Page 11 of The Forgotten

  chain. She carried a black medical bag.

  Louise Timmins, the medical examiner, had arrived. She looked harried and upset. She walked directly to the police tape and was admitted by Landry. Timmins ducked under the tape and marched to the blue tarp, where she was met by Bullock. After a brief conversation Timmins slipped inside the makeshift enclosure. It would not be a pleasant sight or smell within such close, heated quarters, Puller knew.

  You just had to keep breathing and pretty soon your sense of smell would fail, and fortunately so.

  By his watch it was half an hour before Timmins reemerged into the sunlight. To Puller’s eye she looked a little queasy and more than a little upset. He wondered if she might have known the deceased, if there was only one body in there.

  She spoke for some minutes to Bullock, who nodded and wrote things down on a spiral notepad.

  When Timmins cleared the tape and headed for her car, Puller approached.

  “Dr. Timmins?”

  She looked up at him. She was only about five-two and thus had to crane her neck back some to fully take him in.


  “John Puller. We talked before?”

  “Right, your aunt.” She did not seem pleased to have encountered him here. “I meant to call you to say that I would be delayed when I found out about this, but time got away from me.”

  He said, “That’s okay. We can reschedule. I know you weren’t expecting this thing on the beach.”

  He studied her more closely while she pulled her car keys from her purse. Up close she looked pale, drawn, and jumpy.

  “No, I wasn’t expecting it. I was totally floored by it in fact.”

  “Anyone you knew?”

  She looked at him sharply. “What makes you ask that?”

  “You look more upset than is warranted by seeing a dead body, even one pulled out of the water.”

  “Looking at death is never easy.”

  “But you’re a doctor and a medical examiner. You see it all the time, under all conditions. And since this is an oceanside town, I doubt that’s the first drowning victim you’ve seen.”

  ‘ ”1 really can’t talk to you about this.”

  “I know. And I’d much prefer not to waste your time. Can we meet about my aunt?”

  She looked at her watch.

  He said, “I’d be glad to buy you dinner. If you have an appetite.”

  She glanced back at the blue tarp. “No food, but maybe a little ginger ale on my stomach might help.”

  “Okay. The cafe we were going to meet at is a few blocks over. You want to walk or drive?”

  “Let’s drive. My legs are a little wobbly right now.”

  As they walked to their cars, Puller turned around and saw both Bullock and Landry watching them. The police chief looked pissed. Landry seemed merely curious.

  They drove separately to the cafe and found parking on the street. The place was crowded but they were able to snag a table near the front.

  Timmins ordered a glass of ginger ale and Puller a Coke. It was after seven and the temperature was still in the mid-eighties and the ocean breeze had fallen away.

  “Feels more like Hell than Paradise, doesn’t it?” said Timmins after they had gotten their drinks. She took a long sip of her ginger ale and sat back, looking a bit better.

  “I take it you’re a transplant here?”

  “Why do you say that?”

  “Your skin is too pale and you’re not used to wearing sandals, which for women down here are probably a daily accessory.”

  She glanced down at her feet where the sandal straps had made several red marks against her skin.

  He continued, “The longer you wear sandals the more your skin will toughen up.”

  “You’re very observant.”

  “The Army pays me to be.”

  “I’m from Minnesota originally. Moved down here about six months ago. My first summer here. Minnesota can get hot in the summer, but nothing like this.”

  “So why’d you come down?”

  “My husband died. I’d never been out of the state. I was tired of long winters. A doctor I’d met was selling his practice and I’ve always had an interest in forensic pathology. When I found out the job also included being the district ME, I jumped on it.”

  “And the place being named Paradise probably didn’t hurt.”

  “The brochures were very attractive,” she replied, with a weary smile.

  “So will you be heading back north?”

  “I doubt it. Place grows on you. June through August it gets crowded and the heat and humidity are pretty bad, but the rest of the year is quite nice. I could never take a walk in shorts in February in St. Paul.”

  Puller leaned forward, officially ending the chitchat session. “My aunt?”

  “You saw the body.”

  “How do you know that?”

  “Carl Brown over at Bailey’s told me. We’re friends. Local doctor and the funeral home in Florida get very close. Lots of my patients die. Old age catches up with everyone at some point.” “I saw the body.”


