“Better?” Mei asked as she finished cleaning up.
Well now you can pick me up and pet me anytime.
Mei knew just what they were thinking and was still having trouble adjusting to being able to sense her pet's thoughts.
“I’d love spending time petting you,” she said. “But I really should go back downstairs and see if I can figure out what is preventing us from contacting anyone outside the asteroidnet. I promise a snuggle later. Okay?”
Maow and Poo both gave a Brrrt! in approval and settled back down.
“Thanks for your help,” said Larry catching Mei’s attention as she walked towards the stairs. “Let me know if you figure out what’s happened to me and..,” Larry pointed outside again with two of his many legs.
“I will, I promise.”
Mei reached up to a shelf and pulled off a small baby monitor.
“My dad and I use this to keep in touch with each other when one of us is down in the safe house and the other is up in the greenhouse.” explained Mei, as she turned on the monitor and placed it down by Larry's web. “NORA, my computer companion will relay your messages from the monitor down in my bedroom. This way we can reach each other anytime we want.”
“That’s great!” said Larry excitedly. “Hi NORA. Can you here me?” he asked into the monitor.
“I can hear you quite clearly,” replied NORA, "Through both the monitor downstairs and the mic on Mei’s wrist."
"Well pardon moi!" replied Larry his tiny voice packed with sarcasm.
Mei finished cleaning up her watering supplies and headed down the stairs. Maow and Poo realizing her chores were done raced to catch up.
Talking spiders and sensing what my cats and the plants are thinking, what else could this day possibly bring? she thought in wonder.
Chapter 2