Page 22 of Until June

  Ripping my mouth reluctantly from hers, I gaze down at her, knowing I’m the luckiest motherfucker on the planet. She’s always beautiful, but wearing her off-the-shoulder, form-fitting ivory dress, with her skin glowing from pregnancy, her hair tied up, showing off her face and neck, she’s breathtaking.

  “I love you,” she breathes, running her fingers over my lips, while her eyes fill with tears.

  “Always, beautiful, until the day I die.” I stand her with me, and a roar explodes around us. Lifting her up into my arms, I listen to her laugh while I carry her back down the aisle, hearing a few chuckles as we pass everyone without stopping.

  “Where are we going?” June questions, as I head into the building, where we both got ready this afternoon.

  “Your mom kept me from you last night. And today, I stayed away like she asked me to, but now you’re my wife, all bets are off,” I mutter, heading toward her dressing room. As soon as I reach her door, I growl, “Open it,” then kick the door closed and move across the room to the couch, laying her down gently. “How hard would it be for me to take this dress off you?” I question, running my hands up the lace covering her sides and the intricate buttons along her back.

  “It took twenty minutes for my mom and sisters to get it all buttoned.” She laughs, tugging my face toward hers. “But we can make out.” She smiles against my mouth and I thrust my tongue between her parted lips, covering her body with mine.

  “If you two don’t get out here right now, I swear I will break down this door!” November yells, breaking up our moment, and I look into June’s smiling eyes and mutter, “Your mom is a nut.”

  “That’s not my mom. That’s Momzilla,” she whispers, shoving her face into my neck, laughing when November pounds again. This time harder.

  “We better get out there before she realizes the door isn’t locked,” I grumble, looking toward the door, surprised it hasn’t opened already.

  “We have a week of just us and a private beach,” she says, reminding me softly about our wedding gift from her Uncle Trevor and Aunt Liz, who are letting us use their beach house in Jamaica for a week. A week during which I plan to take complete advantage of our time alone without family and drama. Not that there has been any more drama. Lane has stayed away since he was served with a restraining order, and I’ve been seeing someone about my episode. The wedding is the only thing that has been keeping me from having all of June, and as of today, that is over. Even though I have to admit, the reception hall and the wedding venue are perfect. All of June’s late nights with her mom, sisters, and aunts have paid off. They did an amazing job.

  “I don’t want to share you with anyone. I didn’t like being away from you last night or today,” I admit, and her face goes soft.

  “Just a few more hours.”

  “A few more hours,” I agree, standing her with me, then move my hands to her hair and smooth it back into place. “You look beautiful.”

  “And you look very handsome in your tux. I can’t believe mom actually talked you into wearing one.”

  “She didn’t leave me a choice.” I grin then search her face. “How are you feeling?”

  “Fine.” She smiles leaning into me. “I got a little sick this morning, but since then, I’ve been okay.”

  “I don’t like that you were sick without me there to take care of you.” I frown, moving my hands to her stomach.

  “I wasn’t sick, just nauseous, and it’s normal, so get that look off your face.” She shakes her head smiling.

  “It’s my job to worry about you,” I remind her. Just then, the door swings open and November comes in with her eyes covered.

  “You two better be decent!” she shouts toward the wall opposite us.

  “Mom, you’re safe.” June laughs, and November uncovers her face and looks at the wall then swings her head toward us. “What are you doing? The reception is starting any minute.”

  “We’re coming now. I just wanted a few minutes alone with my wife,” I tell her, gently tucking June into my side.

  “Oh,” she says softly, looking between the two of us. “You could have just said that.”

  “You’re in Momzilla mode. You would have stopped us,” June informs her, and November’s lips twitch.

  “True,” she agrees with a sigh. “I’ll give you a few more minutes, but then I’m dragging you both out of here.”

  “We’ll be out in a second, Mom,” June says, and November nods then looks at me, and barks, “Don’t mess up her hair. You still have pictures to take,” before leaving the room, shutting the door behind her.

  “Are you sure I can’t take off your dress?” I ask, hearing November shout through the door, “Do it and die, Evan!”

  Covering June’s laughing mouth with my own, I pray silently that the night ends quickly.

