And it was with that in mind that no one moved.

  It wasn’t the time to fight.

  The humans would find nothing and then be on their way. And one day soon, they’d find the perfect way to take back the control they’d long since lost because they’d refused to kill those that were weaker than them. That mistake, in some shifter’s eyes, had caused their branding, and Holden wouldn’t allow that to happen again.

  More guards joined the others and Holden frowned. These must have been the ones who had been searching their homes and outlying areas for the body they would never find.

  The guards grumbled, and Holden shifted ever so slightly so he could keep them in his sight. One of the older guards, who had never once hit a member of Holden’s Pack, came forward.

  Holden didn’t like this man—he didn’t like any of them—but he knew this one wasn’t as cruel as the others. This was a job to him and didn’t take pleasure it in. One day, Holden would use that.

  “It seems there isn’t a body in any of the homes or wooded areas,” the guard said slowly. He narrowed his eyes at Holden but didn’t move forward. “We’ll be back later to check again, but for now, you are free to go about as you were.”

  He nodded at Holden and moved back to the others. Soon the guards were gone, and the tension within the Pack eased marginally. Holden nodded at a few of his wolves who loped off after the guards. He wouldn’t put it past the humans to lie and say there were leaving when they clearly weren’t.

  When the shifters were first captured, they had no freedoms and no privacy or breathing room. Now they could at least run within their territory and shift when they needed to. Yes, the guards could come in at any time and for any reason, but they didn’t often. It gave a sense of peace to the young ones who had never seen the outside world. If Holden could make that peace a reality, then one day he’d earn the name of Alpha.

  “Holden,” Ariel croaked out.

  He turned on his heal at the sound of fear in her voice and cursed. Her skin had paled to an almost greenish-gray color and her teeth chattered.

  He picked her up and brought her to his chest. “What is it, Ariel? They’re gone. You’re safe for now.”

  Soren frowned at Ariel in Holden’s arms and shook his head. “They didn’t notice her. What’s wrong?”

  “I don’t know,” Holden ground out.

  “I…I remembered some of them.” Ariel closed her eyes and pressed her face to his chest. “They were there. In the room. I remember.”

  Holden froze, his body straining as pure rage poured through his system. “You’re saying some of those that hurt you were here today?”

  She nodded then shook her head. “Maybe? They wore the same uniforms.” She wrapped her arms around herself in his arms and shivered. “I’m sorry. I…I don’t mean to react like this.”

  Mandy, Theo’s submissive friend, walked forward, her hand out. She met Ariel’s eyes then Holden’s. He gave her a nod and she put her hand on Ariel’s arm. “Honey, it’s okay. We’ll protect you, darling. Now go with your mate and take a nap or cry it out. We’re here for you, Ariel. You’re one of us now. We won’t let them take you.”

  Ariel sighed and relaxed slightly in his arms. Damn, he loved the submissives in his Pack. They knew how to soothe when all Holden wanted to do was rip the limbs off of whoever had hurt his mate.

  He nodded at Mandy who gave him a small smile. “Come on, siren. Let’s get you home.”

  He met the gazes of others in his Pack, knowing they’d seen his mate at her weakest. Normally, that would have been fatal to an Alpha’s mate. But this was no normal wolf. This was a woman who had been tortured and brutalized, yet stood on her own two feet, facing those who had hurt her to not only protect herself, but the Pack she didn’t know. It was only after the guards had left that she’d broken down.

  She was far stronger than anyone had given her credit for, and the others saw that.

  He got her home and into his bed, knowing Soren and the others would deal with the outside world for now. He’d go back to his full role as Alpha soon, but he couldn’t do that when his mate was in pain.

  He took off her shoes and socks before doing the same himself and climbing into bed with her. When she curled into him, he let out a small sigh and moved so his back was pressed against the headboard and Ariel lay on his lap.

  She clutched his shirt and relaxed her body. “Thank you.”

  “For what?”

