Page 11 of Abba's Apocalypse

  Chapter 11: The Message

  There is a combined presence of brothers and sisters waiting to welcome us in. We are propped up with friendly embraces that give us a chance to catch our breaths. Immediately, Tiffany feels the unconditional love of her new family now engulfing her with their open arms. After I compose myself, I introduce Tiffany. “This is our new sister Tiffany,” I inform the inquiring minds. In my heart though, I will always have a secret spot that will regard her as the daughter I never had. I watch as the ladies warmly whisk her along in their procession of questions and comments; and to help attend to her needs. In the excitement Tiffany looks over her shoulder and finds me. I see her weeping and know this time it is tears of happiness. I realize these tears will purge the loneliness and fear she’s felt for so long, as the river banks of her heart overflow with this new joy and love. I signal Tiffany “its okay.” Now I know how the first day of school must feel for a father. Now she knows a mother’s love.

  Scotty and Gary heel alongside me impatiently pleading for details. I am eager to eat, cleanup, and rest. All they want is news. Pastor Paul is coming to join me, as I move towards the make shift cafeteria. “Where did you find her? Did you see any LD?” Scotty asks. I approach Dave and Randy and request a cup of coffee. Gary attempts to speed the information process by telling me to sit, while he gets me food and coffee. “I see we have a new member,” Paul cordially comments. As I sit, he continues by stating, “I guess we both have new news to share.” I swipe the approaching coffee cup out of the hurrying hands of Gary. They’re all eager to hear all my remarks, but “Ahhh” are my first words after downing a gulp. “Brown rice and gravy again,” are my next, as Gary sets my lunch plate down. Paul seems anxious to give us the latest news he heard while monitoring the radio. I ensue eating and drinking amidst Paul’s heralding huddle.

  Paul tells us amazing news. The internet that was knocked out over the entire North America continent during the EMP blast will again be active soon. Paul found an automated message repeating over and over on several different shortwave radio bands. “Trinity” is in the process of reestablishing the internet, and will begin transmitting next week. At first, this seems wonderful, but Paul thinks something dastardly is up. The first broadcast we have to look forward to is being called, “The Message of ‘Trinity’.” The repeating advertisement gives the web address along with dates and times the message will air. “Trinity’s” intent and desire seems crystal clear. They wish to indoctrinate the world to their message of salvation; which is really damnation.

  This idea raises many questions. Do they think there are enough Irreverent with working computers on the continent to receive their message? Where do they expect them to get the electricity to power it up? Do they think we will risk detection to hear their message? They must realize some of us know these signals can be traced. Some good has come out of this. While shortwave is an entirely different animal, when it comes to cutting through the airway static, receiving internet requires higher frequency. The airwaves must now be clear enough of residual electronic distortion for them to broadcast in these higher frequencies. And, they must have found a way to restore the satellites needed to broadcast. If they can use it maybe we can too.

  Paul overheard other news worthy information. He monitored alerts about plagues breaking out in pockets seemingly everywhere on the planet. He intercepted intercontinental communications from “Trinity’s” worldwide operations. Paul explains he was able to determine there must be a new type of plague. The entire rotting dead, due to the meteor event leading to increasing starvation, is only part of the contributing plague problem. Request for new types of virus medicine suggests this sickness must be different. Evidentially, the current medication is no longer able to work.

  Either the viral strain is mutating, or this plague is due to something new all together. Both are extreme reasons to worry. But, we realize we have divine protection here.

  I finish my meal as the brothers discuss keeping this new information “under our hats.” We figure it will only excite everyone, and there is no need to know-at least for now. My main concern is how I might increase getting the “message of salvation” out to the Irreverent still out there before the plague hits here. We decide to have a secret meeting later to discuss what may lie ahead. I finish the conversation by telling the guys about how I came to find Tiffany. They are fascinated to hear about her miraculous rescue. This event helps reassure us God is on our side.

  “Fellows, I need to go wash up, and then get some sleep.” My announcement briefly interrupts their continuing conversation as stand up to leave. “Oh, glad to see you made it back okay!” Dave yells at a distance. I wave my salutation back to him as I venture off for some much needed “shut eye.”

