other got inside her reach and lunged for her throat. Vichnia stabbed with the dagger and impaled its thigh. As it screamed and tried to evade, she cut its throat on the return stroke.

  The remaining lizard-monsters surged forward. Vichnia grabbed the skirt and ripped it free. "It's off; go!" She let it drop, and Eile kicked it out of the way, charging into the circle of creatures.

  "Rrraaawww!" She hacked, slashed, and jabbed, then whirled around to rush in the other direction, and saw Vichnia attacking the lizard-things behind her, putting her dancing skills to good use as she kicked, punched, and cut.

  Though they were easy to dispatch, the reptile-monsters were agile, which made them hard to hit. As well, only a killing blow would destroy them. Otherwise, a severed arm or disemboweled stomach barely fazed them at all. She found herself being pressed hard, until she has been pushed back-to-back against Vichnia. For a moment she panicked, believing the creatures had gotten the better of them, and then she realized that they were crowded in together, limiting their movements. Grinning in a ferocious manner, she concentrated on making quick stabbing attacks. When one dropped out, she stepped forward and chopped or slashed at its neighbors, then jumped back as the rest closed the gap. In that way, she could land enough blows to incapacitate them, which made it easier to follow through with a killing stroke. She hoped Vichnia had figured out the same tactic, but as long as she felt her back, she knew she held her own.

  She concentrated on fighting so intently that before she realized it, all the lizard-things had been dispatched. She whipped around, looking for another opponent, but saw only Vichnia. She turned and focused on Sunny. The beams had grown in intensity until they were almost blinding, and hemispheres of the same color had formed in front of them both. She could see Sunny straining, the muscles in her arms knotted and bulging, as if she tried to move a huge weight. Then both she and the wizard lord drew back their arms and thrust them forward, sending the hemispheres along the beams to crash together at the intersection point. They exploded with a crack of thunder, breaking the stalemate and sending shockwaves back along the beams that slammed into each of them, pushing them back. They stared at each other, panting as if exhausted. She couldn't see Sunny's face, but the Chromatic Lord look bewildered and angry all at the same time.

  Then he bellowed like a bull. "Enough!! This ends, now!" He spread his arms and legs wide and threw back his head, as a polychromatic globe formed around his body and rainbow arcs flashed like lightning bolts through the air. Sunny stood rigid, her arms held out from her sides, her hands balled into fists, ready to counter his attack. Her stomach tied itself into a cold knot as she watched the tableau with dread. She wanted to do something to help Sunny, but she didn't know what. She looked at her sword. It was light enough she might be able to throw it at the wizard. Whether it would do any good, she didn't know, but it was all she could think of.

  She tossed the sword up and caught it over-handed, then drew back her arm as she sighted along the other. She was just about to throw when she saw Vichnia jump off the stage and run in front of Sunny. She hesitated as Vichnia called out:

  "Stop it, Father, right now!"

  She dropped her arms in shock as Sunny squealed. "Father?!"

  Of course! Sunny said her father was a powerful wizard!

  At first the wizard didn't react as if he had heard.

  "If you strike this girl, you will have to strike me as well."

  That time, the Chromatic Lord dropped his head and looked down at her.

  "This isn't necessary. These girls do not understand."

  She said as she stepped off the stage. "Actually, we understand plenty." She walked up beside Sunny, who gave her a questioning look as Vichnia turned to send her an annoyed stare.

  "We don't know the reason for yer fight, at least not really. But we do understand how two people who love each other can get so angry that each will say or do anything to hurt the other."

  "Yeah!" Sunny exclaimed, following her lead. "Eile and I have had some doozies. Like the time she--"

  "Sunny, shush. Anyways, it doesn't make sense, but the more two people love each other, the worse their fights. And from what I've seen today, you guys must really care for one another. Which is good, because the deeper the love, the easier it is ta make up."

  Sunny put her arm around her waist. "That's right. Eile and I have always made up, and sometimes that's when we have the most fun." She gave her a warm, coquettish smile.

  "Uh, Sunny, they're father and daughter, not lovers."

  Sunny giggled. "Oh, yeah, I forgot. Sorry."

