Page 18 of Home Lost

  "As we talked, I heard sounds of rejoicing throughout the town as Ler Dan welcomed our troops. So far, we had not made detailed plans for how to defend the city. As I listened to people through the open window, I hoped their joy would not be short lived.

  "After the meal, the Lieutenant called the Allivanian knights together and we explained the situation. All knew their treatment of the citizens of Ler Dan was harsh and unwarranted. None suspected it was due to the Colonel’s ambition. A vote was asked and it was agreed that, until proper government could be restored, the Lieutenant would assume command under the Knight’s Charter. The Charter had a provision permitting the second-in-command to assume authority when the commander could not perform his duties in a professional manner. His first act as commander was to suspend all restrictions passed under the Wartime Code.

  "We had no need to post sentries. Our scouts provided regular reports of the Colonel’s progress. By evening, we received word the last knight had fallen. The Colonel and Marta abandoned the wagons and were now alone on their trip back. It seemed they also had depleted their rations and were using Marta’s healing spells to sustain them. With no knights to hold them back, they were pushing their horses hard.

  "The next morning we received word their horses had fallen, exhausted, twenty miles from town. The two were on foot. The scouts could see Marta lagging farther and farther behind. The drain on her inner resources must have been enormous because she was so out of training.

  "By noon, our rescue personnel found Marta lying on the road. The Colonel was alone. If he traveled all night, he would arrive in the early hours of the next day.

  "At dawn we posted sentries to watch for his arrival. He was less than two miles from the town. To reduce any lingering doubts about our story, I suggested the Lieutenant remain with the sentries while Sauwerdan forces concealed themselves. The King and I selected a position where we could see and hear all that occurred.

  "We watched the Colonel approach. Despite his ordeal, there were no outward signs of fatigue. He may have been misguided, but he was still a knight.

  "With no greeting, he ordered the Lieutenant to set up a defensive perimeter. An overwhelming army led by Darius and the treacherous King had attacked his forces. The Allivanian knights fought bravely, but had been slaughtered. Due to his superior conditioning, he was barely able to escape to warn the troops in town. Ler Dan must be protected at all costs. When the fleet arrived, it would need a safe landing place.

  "I could listen to no more. I stepped out where the Colonel would see me. His face paled, but it went unnoticed as the harbor watch bell echoed a panicked tattoo. A ship had been sighted.

  "We had not established sentries along the coast. Now, we had no time to establish a defensive position. Our force was too small to repel a large, trained force.

  "The Colonel looked at me with a satisfied smirk on his face.

  "'Well Darius, it seems this time I will be able to watch your execution.'"


  A pale wisp of dawn, barely visible on the horizon, rose with the wind around the two riders, causing trees to wave ghostlike in their snow and ice beds. Leena felt her inner reserves depleting rapidly as the temperature continued dropping.

  They were still ten miles from the town Darius mentioned. Leena felt cold rasping mildly at her cheeks. She tried to increase the strength of her warming spell, but there was little change.

  To conserve energy, she let the illumination spell dissipate. If she held this level of drain, she could maintain the warming spells for another three hours, with luck maybe four. As her light dimmed, Darius turned to her in the darkness. She felt him looking for some sign she needed help. She knew he could not see her. Even if he could, there was nothing he could do.

  "So what happened when the troops landed?" she asked, hoping to hide her fatigue from Darius.

  He was silent a moment.

  "The Colonel started issuing orders for the knights to disarm the Sauwerdan troops. The knights turned to the Lieutenant. He looked from me to the King then informed the Colonel he was under arrest and ordered his men to take the Colonel’s weapons.

  "The Colonel started shouting that every one of them would be imprisoned for this. This was treason in a time of war. The penalty would be death if they continued on this course.

  "Without flinching, the Lieutenant requested the Colonel remain silent or they would be forced to gag him. The Colonel shut up, but I had not seen such venom in a man’s eyes before that day.

