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She seems confused for just a moment, and then her eyes fill with flirtation. “So, what’s a guy like you doing in a place like this?”

Lame… so lame, yet I can’t help but laugh. “I heard there was going to be a stunningly ravishing woman at this bar tonight, and I simply had to come out and try to win her. ”

I know that was equally as lame, but I’m enjoying whatever this is we’re doing. This banter.

She giggles and takes a sip of wine, which causes my gaze to go to her slender throat as she swallows. My lips have plans to spend a lot of time there as well.

“I heard about this woman,” she says, setting her glass back down. Then she leans toward me and whispers, “They say she’s kind of a sure bet, so I don’t think you have anything to worry about. ”

Fuck, she’s funny. It’s been a long time since a woman made me laugh, and that’s exactly what I do. Reaching out, I tuck a long lock of her hair behind her ear, not because it needed it, but because I need to touch her again. “I have to say, I’m beyond pleased with our match. Your picture had me entranced, but it really didn’t do you justice. ”

“You did hear the part where I said I was a sure bet, right? No need to spout compliments. I’m sleeping with you tonight. ” She’s grinning at me, but I do sense a tiny bit of nervousness about her. It might be the way her hands are gripping the edge of the bar, but I don’t think Stella has much experience at this.

Good thing I have enough for both of us.

“Yet, I felt compelled to give it to you all the same,” I tell her smoothly. “I’m the kind of man that sort of just speaks his mind. ”

“I like that. In fact,” she says as she leans in toward me again, her perfume subtly teasing me. It’s spicy and bold… just like her. “What exactly is on your mind tonight?”

Fuck. I could probably get arrested in thirty-seven states for what is on my mind. I bring my hand up and wrap it around the back of her head, my fingers sliding through her silky hair. Pulling her closer to me, I lean in and skim my lips along her jawline, straight toward her ear.

I hover there a moment, and then ask, “You want to know what’s on my mind?”

She shivers… doesn’t even attempt to hide it, and it punches straight through to my groin.

Leaning just a tad further, I kiss her just below her ear, loving the way she trembles again. Pulling back so my lips skim the outer shell, I tell her in a quiet voice, “I’m trying to decide if I want to f**k you in the elevator or wait until we get in the room. Then I’m trying to figure out if I should f**k you missionary or from behind… probably both, and only after I’ve gone down on you. ”

She groans over those words, but I don’t let up. “Then it’s always open for debate whether I take you out on the balcony. It’s been a fantasy of mine, you see, and I made sure to reserve a room with a gorgeous view over Central Park tonight. ”

Her breath floats out of her mouth in a lovely sigh that smells of Pinot Grigio and when I pull back, I see lust clouding her face.

Fuck finishing our drinks, I think, as I wave the bartender over.


We take an escalator up one floor to the lobby of the hotel over Sullivan’s. I had already checked in when I arrived, and I keep my hand on the small of Stella’s back as I lead her toward the elevator. She walks with that same sexy confidence she exhibited earlier, and I don’t fail to notice the way men’s heads turn to look at her.

It f**king pisses me off. She’s mine tonight, and I don’t like anyone but me imagining how amazingly wonderful she’s going to feel underneath my body.

I press the elevator button, and we only wait a moment before one opens up. It’s paneled with dark mahogany, brass railings, and sumptuous, dark green carpeting. We step in, and I press the button for the top floor. Knowing that we have a bit of a ride up and because I cannot wait a minute more, I grasp Stella’s face with my hands and kiss her.

Yes, kiss her. That intimate thing that sometimes gives me the willies because it’s too intimate.

Yes, I kiss her deep, my tongue plunging in ruthlessly and swiping sensually around her mouth, and it in no way freaks me out. It’s bold, carnal, and immensely f**king intimate, and it only makes me crave more so I back her up against the wall of the elevator, bringing one hand between her legs. She gasps into my mouth, surprised that I truly may be f**king her in the elevator as suggested just a bit ago. Her short skirt rides up easily, and then my fingers are brushing up against what feels like lace.

Wet lace.

That thought causes me to groan and I ease my finger under the seam of her panties, coming up right against her lush heat. There’s no room for hesitation and I couldn’t stop myself if I tried, so I sink one finger into her all the way up to my third knuckle, f**king loving the way she gasps, starts moaning into my mouth, and then her legs start to falter. I quickly move one of my own in between hers to help hold her in place.

So f**king hot.

I know I don’t have time to get her off before we reach our floor, which means I certainly don’t have time to f**k her here, so I break the kiss and roam my lips along her neck lightly, moving my finger in and out of her leisurely but so very deeply. Her h*ps flex against me, trying to demand more, but she’s just going to have to wait.

When the elevator chimes indicate we’ve reached our floor, I pull my hand out of her panties and pull her dress back into place in one move. Placing a kiss lightly on her nose, I grin when she mumbles, “Thanks”.

Taking her by the hand, I lead her down to the room where I’m itching to get her naked. After walking in, I make a cursory glance out the window, confirming the balcony over Central Park is there as requested. The room is elegant, decorated in a slick, contemporary design with sage greens and chocolate browns. A huge vase of white lilies sits on a table by the door, and I throw the room key down next to it.

“Do you want another drink?” I ask her, and I hope she says no. My dick is aching to be inside of her.

