Page 20 of Until June

  “Jesus, do you really need all of this shit?” Evan asks, taking the suitcase from my mom once we have it packed and zipped. “This bag has to weigh at least thirty pounds.”

  “We’re not planning a party. We’re planning a wedding, so yes, I do need all of that shit.” She glares at him, the same way she would glare at my dad when he’s annoyed her.

  “Just asking.” Evan grins, and Mom’s eyes narrow on his mouth before her head swings in my direction.

  “He’s just as bad as your father.” She tosses her thumb over at Evan. “Your dad complained for an hour after I made him go up into the attic to get the suitcase. He said it was crazy that I needed a suitcase to haul around wedding planning stuff.”

  “It’s a little crazy.” I shrug, smiling at her, and she looks at the bag in Evan’s hand. I can tell she’s wondering if maybe, just maybe, she’s going a wee-bit overboard. “I love your crazy, Mom. So it’s okay,” I say softly after a moment.

  I know she’s doing all of this because she loves me. I’m lucky to have a mom like her, a mom who would twist herself into knots to make me happy and to give me the perfect wedding. Both my parents could have decided they hated Evan without ever getting to know him after what happened between us, but they didn’t. No, they weren’t waiting with open arms to embrace him, but they did trust my judgment enough to give him a chance to prove himself.

  “Love you too, honey.” She smiles then leans her head back, looking at the ceiling, when her cell phone rings in her hand. Putting it to her ear, she snaps, “I’m walking out of her house as we speak, Asher Mayson.”

  Giggling, I turn my eyes to Evan, and the air in my lungs freezes when I see the tender look on his face pointed at me. If I weren’t madly in love with him already, that one look would have sealed the deal. I love you, I mouth, and his eyes soften even further.

  “I don’t know how I put up with that man,” Mom grumbles, breaking into the moment between Evan and me.

  “You love Dad.”

  “I must,” she gripes, heading for the door.

  Following her out to her SUV, Evan puts her bag into the trunk, while I give her another hug and a promise to call her. Then, I watch while Evan gives her a hug of his own and a quiet thanks, that makes her smile and pat his cheek before getting in behind the wheel, slamming the door.

  “Your mom’s awesome,” Evan mutters, while we watch her back out of the driveway.

  “I know,” I agree, waving back at her, while Evan wraps his arm around my shoulders.

  “Are you tired?” he asks, sliding his hand down my arm and locking his fingers with mine as he leads me back into the house.

  “Totally exhausted,” I reply through a yawn.

  “Too tired to sit on my face?” he asks, and my hand spasms in his as the image of me doing just that filters through my mind.

  “I think I could keep my eyes open for that,” I breathe, as he locks the door and sets the alarm.

  Turning me toward him, he mumbles, “Figure you could,” against my mouth, while wrapping his arms around me and walking me backward toward the bedroom, where I keep my eyes open for a lot more than just sitting on his face.

  “Coming!” I shout, walking with my freshly pink-painted fingers spread wide apart, as I head for the front door when the bell rings. Without looking through the peephole, I swing the door open and feel my body go tight when I see who is standing on my front porch, looking exactly the same as the last time I saw him.

  “June,” Lane says. I start to push the door closed, but his hand shoots out, preventing me from slamming it in his face. “I just want to talk.”

  “I have nothing to say to you. Go away.” I try again to shut the door, but his hand stays planted against it, stopping me.

  “I want to apologize. Please, let me say sorry.”

  “Done. You’ve said it, so go.” I push harder then growl in frustration when he doesn’t move away.

  “I know you’re pissed at me, but did you get the letter I sent you?”

  “I got it, I read it, and I still don’t care. We have nothing to talk about. Please step back.”

  “Are you…” he trails off, zeroing in on my hand. “Is that an engagement ring?”

  “Lane, if you don’t step back, I swear to God I’m going to scream bloody murder,” I hiss, ignoring his question.

  “You’re getting married?”

  “Oh, my God!” I cry in frustration. “Yes, I’m getting married. Will you just leave now?”

  His brows draw together and his head shakes. “I was in love with you.”