  "After a quick consultation, we decided to go down to the dock and meet the ship. Hopefully, we could settle the situation without conflict. The Lieutenant told us he was not prepared to take arms against Allivanian knights. He would have to stand with Allivan if the Sauwerdan forces should choose to oppose them. The Sauwerdan troops were free to stay or flee as they chose.

  "The King asked for a few minutes with his troops. They moved away and talked quietly. I felt tension in the Allivanian knights. Finally, the King stepped forward.

  "'I will stay and meet your ships. My men will wait outside town for the outcome. Darius assured me Allivan is a just nation with fair laws. I trust his honesty. So far, no life has been lost in armed conflict. I will take any risk necessary to end this peacefully.'

  "I reminded the Lieutenant the King entered Ler Dan under a white flag. Under Allivanian law, should peaceful negotiations fail, he must be allowed to leave unmolested. The Lieutenant assured the King this was the law.

  "With this agreed, we walked to the harbor.

  "Long before we reached the docks, we saw a ship rapidly approaching, making for port with an unnaturally strong following wind. I looked for other ships and saw none.

  "Just as it seemed the speeding ship must crash into the dock, the wind ceased. The ship nudged gently against the ancient planks. Sailors tossed ropes to waiting troops and the ship was quickly secured. A gangplank was set as an honor guard of ship officers formed a cordon on deck.

  "We waited tensely.

  "Who had the Great Wizard sent and what was their mission? One ship was too small to contain an invading army.

  "A door opened. I saw the top of a staff moving beyond the heads of the honor guard toward the gangplank. I recognized it instantly, the staff of the Great Wizard.

  "For all his years, he was strong and nimble as he descended to the dock. No one spoke. Several knights lowered their heads in respect and I admit my knees felt a bit weak. I had never been this close to the Great Wizard. I felt power radiating from him like heat from a fire.

  "Before anyone thought to silence him, the Colonel spoke out.

  "'Sire, I wish to report a mutiny. These knights, led by the traitor Darius and the treacherous King of this land, have aligned themselves against the power of Allivan. They are responsible for the decimation of the Allivanian forces.

  "'With your permission, I would like to have them arrested, charged and shipped back to Allivan for trial. Meanwhile, I would appreciate the loan of your troops so I may secure this town, arrest the leaders that caused this war and prepare to take arms against the enemy.'

  "Robart, the Great Wizard, listened quietly to the Colonel. His face betrayed neither trust nor distrust. When the Lieutenant opened his mouth to protest, Robart held up a hand to silence him.

  "The Great Wizard looked quietly at the crowd then asked whether King Ballan was present. The King stepped forward and nodded his head in regard for the Great Wizard's position.

  "'You have no need to bow to me, Sir, you are the sovereign of your realm as I am of mine. I think it best we meet as equals.'

  "The Great Wizard extended his hand. As they grasped each other's wrists, I saw a look of understanding and respect pass between them.

  "The Great Wizard asked the King to step aboard his ship so they could talk. He requested the Allivanian troops remain on the dock until further notice.

  "The Great Wizard and the King disappeared into a cabin on-board ship.

  "'Poor D

  "I looked at the Colonel. His eyes shone with malicious glee.

  "'Do you really think the Great Wizard will take the word of a foreign king and a traitor knight over the word of a trusted Colonel in his army? I look forward to watching you hang and I shall personally parade your head through the town on a lance.'

  "His tirade was interrupted as the door on the ship opened again.

  "The Great Wizard stepped to the rail and asked me to join them. My heart thudded. The King had not had time to tell his story. Had he already removed the King? Was I next? Was this a plan to eliminate control of the Sauwerdan army? I could feel the hair on the back of my neck straining as I walked to the door with the Great Wizard behind me. I wondered whether I would see the sun again.

  "I was relieved to see the King sitting comfortably at a table with a flagon of wine before him. To my amazement the Great Wizard himself poured me some wine and asked me to sit.

