Page 4 of Fallen Crest High

Page 4

"Uh, yeah I can. "

"Jeff cheats on you every weekend. " She jumped to her feet.

"So I've heard. " I grabbed my bag and headed out the door.

"Wait, Sam. Don't go like this. I'm sorry. "

"For what?" I whirled around to her.

She stopped an inch from running into me and her mouth opened, closed, and then opened again. Her eyes looked to the ceiling. "Uh, for…hoping you'll dump Jeff because he's a scumbag?"

"Thanks, Lydia. " I headed for my car. When I shut the door behind me, she had stopped following. I saw she had the phone to her ear so I turned mine off. Jess would be calling in a minute, after she'd heard the whole story from Lydia first.

I didn't care. As I drove away, I sat back. I really didn't care, about any of it. And I knew in the back of my mind, far far in the back of my mind, that this wasn't the healthiest feeling. But then again, I didn't care.

When I walked inside, it was dark. No one was around, but a plate was left on the kitchen table with a sandwich wrapped in saran wrap. My name was posted next to it, but I bypassed it and headed upstairs for my running gear. Five minutes later and I was back out the door. This time, I only stayed away an hour. However, sweat still ran down me as I went into the kitchen for a glass of water.

I sat at the kitchen table to finish it because I knew I'd need a refill before I headed upstairs to shower and crawl in bed for the night.

I was almost done when the door burst open and laughter filled the room. The smell of perfume and booze followed behind. I slumped further down in my chair and watched when Mason came into the kitchen. He turned for the fridge and stuck his head inside. Logan came next with a blonde wrapped around his arm. Her top barely hung on her and it exposed the side of her breast.

He laughed and pressed her back against a counter. As his head sunk to her neck, Mason glanced up and stopped. He saw me in the darkness.

Neither of us said a thing. Neither of us looked away.

The girl shrieked when Logan nuzzled further down her top.

Then he drew back, grinning. "Mase, man, you think I should bang her here? You think Momma-Wannabe would be upset? My stuff next to her teacups? Oh, a sandwich. " He unwrapped the one left for me and ate it in three bites. When he was done, he gulped down a glass of water Mason held out for him and then turned back for the girl.

She started laughing again, followed by a quick moan.

Mason leaned against the sink. He never broke eye contact with me and he folded his arms over his chest. "You can do her wherever you want. "

Logan tickled the underside of her breast and the girl giggled. Then she looked up, panting. Her eyes roamed up and down Mason as she asked in a husky voice, "You want in, Mason? You can have me too. "

Logan burst out laughing, and then clamped a hand on her arm. "I think not. I don't share like that. You're mine for the night, girl. "

When he dragged her away, she reached out and trailed a finger across the top of Mason's bicep. As they went up the stairs, she was still squealing and it wasn't long before he told her to shut up or Momma Wannabe might wake up and no one would get laid that night. Then it was quiet in the kitchen.

I hadn't moved a muscle, but I did now. I pushed back the chair, crossed to the fridge and refilled my glass. The hair on the back of my neck stood up. With stiff movements, I turned, ignored the scalding burn from his gaze, and headed upstairs. As I got to my room, I shut the door behind me and let loose a long breath of relief.

I was surprised to find my fingers were frozen around my glass. It took a few moments before I was able to loosen them back up.


Friday night came and went. I stayed in, but Fallen Crest Public won against Fallen Crest Academy by a landslide, 32 to seven. I knew my dad would be heartbroken, but I still felt as if he had kicked me out of the house. My sympathy scale was in the negatives. The only high point was that Jessica and Lydia were both so hyped about the parties; they forgot to harass me into going. Jeff did the same, though I knew he was always sore after a lost. Even if he didn't play since he's second string, I knew he'd be grumpier than normal.

Apparently, my new roommates were the highlights of the game. Mason sacked Adam 70% of the time and Logan ran in for three of the touchdowns. I got all that from Lydia's text messages.

"Honey, are you going out tonight?" My mom found me the next afternoon. She came into my room and took a seat on one of the couches with a cup of tea in her hand.

I was in the bathroom and had just gotten out of the shower. When I saw her curl her legs underneath and tuck them away, as if she were sitting with the Queen of England, I snorted in disbelief. Then I let loose the towel I had wrapped around me and walked into the room.

"Samantha!" she gasped and glanced at the door. It'd been left open.

I stood and perused my closet. Ignoring the shiver that ran over my naked body, I pulled out a pair of black skinny jeans with a black tank top.

"Honey, I wish you'd put some clothes on. "

I pulled out a black lacy bra and a pair of black thongs.

She sighed behind me. "I suppose this is you trying to get back at me, hmmm?" She took a sip. "I should expect this. Malaya said this is what teenagers do when they've been displaced from their homes, especially girls. I can only wonder what else you have in store for me. "

I threw the thong to the side and pulled the jeans on. Then I glanced in the mirror. Analise's mouth twisted in a frown, but she took another sip.

"Are you sleeping with that Jeffrey? Is this why you're dressing like some…"

I turned around, slowly. "Like what, mother?"

Her lips shut for a moment and then she exhaled, "Like a whore. "

One of my eyebrows shot up. "You think I'm a whore?"