  “You wouldn’t know what love was if it hit you upside the head. I’m only going to say it one more time. Please step away from my door and leave.”

  His eyes move back to my hand and his voice drops low. “I fucked up.”

  He did fuck up—not that I was ever even close to being in love with him. But I did care about him, and who knows what could have happened with time. But then again, even if I was with him and Evan came back into my life, I probably would have wanted to find out where things could go with Evan, because the connection I’ve always had with him is just that strong.

  “Who is he?” he asks quietly, moving his eyes to meet mine.

  “That’s none of your business.”

  “Is it your ex? The one you were so hung up on?” he asks on a growl, banging his hand against the door.

  “Lane, please go,” I beg softly. The way he’s acting is starting to scare me.

  “It is, isn’t it?” he asks, turning red while the pulse in his neck beats wildly.

  “Yes,” I finally say, hoping he’ll leave once I give him what he wants.

  “I hope he makes you happy,” he snarls, dropping his hand from the door, but he keeps his body where it is and my pulse speeds up.

  “Lane, please, just go,” I whisper shakily, but he doesn’t move his body from the doorway or his angry eyes from mine.

  “Step back.” Looking over Lane’s shoulder, I watch as Evan steps up onto the porch. I didn’t hear him pull up, which is crazy, since he rode his bike today, and I always hear him when he’s on his bike.

  “Whatever.” Lane glares at me before moving past Evan down the steps.

  Watching his retreating back, I feel Evan get close before he blocks my view. Then, his fingers are on my chin, lifting my eyes to meet his. “Go inside. I’ll be in, in a minute.”

  “Don’t do anything that will lead to me visiting you in jail,” I whisper-yell, resting my hands against his chest, feeling the anger coming off him in waves.

  “Go inside,” he repeats, putting his hand to my stomach, pushing me back an inch before pulling the door closed, shutting me inside.

  Debating with myself about ignoring his order, I mutter, “Shit,” and head back to the living room, so I can call my uncle. That’s when I see Ninja through the glass of the backdoor snarling and barking up a storm. “It’s okay,” I coo, as he runs past me into the house toward the front door, coming back a moment later and taking a seat close to me. I leave a voicemail for my uncle, telling him that Lane is at the house, outside with Evan. When my phone rings a minute later, he tells me that he’s on his way and to stay inside then hangs up.

  Rolling my eyes at that, I take a seat on the couch. A few minutes later, I jump in place when the door slams and Evan’s boots stomp down the hall. “Why did you open the door to him?” he asks, stopping at the mouth of the living room, planting his feet wide apart, and crossing his arms over his chest.

  “I didn’t know it was him,” I explain quietly, licking my lips nervously when his eyes narrow.

  “You didn’t check the peephole?” His body language and tone make it obvious I fucked up.

  “If I had, I wouldn’t have opened the door.”

  “Do not fucking get smart with me right now!” he roars, making me jump again.

  “I’m not.” I stand, needing and wanting to gain some control of the situation. “I wasn’t even thinking.”

  “He could have forced you inside the house, June. He could have done something to hurt you.”

  “He didn’t.” I frown then, like an idiot, continue, “He wouldn’t do that.”

  “Are you sure about that?” he thunders, leaning forward with his hands on his waist.

  Swallowing, I close my eyes, because I know he’s right. I have no idea what Lane would do. I didn’t even know his name was Lane until I was dragged into the police station in the middle of the night. And that guy who was outside on the front porch wasn’t the Lane I knew.

  “I’m sorry,” I whisper after a moment, feeling tears burn my throat as I try to swallow them down.

  “Come here.” Opening my eyes, my gaze connects with his still pissed-off one.

  “You’re mad,” I state the obvious, while keeping my feet planted where they are.

  “I’m fucking furious, beautiful, but I still want you to come here.” He points to the ground where he’s standing.

  “I feel safer over here.”

  “June,” he warns, and my feet move. As soon as I’m close, his arms shoot out, wrapping around me, and his face drops to my neck, where he breathes in deep.