  I feel like I just fell asleep when I hear a friendly voice waking me. She gently slides her fingernails over the undershirt on my back. “Come on Mr. Story teller. It’s time to get up.” I turn over slowly while stretching the sleepiness from my weary bones. I manage to squeeze out between my yawns, “Well, hello stranger.” I see Tiffany sitting on the edge on my cot patiently smiling. I wonder how long I’ve been asleep as I rip open my watch cover. She informs me I’ve been out for eight hours plus. My watch confirms it by showing me it is 9:45 pm. “Did you get some rest?” I ask. “Not as much as you, but I’m fine.” I force myself to sit up and spin to the side of my cot. “Did the ladies take care of you?” I see her hair looks clean and brushed. She also smells pleasant. “Yeah, I made a lot of new friends. I really like Katie though. She helped me set up my own private living area and decorate it.” Tiffany seems excited and happy. She invites me to come “check it out,” as she grabs and pulls me up. I’m in no mood to refuse the young lady.

  Tiffany’s holding hand is leading me to the area called the “Singles Quarter.” It is sectioned off with walls of anything the women could find and join together. As we approach Tiffany’s cubical I see its walls are a combination of old boxes, wooden pallets, and several pieces of worn and torn carpet. She pulls me into her private section, looking at me to see my reaction. I immediately notice her improvised dresser displaying most of her neatly folded items. She points to it and explains what each compartment of the stacked milk creates are for. Next to her bed is a nightstand made of boxes. It holds just two items. One is her hairbrush. The other is a picture of her father. She gives me a funny look as I bend to get a closer look at his picture. I compliment her on her living arrangement and then tell her, “I expect you to keep this place neat young lady.” She doesn’t say a word; she rather wraps her arms around me and squeezes me tightly instead. “Thank you Joey. I will.” I see on her cot a small plush animal. I bend down for a closer look at the creature while Tiffany states, “His name is Joey Junior. A lady named Amanda gave him to me.” She grabs the dirty critter and cuddles it in her rocking arms. I ask her if we can sit and talk for a few minutes. I turn and sit while patting the top of her cot with my inviting hand. She turns and joins me.

  “I have a little present for you Tiffany.” I hand her my spare tiny “New Testament Bible.” She tenderly retrieves the book from me and immediately notices the fresh smell of the paper pages. I ask her if she knows why it smells so sweet. I inform her it’s because the pages contain God’s breath. She tilts her head cockeyed wondering what I mean. I ask her what she knows about Jesus and a place called Heaven. What she tells me saddens me. She believes it’s a place where good people go when they die. This is what her father told her. I am afraid to inform her that daddy was wrong, but I have to give her the true message.

  “Honey, would you let me see your Bible?” She hands it to me as I fumble through the pages to “Ephesians” 2:8.

  I ask her what she thinks good is. “I don’t know. I guess if I do more good things than bad things in my life then I’m good.” I try to explain how God is perfect and requires us to be perfect. “No one is perfect!” she abruptly commands. I figure I hit a nerve that is causing her to realize wh
ere her father maybe. I comfort her with a hug and the words, “Honey, you’re right. None of us are. We can never be good enough for our perfect creator God. We can never do enough good things to please God. He requires perfection. He requires holiness. He regards our good works to be like filthy rags in value to Him.” My heart sinks as I watch all her new found joy turning into a sea of tears. “What are you saying Joey? We’re all going to Hell!” I increase my grip of comfort. “No honey, not at all! There is a way to get to Heaven. There is a perfect way to get there.”

  I proceed to read the passage that explains the way to gain God’s perfection. It is the message of grace through faith, and not by anything we do. I explain, “God cannot be in the presences of sin. Anything that we’ve ever done wrong in our lives is called sin. It separates us from a relationship with God. Even if it is just one tiny “white lie” in our whole life we are covered in sin. But, God loves us so much that He decided to pay the penalty for every one of our sins. The only way to remove sin is with the blood of a perfect sinless sacrifice.” I go on to explain how the son of God named Jesus loves each one of us so much that He was willing to pay the price and conquered the eternal separation from God. He is the only one able to meet the perfect requirements established by God. His terrible crucifixion and wonderful resurrection are the final acts in conquering sin. I finish by explaining that “God’s perfect justice was served through the sacrifice of Jesus.”