  “Are you having fun?” June asks from my side, and I look at her beautiful face then around the large, open room. Seeing all of our friends and family has made me realize how lucky I am. I may have had a shit childhood and fucked-up parents, who still to this day haven’t gotten it together enough to think about their son, but I have good men at my back, and a woman at my side who fits me perfectly. And really, what else is there to ask for in life?



  Four years later

  Finally catching my daughter, who I’m pretty sure was put on this earth to make me nuts, I swing her up into my arms and turn to face an older gentleman when he taps me on my shoulder.

  “Yes?” I ask, holding Tia’s tiny hands down, so she can’t bop me in the face as she yells for candy, candy, candy, which she is not getting any of. She doesn’t need candy. Her on veggies and fruit is bad. Her on candy is my worst nightmare.

  “Is that your boy?” the man asks, stepping to the side, and when he does, I feel my lips press tight.

  I want to say no, that the little adorable hellion isn’t mine, but he is—or he’s all his dad’s. “He’s mine,” I murmur, taking my daughter with me toward her brother, Conner, who is apparently using the automatic popcorn butter-dispensing machine to wash his hands in butter.

  “Jesus,” I hear Evan rumble from behind me, as the weight of his hand settles against my lower back. “I was gone for two minutes,” he mutters in astonishment.

  “Yep,” I agree, trying not to laugh. “That is all yours.” I watch him approach Conner, tug his hands out from under the streaming river of butter, and grab some napkins. Our life is insane, complete chaos. There is never a dull moment, but there is also never a moment I don’t appreciate what we have.

  The End

  Until Ashlyn


  “Hey, Mom,” I greet, tucking my phone between my ear and shoulder as I shove another dress and matching heels into my suitcase. I can’t help but smile while I do because Dillon will likely flip his lid when he sees my choices in attire for the weekend, but there is not one damn thing he can do about it since we won’t be in the office. So technically, his stupid rules don’t apply.

  “Are you all packed?”

  “Almost.” I sigh, looking at the clock and realize I only have ten minutes to finish before my cab is set to arrive. I wasn’t planning on going to Vegas for the dental convention but Dillon insisted that he needed me with him, and like an idiot, I agreed, so now I’m stuck packing last minute.

  “Is Dillon picking you up?”

  “No. I’m meeting him there. His flight left this afternoon.”

  “Oh.” She lets out a defeated breath and I roll my eyes. My mom is convinced that Dillon and I are meant to be together. Snort “Is it just you and him going?”

  “I hope so. I swear if the wicked witch shows up, I’ll sell her on the strip to the highest bidder, or pay someone to take her out to the desert and drop her off,” I grumble, digging under my bed for my BOB, just in case of an emergency.

  “Call me if you need an alibi.” She laughs and I smile, shaking my head while dropping my BOB into my suitcase.

nbsp; “I’ll call,” I mutter, heading to the bathroom so I can gather my shower supplies.

  “He’s so nice I don’t understand why he’s with her.” she says quietly, and I grit my teeth. Dillon is annoying, bossy, and—fine he can be nice sometimes, plus he’s uber hot—but I hate him. Okay, I don’t hate him but I really, really want to hate him.

  “I don’t know mom.”

  “Oh well, so how long are you going to be gone for?”

  “Just the weekend. My flight gets back in Monday night around seven.”

  “Promise you’ll call everyday and check in.”

  “I’ll call or text,” I agree, grabbing my makeup case from under the bathroom cupboard.

  “Please try and have some fun while you’re there. Make Dillon take you out to a nice dinner or dancing.”

  Snorting I mutter, “Sure, Mom. I love you. I’ll message when I land.”

  “Okay, honey,”

  “Tell Dad I love him.”

  “Will do,” she agrees softly, before I hang up and shove my cell into my back pocket. Looking at the clock, I let out a quiet curse then get my ass in gear and finish packing, so I don’t miss my flight.


  Dragging my bag behind me toward the reception desk, I’m stunned by how many people are here wearing nametags, stating they are here for the dental convention. Dillon mentioned that this weekend was one of the largest gatherings of dentists in the United States, but sheesh! This is crazy. Finally making it to the front of the line, I smile at the cutie behind the desk and slide my sunglasses into my hair.

  “How can I help you, gorgeous?” he asks once I’m close. I set my purse on the counter and pull out my ID, handing it over to him.