  “I’m sorry. I won’t answer the door without looking again,” I whisper, circling my arms around his back.

  “I know you won’t,” he rumbles against the skin of my neck, holding me tighter.

  Running my hands down his back, I ask softly, “Are you okay?”

  “I knew who he was when I pulled up to the house and saw him standing in the doorway. I saw your face and could tell you were scared. I wanted to fucking kill him for putting that look on your face.”

  “He was fine at first, but then he saw my engagement ring and got angry,” I explain, and my hands start to shake.

  “You have nothing to fear,” he vows, pulling away to look at me. “Nothing,” he repeats, and I drop my forehead to his chest, feeling his lips at the crown of my head.

  “Will you be okay for a few, while I go out and talk to your uncle?”

  “Yeah.” I nod against his chest and his hands move to my jaw, tilting my head back. “I’m sorry,” I repeat once more, while holding his concerned gaze.

  “I love you, baby, so fucking much that even the idea of you breathing that motherfucker’s air pisses me off.” His forehead touches mine and I watch his eyes close briefly. “I’m not mad at you, okay?”

  “Okay,” I agree, fisting my hands in his tee while his words wash through me.

  “Give me a few minutes, yeah?”

  “Yeah.” His mouth touches mine in a soft kiss, that lets me know we’re okay, before he lets me go and disappears down the hall.

  “Don’t answer the door again without Ninja being in the house,” Evan instructs, and I tilt my head back to look up at him from my position against his chest in bed.

  “I won’t.” After Evan came back in from talking to my uncle, he didn’t mention Lane’s visit again. Even after he noticed that the back door had bite marks in the wood around the doorjamb and saliva all over the glass from Ninja’s barking, when he was trying to get inside, sensing in his doggie way that his mom was in trouble. When Evan saw the damage, I explained that Ninja had been outside when the doorbell rang. With us not having a doggie door and it being the middle of summer, I had shut the door, leaving Ninja out in the backyard, so I didn’t lose the cooled air in the house while he wandered the grass for hours. Something he loves to do. I could tell he was pissed, but he didn’t say anything about it until now.

  “Your uncle is going to talk to the judge tomorrow about getting a restraining order. Now that he’s made contact, we’ve got a better chance of getting it approved,” he says, pulling me out of my thoughts. I sit up, putting my elbow into the bed, so I can look down at him.

  “Do you think he’ll be back?” I ask, and his fingers run through my hair, sliding it over my bare shoulder.

  “I want to say no, but I can’t guarantee he won’t.”

  “Great.” I sigh, dropping to my back and covering my face.

  His hands wrap around mine, pulling them from my face, and his eyes go hard. “It will be okay.”

  “I believe you.” I lift my hands, running my fingers over his jaw, watching as his eyes soften. “As long as I have you, I have nothing to worry about. I know that, down to my soul,” I get out, before his head drops to mine and he kisses me, making me forget about everything.


  “Oh…” My legs tense and my eyes blink open, seeing the early morning light spilling across the ceiling.


  Looking down the length of my body, I catch Evan’s wicked grin before his face lowers between my legs and his hands cup my ass, bringing me deeper into his mouth. Waking primed and ready from his touch has become one of my favorite ways to start my day. The added fact that he seems to get off on it just as much as I do only makes me love it even more.

  “Ev.” My teeth dig into my bottom lip and my hands fist in his hair, when one finger then another enters me slowly, and his tongue circles my clit. Raising my hips higher, I silently beg for more.

  “What the fuck?” he growls, and my foggy mind takes a moment to register that the doorbell is going off.

  “Don’t stop. They’ll go away,” I plead, not above begging.

  “Make it fast, baby.” His fingers work faster, curling up to hit my G-spot, and his mouth latches on to my clit, pulling hard, sending me spiraling through a short but sweet orgasm while the doorbell continues to chime.

  “I’m gonna kill whoever’s at the door.” He knifes out of bed, tossing the blanket over the lower half of my naked body.

  “Okay,” I agree, and he grins with a shake of his head, roaming his eyes over me while pulling on his sweats.