  “Would you like Jesus to give you redemption? If you truly want salvation you just have to believe his promise, and ask Him to come into your heart.” I tell her to repeat after me. “Jesus, I am sorry for my sins. Please forgive me. Will you come live in me forever and ever? I want a special relationship with you and to live with you forever in eternity.”She repeats those heartfelt words humbly and asks, “What’s next?” I give her a big hug and say, “Listen to Him by reading His word called the ‘Holy Bible’. This will instruct and guide you in your relationship with Him. It’s not what you do from now on, but whom you trust in. This is called faith.” She stares with such surprise in her eyes. “Is that it?” I just nod and smile, “Yes.” I watch her face as she feels His Holy Spirit filling the void that once filled her empty heart and life. “Welcome Tiffany. You are now what most would call a Christian, or a Christ follower.” She smiles at me through the simplicity of it all. I realize this one act of faith answers those questions we all seek: where do we come from, why am I here, what is my purpose, and is there anything more. The inherent nagging of our hearts seeking answers to these epic questions disappears with the only answer that really matters. “Yes Tiffany, you are now saved for Jesus Christ, because you put your faith in what He did! Heaven will be our eternal home.”

  I kiss her forehead and tell her not to worry about trying to understand everything that just happened. “Just remember to always have faith that God now lives inside you. He loves you. Even if you mess up he is faithful to forgive you. He will not condemn you, but rather convict you to repent.” I suggest that she start reading in the first gospel of “Matthew.” I inform her that this book will show her the life of Jesus and the message of the cross. I leave her with a, “Goodnight honey,” while watching her curiosity to learn about Jesus take over. I smile with joy and fulfillment as I depart. I take with me the feeling that this is one of those perfect moments.

  I stop by my area and grab some stuff from inside my rucksack, and then head out to the dining area. I empty the bag of chalk on a spread out plastic bag I placed on the table. I proceed to crush the chalk into a fine powder. I hear Dave approaching asking if I might want a cup of coffee. This is immediately followed by “What cha do’n?” I tell Dave “Yeah please, I’ll take a cup.” Which I follow it up with: “I’m making medicine.” After pulverizing the chalk I proceed to dump the bag of active carbon that I collected from the school’s air conditioning filters. I slightly crush this and swirl both ingredients together. I ask Dave if there is any water nearby. He quickly brings my coffee and a tin soup can of water. “Perfect” I reply. I add a pinch of rock salt to the mixture and separate half of it by scraping it back into the bag. The other half I slowly add water to, creating a gray paste. I swirl it around mixing it into a slurry substance. Dave leans over my right shoulder observing, while taking mental notes in my science experience. I section off teaspoon size amounts, forming individual squares. Then, each square is split down the middle. I reply to Dave as Randy approaches, “Done!” I reiterate, “Well, at least till it dries and hardens.” Dave asks me, “How is this medicine?” I explain how carbon’s amazing absorption properties removes gases and poisonous chemicals. “The chalk and salt also help neutralize adverse effects, but are mainly to hold this fabrication together. This is great for helping to relieve diarrhea, and many other types of digestive track illnesses. It is also great for absorbing ingested poisons. One last thing, it’s good for filtering chemicals, gases, and biological substances from things like water.” I hear the “ease dropper” Randy reply with, “Wow!” Dave asks, “Where does active carbon come from?” I tell him, “It’s basically charcoal formed by heating wood or other organic compounds. Coconut shells and hardwoods work best.” I warn the guys to let this stuff sit untouched overnight. I tell them I’ll collect it in the morning. I ask the guys where Pastor Paul is. Randy instructs me he is on the roof pulling “watchman” duty. I grab another cup of coffee and refill mine before heading up to visit Paul.

