Page 23 of Fallen Crest High

Page 23
Adam laughed and the sound of it calmed me a little. Somehow, somewhere I had started to care for him as a friend. Who would've thought? The idea of it made me grin, but I tuned into my other friend. She wanted center stage.

"…and then her cousin showed up last night. "

"Wait. What are you talking about?" I glanced at Adam.

Becky rushed out, breathless, "Why aren't you listening to me? I just told you that Adam was with the Academy Elite last night. "

"What's the Academy Elite?" I looked around. Was I the only one clueless?

Adam reached for his water. "It's her term for the top circle. Miranda Stewart had some people over last night. "

Becky sneered at him. "It's not just my term. Everyone uses it. " She turned to me and her eyes were beaming. "Anyway, so Miranda had the Academy Elite over. You know, her, Emily, Amelia, and Cassandra. They're the top four girls in school, right?"

"Sure. "

"Then Adam was invited—"

"I brought Tanya last night. " He lifted their entwined hands.

They were an item now?

Becky poked me in the arm. "And Peter was there, so was Mark Decraw. "

I nodded. They were the other two captains of the football team. This was the Academy Elite?

"And then—"

I interrupted her. "Were you there?"

She closed her mouth and flashed me a look. "No, but I heard all this from Adam. "

He wiggled his eyebrows and kissed Tanya's hand.

I frowned at the display of affection.

Becky clapped her hands in front of me again. "Seriously, Sam! Pay attention. "

"Okay, okay. "

"So Jeff and Jill showed up. Miranda let them stay for an hour, since Jill's on the cheerleading squad and Jeff's third string. But then they kicked them out after an hour, only an hour. Can you believe that? And then Jessica and Lydia tried to get in too, but I guess they were turned away at the door. Peter Glasburg wouldn't even let them inside Miranda's house. Did you know those two were dating? I had no idea. "

She didn't stop for a breath.

"And then, you won't believe it, but Logan Kade showed up!" She sat back in a dramatic break. Her chest heaved up and down and she held onto the table. "I couldn't believe it either, but he was drunk. "

"I'm going to go to the bathroom. " Tanya shot out of her chair and was gone in an instant.

I twisted around, but couldn't find her. I looked at Adam. "Is she okay?"

He indicated Becky and remained quiet.

She took another deep breath. "And then Logan started making fun of Tanya. "


"Yeah. I know. " Her head bounced up and down. "He was really tearing into her, calling her loose and easy and all sorts of things. Tanya started to cry, but you know what happened?"

"Adam told him to shut up?"

Becky's lips clamped shut. After a beat, she looked at him.

I did too. "What?" Neither said a word. "You didn't?"

He looked away.

Becky opened her mouth. "So no one stopped him, no one. Not even Peter and we all know Peter rules the roost at these things. "

"Do we?" I had no idea.

"He does, but then she shows up. "


"Her cousin. " Her eyes flashed in giddiness. "And she starts yelling at Logan instead. I think Tanya texted her, but you'll never guess what else happened?"

"Probably not," I deadpanned.

"So Logan was yelling at Tanya and then that girl started yelling at Logan, who took it. He completely shut up and just let her yell at him, but then his brother shows up a half hour later. "

I sat up straight and narrowed my eyes. "Mason was there?"

Her head jumped up and down again and she was panting like a thirsty dog.

I felt Adam's quietness next to me and knew he was studying me.

"And then everybody got real quiet. She shut up. "

"Who shut up?"

"Tanya's cousin. "

Adam offered, "Tate. Her name is Tate. "

"Tate completely shut up and she looked like she was going to faint or something. "

"Her face got all green. " He grinned and that was when I knew that Adam didn't like Tanya's cousin at all.

"I heard that Emily thought Tate had soiled her pants or something, it was that intense. And Mason hadn't even said anything at that time. "

"But he's going to, right?" I was starting to see where this was going and a sense of dread was settling in.

"Yeah. He looked like a cat who'd found his favorite mouse wounded or something. It was eerie. And he started to make fun of her, like all cruel and stuff. The things he said to her were horrible and he was only playing with her. She didn't try to defend herself. I guess Mason Kade really hates that girl, and the way he ripped into her. It was something else. "

"He enjoyed it. " Adam's voice was quiet.

I looked over and held his gaze. Something dark was in their depths.

He spoke again, "It was like an animal that was playing with its kill before they fully killed it. That's what he was doing with her. I've never seen anything like it before. "

I held his stare and the realization that he was scared of the Kades hit me hard. I could see he was terrified of them, but Adam broke the moment when he left the table.

Becky's eyes skirted between the two of us, but she leaned forward. "And then I guess Logan finally told him to leave. "

"And did he?"

She jerked a shoulder up. "I don't know. Adam never told me that, but he said there was a strange comment Logan made to him. "

"To Adam?"

"No, to Mason. "

"What was it?"

"He said, 'you bruised her shoulder. '" She leaned back.

