Page 42 of Fallen Crest High

Page 42
"Oh god. " I pressed a hand to my head. "You're not going away, are you?"

"No, look, I'm pissed. You should've been here tonight. "

My insides started to stir awake. "Are you kidding me? How was I supposed to know? I haven't talked to either of you all week. "

There was silence for a second. "You haven't?"

"No," I snapped out. "I had to hear from Mark Decraw that you guys are having a party tomorrow night. "

"Oh…I'm sorry, Sam. I really am. I thought we told you about that. "

"How would you? You'd have to communicate with me to do that. "

"No, I thought, oh man, I thought Mason must've been talking to you since the two of you are…"

"Stop right there. We're not dating. We're not anything. For me to know what we are there'd have to be a conversation about it and I haven't heard a word from him so there's definitely been no conversation about that. " My chest was heaving up and down. I patted at it. I needed to calm down.

My phone beeped in my ear and I cursed as I pulled it away. Mason had sent me a text. 'Want to eat? I'm hungry. '

I groaned into the phone. "Is he there with you?"


"You know who. "

"No," he sighed. "I was calling to chew you out, but that didn't turn out how I thought it would—"

"Where's Mason?"

"I don't know. I'm being honest. Some of the guys are headed out for pizza and then there's a party. I was going to see if you wanted to come with, but now I'm scared to ask you. Why? Did he call you now?"

"Yeah. "

"Call him back. I'll see you tonight. " His voice got cheery and the dial tone blared in my ear next.

I cursed as I glared at the phone. It beeped again and it was another text from Mason. 'Are you home?'

Then I heard his voice in the hallway. "Sam?"

It wasn't long before my door was pushed open and he flicked my light on. I was blinded for a moment.

"Hey, did you get my texts?"

I snapped my phone shut and drew my robe tighter around me. "Yes. "

He grinned and ran a hand through his wet hair. He looked like he'd showered. "You pissed at me because I haven't called all week?"

"Nope. Not at all. I cried on Adam's shoulder today. "

His eyes narrowed and lingered on my face. "Did you?"

"Yep. I did. "

"Okay. I don't know what to do with that. You want to get some food with me? There's a party tonight. "

"Is there?" I cringed at the jealousy in my voice. It wasn't like me. "I'm sorry. I'm acting stupid. "

His eyes took on a darker look and he shut the door behind him. He turned the light off and it wasn't long before his hand was on my knee. He murmured against my skin as he tenderly nudged me back down on the bed. "I'm sorry I haven't called this week. I am. "

My neck arched when his lips found it. His hand swept from my cheek, down my arm, to my waist, and swept back up to cup my breast. I groaned when I felt his hand work its way past my robe and his thumb grazed over my nipple. His mouth replaced his thumb and I felt his tongue sweeping around it next.

He whispered against my breast, "It won't mean much, but I thought about you. All week. I wanted to do this and I knew if I called you, I'd come over and do this. "

"Just…" I braided my hands through his hair and pulled his head up. "Shut up. "

He chuckled before his mouth slammed onto mine.


He thrust in me a last time. My legs were wrapped around his waist and one of his hands held them up as the other braced himself on the bed above my head. My entire body lifted off the bed as my climax ripped through me. Waves of pleasure rode through me and I trembled as he held me in his arms. He trembled with me and then tucked me in front of him to curl around me. He tucked his chin into the crook of my neck.

When he yawned, his whole body yawned with him.

Something fluttered in my stomach at that feel of that and I laced my fingers through his. "No party for us tonight?"

He chuckled and his breath caressed my skin. "It's three in the morning. It's a bit late for that. "

As he tightened his hold on my waist, my eyelids started to close, but my whole body felt renewed and invigorated. "Are you going to stay the night?"

He cursed and reached over me. "I need to set the alarm. "

When he was done, I turned and slid one of my legs through his, the other was on top of his and I snuggled against him. He pressed a kiss to my forehead and my body tingled as he brushed back some of my hair.

"Your mom's not expecting you?"

"Nah. She knows we're out. She's not stupid. Logan probably won't go to the hotel either. " He chuckled and skimmed a hand down my side. "He dropped that girl. Did you hear about that?"

"Tanya, the one Adam liked?"

He smirked. "The other one he liked, yeah. He dropped her after the game and went off with some other girl. "

"He called me after your game. He was pissed I wasn't there. "

He smoothed back some of my hair and ran a thumb over my cheek to my lips. "I wasn't sure if you'd come. I figured if you came, I'd want to bend you over. " He grinned. "No offense, but you get in my head. "

"Do I?" I grinned as I caressed up his arms. His muscles twitched under my touch.

He groaned and wrapped his arms around me to hold me tighter. He rolled to his back and pulled me on top. I laughed huskily as he ran his hands over my body. When he hardened between my legs, I closed my eyes to enjoy it. The heat was gathering again. As he smoothed circles on my back, I laid my head on his chest.

I was intoxicated with him and I murmured against his skin, "When do you have to get up?"