  "'Darius, it seems you have been in the thick of this from the beginning. The Lead Merchant vilified your name, the Colonel seems to have taken an extreme dislike to you and now I find the King wants you present for our talk. It seems you have been a busy knight, indeed. Now, if you do not mind, I would like to hear the tale in your words.'

  "I told him of our landing and meeting Sergeant Wolffang, of their desperate poverty and their bravery in the face of hopeless odds. I recounted the trip to Riverford and our stay there. I told him of the strength, gentleness and wisdom of their king.

  "After a short internal debate, I told him of our return trip to Ler Dan and the abuse of Sergeant Wolffang, of my capture and intended murder. As well as I could remember, I told him of the Colonel’s reasons for wanting war. I told him of the battle and assured him Allivanian personnel were safe and being tended to.

  "When I finished, the Great Wizard sat quiet. Seconds stretched to minutes. I felt the sweat of nervousness rising on me. The King and I waited. Finally, the Great Wizard broke the silence.


  "'Darius, yours is truly a remarkable story. Before you gentlemen arrived, I placed a truth spell on this room. Had you tried to report falsely, I would have known instantly. However, at no point in the tale did you stray from the truth as you know it.'

  "He turned to the King.

  "'Your Majesty, Allivan owes you and your people a great debt. It seems I have become lax during the years of peace in our land. The men I selected to initiate communication between our peoples were ill-suited to the task. Without taking time to study the matter sufficiently, I chose them for their positions and not their character. It seems disaster has only been avoided through the wisdom of you and this young knight. For that, I am grateful to you both.

  "'I feared I would find a much worse situation when I rushed my ship here. It is not widely known I keep a permanent truth spell over the petition hall in my castle at Elderon. Certainly the Lead Merchant did not know it when he arrived.

  "'I was alarmed when I saw his inner struggle as he was forced to tell the true tale as opposed to the one he had prepared. It indicated a massive amount of deceit. When he told me of the Colonel’s ambitions, I immediately took steps to recover all that was taken unfairly. I rushed here to see whether I could right the wrongs done in the name of Allivan and hopefully salvage peace between our nations. I am grateful it will not be necessary.

  "'Two ships follow and will arrive in about three weeks. They will return all your people were cheated of. They also carry a few gifts from my kingdom to yours you may find useful. These are primarily medicinal herbs and seed crops that will give high yields. We have found over the centuries that Allivan prospers when its neighbors and trading partners prosper. I hope Your Majesty will accept these gifts in the spirit of building a future of peace between our two lands.'

  "The King responded his people would be proud to call Allivan friend and extended his hand. The Great Wizard accepted and a treaty was formed in that moment that no paper could improve.

  "The Great Wizard turned to me.

  "'It seems, my young knight, you have wisdom and compassion beyond your years. When the ships arrive, the Sauwerdans will need people to teach them to use the gifts they bring. I know there will be several volunteers, but Allivan will need a calm head to represent it here. I would be honored, young sir, if you would accept the position of Ambassador of the Great Wizard to the lands of the Far Eastern Shores.'

  "I was dumbfounded. I could not speak. I nodded.

  "With a return nod, the Great Wizard asked me to kneel. With his staff, he touched me on either shoulder and bade that I serve a long and wise tenure.

  "When I rose, he told me as Ambassador I was in charge of Allivanian forces and responsible for ensuring justice for Allivanian citizens in the lands of the Far Eastern Shores. My first duty would be to deal with the Colonel and his rogue hedge witch.

  "I believe that request was a test of my fitness to serve. The Great Wizard could have taken the Colonel and Marta back to Allivan for justice. I knew how much responsibility would be placed on me in the new position. The King and the Great Wizard waited silently while I thought the matter over.

  "Although the Colonel had been lured by a misguided bid for power, he was still a strong and brave knight. It would be a shame to waste his talents at a time and place his skills were much in need. He developed and led the most powerful army in the known world. His dedication to his profession was unquestionable.