She lowers her gaze to the floor and shakes her head, for the first time not making eye contact with me.

What the f**k? She’s suddenly shy? I don’t f**king believe this woman has a shy bone in her body.

I wait until she looks back at me, and then I crook my finger at her with a sly smile… silently commanding her to come. She doesn’t hesitate and thankfully maintains eye contact with me as she walks my way, stopping right in front of me.

Taking her hand, I rub my thumb over her skin in a very uncharacteristic, but tender move. “How often have you done this… used One Night Only?”

Her cheeks turn rosy, but she doesn’t look away. “This is my first time. ”

Oh, baby. Practically a virgin when it comes to this type of f**king. I don’t know whether to be horrified at her inexperience or turned on by it. My c**k leaps at the thought, so I guess I’m turned on.

“Really? You seem so confident… at least, downstairs you did. Now I’m seeing it though… a touch of shyness. ”

That I intend to f**k right out of her.

“Don’t worry,” she says, her voice sure and strong. “I’m not getting cold feet. I’m going through with this. ”

“Damn right, you’re going through with it,” I growl, and then internally wince. I hope that didn’t come off as sexually predatory as it sounded in my head. Softening my voice, I say, “I felt enough of your response in the elevator to know that. But don’t worry… tonight—I’ll lead. ”

Stella surprises me when she steps back, but her eyes are challenging. She reaches to the side of her dress and slowly drags her zipper down. She watches it descend all the way, and then looks back at me. “You can lead. But I’ll start. ”

Fuck, f**k, f**k. This woman could sexually torture me just with her words and honey-sweet voice.

I look down to where her hands are resting at the base of the zipper and murmur, “By all means. ”

And yeah… fantasy  p**n  all the way. She peels her dress off and it slithers to the floor, leaving her standing before me with pale, smooth skin and some tiny scraps of black lace. Her br**sts are perfect… not overly large, but full and pushing up over the cups of her bra. Her stomach is flat, her ass nicely curved—but then again, I knew that from the snug dress she had on. Her calf muscles are well toned and flexed slightly because of the four-inch heels she’s still wearing.

My cock… that eight-inch piece of equipment that had been jumping and twitching like an excited puppy now goes to full mast, pushing hard against my zipper. Stella’s gaze drops to my crotch, and she eyes it ardently.

“It’s your turn to takeover,” she says with a soft smile, and I move in close to her. I graze my knuckles over the swell of her br**sts, so very softly, but she purrs a little moan in the back of her throat and closes her eyes.

“Standing up or lying down?” I ask her and her eyes snap open, slamming locked to mine. “Missionary or doggie style? Any preference?”

I don’t care what she chooses because that’s just where we’re going to start. We’ll get through all of it tonight, and I’m not letting her out of here until I’m satisfied we’ve done justice to every bit of it.

Stella’s gaze is filled with heat and lust, and there is nothing sexier than a horny woman who is ready to get it on. “I don’t care,” she says saucily. “As long as there’s an orgasm involved. ”

I chuckle and then sweep her up in my arms. She gasps in surprise but her arms wrap around my neck, her fingers twirling in the back of my hair.

“I guarantee you two… to start out with,” I promise her savagely, just before I toss her on the bed.

Never have I stripped so fast, not because I have any intention of f**king her just yet. I have other plans first. No, I’m eager to have her eyes on me.

When I’m naked, I did just as I did the other night when I was standing at the foot of the bed looking down at… what was her name? I forget. But anyway, just as I did that night, I start stroking myself.

Last week, I did it to make sure I was ready to go, because my boy needs to make sure he stays interested.

Tonight, I do it just because I’m so f**king turned on by this woman that I want just a moment to feel something against my c**k because I’m going to be ignoring it for a bit. I have two orgasms to hand out to Stella first, and my mouth is watering just thinking about it.

When I’m at the point that I don’t think I can get any harder or any larger, Stella swallows hard and says softly, “I hope that will fit. ”

There is mirth in her voice, but there’s also a little hesitation. I’m a pretty big guy, but I haven’t heard a word of complaint yet. I grin down at her, “You’re funny. But no worries… I’m going to have you so wet, I’ll slide right home. Trust me. ”

Stella’s breath hitches, and I hear her mutter, “Oh, God. ”

She can pray all she wants right now, but I’m positive it’s going to be my name being called out to the heavens when I’m finished with her.

Chapter 4

“So, I know we won’t share any personal information about ourselves with each other,” she starts out, “but I think you look like a banker. Yes. Mike the Banker. ”

I laugh out loud, clutching at my stomach. We were talking about an exhibit at the Guggenheim when she hit me with her banker hypothesis. I’m lying on my back next to her on the bed. She’s on her back as well, our shoulders touching companionably, our hands curled around bottles of water I just retrieved from the mini fridge as we stare upward.

I just had the motherload of all orgasms, so explosive I was on the verge of passing out for a moment. Stella’s wrecked too… she had four orgasms. Two while I ate her out… she tasted f**king divine. I wanted to give her a third that way, but she begged me to f**k her, so I did—my hand working between her legs while I pounded inside of her. She came again with a hoarse cry, then I flipped her over and took her from behind. Only after she came that fourth time did I let go, and almost gave myself a coronary in the process.