"In three hours. "

His hands started to explore some more and when he dipped a finger inside of me, I was helpless. Desire coursed through me and I was soon throbbing again. It wasn't long before I had enough and sunk onto him. He responded quickly, but after he had thrust deep, he gasped and shoved me off.

"What?" The need for him was making me blind. I only wanted him.

"Condom," he rasped out. He rolled over and reached for one. As soon as I heard that wrapper, I reached for him again. When it was slid on, I raised my hips and sunk down again. I pushed him deep and he fell back with a groan. Then I rolled my hips and started a rhythm. His hands grasped onto my thighs and he pushed and pulled me until we were both gasping for breath. As my climax was nearing, I dipped my head and touched his lips with mine. His tongue swept against mine and took control of the kiss. A primal emotion took root. I was helpless against it. Our hips slammed against each other and we hurdled over the edge together. Waves exploded in me and I trembled as each rushed through me.

"Sam. " It was a whispered caress from his lips before he placed a gentle kiss on my lips again. Then he held me against him as his own body trembled with mine. After our breathing had steadied, he murmured, "I only need two hours of sleep anyway. "

I bit back a laugh and raised my head. "So now we sleep?"

His eyes were on my lips as his hand cupped the side of my face. And then he cursed. "I can't get enough of you. "

"You have been gone all week. "

"Yeah. " His hand started to trace up and down my back now. "I think my mom's going to stick around for the month. She's got some friends that she wanted to visit. Dad's going to love that. "

"I met my dad. " I flushed as I said it. I hadn't meant to, but as soon the words left me, something lifted off my chest.

He met my gaze through the darkness. "You did?"

I nodded before I pressed my forehead to his chest. "He was here Tuesday night when I got back from a run. We didn't talk much. "

"What'd you talk about?"

"He asked if I kept track of my achievements and I told him he could go home, I wasn't worth his time. "

He chuckled, but then his hands skimmed down to my waist and he lifted me higher on him. He started to nuzzle underneath my chin and as the same need started to stir inside of me, I closed my eyes and surrendered. We both knew he wouldn't get any sleep.

And when his alarm went off, neither of us slept a wink. With a huge yawn, he rolled over and shut the alarm off before he slowly turned and sat on the edge of the bed.

I sat up and scooted against my headboard with the sheet gathered around me. "Are you going to be okay today?"

He shook his head and then shrugged. "Shower. Then I'll tell you. "

When he stood from the bed, he checked his phone, cursed, and yawned again. I watched as he tried to shake the yawn away, but it didn't go anywhere. Then I realized I had one also. I was still yawning when he came back from the shower.

He came to the bed and bent down to press a kiss to my forehead. "I'm going to get some clothes from my room and take off. " He swept a hand down the side of my face and lifted my chin. I gazed at him through sleep deprived eyeballs. They should've been sucking the moisture out of the air, but I didn't feel an inch of my exhaustion.

"Okay. "

"I'll see you tonight?"

I nodded and my eyelids were already starting to droop as I nestled under the covers. I was faintly aware of my door opening, but my bed was so comfortable. I was asleep before it closed.

When I walked into the festival, I wasn't sure what to expect. I had never been one for school events so the sight of streamers, balloons, blown-up slides and fun houses wasn't what I had in mind. Booths were spread out everywhere within the school. They started in the parking lot with one for coffee and cappuccino and one was even snuggled in a back janitor's closet for Fallen Crest Academy flags.

Little kids darted around my feet. I saw more than enough of my classmates and our teachers positioned everywhere. When I passed the football booth that had footballs with Fallen Crest Academy's name on it and made with our colors, I saw David chatting with some parents. Then I realized they had old varsity jackets on and knew these were the alumni.

I wandered through the entire school, even up to the third floor, before I found Mason. He had been tucked near the art room behind a table of white lacey doilies. He was lounging back in his chair, his arms crossed over his chest, his legs crossed underneath the table, and his cap pulled low enough to cover his eyes. As his chest rose up and down at a steady rhythm, I enjoyed the sight for a moment before I kicked his feet.

He jerked back, startled, and threw back his cap. A snarl lit over his face, but he relaxed when he saw me. "I didn't know you were coming today. "

"What if I'd been my dad?" I shrugged. "Why not come, it's my school. "

He grunted. "What does he expect? He stuck me up here selling some church ladies' handkerchief things. No one wants these. " He eyed the coffee in my hand. "You got another one of those?"

I grinned and pulled out an energy drink.

"Thanks. " Then he nudged the other chair out. "Want a seat? Keep me company?"

"So you can sleep and I'll sell the doilies?" I was aware of his hungry gaze as I sat beside him. Every nerve in my body was awake and kicking because of it. Who needed coffee when I had him?

"No one wants to buy from me. I look angry when I'm tired. "

As he yawned again and tried to cover it with his hand, I thought he looked adorable. His eyes were softer from the fatigue and his eyelids drooped a bit. His lips were a little swollen from our kisses and his skin looked bright with color. When I caught sight of the hickey I'd left under his shirt's collar, I reached over to tug his shirt to the side.