  He ran a hand through her hair and used his other hand to stroke her back and bottom. He couldn’t help himself; his mate was in his arms and not running away. Even if the worst had landed him here, at least he had her for now.

  “For holding me when I couldn’t walk or hold myself up.” She nuzzled into him, and he had to swallow hard. Soon she’d be able to feel the evidence of his desire for her pressing against her ass if she didn’t stop petting him.

  He couldn’t help it. She was his mate, and he was a man who wanted her more than anything. He just couldn’t rush her.

  “I will always be here to hold you, Ariel. I know we’re just learning each other, and you’re finding your way in this new world, but know this, I will always be here. Just because we’re going about this mating thing the wrong way around doesn’t mean we’re actually doing it wrong.”

  She snorted and looked up at him. “The way you said that, it actually does sound like we’re doing it wrong.”

  He winked and lowered his head to kiss her on the nose. He’d made her smile just a little. Progress. “You know what I mean. We’re not doing things in the traditional way, but as you don’t know the traditional way, we can just do it our way.”

  Great. Now he was rambling like a teenager rather than a man in his forties. He couldn’t help it. Ariel made his brain go dizzy. It could have been his wolf reacting to her, but he knew it wasn’t only that. The man wanted her to. He craved her strength, her beauty, her sacrifice.

  Ariel was the one for him—body and soul.

  Now he just needed to make sure she knew that and thought the same of him.

  She slowly traced her finger along his chest, and he stiffened again, his cock filling. “I…I want you, Holden. Is that wrong?”

  He cleared his throat and lifted her chin with his finger. “Never. That is never wrong. But I don’t want you to want me if you’re scared of me. I don’t want this to be something you feel forced into because of the circumstances.”

  Why he tried to talk her out of this, he didn’t know.

  She shifted so she straddled his lap, his jean-clad erection pressed against her heat. Dear God, she was going to kill him.

  Ariel cupped his face, her fingers playing with his beard. “I want you, Holden,” she repeated. “I wanted you in the kitchen before, and I want you now. I know the world doesn’t make sense, and we’re far from understanding who we are together and who I am within these walls, but I know one thing. I want you.”

  He licked his lips before sliding his hands up her thighs and settling on her waist. She was just so tiny. One wrong move and he’d break her. He wasn’t a small man in any respect and this wasn’t any woman.

  This was his mate.

  “If we do this, there’s no going back,” he warned, his voice low.

  She tilted her head. “There never was a way to go back,” she whispered. “I don’t know what will happen next, nor do I know how I’m going to deal with all these changes. But I do know I want to feel you inside me. Make me feel good, Holden. Even for a moment.”

  He ran his hand up her back and gripped her neck, her hair wrapped around his fingers. “It’ll be for longer than a damned moment, siren. That I can promise you.”

  “Then kiss me.”

  “And that’s all?” he asked before rotating his hips.

  Her mouth parted and a gasp slipped out. “I want it all. Make me feel. Make me remember the good and forget the bad.”

  “Anything, Ariel. Anything.”

  She lowered her head and b
rushed her lips against his. “I don’t know who I am or what I will be, but I know I want you, right here, right now. Is that enough?”

  “For now, siren. That’s enough for now.” He pulled her closer and kissed her fully, his tongue diving in and out of her mouth, craving more, craving everything.

  And soon, he’d have it all.

  Chapter 6

  Ariel burned. Her body ached, and her mind whirled. She knew they were going way too fast, but she didn’t care. She wanted Holden, and damn it, she would have him. She wasn’t back in her small apartment trying to figure out life in a world where those with power held it all, and people like Ariel had nothing.

  She existed with Holden in a place where they had the power. She flashed back to a time when she’d cried in agony, but she wasn’t going to think about that now. It would always be there, and if she let it, it would take over her life, and she would never be able to breathe again.

  She pushed those thoughts out of her mind and focused on the man who held her in his arms. He was kissing her like he wanted to fuck her hard right then and there. His hand rested on her ass, and she rocked into him, wanting his touch everywhere. He moved his lips down her jaw and licked her neck, forcing a groan out of her.

