Page 14 of Her Naughty Holiday

  drove him wild with desire and need. Did Clover have any idea how sexy she was like this—spread out under his hand, wet and hot and open to him and for him?

  “I love it when you spread for me,” he whispered in her ear. She shivered at his words. “It’s killing me not to fuck you right now.” He rubbed that soft hollow with his fingertips.

  “It won’t kill you.”

  “It might kill me. But what a way to go.”

  She grinned with her eyes closed. He rubbed her a little harder, made the circle a little larger. The grin disappeared.

  “Erick—” She gasped his name and it was the sexiest word she could have spoken right then.

  “I want you to come on my fingers. Will you do that for me?” he asked. “Pretty please...”

  She gave a low sexy laugh. “As long as you keep doing that I will. Promise.”

  “I wouldn’t stop fucking you with my fingers if the world ended outside this house. Take your time to come for me, but when you come, come hard.”

  Erick wanted her to come but he was in no hurry to stop. He moved in and out of her with his fingers, stroking them along her inner walls, going deep before settling in again in that spot that made her so breathless when he touched it. At first he touched and massaged it gently and slowly, but as Clover’s shallow breaths turned into soft moans, he rubbed hard and pushed deeper into that spot, deeper and harder, harder and deeper. Clover opened her thighs even wider and pumped her hips into his hand and it was so sexy he could have come from watching her alone. A million erotic fantasies ran through his mind as he fucked her with his fingers. He wanted to rip her panties off, flip her onto her hands and knees and ram his cock into her from behind. He wanted to brace her against the wall, fucking her with her legs wrapped around him. He wanted to eat her pussy until she screamed. He wanted her mouth wrapped around his cock as he came deep in her throat. He wanted to spend the rest of his life inside her body.

  The rest of his life?

  Clover gasped his name again and her shoulders came off the bed as she came with an orgasm so powerful he could feel every muscle inside her gripping his fingers. Wetness poured out of her and onto the sheets underneath. Involuntarily her legs closed, trapping his hand inside her, which he didn’t mind one bit.

  “Good girl...” He kissed her on the lips. She didn’t return the kiss but he took that as a compliment. If he’d come as hard as she just had, he’d need a minute or more to recover, too.

  “Good girl?” she panted. “Not bad girl?”

  “There’s nothing bad about what we just did,” he said.

  “Feels so wicked.”

  “Good wicked.”

  “Wicked good.”

  “That’s it,” he said, kissing her again, and this time she returned the kiss with equal ardor.

  “That was incredible,” she said as she lowered her head back to the bed. “I didn’t know my body could do that.”

  “It was pretty incredible. But I do have one question for you.”

  “Ask me anything.”

  “Are you going to give me my hand back?”

  She looked down where his hand was still trapped between her thighs, his fingers still inside her.

  “No,” she said.

  “That’s fine. It’s better off where it is.”

  Laughing sheepishly, she spread her legs again and Erick slipped his fingers out of her.

  He glanced over his shoulder at the cuckoo clock on the wall again.

  “Only nine,” he said. “What are we going to do for another thirty-five minutes?”

  “I have an idea.”

  “Does it involve my cock?”

  “It does.”

  “Say no more. I’m already sold on this idea.”

  “I can’t say any more about it.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because,” she said as she pushed him onto his back and straddled his thighs, “my mouth is full.”

  She lowered her head and licked him from the base of his cock to the head. He groaned and she giggled and it was the sweetest combination of sounds he’d ever heard. This woman...this incredible innocent, so erotic, and all at once. Where had she been all of his life? Oh, yeah, right there, under his nose.

  Clover looked up at him with an expectant expression on her face.

  “Tell me what you like,” she said.

  “But I’m shy.”

  “You are such a liar.” She shook her head. God, he loved driving this woman crazy.

  “I can’t help it. You’re so cute when you’re annoyed with me.”

  “You are not shy. You are the least shy man I’ve ever met.”

  “That’s probably true.” He nodded.

  “It is true. Now tell me what you like. I know you’re going to do it, anyway, at some point.”

  “Also true. Okay...” He took her by the wrist and placed her hand on him. “Rub first with your hand. Kind of pull, but gently. No pulling it off.”

  “No pulling it off. Good tip.”

  She did as he instructed, and it was as much a pleasure to watch as it was to feel. Erick put a pillow behind his head, propping himself up enough that he could watch her as she worked.

  “Is this good?” she asked as she ran her hand over him, lightly pulling, lightly caressing.