  I carefully ascend up the ladder straddling it with using my right hand, while my left balances the jiggling cups of coffee. I make it up through the hatchway while staring at the perfect night sky looming way over top of me. As I peer through this portal, I notice the stars seem extra crisp and sparkly tonight. I make it onto the roof and see the pastor leaning slightly over the side of the building. He is staring off towards the distant northern sky. I quietly approach him, trying not to startle him. As I approach his position, I whisper, “Paul, it me Joey.” He jolts his head around and sees the dark cups steaming between us. I hold his out to propose he take the gift. He smiles and obliges my offering. I scurry alongside and turn to share with him the star filled sky, my coffee, and my thoughts. We just wonder for a moment at this awesome spectacle of God’s amazing creation.

  Paul continues staring as he comments, “It’s hard to believe there are Angels surrounding us at this very moment.” I lift my cup in a salute to thank the invisible warriors. Paul nods his head up and down and says, “Thank you God.” The cold moisture begins to set in as I feel the tingle tickle my neck. I shake with an unintentional shiver while sounding an unequivocal “Brrr.” My sympathy requests that I know how much more time he has to stay up here. Paul informs me till 1:00 am. I check my watch and see he still has another 45 minutes before his relief comes. He seems dressed warmly enough; as the cold air reminds me that I’m not. I decide to quickly discuss some important topics on my mind before I freeze and catch a “cold.”

  Paul beats me to the punch and states, “I talked with Tiffany, and it seems she has very high regards for you. She told me all about your excursion, and her life story.” I slowly nod my sincere affirmation. I explain the need to step up my pace in finding Irreverent. “I know there are more out there like Tiffany.” I remind Paul that the plagues are coming. Also, the water supply is becoming poisoned, and “Trinity” is escalating its deception. He replies, “I know.” He reminds me that the Bible predicted all these things would happen. I stand as he tells me more about future events that are still pending. I take mental notes and realize I have so much more to do before the situation becomes too impossible. These things beginning to happen now are just a shadow of God’s wrath still to come. We embrace in a shared prayer of conviction,

  divine guidance, and the faith to do His will. We turn back to star staring and find solace in sharing the big beautiful night sky. Paul bends down and retrieves a small blanket just in case he got too chilly. He hands it to me, and we spend his remaining time just gazing and wondering.
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  I wake early to retrieve my homemade medication before the morning crowd moves into the dining area. I retrieve some MRE wrappers I find in the dining area trash can. This stuff will work great in protecting my carbon medication. I find each untouched section on the table, seeing it has dried and harden perfectly. I take the individual pieces, pairing and wrapping them together in their own individual foil. I proceed to bundle it together using a thin slice of wire to secure the wrapper by twisting it tight. I place each packet it in the small plastic bag it originally came from. I conclude by determining I’ve made enough for sixteen doses. “Just in time,” I tell myself, as I hear the rumble of the waking crowd. I return to my area and stash the medicine in my rucksack. This way I’ll be able to bring it with me on future missions. The remaining powder mixture I decide to leave here. I make a note to brief Tiffany, who is the best candidate for medical officer, on how and when to use it. She’ll need to know this before I take off on my next mission. I smell the fresh aroma of coffee and head back over to the dining area for a chance at the first cup of the morning.

  I see Randy leaning over to take a whiff of the large brewing pot. He slowly and cautiously stirs it with his homemade ladle, so not to kick-up the coffee grounds lying along the bottom of his large pot. I venture close enough to remark, “I see Dave must have elevated you to this honorable position.” Randy says nothing in response. He just smiles and stirs while taking a deep sucking breath through his nose. I see Dave appear, as he returns upright from his hidden bent over position. He asks, “Have you seen the ‘Powdered Eggs’ bag?” Randy shrugs his shoulders informing Dave that it’s probably where he left it last. Dave is not real happy with his wise comment.

  I feel a strong hand come from behind me and squeeze my shoulder. It is followed with “How’s my buddy doing?” I turn my head and see the owner of the large pawl come into sight. “Moses! A ‘God’ morning to you too!” Our morning salutation is interrupted by Paul inviting the congregation to an early morning meeting right after breakfast. I have a feeling I know what he’s going to announce. I hurry to drink my coffee while observing the alarmed faces reacting to the urgency of this meeting. Everyone clamors to guess what it will be about as they conjure around the dining area. I proudly gaze at Dave and compliment him on handling the prevailing pressure so well. He nods his head and hurries to finish making breakfast. He flips his scrambled egg creation and says, “Thanks buddy.”