  “You taste so fucking sweet, like peaches.” He bit down gently on her shoulder and she shivered, her pussy aching.

  “It’s the lotion I found in the basket someone gave me,” she said, painting. “Peaches and cream.”

  Holden growled softly, molding her ass in his hands. “I can’t wait to taste your cream.”

  Ariel wanted to laugh at the line, but she couldn’t. Not when Holden moved his hips just enough that the long ridge of his cock pressed against her clit. Dear Lord, she could come just from that alone.

  Just when she thought she could come, Holden lifted her by the hips and set her off his lap so they were sitting in front of one another, him on his knees with her on her bottom.


  He grinned and kissed her soundly. “I need to taste these breasts of yours, siren.” He cupped her with both hands, her breasts overfilling his palms. “I dreamed about these nipples.”

  She raised a brow. “Seriously? Already?”

  “Hey, don’t underestimate the power of your nipples.” With that, he pulled her shirt over her head and undid her bra. She blinked as he threw her clothes off the side of the bed and cupped her breasts once again, his heated skin on her cool flesh.


  He licked his lips and rolled the tight buds between his fingers. “Perfect. Fucking perfect. So tight and sensitive,” he growled. “All pink and perky. I bet if I suck on them they’ll go red. What do you think?”

  She rolled her eyes even as she moaned. “You have a fascination with my nipples.”

  “I also have a fascination with your ass, if you must know. For a small girl, you sure know how to fill out your jeans. It makes the wolf and the man in me want to bend you over and mount you.”

  “You know, that should be a turn-off, but for some reason, I just got a little wetter,” she teased, and he let out a groan. She took that as a hint and reached over, pulling at the bottom of his shirt.

  He let go of her and helped her strip off his shirt. Ariel about swallowed her tongue. Long lines of lean muscle and hard ridges. Holden was sex on a stick and Alpha in every sense of the word.

  She reached forward to touch him and suddenly found herself on her back, Holden between her legs, his mouth on hers. He devoured her, kissing her like he couldn’t hold himself back while his hands roamed her sides. She wrapped her legs around his waist and kissed him back, wanting more than she ever thought possible.

  He reached between the two of them and undid her jeans. She let her hands move from his back, helped him strip off her jeans and then helped her do the same for him. Soon they were both naked, pressed tightly against one another and kissing like this was the last moment on earth. His thick cock rested on her mound, sliding over her clit with each movement. She could feel herself get wetter as he continued to kiss her, taking his sweet time with her mouth and not moving downward.

  When she pulled away, needing air, he finally kissed down her neck. He licked and sucked, worshiping her body in a way no one had ever done before. He looked up from her collarbone then knelt between her legs, taking her arms in his. His gaze remained on hers as he kissed down her arm to her almost fully-healed brand. When his lips brushed over the raised flesh, she knew she could love this man. Even in the heat of the moment, he cared for her and ached for the pain he thought he’d caused.

  This wasn’t time for pain, however. Instead of letting him mourn his duties as Alpha, she reached out and gripped his cock.

  “Mine,” she growled, and Holden sucked in a breath.

  “If you want,” he grunted then lowered his body, pulling from her grip. “But first, I need to taste you like I said I would.” He cupped her breasts, pressing them together before laving her nipples. She bowed off the bed, her pussy contracting at the sensation of him tugging and biting at her nipples before soothing the burn with his tongue.

  “Holden,” she moaned, arching her back, pressing her breasts in his face.

  He growled then lowered himself even further, licking down her stomach. He dipped his tongue in her belly button before going lower. He blew a cool breath on her core, and she shuddered.

  “So pretty and pink,” he said gruffly. His fingers traced her lower lips, spreading her. “Look how wet you are for me, my mate. So wet and mine.” He lowered his head and latched onto her clit, flicking the tight nub with his tongue.