  “And what?”

  “I checked you out, Agent Puller. I have some contacts at the Pentagon. My brother is in the Air Force. I was informed that you are absolutely terrific at what you do and that tenacity doesn’t come close to describing your intensity when on the hunt.”

  Puller sat back, gauging the woman in a different light now. “There was a bruise on her right temple.”

  “I saw that. There was also a slight bloodstain on the stone surround at the fountain.”

  “So cause and effect. But what made her fall? Did she stumble or did she have a heart attack or stroke or did an aneurysm pop?”

  “None of the above. She was in remarkably good shape, at least internally. Heart, lungs, other organs disease-free. She had bad osteoporosis and a curved spine but that was about it. She died from water in the lungs. Asphyxiation, technically.”

  “So what made her fall?”

  “She was using a walker, the ground might have been slick from some of the water from the fountain falling there. She goes down, hits her head, becomes unconscious, and drowns in twenty-four inches of water. It happens.”

  “I wonder how often?”

  “Once is enough in this case.”

  “Nothing else suspicious on the body?”

  “No defensive wounds, no ligature marks, no other bruising that would indicate someone had attacked her.”

  Puller nodded. That corresponded to what he’d found. “Tox screens?”

  “Won’t be back for a while. But I saw no signs of poisoning, if that’s where you’re going. And there were no indications of abuse of alcohol or drugs.”

  “I think the most my aunt ever had was a glass of wine. At least that I remember.”

  “The post bore that out. As I said, except for the spinal issues, she was in remarkable shape for someone her age. She had quite a few years left to go.”

  “My aunt wrote a letter. In that letter she was concerned about something in Paradise. Any idea what she could have meant?”

  “What sort of concerns did she have?”

  “People not being who they seemed. Mysterious happenings at night.”

  “Like I said, I just got here six months ago. I don’t know enough people to be aware if they are who they are or not. And mysterious happenings? If she counts parties of drunk guys and gals parading half-naked down the main strip at two a.m. as being mysterious then she’s got my vote.” “So nothing else you can tell me?”

  “Afraid not. I know it seems senseless, Agent Puller. But accidents do happen.”

  “Yeah, they do.”

  But what Puller was thinking was, If it was an accident, why are people in a Chrysler following me?

  He wasn’t just spontaneously thinking this. He had just seen the car pass by the front of the cafe and stop near his Corvette. The window came down and he was pretty sure he saw a flash. They had taken
a picture. Before he could even think of racing after them, the Chrysler drove away.

  “Agent Puller, is everything all right?”

  He refocused on her. “Everything’s cool.”

  “I hope I was able to allay your concerns about your aunt.”

  “I think my concerns are right where they should be.”


  As Puller was leaving the cafe his phone buzzed.

  “Puller,” he said.

  “Mr. Puller, this is Griffin Mason, you called my office about your aunt?”

  Puller said, “That’s right. Can we meet tonight or is it too late?”

  “I’m still at my office if you’d care to come by. You know the address?”

  “I’ll be there in twenty minutes.”

  Puller got in the Corvette and was at the lawyer’s office two minutes early. It was in a former residential area where the homes had been turned into small businesses. It was two blocks off the water and Puller assumed the land was worth more than the houses. But then again maybe that applied to pretty much all the homes on this narrow strip of earth with bay water on the north side and warm Gulf water to the south. A late-model Infiniti coupe was parked in the concrete driveway.

  The front door was unlocked and Puller walked into a small reception area. There was no one there. Puller assumed the hired help had long since departed.

  “Mr. Mason?” he called out.

  A door off the reception area opened and a short, flabby man stood there. He had on gray pinstriped pants, braces to hold them up, although his ample belly probably needed no help to do that, and a white starched dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up. He had a short graying beard and his glasses were thick enough to be called Coke bottles.

  “Mr. Puller?”

  “That’s me.”

  “Please come in.”

  They settled in Mason’s office, which was comfortably furnished in leather and soft, dark woods. A bookshelf held a staggering number of weighty legal tomes, and file folders were stacked against walls and also covered his desk, where there was also a computer.

  Puller said, “Business looks good.”