  “Hi, I have a reservation.” I yawn, covering my mouth while I listen to the sound of slot machines going off in the distance. I love the slots, or penny slots, to be exact, since I’m too chicken to play the real slots.

  “I’m sorry,” He slides my ID back towards me. “There’s not a reservation under your name. Are you sure you’re staying with us?”

  “I’m positive. It may be under my boss’s name, Dillon Keck. He made the reservations,” I say, and he starts to type again then smiles.

  “Got it. I see here that Mr. Keck has already checked in and requested we give you your own key to the suite upon arrival.”

  “Uh, what?” I frown, feeling something close to panic fill my stomach. “Are you saying he’s staying in that room, too?”

  “Yes, it’s a suite with two king beds and a view of the strip.”

  “I don’t care about the view or how many beds are in the room, it’s one room.” I panic, leaning half over the counter, trying to see his computer screen. “Please tell me you have another room?”

  “I’m sorry, but we’re completely booked. This is one of our busiest weekends of the year.”

  “Of course it is.” I shake my head. “Can you recommend another hotel?” I plea.

  He shakes his head no. “Sorry, I doubt there will be any openings most people book this weekend a year in advance.”

  “Of course, a year in advance that makes complete sense.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “It’s okay, totally okay.” I squeeze my eyes closed then drop my head to the top of the counter. “It’s not a big deal. I can share a room with him, we’re both adults, adults share rooms, it will be like a sleep over.” I whisper, balling my hands into fists.

  “Um, so do you want me to get you your key?”

  Opening my eyes I lift my head and, blurt. “I don’t like him.”

  “Um.” He looks at me like I’m crazy and I may be.

  “And I’m definitely not attracted to him.” I keep on and his face softens.

  “Call down and check. Sometimes we have people call off their reservations last minute,” he holds out the small envelope with the room key tucked inside. “You never know, something might open up.”

  “Sure, I’ll call,” I agree, wondering what the hell I did to deserve this kind of karma.

  About The Author

  NEW YORK TIMES & USA TODAY BESTSELLING AUTHOR Aurora Rose Reynolds started writing so that the over the top alpha men that lived in her head would leave her alone. When she’s not writing or reading she spends her days with her very own real life alpha who loves her as much as the men in her books love their women and their Great Dane Blue that always keeps her on her toes.

  For more information on books that are in the works or just to say hello, follow me on Facebook:





  Aurora she would love to hear from you [email protected]

  Sign up now for Aurora’s Alpha-Mailing list where you can keep up to date with what’s going on.

  And don’t forget to stop by her website to find out about new releases, or to order signed books.

  Other books by this Author

  The Until Series

  Until November – NOW AVAILABLE

  Until Trevor – NOW AVAILABLE

  Until Lilly – NOW AVAILABLE

  Until Nico – NOW AVAILABLE


  Underground Kings Series

  Assumption – NOW AVAILABLE

  Obligation – NOW AVAILABLE

  Distraction – NOW AVAILABLE








  Shooting Stars series

  Fighting to breathe – Now available

  Wide open spaces – Coming soon

  Alpha Law CA ROSE

  Justified – NOW AVAILABLE

  Liability – NOW AVAILABLE

  Verdict – Coming Soon


  First, I want to give thanks to God, without him none of this would be possible.

  Second, I want to thank my husband. I love you now and always. Thank you for looking after our sweet boy so I could finish this book.

  Thank you Mom for everything. Thank you for flying out to help out during the first weeks of JC’s life so that I could get this book done.

  Kayla, you know I adore you woman. Thank you for all your hard work and for being an editing rock star.

  PREMA Editing, thank you for everything from your amazing advice to your hard work. I love working with you. I really love that I learn something new with each edit.

  Thank you to my cover designer and friend Sara Eirew. Your design and photography skills are unbelievable. I love that you accept my craziness and that you know what I’m looking for even when I just have a vague idea. This cover is as gorgeous as all the others.

  Thank you to TRSOR. You girls are always so hard working, I will forever be thankful for everything you do. Lisa, I love you woman.

  To every Blog and reader, thank you for taking the time to read and share my books. There would never be enough ink in the world to acknowledge you all but I will forever be grateful to each of you.

  XOXO Aurora



  Aurora Rose Reynolds, Until June

  (Series: Until Her # 2)




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