I waited. Nothing. "And?"

"That was it. I guess Mason left after that. "

"He bruised Tate's shoulder?"

She shook her head. "That's the thing. Adam said everyone looked at her shoulders, but there wasn't anything there. She had on some wrap-around shawl or something, but her shoulders were bare. No bruises. Nothing. " And then her eyes fell to my shoulders.

I was glad for covering them up and I felt a small tingling sensation where a small bruise had formed from Mason's hand. I was tense, waiting for her to ask. But she didn't. I felt Becky's eagerness and knew she wanted to, but she held her tongue. I was grateful as I reached for my orange juice. I downed the whole thing. Champagne had been added to it and I sat back, surprised.

"What?" She held back a small grin.

"I just got served alcohol. "

She giggled. "Your dad's the head coach for FC Academy and we're here with Adam's dad. Steven Quinn is powerful in this town too. "

"Where did Adam go?"

She gestured to a back corner. Adam's father was close to another woman with his hand on her thigh. He leaned close to whisper something in her ear, but I looked further to the right where Adam stood and watched the exchange. When his jaw clenched, I knew he was angry, but then I sat up straight. My father had appeared out of my nowhere. Not my father. David.

And the heavily made-up woman whose hair was pulled up in a loose bun moved away from Adam's father and extended her red nails to my father. Her hand paused on his chest and she tilted her head to the side. Loose curls that fell from her bun slid over her shoulder and she seemed to be laughing when she swept them further back.

"Sam. "

I ignored Becky's warning comment and stood.


"Sam. " David moved back a step when I stopped near him. I felt Adam come up behind my elbow, but he remained quiet.

"Dad. " And I waited. Would he correct me?

He gave me a tight smile and I knew he wouldn't. Instead he gestured towards the woman and Adam's father. "Have you met my daughter? This is Samantha. "

The woman held out her arm and tried to melt me with her smile. "Hello, you're so precious, so beautiful. Penelope. "

Adam's father moved away from the woman and nodded. "Steven. I think we've met once. "

Adam spoke up, "No, dad. You didn't formally meet her. We left the house early that day. "

"Oh yes, that's right. " Then he turned to David. "David, what do you have planned for next week's game? You think we're going to pull out a win against Leers?"

David cleared his throat. "We're going to try, that's for certain. "

"Dad, don't you guys have your annual football dinner tonight?"

He opened his mouth and stared at me. "Uh…"

"That's right. " Penelope's laugh rang out. "I was just talking to your father about that. He said he's going to be alone tonight. Heavens, we can't have that, can we?"

"Certainly not. " My jaw ached from how tight it was.

"Dad, you're going with me, right?" Adam brushed against my elbow when he moved forward. He stood close to me and I feel his tension.

"Well, this sounds perfect. Father and son. " Penelope placed her hand on David's arm this time. "Father and daughter. It's almost romantic. "

I tilted my head to the side and removed for her hand. "And no sluts…"

There was a choked silence for a second.

And then David rasped out, "Samantha!"

Adam barked out a laugh.

His father jerked back a step.

"What?" I turned towards David with wide eyes, innocent eyes.

"Apologize. "

"For what?" I eyed her up and down. "I call it how it is. "

She bristled, but kept her mouth shut.

I narrowed my eyes and waited. The anger was mounting in her. Her hands clenched. Her shoulders grew tight. Her cheeks inflamed and her eyes closed till they were almost slits.

I counted down in my head. 3…2…1…and…

"What a little bitch you have, David. " She leaned forward until her face was a few inches from mine.

I smirked and held steady. The Kades had taught me a few things.

She sucked in her breath and I knew her fury leapt higher. "I feel sorry for you, David, real sorry for you. "

"Hey, now. " He moved between us.

I sidestepped and never broke eye contact with her. "Are you bored with married men? Football coaches don't make that much money, you know. "

She laughed harshly. "Private school coaches do. "

"Penelope. " Adam's father took hold of her elbow.

Adam's voice came out shrilly. "Hey dad, where's mom? Didn't you come with her?"

There was another brief moment of silence.

"Are you insinuating something, Adam?"

He laughed next to me and I found myself grinning along with it. "You're a smart man. What do you think?"

"Penelope. "

Her head swiveled to me.

I gave her a cheeky grin. "When'd you pick up the trade?"

"The trade?"

"You know, having affairs, sleeping with married men, being a hooker?"

"That's enough, Samantha!" David clamped down on my arm and dragged me away. I twisted around and gave her a wave. "Stop it. Now. "

I waited until he had taken me to the parking lot and then yanked my arm free. I rubbed where he had held onto. "That's the thanks I get from saving you from her?"

He drew upright and hissed out, "You did not save me from her. You made a fool of yourself. "

"That's doubtful. "

He started to pace in front of me with his hands on his hips. His tie flapped behind him as he turned and went the other way. I couldn't stop myself from smiling as I leaned against a car behind me.