Page 4 of Waiting For Shiva

drunk when we boarded a submarine and lit out of there. The true story was all hushed up, of course. Sweeney and the Box Car ended up getting the credit for the Nagasaki bombing. I later learned that we completely missed the Mitsubishi Complex but we still managed to destroy a good part of the city. —Sweet Satan, Mason, the ferry! Go on, get out of here!”

  “Goodbye, Senator. May God bless you.”

  “Don't count on that.”

  Mason clasps my hand firmly, and comically trots over to the dock where he stops to wave one last time before he hops onto the ferry to join Chambers along the rail.

  “Goodbye, Mason,” I whisper as the ferry pulls away from the dock. “May you live to be a thousand.”

  Rufus helps me hobble back over to the bench where I sit and close my eyes. Tonight is the night, and I pray to Lucifer that in sparing Mason's life, my act of kindness and mercy will silence the wailing dead of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and then maybe Shiva will pass me by in peace tonight. May Prince Lucifer preserve us all.

  Thank you for reading Waiting For Shiva.

  If you are interested in reading more about the infamous Senator Wilbur Prescott and his fall from grace, you can find his illustrious story and more in the novels listed on the next page.

  Books by Kevin Donohue

  Third Eye Patch by Kevin Donohue and Mark Lind-Hanson

  Mongoose Moon by Kevin Donohue

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