  I finish scraping the scraps off my square plate, that was formerly a floor tile, and then hurry to the meeting area. I want to see if I can talk to Paul first about what he plans to announce. I make it over and find Tiffany alone on the front row seating area patiently waiting. “God morning to you,” I tell her. My gesture temporarily removes this mysterious worry covering her entire face. She replaces it with an ingenuous smile. I move to sit by her as she tells me, “You’re going out again, aren’t you?” I see the concern she has, as my sincere compassion rises. I cannot lie to her, but I don’t want her to feel the way she does either. I stare into her eyes, dumbfounded for the words I should say. She places her hands over her eyes and begins to cry. Then, the words automatically pour out of me. “Honey, don’t worry. I have supernatural protection. Nothing can happen to me unless God allows it. I am on a mission for God.” My words have a mild calming affect that stifles her whimper. “I’ll tell you a little secret.” She refuses to lower her wet hands, but rather leans her head into me, beckoning for my next words. “You’re the first person in a long that cares for me so much,” I say. She drops her hands and immediately tackles me in her embrace.

  Tiffany emphatically states, “But, I don’t want you to go.” I tell her, “Well, maybe accept for that old goblin.” I feel her pressed embrace jiggle up and down as her head stays buried in my chest. I recognize Pastor Paul’s voice approaching as it comingles with several other familiar voices. “Please don’t go,” she implores me. I pat her back, and then hug her. “Tiffany, I want to tell you another secret. No matter what happens to me, we’ll always be together in eternity. When I get to Heaven I’m requesting my own space craft. I plan on exploring this incomprehensible vast universe, and I’ll need a first mate. Will you be my science officer?” She looks at me like I’m crazy, but she knows in her heart I am serious. “God says ‘No man knows, and no eyes have seen the wonders I have in store for those whom love me’.” I ask her if she believes that. I tell her, “Move over Captain Kirk, there’s a new pilot on deck.” She reluctantly laughs, “No Joey, you’ll be my first officer.” I stand to go greet Paul while respectfully replying, “We’ll have to work on that honey.”

  My attempt to intercept Paul before the meeting fizzles into the flood enveloping him. I stop and return to sit at Tiffany’s side preparing for the developing news. Paul takes the podium and prepares for his announcement. The roar of the clamoring wave soon settles on the shore of boxes. Swishing sounds of “shhh” blow over this harbor of apprehension. Paul’s tiding turns the tide to a dead calm, and then warns this crew of the approaching storm. “There is change coming. In view of recent events I’ve had to reconsider our position. Until now, our concern has been on surviving in the sea of turmoil. We’ve been trying to ride the crest of the wave till Jesus returns. That has got to change.” The crowd is so quiet I can hear their hearts’ beat. “Our goal is not found in this world, but in the one to come. I’ve made excuses to God and myself. I believed that a Sheppard should be concerned with his safety in order to protect his flock. And, you are my flock.” I look over this earnest sea of heads as they solemnly bob up and down, assuring the pastor of their affection and devotion. “That was my mission, but it is no more.”

  This smashing surprise causes submerged emotions to surfaces. They lash out and clash on the rock of this church. I hear among the congregation rumblings of, “What are you saying pastor? Are you leaving us?” An eerie quietness emerges among these floundering eyes searching out their beacon of hope. Paul continues on saying, “These are the last days as we know it. All of our purpose should be dedicated to saving all those drowning souls. Therefore, I refuse to stay safely anchored in this harbor of hope and watch eternal death and damnation wash over those lost souls any longer!” Paul’s intimidating charisma leads him to ask, “Who is with me?”

  I watch as every hand raises, and hear every voice rise in agreement to this truth. They realize it’s not Paul they are agreeing with, but the very Spirit of God. For, who can argue with God’s truth? “I hope to organize four different search parties to travel in all four compass directions. After that, I’ll be traveling with Joey!” I look into his staring eyes and am astounded by the veracity of his proclamation. He reminds me of his authority by stating to the audience, “This is not open for debate!” My thunderstruck jaw drops as Tiffany embraces me and the idea by stating, “At least you won’t be alone.” I feel like I’ve just run 99 yards and been tackled just before the goal line.

