Page 24 of Immortal in Death

  ‘Some men work fast.’ She offered a hand so the dresser could clasp on a half dozen jangling bracelets.

  ‘A public fight, plenty of witnesses, even some handy media coverage. You know, on the face of things, it makes your dual alibis hold more water. If I was the kind of cop to believe in the face of things.’

  Jerry turned to the mirror to check the line of her costume. ‘What do you want, Dallas? I’m working here.’

  ‘Me, too. Let me tell you how I see it, Jerry. You and your pal had a little deal going with Pandora. But she’s greedy. It looks like she’s going to screw you and your partners. A handy thing happens. Mavis comes in, there’s a fight. For a sharp woman like you, that could spark an idea.’

  Jerry picked up a glass, knocked back the sparkling sapphire contents. ‘You’ve already got two suspects, Dallas. Who’s being greedy now?’

  ‘Did the three of you discuss it? You, Justin, and Redford? You and Justin go off and solidify an alibi. Redford doesn’t. Maybe he’s not as smart. Maybe you were supposed to back him up, too, but you didn’t. He takes her to Leonardo’s. You’re waiting. Did things get out of hand then? Which one of you picked up the cane?’

  ‘This is ludicrous. Justin and I were at his place. Security verifies that. If you want to accuse me of something, bring a warrant. Until then, back off.’

  ‘Were you and Justin smart enough not to contact each other since the fight? I don’t think he’s got your control, Jerry. In fact, I’m banking on it. We’ll have the transmission records by morning.’

  ‘So what if he called me? So what?’ Jerry raced to the doorway as Eve strolled away. ‘It doesn’t prove anything. You’ve got nothing.’

  ‘I’ve got another dead body.’ Eve paused, looked back. ‘I don’t suppose either one of you are going to alibi each other for last night, are you?’

  ‘Bitch.’ Incensed, Jerry heaved the glass, catching a hapless dresser in the shoulder. ‘You’re not hanging anything on me. You’ve got nothing.’

  As the noise and confusion of backstage rose to a new level, Mavis shut her eyes. ‘Oh, Dallas. How could you? Leonardo needs her for ten more changes.’

  ‘She’ll do her job. She wants the spotlight too much not to. I’m going to find Roarke.’

  ‘He’s out front,’ Mavis said wearily as Leonardo rushed over to soothe his star. ‘Don’t go out there looking like that. Put this on. It’s already been run. Without the overdress and the scarves, no one will recognize it.’

  ‘I’m just going to—’

  ‘Please. It would mean a lot if you were wearing one of his designs out front. It’s a simple line, Dallas. And I’ll find some shoes that fit you somewhere.’

  Fifteen minutes later, with her torn clothes stuffed in her bag, Eve spotted Roarke in the front row. He was applauding politely as a trio of large-breasted models jiggled wildly in transparent rompers.

  ‘Great. Just what we want to see women wearing when they walk down Fifth.’

  Roarke lifted a shoulder. ‘Actually, a great many of his designs are very attractive. And I wouldn’t mind seeing you in that number on the right.’

  ‘Keep dreaming.’ She crossed her legs and the flow of black satin over them whispered in response. ‘How long do we have to stay?’

  ‘Until the bitter end. When did you buy this?’ He ran a fingertip over the narrow straps draped over her biceps.

  ‘I didn’t. Mavis made me put it on. It’s one of his without the frills.’

  ‘Keep it. It suits you.’

  She only grunted. Her torn jeans suited her mood a great deal better. ‘Ah, here comes the diva.’

  Jerry glided out, and at each step of her dainty glass shoes, the runway exploded into color. Eve paid little attention to the billowing balloon skirt and sheer bodice that caused such a furor of approval from the attendees. She watched Jerry’s face, and only her face as fashion critics murmured busily into their recorders and dozens of buyers ordered frantically from their porta-links.

  Jerry’s face was serene as she waved aside dozens of muscular young men who prostrated themselves in front of her. She sold the outfit with graceful twists and turns and clever choreography that had her stepping nimbly onto a pyramid of hard male bodies.

  The crowd applauded. Jerry posed, then aimed icy blue eyes at Eve.

  ‘Ouch,’ Roarke murmured. ‘I’d say that was a direct hit. Is there something I should know?’

