Page 29

  Author: Teresa Mummert

  A man took the stage and began to hype up the crowd. They cheered and hollered so deafeningly loudly that it was impossible for me to hear my own thoughts. That wasn’t necessarily a bad thing.

  Apparently, Damaged was the first band to take the stage tonight. Tucker pulled me into his chest and gave me a quick kiss before nodding to Dorris. She looped her arm in mine and guided me to the front of the crowd before the stage so we could watch the show. As soon as we arrived, I quickly pulled my arm free from hers.

  The man was still onstage talking, and Dorris leaned in closer to me so I could hear her. “Tucker is a good man and he would do anything he had to if he thought it was right, but this band has been his dream and I will not see him throw that away. ” Her eyes stayed focused on the stage ahead as she spoke.

  “Then we’re on the same page,” I assured her as Damaged stepped onto the stage.

  The people around us went nuts, effectively ending our tense conversation.

  I cheered along with everyone else as Tucker stepped into view. He smiled as he saw me and winked, making my heart melt into a puddle at my feet. The Twisted Twins began to play their guitars, and the crowd’s enthusiasm only intensified. They started by playing “Loved. ” My heart melted at the sound of Tucker’s voice.

  His eyes locked on mine as he sang of driving miles and miles and winding up at my door. My hand went to my stomach and I swayed with the crowd as he sang to me. I snuck a glance at Dorris, who was smiling proudly at the band. She was right to be worried about Tucker’s future. I was, too. I didn’t want to take this from him. It was what he was born to do. Still, the idea of spending my life with Tucker was too much to resist. Even if he was on the road for months at a time, we could make it work, right? People did it all the time.

  The song ended and the band flowed seamlessly into the next as he sang about trying harder and being scared. I could definitely relate to the lyrics, and they brought tears to my eyes. This song was much more intense, and he sang most of it with his eyes pressed closed.

  Our entire world was crashing down around us and Tucker was able to make me feel safe and loved for the first time I could remember in my life. The day he’d stepped into the diner changed my life and set off a chain of events that would ultimately change the course of our lives forever, good or bad. I didn’t know what brought him to me, if it was fate or karma, but I was grateful to have him in my life, even if it was all crumbling around us.

  The sun was fading fast behind us and sparkled off the water behind the stage. It was magical. The women around me sang along to the beautiful lyrics and I even joined in.

  Tucker transitioned into a new song that I hadn’t heard yet, about secrets. I blushed as his eyes locked on mine as he sang, “I want you so bad. ” I loved every minute of it. I never wanted it to end, but as soon as this song finished, it was time for the next band.

  I followed Dorris to the back of the stage, where Tucker was taking a long swig from a water bottle. His eyes lit up when he saw me. His arm hooked around my neck and he pressed his damp lips to my forehead.

  “Hey, guys,” Dorris called to the bandmates, who were already scouting the crowd for women. They gathered around Tucker and me as they waited to hear what she had to say. “Go ahead, Tucker. Share your news with the band. It’s their future you’re toying with as well. ”

  Tucker’s arm tightened around me. “I’m sorry,” he whispered in my ear before kissing me on the cheek. “Cass and I are going to have a baby. ”

  Everyone’s eyes moved between Tucker and me, and at first no one spoke. I held my breath as I waited for them to say something, anything.

  “Jesus Christ. ” Chris stepped forward, running his hand over his face in shock before pulling Tucker into his embrace. Terry followed suit, patting Tucker on the back and whispering something to him. You could see the looks of concern in their eyes, but mostly they were struggling to look happy for Tucker.

  “Eric?” Tucker was looking at his drummer, waiting for a response as we held our breath.

  Eric’s eyes cut to me before he turned to the stage and punched a large trunk that was propped against the back of it.

  “Don’t do this, man. ”

  “Don’t do this? Do what, Tucker? Fuck up our entire future while only thinking of ourselves? Is that what I’m doin’, man?”

  “This wasn’t planned. It just happened. ”

  “Yeah, well, it can unhappen. ” Eric was fuming and a small crowd was starting to take notice.

  Tucker stepped forward, shoved against Eric’s chest, and pointed his finger at him. “Don’t ever fucking talk about my child like that again!”

  “Think about what you’re saying. ” Terry stepped between them.

  “He’s only saying what you’re all thinking,” Dorris said, folding her arms over her chest.

  “That’s enough!” Tucker yelled at her before taking a deep breath. “Dorris, I love you like a mother. I could really use a mother right now. You know this band has always been my dream, and none of that has changed. ” He ran his hand through his hair. “You’re like my family. ” His eyes scanned the band. “Cass is family now, too. ” He met each of their gazes. “Don’t make me choose. ” The warning did not go unnoticed. “Because I’ll choose her. ”

  Eric stepped forward, his eyes challenging Tucker, who refused to look away. He wasn’t bluffing, he was going to throw it all on the line for me and this baby. Eric sighed and looked up at the sky for a moment before pulling Tucker into a one-armed hug. The other members followed suit.

  I was incredibly relieved. I didn’t want to be the cause of any problems with Tucker’s band, although clearly there would be a much longer conversation when I wasn’t around.