  Vichnia gave them a friendly smile before she turned back to her father. "Perhaps I was wrong; they may understand better than we do. But in the end, one thought only of helping me, and the other thought only of aiding her. They do not deserve to die, not for our disagreement. But if you insist, you must kill me as well. They did what they did for my sake, so I must share the blame."

  Eile saw no change in the wizard's face, but after a few moments the globe dimmed and faded.

  "Come down, Father, and let's talk this over. For once, I am willing to discuss it."

  She felt relieved when the wizard smile for the first time, and it seemed to her to be a warm smile. He settled to the floor and walked towards Vichnia. She waited for him to reach her. They looked at each other for a couple of seconds, then Vichnia embraced him. He raised his arms in a hesitant manner, a consternated look on his face, but then he wrapped them around her as she laid her head against his chest.

  She heard Sunny sigh, and when she looked, she saw her face beaming with gentle pleasure.

  "There's nothing like the love between father and daughter."

  She rolled her eyes. "Whatever."

  Sunny gave her a surprised look. "What's with you?"

  "I wouldn't make them into any role models."

  "You can believe that, after what you just said?"

  "I just think they could've gotten to this point without all the histrionics."

  "I couldn't agree more," Tyco said as he came up beside them.

  "Sorry about your tavern," Sunny said.

  Tyco waved it off. "It wasn't your fault, and besides, I'm grateful you intervened. You probably prevented its total ruin. As it is, I can rebuild."

  "We're glad we could help!"

  "I really mean it, though; I am much obliged for your help. Here." And he held out another cloth bag.

  Eile accepted it. "What's this?"

  "The rest of your tips, plus something extra, to show my gratitude."

  She hesitated. "Thanks, but no, we had an agreement." She offered it back. "Besides, you'll need even this ta recover."

  "No, I insist." He pushed back her hand. "It is but a fraction of what I owe you. Besides, I can hit Mayv up for a contribution. She did promise you two wouldn't be any trouble." However, he said it with a mischievous smile. Sunny giggled.

  She grinned. "Alright, then."

  "Thank you!" Sunny gushed.

  "Think nothing of it. And you are welcome to come and sing here whenever you like."

  "Thanks," she said, "but next time we may have a show yer patrons will like better."

  "I look forward to it. Meanwhile, if there is any way that I can help you in your future endeavors, please do not hesitate to ask."

  Sunny sported a sly smile. "Wellllll, there is something you could do for us right now."

  "Name it."

  "Eile and I have this business we call Team Girl, Inc., through which we offer freelance adventuring services. Our motto is, we'll go anywhere, and we'll do anything!"

  Tyco flashed a wry grin. "Anything?"

  "Within reason," Eile said, "but we don't turn much down, and we're willing ta listen to any proposition. The thing is, ta make it work, we need to advertise, but nobody's gonna take us seriously without testimonials and word-of-mouth recommendations, and we won't get those without a few initial clients willin' ta take a chance on us."

  He nodded as he looked thoughtfu
l. "I see the dilemma. I believe I can help, in several ways, but not if you're particularly picky about your commissions."

  "Like Eile said, we'll at listen to whatever people have to say."

  He smiled. "Good. We can discuss it while we wait for Imperious Mayv to return. In the meantime, I would like to offer you the use of my private facilities, if you would like to get cleaned up, as well as new clothes. They won't be as fine as what you're wearing, but they should suffice."

  She scratched at her scalp. With the crisis over, the stale beer and grease smell had become too noticeable. "Thanks, I appreciate it."

  "This way." He gestured towards the bar.

  She glanced at Sunny. "Care ta give me a hand?"

  Sunny smiled, crinkled her eyes, and giggled. "Sure thing, partner." And they followed Tyco arm in arm towards the bar.

  "I didn't know you could work magic like that."

  "Neither did I. I wonder what Mayv would say?"

  "Probably that you need training."

  "Yeah. That seems to be her answer for everything."


  For more information on Eile and Sunny, Team Girl, see the official site [https://www.teamgirlforever.com/].

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  About the Author

  Kevin L. O'Brien was born with a pen in his hand.

  Well, not quite, but he has been writing for as long as he can remember, at least since First Grade. Writing has always been his first, true love, but it hasn't always been his career. He worked for 15 years as a biomedical researcher, then for 3 years as a web designer. However, after 30 years of trying to be