  “It’s perfect. Oral is a lot of stimulation. I need to warm up for it or it’ll be too much all at once.”

  “I’m making mental notes of all of this,” she said. “I like hearing what works for you. It’s sexy.”

  “It’s good you like hearing it because we both know I can’t shut up when my cock’s hard.”

  “I’ve never had anyone talk to me like you do. I didn’t think it would be as sexy as it is, is.”

  He reached down and caressed her cheek and lips.

  “You bring out the horny poet in me.”

  “What do I do now, horny poet?”

  “Lick,” he said. “Just lick.”

  She lowered her head again and licked him from base to tip, from tip to base. Every lick kicked his temperature up a degree. Watching her as she did it kicked it up another. That pink tongue of hers, those pale pink sweet, just like candy. He couldn’t wait to see them all red and swollen after she sucked him off.

  And he told her that.

  “Dirty mouth,” she said.


  “I’d smile but my mouth’s a little too busy,” she said as she licked him again.

  “Suck the head now. Smile later.”

  She took direction well, that was for sure. Him telling her exactly what to do seemed to help with her confidence. When he told her to increase the pressure with her hand, she did. When he told her to run her tongue around the rim of his cock, she did—twice. When he told her to take as much of it as she could into her mouth and suck hard and deep, she did it over and over again until he couldn’t tell her what to do any longer.

  Instinct must have taken over because she put her hand on the shaft and stroked it while she sucked the head and licked it. He managed to whisper a desperate “That...keep doing that...” before he lost all powers of speech and could do nothing but moan and gasp. It was ecstasy, pure erotic ecstasy. He reached down and put his hands on Clover’s back, rubbing her shoulders and caressing her hair as she went down on him, sucking and licking him and making him feel like a god. He had to touch her. The most beautiful woman in the world doing the sexiest act in the world in the most beautiful cabin on the most beautiful lake in the most beautiful forest in the entire universe...he was the luckiest man alive.

  Erick dug his heels into the bed and felt all the muscles in his legs and back locking up as he neared orgasm. With his eyes shut tight he breathed as deliberately as he could, hoping to prolong this incredible pleasure for a second or two more. But it just felt too good. He couldn’t hold back. The need to come was overwhelming. He’d die if he didn’t come. Clover held all the power in that moment. With his cock in her mout
h, she owned him. She owned him body and soul. He would have begged her to let him come if she’d made him, begged her with pleasure and no pride at all. Maybe he was begging. God only knew what was coming out of his mouth right now...

  When his need to release was at its strongest, its most desperate, he felt it starting to explode out of him. He came hard into Clover’s warm soft mouth, waves of pleasure rolling through him and out of him. His stomach muscles tightened and released and his hips jerked as a spasm of sharp pleasure shot through him. His orgasm seemed to go on forever but was over in seconds. He collapsed back onto the pillow, empty and sated and happy, his hair plastered with sweat to his forehead and every muscle in his body slack.

  He felt Clover leave the bed but he didn’t worry about it. She might have gone to spit and he couldn’t blame her if she did. She returned quickly with a cup of water and a small wet towel in her hand.

  “Lavender wipe?” she offered.

  “Ruthie’s got you hooked on these, too?” He took the towel from her and wiped off his face.

  “They’re supposed to be calming. I ordered a whole case of them when I found out my family was coming for Thanksgiving.” She drank from her cup and handed it to him. He swallowed the water greedily, grateful for it. His mouth was dry from all the heavy breathing.

  “You’re too good to me,” he said. “Water and lavender wipes and a blow job. I feel spoiled.”

  “Good to you?” she asked as she sat by him on the edge of the bed. “I enjoyed that. All of that.”

  “I’m sorry I didn’t warn you I was about to come. I know it’s kind of a lot to take in.”

  “You warned me. I didn’t mind.”

  “I did warn you?”

  She nodded. “In the midst of telling me all the things you wanted to do to my body and a few things you wanted me to do with yours, you warned me.”

  “I have postorgasm amnesia. I say this stuff and don’t even realize I’m saying it. I hope none of it offended you.”

  “It didn’t. Although some of it’s probably impossible. I don’t think I can bend that way. And I’m pretty sure one of your suggestions is illegal.”


  “Last I checked, indecent exposure is still a crime in Oregon.”

  He rolled his eyes. “Clearly you’ve never been to Portland during the annual Naked Bike Ride.”

  “I knew I lived an hour from that city for a reason.” She bent and kissed him on the center of his chest. He didn’t know why she did that but he liked it. “I did enjoy that. My first full blow job. Very exciting.”