  The next band took the stage and it was impossible to talk any further. Tucker leaned in to Terry and talked directly into his ear and he nodded, giving Tucker one last hug before he pulled me back toward the sandy path we’d walked in on.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  WHERE ARE WE going?” I shot Tucker a quizzical look.

  “To get your things. ” He grinned and gave my hip a squeeze. I swallowed against the lump in my throat as reality came crashing down around me. I was going to have to face Jax. “It will be fine, don’t worry. This is only the beginning. ”

  I gave Tucker a weak smile. He was right. After tonight, we could be together and I wouldn’t have to worry about anything but our future and our family. I took a deep breath and tried to push the worry out of my head as we traveled back the narrow path.

  When we reached his bike, he pulled me into his arms and held me tightly while he whispered in my ear, “I know you’re scared. I’m scared, too. We can get through this together. ” He pressed his lips to my neck before pulling back to look me in the eye. I nodded and grabbed my helmet from the back of the bike.

  “How can you be so certain this will all work out?” I was terrified and I couldn’t understand his calm demeanor.

  He shrugged and looked off in the distance. “It has to. I couldn’t live with myself if it didn’t. I won’t make the same mistakes my parents made. ” He pressed his hand to my belly and his mood lightened.

  I ran my fingers over his cheek and along his jaw as it flexed under my fingers. I still couldn’t understand how he’d made it through so much in his life and turned out so amazing. “Let’s go begin our new life. ” I slipped my helmet over my head.

  Tucker brushed my hair back from my face and buckled the clasp beneath my chin. He gave me a quick kiss on the lips and put on his helmet as well.

  The drive back to the trailer park always seemed to go faster than the trip to leave. I knew Jax would most likely be passed out cold and I had little to worry about, but I was fearful nonetheless. Storms were approaching, and thunder cracked as lightning streaked across the sky. It seemed fitting for the day we had had. Today everything would ch
ange, either for good or bad, but I was ready for it.

  As we pulled into the parking lot of the diner, Tucker parked near the trailer-park fence and I slowly forced myself to get off the bike. There was an eerie silence. Everyone was inside preparing for Mother Nature to unleash her fury.

  “Wait for me in Aggie’s. I just need to grab a few things and talk to my mom. ” I pulled off my helmet and handed it to Tucker.

  “I don’t think it’s a good idea for you to go alone. ” He stepped off the bike. I watched him place our helmets over the handlebars. I sighed, not wanting to have this argument. If Jax was awake, things would quickly escalate with Tucker there.

  “It will be fine. I promise. I will be in and out in five minutes. He doesn’t even know about us. ” I leaned in and pressed my lips against Tucker’s cheek, lingering for a few extra seconds. “I’ll be okay. I’ve done this since I met you. ”

  “Five minutes or I’m coming to find you, sweetheart. ” He was serious and there was no point in trying to convince him otherwise. I nodded and made my way through the fence. I glanced over my shoulder to see Tucker staring at me before taking a few steps back and heading for the door of the diner.

  This was it. My life was changing, and in the instant it took to blink, it would all be different. I took a deep breath and pulled open the door to the trailer.

  The living room was empty and the only sound came from the television. I let out a sigh of relief at the anticlimactic ending to my struggles. All of the lights were off, but as the lightning struck, I could see perfectly down the narrow hallway. I sidestepped around the bucket and gripped the doorknob to my bedroom. I pushed it open just as lightning flashed again, followed by a loud crack of thunder. Jackson sat on my bed. It was the only thing not overturned and torn apart in my room. My dresser lay on its side, the drawers falling out and the contents spilled onto the floor. My closet doors were ripped off their tracks and lay on the opposite side of the room. My beautiful dresses lay in rags, strewn across the debris of what used to be my entire world. It looked as if a tornado had selectively touched down in my room. That tornado was staring straight at me.

  “Where the fuck have you been?” His voice was low and menacing. His eyes slowly rose to meet mine.

  I tried to speak, but my throat swelled shut in fear. Jackson stood and stepped close enough that I could smell the liquor on his breath. I closed my eyes and summoned all of my strength to face him one last time.

  “Before you fucking lie, I went to the diner and I also had a few words with your worthless mother. ” He eyed me with disgust. “I know you lied about where you were the other night, you fucking whore. ”

  My eyes shot open as all of my secrets poured out. I flinched at the words. They’d never hurt me before. I realized after the last few days I had actually begun to doubt they were true.

  “You’ve been lying a lot lately. ” He smiled, and it sent a chill down my spine.

  “Fuck you,” I choked out.

  The first blow landed on the side of my face. I couldn’t tell if lightning flashed or if my vision was suffering. A hot blast of pain knocked me sideways, and I hit the wall behind me. I grabbed my face, hoping to protect myself from the next hit. It was no use. The next blow was from his closed fist into my stomach. I fell backward and curled into a ball, gasping for air. I couldn’t breathe. I struggled to suck in a breath as his foot came down hard on my hip.

  “How could you do this to me?” he screamed, hovering over me with reddened eyes.

  I reached for him, begging for his help as I finally managed to inhale.

  He knocked my hand away in disgust. “This is all your fault! I didn’t want it to come to this. ” He ran his hands through his hair angrily.

  “Jax, please don’t do this. Please, I’m sorry. ”

  He looked at me with pain in his eyes and shook his head. “It’s too late. ” He was calm, and that scared me more than his shouting.