  ‘She’d like to rip my face off,’ Eve said mildly. ‘My mission has been a success.’ Satisfied, she sat back and prepared to enjoy the rest of the show.

  ‘Did you see? Dallas, did you see?’ After a quick pirouette, Mavis threw her arms around Eve. ‘At the finale they actually stood up for him. Even Hugo.’

  ‘Who the hell is Hugo?’

  ‘He’s only the biggest name in the business. He cosponsored the show, but that was with Pandora. If he’d pulled out - well, he didn’t, thanks to Jerry stepping in. Leonardo’s on his way. He can pay back his debts. The orders are already pouring in. He’ll have his own showroom now, and in a few months, they’ll be Leonardo’s everywhere.’

  ‘That’s great then.’

  ‘Everything’s working out.’ Mavis fussed with her face in the mirror of the ladies’ lounge. ‘I have to find another gig, and I’ll wear his designs exclusively. Things are going to go back to the way they should be. They are, aren’t they, Dallas?’

  ‘They’re heading that way. Mavis, did Leonardo go to Jerry Fitzgerald, or the other way around?’

  ‘For the show? He went to her originally. Pandora suggested it.’

  Wait, Eve thought, how did I miss this step? ‘Pandora wanted him to ask Jerry to model in his show?’

  ‘It was just like her.’ On impulse, Mavis took out a tube and removed her lip dye. She studied her naked mouth a moment, then chose a container of Berry Crush. ‘She knew Jerry wouldn’t play second lead, not to her, even though there was a lot of good buzz about the designs. So asking her was a kind of dig, you know. She could say yes, and take the backseat, or say no and miss being in one of the hottest shows of the season.’

  ‘And she said no.’

  ‘Made out like she had previous commitments. Saving face. But the minute Pandora was out of the picture, she called Leonardo and offered to fill in.’

  ‘How much will she make?’

  ‘For the show? She’ll get about a mil, but that’s nothing. The headliner gets to pick her fashions at a wholesaler’s discount, an endorsement fee for each wearing. Then there’s the media clause.’

  ‘Which is?’

  ‘Well, the big models get it to go on the fashion channels, the talk channels and all that. They get to pump up the designs and get paid for the appearances. Exposure and big bucks for the next six months, with an option to renew. She could rake in five, six mil plus bennies from this one appearance.’

  ‘Nice work if you can get it. She profits in excess of six million from Pandora’s death.’

  ‘You could look at it that way. It’s not as if she was hurting before, Dallas.’

  ‘Maybe not. But she sure as hell isn’t hurting now. She’ll put in an appearance at this postshowing party?’

  ‘Sure. She and Leonardo are the stars. We’d better get out there if we want any food. Those fashion critics are like hyenas. They don’t even leave bones.’

  ‘You’ve been around Jerry and the others for a while now,’ Eve began as they made their way back to the ballroom. ‘Anybody using?’

  ‘Jesus, Dallas.’ Uncomfortable, Mavis shrugged. ‘I’m not a weasel.’

  ‘Mavis.’ Eve tugged her into an alcove resplendent with potted ferns. ‘Don’t take that line with me. Is anyone using?’

  ‘Hell, sure, there’s some shit around. Poppers mostly, and a lot of Zero Appetite. It’s a tough business, and not all the low-tier models can afford body sculpting. You’ve got a few illegals filtered through, but it’s mostly over the counter.’


?She’s into health shit. That drink she guzzles. She smokes a little, but it’s some special blend for soothing nerves. I’ve never seen her use anything dicey. But . . .’


  ‘Well, she’s real territorial about her stuff, you know? Couple of days ago one of the other girls wasn’t feeling well. Dragging from a late night. She started to cop a taste of Jerry’s blue juice, and Jerry went nuts. Wanted to have her fired.’

  ‘Interesting. Wonder what’s in it.’

  ‘Some vegetable extract. She claims it’s made up for her metabolism. She made some noise about going on the market with it, endorsing.’

  ‘I need a sample. I haven’t got enough for a search or confiscation warrant.’ She paused, considered, smiled. ‘But I think I know how to fix that. Let’s go party.’

  ‘What are you going to do? Dallas.’ Doubling her pace, Mavis caught up with Eve’s long strides. ‘I don’t like that look in your eye. Don’t cause any trouble. Please, come on. It’s Leonardo’s big night.’