  “You’re good at it.”

  “You told me exactly what to do. You’re a very good teacher.”

  “You get an A in BJs.” He glanced over at the clock and back at her. “It’s 9:35. Lose the lace, toots.”

  “A deal is a deal,” she said. Clover stood up and shimmied out of her gown and pulled her panties off. Her naked body glowed in the light of the bedside oil lamp and he couldn’t tear his eyes from her full round breasts and the little patch of hair between her legs, nearly as soft and pale as the hair on her head. “Happy now?”

  “You are naked. I am the happiest man on earth. Are you the happiest woman on earth?”

  “I think so. I mean, I can’t guarantee that,” she said as she sat on the bed next to him again. “I don’t know the happiness quotient of every other woman on earth at the moment, but I’d guess I’m in the top ten at least.”

  “Ruthie said I can’t speak to her again until I’ve made you the happiest woman on earth.”

  “You can call your daughter. I’ll vouch for you.”

  “I’ll call her tomorrow. Now I’m going to put you in bed next to me and sleep for fifteen minutes. Then I’m going to wake up and fuck you. If you don’t mind.”

  “I don’t mind at all. Only fifteen minutes?”

  “Hmm...good point. After that orgasm, we better make it thirty minutes.”

  “I’ll be here when you wake up,” she said, and it was the sweetest thing she could have said to him. He held her against him, and she rested her head over his heart. Was she thinking what he was thinking? That he wanted her to be there when he woke up, every time he woke up, forever? He tried to tell himself he was going too fast, feeling too much, rushing into things he should be tiptoeing into. But it wasn’t like they were strangers. He’d known her a year. They’d had more than one long serious talk about Ruthie and her situation after Clover had hired her. He’d gotten to know her well as his daughter’s boss and as a businesswoman. He trusted her with his kid, and if that wasn’t a sign that they were good together, he didn’t know what was. But this week, it was just about the two of them. No work. No Ruthie. Just him, just Clover, just them together. They were attracted to each other and the sex was incredible. Ruthie had already given her blessing—sort of. As long as he took good care of Clover and made her happy, Ruthie would give her blessing. And it seemed Clover was having as much fun this week with him as he was with her. If they could make it through Thanksgiving without him telling her family they were assholes to their faces, maybe he had a good shot at making this, whatever this was, into the real deal.

  “Can I ask a girl question?” Clover said.

  “I’m not a girl.”

  “Okay, can I ask a girlie question?”

  “You can ask me anything.”

  “What are you thinking?”

  “Why do you ask?”

  “You were smiling. I wanted to know what was making you smile.”

  Erick wanted to tell her the truth, that he was thinking about how good they were together, how much he cared about her already and how much he hoped this was going somewhere past Thanksgiving. But he didn’t say that because Ruthie had trained him too well. He knew better than to put that kind of pressure on a woman this early in a relationship. So he told her a half-truth.

  “I’m thinking I’m very glad you picked me over Sven.”


  “PARENTS?” CLOVER ASKED. “I assume you have them?”

  “I do. And they’re both still alive and kicking. Mom works at the post office and Dad’s a roofer. He’s slowed down a little the past few years but he still works more than he needs to.”


  “Only child. My parents like to say they got it right the first time.”

  “Um...” She paused and tried to think of the sorts of things her family would bring up at Thanksgiving dinner. “Concerts?” Clover asked. “That might come up in conversation. Hunter and Lisa go to a lot of concerts. He’s on the local symphony’s board of directors.”

  “Last concert I went to was a couple years ago when Ruthie was going through an obsessed with Haim phase. Great show.”

  “Concerts you wanted to go to.”

  “I’ve seen DMB live five times,” Erick said. “But all in high school.”

  Clover nodded. “So, you were a stoner in high school, I see.”

  “I wish,” he said. “But nope. I really don’t have an excuse. I legitimately loved their music.”

  Clover smiled behind her coffee cup as Erick resumed his rowing. The weather had turned vaguely pleasant, at least for late November in Oregon. The sky was steel gray with clouds but it wasn’t raining and the temperature had hovered near sixty since noon. Perfect weather for taking a boat out onto the lake. Erick had insisted on rowing and she didn’t mind at all, sitting back and watching him work. He wore a lightweight black sweater with the sleeves shoved up to his elbows, which gave her a glorious view of his muscular forearms as he pulled back on the oars. She knew she should be checking out the scenery—the mountain, the trees, the lake—but Erick was without a doubt the best part of her view.