  I accept this inevitable transition and prepare a new strategy to accommodate the both of us. I decide to wait till tomorrow before implementing it. This should give me enough time to devise a plan of action and employ a system to accomplish it. Paul adjourns the meeting by issuing a request for brave volunteers, asking, “Who is willing to take up his cross and follow me?” I watch as the congregation responds to Paul’s request by seeing many humble men come forward. Moses pries himself away from Katie’s clutch, while kissing her forehead before advancing forward. I can almost hear his voice telling her, “Darling, this is something I just have to do.” I see off in the distance Dave dropping his ladle as one of the crying wives explains to him what’s going on. I proudly watch him abandon his post, and defiantly desert it with the heart of a lion. I see Scotty, Kenny, Jerry, Gary, and Randy march past their fear. I watch six other brothers from the former “Project T” file forward. They mingled in with six more of my new brothers advancing. Even Amanda wishes to join the ranks. I see her bolting between the behemoths with the bravery of a ra
ging bull. Twenty heroic souls now stand near the pastor as he asks, “Ready to be soldiers for Christ?” Every volunteer joins hands as Paul leads us in a prayer of divine providence. We finish the meeting by reassuring one another of our sincere faith. We seal our promise to serve through our congratulating embraces. We take the rest of the day to reflect on our decision with family and friends. Then, we sleep on our decision to serve.

  After breakfast, the volunteers head to the meeting area. I am summoned to the podium as the clamor turns to silence. Paul pats me on the shoulder and introduces me as the “Head of Operation.” “Joey has the experience, knowledge, and proven dedication to lead us. Everyone, listen up and follow his commands.” I turn to Paul and tell him how thrilled I am that he would allow me to so vigorously volunteer. He just smirks at me then pounds my back several times with his hand. I inform the congregation, “My first directive is to ask everyone to choose a partner.” I think it will be best if they pick their own mate. This wisdom will alleviate the possibility of any future regret towards authority, and will allow them to pair up with someone who is most like them. I always found like minds work alike, and get more accomplished in like manner. We’ll need to exploit this advantage to stay ahead of the demonic forces. I inform them that we will be traveling in teams of two towards the four different compass directions. “Eight of us will start our missions on even numbered days, and the other eight will start on odd numbered days. The first group of eight will be called the ‘Alpha’ squads. And, the second will be called the ‘Omega’ squads. The other four remaining individuals will coordinate the missions and handout the next day’s assignments. They will also act as replacements.” After pairing, we flip a coin to see which of the ten pairs will become part of the “Alpha” and “Omega” squads. The pastor and I lay claim to “Alpha E” for east. Each of the remaining candidates is assigned the next available clockwise compass direction. This will help identify each pair and give order to each assignment.

  After choosing the teams I give a short class on “how to maneuver through the terrain unnoticed.” Then, we discuss what signs we should look for that distinguish possible Irreverent from the LD. We then have a quick class on navigation and recognizing your surroundings. Between classes, I send Paul off with a list, to see if he can get some of the ladies to make some needed equipment A.S.A.P. (as soon as possible). Lastly, we discuss the importance of their mission, and what they will carry with them in their journey. The rest of today’s itinerary is then dedicated to mission preparation, open discussion, and rest. I finish with the command, “We move out at first light, so be ready!”

  Pastor Paul joins me as we head to the supply room to see if Moses can fill our list of needed supplies. We stop at the entrance and observe as Moses instructs Katie how to take over his supply room position. She seems more occupied to just being with him these remaining hours than learning the supply room trade. I interrupt Moses by handing him the list of things we’ll need. I watch as he reads the list while scratching his head. Katie’s arms magically appear from behind him, and then wrap around his mid section. “I think we got all this stuff?” Moses replies. I tell him, “We’ll stop back a little later to pick up whatever you’re able to assemble.” We leave the couple alone to spend this remaining special time together.