  ‘I bet a little more media coverage will increase his sales.’

  She stepped into the ballroom where the crowd was gyrating on the dance floor or huddled around the tables of food. Spotting Jerry, Eve started over. Roarke caught her eye and crossed to her.

  ‘Suddenly you look like a cop.’


  ‘I’m not sure it was a compliment. Are you about to cause a scene?’

  ‘I’m going to do my best. Want to keep your distance?’

  ‘Not on your life.’ Intrigued, he took her hand and walked with her.

  ‘Congratulations on a successful show,’ Eve began, edging aside a fawning critic to stand face to face with Jerry.

  ‘Thank you.’ Jerry raised a glass of champagne. ‘But from what I’ve seen, you’re not exactly a fashion expert.’ She sent Roarke a melting look. ‘Though you do appear to have excellent taste in men.’

  ‘Better than yours. Did you hear Justin Young was spotted at the Privacy Club tonight with a redhead? A redhead who bore a remarkable resemblance to Pandora.’

  ‘You lying bitch. He wouldn’t—’ Jerry caught herself, hissed gently through her teeth. ‘I told you, I don’t care who he sees or what he does.’

  ‘Why would you? It’s true though, isn’t it, that after a certain number of sessions, body sculpting and facial enhancements don’t completely fight reality. I suppose Justin wanted a taste of youth. Men are such pigs.’ Eve accepted a glass of champagne from a roving waiter and took a sip. ‘Not that you don’t look wonderful. For your age. Those harsh stage lights just tend to make a woman look . . . mature.’

  ‘Fuck you.’ Jerry dashed the contents of her glass in Eve’s face.

  ‘Thought that would do it,’ Eve murmured as she blinked her stinging eyes. ‘That’s assaulting an officer. You’re under arrest.’

  ‘Take your hands off me.’ Incensed, Jerry shoved Eve back.

  ‘Add resisting arrest. This must be my lucky night.’ In two quick moves, Eve had Jerry’s arm twisted up and behind her back. ‘We’ll just call a uniform to take you in. It shouldn’t take you long to make bail. Now, behave so I can read you your rights on the way out.’ She shot Roarke a sunny smile. ‘I won’t be long.’

  ‘Take your time, Lieutenant.’ He plucked up Eve’s champagne and drank it himself. He gave her ten minutes, then wandered out of the ballroom.

  She was standing at the hotel entrance, watching Jerry being loaded into a cruiser.

  ‘What was that for?’

  ‘I needed to buy some time and some probable cause. The suspect showed violent tendencies and a nervous manner, indicative of drug use.’

  Cops, Roarke thought. ‘You pissed her off, Eve.’

  ‘That, too. She’ll be out almost before they get her in. I’ve got to move.’

  ‘Where?’ he demanded as they hurried around the ballroom to the backstage area.

  ‘I need a sample of that stuff she likes to drink. The assault gives me clearance - if we bend things a little. I want it analyzed.’

  ‘You honestly think she’s using illegals that blatantly?’

  ‘I think people like her - like Pandora and Young and Redford - are incredibly arrogant. They’ve got money, looks, a certain amount of power and prestige. It makes them feel above the law.’ She sent him a look as she slipped into Pandora’s dressing room. ‘You have the same tendencies.’

  ‘Thank you so much.’

  ‘Lucky for you, I came along to keep you on the straight and narrow. Watch the door, will you? If she’s got a quick lawyer, I’m not going to have time to finish this.’

  ‘The straight and narrow, naturally,’ Roarke commented and stationed himself at the door as she searched the room.

  ‘Christ, there’s a fortune in cosmetic enhancements.’

  ‘It is her business, Lieutenant.’

  ‘Vanity’s costing her several hundred K a year, I’d say, just on the topicals. Christ knows what she spends in ingestives and sculpting. If I could just find a little of that nice powder.’

  ‘You’re looking for Immortality?’ He let out a laugh. ‘She may be arrogant, but she doesn’t look stupid.’

  ‘Maybe you’re right.’ She opened the door of a friggie and smiled. ‘But she’s got a container of that drink in here. A locked container.’ Pursing her lips, Eve looked toward Roarke. ‘I don’t suppose you could . . .’