  "I pointed out the Colonel’s frustration stemmed from the fact he had risen as high as he could in Allivan. Perhaps it would be best to place him where he achieved his goal while using his skills to serve both Allivan and Sauwerdah.

  "I suggested to the King it might be useful to have a knights' academy in Sauwerdah. The training of knights went far beyond skill with arms. It developed people of strong moral character who put duty to the kingdom above all. Knights served in times of disaster, helped defend law and were used to reduce internal conflicts.

  "Should the King decide such an academy desirable, there was no one more qualified to establish and build it than the Colonel. He could be named Instructor General. I suggested he would find this more attractive than a court-martial and his background and knowledge could be put to good use.

  "After a short discussion, it was agreed. The offer would be made. If the Colonel refused, he could still be returned to Allivan for justice.

  "The Great Wizard reminded me Marta must also be dealt with.

  "Again I sensed a test. It was natural for a knight to protect another, but how would I fare when the person was not one of my group. I paused to consider.

  "For many years Marta used the power of others to avoid doing her job. However, she once had ambition to learn hedge witch skills. I learned from Lileah that witches' training is long and often arduous.

  "Marta succumbed to a life of ease because it was available. I sense she is not a bad person, just lazy. Perhaps, if she were given a village where her skills were necessary, with no one else to perform the tasks for her, she would come to know her worth.

  "For the first time, I saw the Great Wizard smile. He told me he was now certain he made the right choice. Fortunately, I was far too overwhelmed to argue.

  "We discussed ways the position of Ambassador could best serve both nations. The King offered a plot of land and a building in Riverford for an embassy that would forever be the property of Allivan.

  "The Great Wizard suggested it was time to summon the Colonel. With the truth spell active, the Colonel's resentment against me was obvious. However, as the situation was explained and he realized he was to be promoted to full General, all resentment dissipated. He was quickly caught up in the excitement of the challenge. For the second time that morning, the Great Wizard used his staff to confer a title.

  "The Great Wizard remained in Sauwerdah touring the country for two months. The promised ships arrived and most gold was returned to the citizens of Ler Dan and Oliman. As for the pregnant women, without exceptio
n the new husbands agreed to remain married. However, three requested they be allowed to return to Allivan because they were property holders there. Once it was confirmed the wives wished this also, permission was granted.

  "The past three years have been a time of building and progress. Farms now produce far more than subsistence level and trade has grown. Ler Dan, Oliman, and several other coastal cities are now prosperous trading centers with seaports able to berth the largest ships. The Academy produces knights trained to use arms only as a last resort.

  "It has not always been easy. A large segment of the population resents progress. They feel the old ways were best and resent the intrusion of outsiders. In some segments of their society, the introduction of ale has had devastating effect. They correctly point out that the improved economy has brought rising crime. Rivalry between cities and towns has grown as trade alliances develop.

  "All of this has caused the King to become a national ruler in fact instead of merely in name. His knights often serve as arbiters in disputes between local governments. However, a strengthening central government is also leading to Sauwerdah seeing itself as a nation."

  Darius paused, thinking about the problems of the lands of the Far Eastern Shores.

  "As the nation progresses, my duties become more routine. Lately I remembered the reasons I became a knight. They have little to do with signing trade agreements and mediating disputes. Although I have told no one, my primary reason for returning to Allivan is to ask the Great Wizard to find a suitable replacement."

  Again he paused, expecting a response from Leena, but her mind was swimming through a sea of mud. Desperately, she fought to bring her thoughts together, to reply, but her concentration remained on maintaining her spells. Without them, they would not survive the biting cold.

  "However, that is enough about the tribulations of an Ambassador. For the first time in four years, I am visiting Allivan. I wish to see my family and friends. Although I have a good life in Sauwerdah, Allivan is my home. Letters and messages cannot replace being with the ones you care for."

Franz McLaren's Novels