  “Frankly, a trusts and estates lawyer in Florida is a no-brainer from a business point of view. You don’t have to be a brilliant attorney. You just have to be competent and have a pulse. The average age of my clientele is seventy-six. And they keep coming. I’ve had to turn business away even after hiring an associate two years ago. I might have to hire a second lawyer if things keep going that way.”

  “Nice problem to have. Now, about my aunt?” “Just as a legal technicality, could I see some ID please?”

  Puller pulled out his cred pack and showed Mason, who smiled and said, “Your aunt spoke very highly of you.”

  “I hadn’t seen her in a while.” As soon as he finished the statement he felt a pang of guilt.

  “Well, it didn’t diminish one iota her admiration for you and what you’ve accomplished.”

  “I’m just an Army grunt. There are lots of us.” “Don’t be modest, Agent Puller. I was never in the military but my father was. World War II. Your aunt told me about the medals you’ve earned. Quite impressive.”

  Puller wondered who had told his aunt about this. He didn’t think it was his father. The old man just wasn’t that into his sons’ lives.

  “I tried to phone her when my father received a letter from her,” said Puller. “No one answered. Then I discovered what had happened. I understand that my aunt had a caregiver. A Jane Ryon?”

  “I know Ms. Ryon. She’s a very capable young woman. She has lots of clients in town.”

  “I look forward to meeting her.” Puller paused. “It was quite a shock to hear my aunt was dead.”

  “I know. It was very shocking to me as well. She had some physical problems, but she seemed very strong mentally. I thought she would live to be a hundred.” He moved some papers around on his desk. “You say she wrote a letter to your father? Is that why you came down?” “Yes. I thought it was time to pay her a visit.” Puller was not going to reveal to him what was in the letter. “Did she have a will?”

  “Yes, she did. And I can tell you the contents. I refreshed my memory on them after I got your call.”

  “What are they?”

  “With the exception of a few minor bequests, she left everything to you.”

  Puller stared at the man. This was not something he had ever expected.

  “To me? And not my father?”

  “Not unless your father is Chief Warrant Officer John Puller Jr.”

  “No, he’s a three-star, retired. I’m the CWO.” “Then you get it all.” He paused. “You seem surprised?”

  “I am. Like I said, we hadn’t been in contact for many years. I didn’t even know she knew my current rank. It was very recent.”

  “She had no children. And her husband had passed on. And as I said, she thought very highly of you. Was quite proud. Called you the son she wished she’d had.”

  This statement hit Puller like a sucker punch to his kidneys. “Okay,” he said slowly, for he could think of nothing else to say.

  “She had various investments and her home. The real estate will need to go through probate. There are numerous legal steps that must be gone through before you will receive the property. It could take up to a year, I’m afraid.”

  “That’s not a problem. I don’t need the money.”

  “I have inventory lists of her personal possessions. I do that for all my clients. That way you’ll know exactly what you’ll be getting. I can give you a copy now if you’d like.”

  Puller shrugged but nodded and Mason produced several sheets of paper stapled together, which he handed to Puller.

  “They’re very recent,” said Mason. “We had just gone over her estate about a month ago.” “Did she give any reason why?”

  “No. But we usually met about once a year to make sure everything was up to date and that she didn’t want to make any changes in her estate planning.”

  “I see.”

  Puller ran his gaze over the pages. There were things like books, pictures, jewelry, some Hummel collectibles and the like on there. He didn’t really want any of it.

  Mason said, “I’ll take your contact info from you and keep you posted as we progress through the stages. Once the house is titled in your name you can do with it what you want. Live in it, rent it, or sell it.”

  “Fine, whatever.”

  “And her stock, bank, and bond portfolios were fairly substantial. She made some good investments over the years. I have records on all of that as well.”


  Mason studied him. “But then you don’t strike me as the sort to whom any of that much matters.”

  “I’ve never owned a home. And I’m not sure I know what a stock or bond looks like.”

  Mason smiled. “That’s actually refreshing.

  Most heirs I deal with want it all and the sooner the better.”

  “When was the last time you talked to my aunt?”

  Mason sat back and clasped his hands behind his head, revealing sweat patches under his arms although the room was cool. “Let me think. Thursday of last week, I suppose. She called me.” “How did she sound?”

  “Sound? She sounded normal.”