  With that, she shattered, her eyes closing and her body bowing. She came hard, but he didn’t stop licking her and biting down on her clit. When he teased her entrance with his thick finger she whimpered.

  “You’re so tight, siren. Are you going to fit my cock in this wet cunt?”

  She licked her lips and opened her eyes. “I don’t care if you’re big and I’m tight. I want you inside me. Now.”

  Holden grinned, his lips wet from her pussy. “I need a condom,” he grunted. “Most mated pairs don’t need them, but we’re taking this slow.”

  She rolled her eyes, even as her heart panged. “You’re between my legs and just made me come with your mouth. That’s not that slow.”

  “We’re taking other things slow, siren.” With that, he lifted off the bed and reached for a condom in the nightstand. He slowly rolled it on his length then positioned himself at her entrance. She lay beneath him, her eyes widening as he slowly pushed forward. “Tell me if it’s too much.”

  She shook her head, unable to speak as he slowly filled her. She couldn’t think, couldn’t breath. He wasn’t just big, he was hers. The part of her that she didn’t know, the part that she knew would one day be her wolf yearned for this—knew it was their future.

  The other part of her knew things would never be the same. The brand might have started her choices in this new life, but this was the step that told her she’d made her choice. She wanted Holden. She wanted this life how it was and how she would make it hers.

  He lowered his body so he rested on his forearms on either side of her head. “Ariel,” he whispered. “Mine.”

  She reached up and cupped his face before lifting her hips, allowing him to slide fully in. They both moaned in unison. “Move.”

  He grinned then kissed her. Hard. Before she could take a breath, he moved. With each thrust, she swore he grew bigger, filling her until she wasn’t sure she could fit anymore in. She wrapped her legs around his waist, urging him deeper.

  “Fuck, Ariel. I’m going to come.” He kept moving, but put his hand between them, playing with her clit. “Come for me, mate. Come for me.”

  She met his gaze and came, her cunt tightening on Holden’s cock. He let out a growl then came with her, filling the condom. She could feel him pulsate within her and knew one day she’d want him without the condom so he should have him bare.

  He lowere
d his forehead to hers, breathing heavily. He didn’t speak, and she didn’t need him to. He’d pushed away the thoughts she’d feared and brought forth more she knew she’d have to deal with. This was her mate, her man, and her future if she let him be.

  And yet, right then, all she wanted to do was think of the man in her arms and nothing else. All of that would come, and soon. But for now, she had Holden cradling her like she was precious to him.

  Nothing else mattered.

  There came a time for a woman to face her fears and try to be an adult. This was that time. Yet Ariel had no idea what she was doing. Today wasn’t about her and Holden or even about how she would deal with whatever came with the SAU.

  Instead, today came from another threat…or rather problem.

  The Pack.

  She’d been inside the den for almost a week, waiting for her body to fully heal and for Holden’s tattoo artist, Gibson, to finish up the Pack ink on her forearm. She’d yet to leave the house as Holden had wanted her out of prying eyes from the guards, who had been prowling around under the guise of searching for a dead body.

  Ariel’s dead body.

  So instead of trying to come to terms with her new life and integrating with the people who had protected her without even knowing her, she’d been forced to hide from them. She might have grown closer to Holden and given him her body, but she hadn’t been able to do anything else.

  As it was, she’d only met a few of the wolves in Holden’s inner circle, but no one else. Even though the den was isolated to the point that they weren’t allowed outside the walls, they had their own structure and daily routines. They farmed on the small plots of land they had near the edges of the den as well as held normal day-to-day jobs that they’d made themselves. Apparently the SAU didn’t provide for much so Holden and the rest of them had found a way to make what they had and what they could make work for them.

  Of course, it would have been nice if Ariel could have seen any of this firsthand. Instead, she’d been told by Holden and a reluctant Soren as she asked question after question about her new home. She had a feeling her hiding out from the others wouldn’t put her on their good side. They’d already risked their livelihood because of her mere existence, and now, she hadn’t even had a chance to say thank you or learn their names.