  A thick cloud of nervousness, weighed down with stirring anxiety hangs over the main living area as we enter. There is no laughter or even arguing, just a steady heavy monotone of sincerity, everywhere. I feel invisible as we pass our friends. Everyone seems hypnotized in helping their loved ones prepare. We make it over to my sleeping quarters as I invite the pastor to sit beside me on the cot. I ask him if he has someone to replace him while he’s on the mission. Paul explains that he has three volunteers who will take turns monitoring the radio. He instructed them to start monitoring and recording anything unusual in around the clock shifts, which they’ll also be doing seven days a week. This drastic change in venue tells me the pastor feels the same change in the wind coming as I do. He finishes by informing me the replacement spiritual leadership will be handled by Brother Sam. Moses arrives with a big box of supplies telling us, “I did what I could.” He sets it down on the floor as Paul and I abruptly start rummaging through it. We begin checking off our list as Carol, who is Dave’s new replacement, sounds the diner alert with Ruth, her new assistant. I look over towards the dining area and see there is no real rush to eat tonight. Katie joins us and grabs her big guy’s arm, and then pulls him along to diner. He asks if we’re going to join them. I tell him, “Save us a couple seats. We’ll be over in a few minutes.”

  I continue searching through the box and am amazed to find two real rucksacks inside. I ask Paul, “Where did these come from?” He tells me that several brothers went and moved most of the supplies from “T” to here. He informs me “They found them when they shuffled the boxes around in the supply room.” Just below these are five improvised travel backpacks. I notice a black “Hello Kitty” decal on one. Paul and I have a welcomed tension relieving laugh. I notice the ladies must have tried to dye this kid’s backpack black. Four other handmade backpacks are sewn together from a painter’s canvas drop cloth. I realize the ladies must have found the canvas lying around. “These will have to do.” I find seven rolled sections of rope, seven bags of basic essentials, seven homemade “first aid” bags, seven water bottles, seven small Bibles, seven homemade knives, thirty two protein bars, and sixteen glow sticks. We hurry to divide the stuff and insert the proper portions into the seven sacks. I reach in my rucksack and take out the medicine I made earlier. I toss equal portions in each basic essential bag along with handwritten instructions on how and when to use it. As we seal the sacks I hear a loud growling sound. Paul informs me he was fasting for divine guidance. I tell him, “Right now God’s telling us to go get some diner.”

  We arrive at the dining area to see Moses and Katie have already gotten each of us a plate, and a spot to sit. I thank the pair and give Moses a special recognition for gathering all the much needed supplies. He informs us it was “No problem brothers.” I smile seeing the little praying hands stabbing the crack between Katie and Moses. They turn outwards and try to pry the couple apart, revealing the desire of little Hanna to sit between mommy and daddy. Young Jordan sits next to Moses and leans into him, challenging his short arms to wrap around the big guy. Every member of the family is tied in this clutching ball of emotions. It looks like a scene “Norman Rockwell” might have painted. They act as if they all know daddy is leaving in the morning.

  Pastor Paul invites us to join him in the diner blessing prayer, which carries over in to a special blessing on the family. Paul and I feel their love pour over, and their anguish.

  Both of us quietly agree to give them some much needed solitude by hurrying to finish eating. I stand and pat the couple while telling the children, “Sweet dreams.” As I prepare to leave, Paul swallows his last bite and tells us, “Goodnight everyone. And Moses, we’ll see you in the morning.” I just wave to Paul as we retreat to retire.

  The morning comes fast as I am abruptly awakened by the repeated shrugs of my dark arm alarm clock. Paul alerts me, “It’s time to get up.” Before I have a chance to ask him what time is it, I see his green floating aura follow his face back-off-into the dark. I manage to comprehend he is making his rounds to wake all the teams. My fuzzy mind yells at me “Go back to sleep!” It causes me to think, “Maybe it’s still too early.” I struggle to read my watch, but it informs me it really is 5:03 am. I force myself to slide around sideways on my cot, and attempt to don my socks and boots. I stand and finish dressing, as the green floating face returns. “Just in time,” I whisper to Paul. The closer he gets the more I notice the flock of faces floating in the dark just behind him. I grab a sack and lift it near the approaching light while telling Paul, “Hand this back.” He grabs it as I repeat the process until all three teams are equipped. I toss my rucksack on my back, and then tell the group to move out. We head
up to the roof for one last meeting before leaving on our missions.