  “Don’t move,” he orders, growling, “Fuck,” when I raise my arms over my head to stretch.

  “The door,” I remind him, as he stalks toward me.

  “This better be good,” he grumbles, turning and leaving the room without another look at the bed, where I’m sprawled out.

  “Bitch, get your ass out here!” JJ yells, and I sit up and swing my eyes to the clock on the bedside table. I knew it was early, judging by the light coming in through the blinds, but it’s not even 7:00 yet.

  “What the hell?” Rolling out of bed, I rush to the bathroom and pull on my robe, tying it around my waist, then stop at my dresser and slip on a pair of panties before leaving the room. When I make it to the kitchen, Evan is standing near the coffeepot, watching JJ, who has made herself at home in the kitchen, where she is currently rummaging through the fridge.

  “Is everything okay?” I ask, and her head pops up out of the fridge so she can glare at me.

  “I don’t know.” She tosses some lunchmeat onto the counter, along with a jar of mayo, and then stomps to the breadbox, opening it up and pulling out a loaf of bread. “I haven’t seen or heard from you in three weeks, and I had to find out from Brew, of all people, that my girl is engaged. What the fuck?” she asks, putting her hands on her hips.

  “I suck,” I mutter, feeling horrible for not calling her with my good news. But honestly there has been so much on my mind lately including the fact I found out a few days ago that I’m pregnant. I’m still in shock from seeing the two pink lines on the test I took and have been trying to find a way to tell Evan we’re going to have a baby.

  “You don’t suck, but Jesus…could have called me,” she says, opening drawers and closing them until she finds what she’s looking for. “I better be invited to the wedding.”

  “You are,” I agree. “Do you want help?” I ask as she massacres the sandwich she’s attempting to throw together.

  “No.” She smushes the two pieces of bread together with turkey meat and mayo in-between them. “When Brew told me your news this morning, I left before I could finish making my lunch.” She grabs a paper towel, wrapping her sandwich in it.

  “Oh,” I mumble, shooting a glance in Evan’s direction, w
ho hasn’t moved from his position near the coffeepot. I can tell by his expression, that he doesn’t know whether to laugh or yell.

  “Now, let me see your ring.” Holding out my hand toward her, she takes my hand in hers and looks the ring over. “It’s beautiful. I’m happy for you,” she says quietly, meeting my gaze.

  “Thank you, JJ. I’m sorry I didn’t call.”

  “Don’t worry about it. You can pay me back with tequila one night.” She grins then looks over at Evan. “You did good.” He lifts his chin, and she shakes her head then looks at me, smiling. “I gotta go to work, but we’ll get together soon.”

  “I’ll call you,” I promise, then watch her leave down the hall, carrying the sandwich she made.

  “That chick’s crazy,” Evan mutters, grabbing a mug and pouring himself a cup of coffee.

  “She’s sweet.” I grin, and he looks at the counter, where all of her sandwich supplies are still laid out, and raises a brow.

  “I’m thinking she’d kick your ass if you ever called her that to her face.”

  He was probably right, but instead of confirming that, I just go to the counter and put everything away. Leaning back against it once I’m done, I cross my arms over my chest. “Are you hungry?” I ask, and his eyes rake over me from head to toe, making me shiver.

  “My morning meal was rushed. Are you offering to get back into bed and spread your legs for me?”

  Looking at the clock on the microwave, I pray I have time, hearing him laugh when I do. “I need to get ready for work,” I pout, which makes him laugh harder.

  Closing the short distance between us, his hands move to my hips and his face dips to mine. “Go get ready.” He kisses me softly, moving his hands down to squeeze my ass. “I’ll bring you coffee.”

  “I don’t mind being late,” I breathe, pressing closer to him while wrapping my arms around his neck.

  Smiling, he kisses me once more then takes my arms from around him and moves a step back. “You can’t be late. It’s your last day,” he reminds me. Today is the last day of summer school, and hopefully, the day I find out if I’m teaching next year.

  “I guess I’ll just go get ready.” I sigh, hearing his laughter behind me as I leave the kitchen and head for the shower, so I can get ready for work.