”

  Noah didn’t look too certain, but he didn’t question Nix further. Good thing, or Nix might’ve lost his nerve. Despite his outward calm, his insides were a tangled knot of anxiety. However, he was determined not to let anything ruin the day with his mate.

  Grabbing a shirt from his closet, Nix was arrested by the sight of Noah wearing only jeans riding low on his hips. His mate wasn’t very tall, and he was built slim, but he had plenty of tight, compact muscle on his frame. His skin was smooth and just a bit sun-kissed, a healthy look on him. Especially with those blue eyes and all that blond hair surrounding his sexy face. The guy made pulling on a T-shirt, look like an erotic act.

  Jesus, I’ve got it bad.

  Forcing himself to get dressed, Nix pulled on a pair of jeans and boots. A dark T-shirt completed the ensemble, and he was ready to go. They walked to the hangar together, and as they approached the SUV Nix had borrowed for the occasion he frowned, wondering whether he should open the passenger-side door for his mate.

  Noah settled the issue by heading straight over, opening the door, and sliding inside. Once he was in, he noticed Nix still hesitating. “What?”

  “I was trying to figure out if I should get the door for you,” he confessed.

  Noah smiled. “At the risk of sounding sexist, I’m not a girl, man. I can get my own door, but thanks.”

  Nix laughed. “Glad we got that one out of the way.”

  “Several hundred to go.” His mate sounded pretty cheerful about the prospect.

  Nix went around and climbed in behind the wheel, and they were on their way. The drive to town was companionable as they chatted about a bit of everything.

  “What’s your favorite food?” Nix asked him.

  “Do I have to pick? I love to eat. Pizza, burgers, seafood, steaks, Mexican—”

  “I get the picture.” Glancing at his mate, he smiled. “You’re going to be easy to please when we go out, then.”

  “As far as food, yeah. You do like the opera, right?”

  “The what?” Oh, hell no.

  Noah burst out laughing. “You should’ve seen your face! Just kidding. How the hell would we ever go see the opera way out here, anyhow?”

  “Thank God,” he said in relief. “I don’t like musicals, either.”

  “Hey, now. My Fair Lady is the bomb.”

  “Jeez.” He shook his head. “What else do you like to do? Besides tease me, that is.”

  “Hmm. I like baseball. Movies. Shopping sometimes. I like to look at antiques.”

  “Me, too. We have more in common than I thought.”

  That observation scored Noah a bright smile, and the rest of the way was nice. When Noah’s hand crept across the seat of the SUV and took Nix’s free one, that was even better. Nix liked touching his mate. He tried to push aside the feeling that doing it now was all right since nobody could see them. He was working on that. Who cared if anyone saw? Right?

  On the main street in Cody, he pulled up in front of an old pizza place. “This okay? It’s probably been here longer than we’ve been alive, combined. But the pizza is to die for.”

  “Sounds good. I’ve never been here before, and I’m starving.”

  They got out of the SUV and walked to the front. Before going inside, Nix placed a hand at the small of Noah’s back and guided him to the door
. Just that much of a declaration in public, among strangers, had Nix’s heart racing. But the look of sheer joy Noah shot him as they went inside made the fear subside some.

  Once they were seated at a booth near the back, a waitress came to take their drink orders.

  “Iced tea for me,” Noah said.

  “Diet Coke.”

  As soon as she walked away, Noah made a face. “Diet Coke? That shit is awful. I knew there was something wrong with you. This thing between us was too good to last.”

  Nix chuckled. “Shut up, dork.”

  Noah just grinned. Christ, he was falling fast for that face. That happy expression, and those eyes that seemed to see clear through him.

  They scanned the menu and settled on a large pizza with half all-meat for Nix, the other half ham, tomato, and basil for Noah. Once the waitress had taken their order and gone, they talked about little things, just enjoying each other’s company. Nix told him that this was his day off in the rotation, so unless there was a serious emergency, he was totally free.

  “Thanks for spending it with me,” Noah said quietly. His eyes shone.

  “Hey, I’ll spend as much time with you as I can. There’s nowhere else I’d rather be. Promise.”

  “Same here.”

  The pizza finally arrived and they dug in. Nix was amazed at how his mate could pack away the food. By the time they sat back in their seats, groaning, the whole pie was gone.

  “You were right,” Noah said. “That was delicious. We’ll definitely be back.”

  “For sure. Though we might have to wait a day or two.” He patted his bulging stomach.

  Nix paid the bill, to his mate’s protests.

  “I earn a wage, too. I can pay my half.”

  “We’re a team, okay? Let’s don’t make it about money. We can take turns or something if you want.”

  “Well, I guess that works.” His mate still wanted to pout a little, and Nix thought that was adorable.

  Not that he’d ever say so.

  They left, walking slowly down the street to do some browsing of the quaint shops along the way: candles, souvenirs, clothes, crafts, and a shop that sold both homemade ice cream and candies. Noah headed straight inside the last one, proving he had a hollow stomach after all.