  ‘Veer from the straight and narrow.’ He sighed, walked over, and studied the lock on the clear bottle. ‘Sophisticated. She’s not taking any chances with it. The bottle’s unbreakable from the look of it.’ His fingers played over the lock mechanism as he spoke. ‘Find me a nail file, a hair clip, something like that, will you?’

  Eve pushed through the drawers. ‘Will this do?’

  Roarke frowned at the tiny pair of manicure scissors. ‘Close enough.’ He jiggled the lock with the points, finessed, and stepped back. ‘There you are.’

  ‘You’re awfully good at that.’

  ‘Just a small, insignificant talent, Lieutenant.’

  ‘Right.’ She dug in her bag, pulled out an evidence holder. She filled it with a couple of ounces. ‘That should be more than enough.’

  ‘Would you like me to relock it? It would only take a moment.’

  ‘Don’t bother. We can swing by the lab on the way.’

  ‘On the way to?’

  ‘To where I’ve got Peabody staked out. Justin Young’s back door.’ She started out, flicking him a smile. ‘You know, Roarke, Jerry was right about one thing. I have pretty good taste in men.’

  ‘Darling, your taste is impeccable.’

  Chapter Seventeen

  Being hooked up with a rich man had a number of disadvantages in Eve’s mind, but it had one overwhelming plus. That was food. On the way back across town she managed to stuff herself to bursting with chicken Kiev from the fully stocked AutoChef in his car.

  ‘Nobody has chicken Kiev in their car unit,’ she said with her mouth full.

  ‘They do if they run around with you. Otherwise you’d live off soy burgers and irradiated powdered eggs.’

  ‘I hate irradiated powdered eggs.’

  ‘Exactly.’ It pleased him to hear her chuckle. ‘You’re in a rare old mood, Lieutenant.’

  ‘It’s coming together, Roarke. They’ll drop charges on Mavis by Monday morning, and by then I’ll have the bastards. It was all money,’ she said and dabbed up grains of wild rice with her fingers. ‘Fucking money. Pandora was the connection to Immortality, and those three high flyers wanted their share.’

  ‘So they lured her to Leonardo’s and killed her.’

  ‘Leonardo’s was probably her idea. She wasn’t letting go there, and she was revved to fight. Gave them the perfect opportunity and setting. Mavis walking in was just icing. They’d have left Leonardo hanging by his balls, otherwise.’

  ‘Not to question your quick, agile, and suspicious mind, by why not just whack her in an alley? If you’re right, the
y’d done it before.’

  ‘So they wanted some staging this time.’ She moved her shoulders. ‘Hetta Moppett was a potential loose end. One of them confronted her, likely questioned her, then got rid of her. Better not to chance whatever Boomer had let slip during sex.’

  ‘Then Boomer came next.’

  ‘He knew too much, had too much. It’s not likely he knew about all three of them. But he’d nailed at least one, and when he spotted that one in the club, he went underground. They managed to get him out, tortured him, killed him. But they didn’t have time to go back and get the stuff.’

  ‘All for profit?’

  ‘For profit, and if that analysis comes out the way I think it will, for Immortality. Pandora was on it, no question. My take is that whatever Pandora had or wanted, Jerry Fitzgerald wanted to have more. You’ve got a drug that makes you look good, younger, sexier. It could be worth a fortune to her professionally. Not to mention her ego.’

  ‘But it’s lethal.’

  ‘That’s what they say about smoking, but I’ve seen you light up some tobacco.’ She arched a brow at him. ‘Unprotected sex was lethal during the latter half of the twentieth century. Didn’t stop people from fucking strangers. Guns are lethal, but we spent decades getting them off the street. Then—’

  ‘Point taken. Most of us think we’re going to live forever. Did you do testing on Redford?’

  ‘We did. He’s clean. Doesn’t mean his hands are any less bloody. I’m going to lock the three of them away for the next fifty years.’

  Roarke eased the car to a stop at a light, turned to look at her. ‘Eve, are you after them for murder, or for messing with the life of your friend?’

  ‘The results are the same.’

  ‘Your feelings aren’t.’

  ‘They hurt her,’ she said tightly. ‘They put her through hell. Forced me to help them put her through it. She lost her job, and a lot of her confidence. They’re going to pay for that.’

  ‘All right. I only have one thing to say.’