She set the tea cup aside and smoothed out her skirt. "I think you're dressing like one because you want to get back at me. You never used to dress like that. "

"Yeah, well, I used to have a family. " I ducked my head and pulled the top on. When it fit like a glove, just above my jeans, I leaned forward to inspect my face in the mirror. I wasn't anything great, long black hair, thin with a runner's build, and eyes that were bleak.

"Samantha, honey, I worry about you. You're so beautiful and I know that other boys can tell. "

I looked back at her. "What are you talking about?"

"Jeffrey. " Her hand raised in a helpless motion. "I worry that you're wasting your high school years on him. He is clearly not good for you. Look at you; you're thin as a rail. "

My mouth twisted.

"He obviously cheats on you. Even your friends have told me this. "

"You've talked to Jessica and Lydia?"

"Of course, I have. They're your friends. "



"When did you talk to them?"

"Oh, I don't know, maybe a month ago. "

As a breath of relief left me, I turned back to the mirror and did up my hair in some braid. Jessica taught me how to do it so I tried. It didn't look the same, but it'd do. It was swept up and some strands fell free. I knew Lydia would croon in approval. Then I toed on my sandals.

"Where are you going, Samantha?"

I'd been prepared to walk out and ignore whatever else she was going to say, hell, I would've enjoyed it, but her soft voice made me stop. I cursed inside as I turned. "I'm going to some party with Lydia and Jessica. "

"Oh. "

I wanted to roll my eyes. I wanted so badly. "Why?" I didn't.

"I think Mason and Logan are going to a friend's get together. Maybe you could go with them? You can't keep ignoring them. "

Her idea of a 'get together' was their idea of a 200+ house party. I wasn't sure if my mom chose to be dense or if this came from the new relationship.

"Sure, mom. I'll get right on that. "

She sighed, "Honey, at least try for me, please. It's important to me if you get along with them. "

I stopped what I was doing and watched her in the mirror. If I hadn't known her all my life, I would've wavered at the broken look on her face. It was like she'd lost her puppy. Then I cursed myself. I knew I was wavering anyway.

"I'll see if Jess and Lydia know about any Public parties. I'm sure Mason and Logan will be there. "

She brightened and flashed me a smile before she picked up her tea again. "It means a lot to me, honey. " Then she pressed a kiss to my forehead and sashayed out of my room with her skirt swinging around her hips.

I'd been sucker punched by my own mother. She'd gotten me to fold.

Then I looked in the mirror again and changed everything. The black was thrown to the side and instead I pulled on a pair of pink skintight pants with a flesh-colored sparkly top that molded to my body. I grinned as I turned and headed out. My mom would've had a heart attack if she'd seen the new outfit.

Instead, I was content with Jessica and Lydia's reactions.

Jessica frowned and twisted her shirt in her hands. Lydia's eyes popped out and her mouth kept opening and closing like a fish. Finally she remarked, "You look good, Sam. "

"Hot damn," one guy remarked as he and his friends moved past.

Another one gave me a wolf whistle while a third asked if he could feel me up. The last one asked if I'd go to dinner, but I grinned until I felt a pair of hands snake around my waist. I was pulled back against a body and a pair of lips started on my neck. I heard the chuckle and relaxed, slightly.

Jeff whispered in my ear, "Can we please go somewhere? You walked in that door and I got hard. "

"Sweet nothings. That's what I look forward to from you. " I patted his cheek and walked away.

He groaned behind, but followed. His hand curved around my waist and he pulled me close again. "Seriously, Sam. I've got an itch that I really want you to scratch. "

At that moment, a guy burst through the crowd and landed beside us, against the counter. He glanced over with glazed eyes, but threw his head back and started howling. Some guys' answered and Jeff's hand tightened on my arm. When it increased and became painful I started to say something, but the crowd parted at that moment.

My words died in my throat.

Mason and Logan walked through the crowd with a few of their friends beside them. They strode forward as if they owned the party, which it felt like they did. It was a Public party. Jeff and I were next to the drinks so they stopped close. Logan skimmed an eye over us and grinned, but turned and grabbed a bottle. He started pouring drinks while Mason took one that was offered from someone. His eyes were locked with mine.

After a moment, Jeff nudged me. "You know Kade?"

"No," I clipped out and shoved through the crowd.

The group howled again as Jeff followed behind.

Lydia found us in a back room later on. She gripped a cup in her hand with a drunken haze over her eyes. "Did you see them?"

Jeff groaned. He had a hand curled around my waist and he'd been kissing my neck for the last hour. He pulled away and fell back against the couch now.


"Mason and Logan Kade. "

My frown was quick. I couldn't block it.

Jeff noticed. "You sure you don't know them?"

"I don't need to know them to not like them. "

Lydia swooned, "Mason is so gorgeous. Maybe I should tell them I was at the gas station that night. I bet he'd talk to me then. Maybe I will. " She looked hopeful as she scanned the room.

"Pretty sure he went upstairs half an hour ago with some blonde," Jeff clipped out.

She frowned. "Oh. "

"Where's Jessica?"

The excitement burst forth again as Lydia turned back. "She's in the back playing pool with Logan Kade. "