Thinking about Sebastian, Julian noticed that his very good friend was awaking right now and thought about Anna. This was another point for Julian, which he didn't understand. Why did she use different names? It wasn't normal. Of course, you can make your real name shorter or use the cute version or even a nickname, but two different first names were strange.

  Sebastian was wondering whether she came home safely and thought about calling Julian to ask. Julian didn't wait and sent him a text: “Hey Sebastian, everything’s OK, she’s safe, don’t worry. Thanks for the nice party yesterday.” As Sebastian read this text he just thought “What a relief!” and was happy again. He thought she was at home and not that she could be some-where else. Julian didn't intend to make this situation clear and was relieved as well. At least for now he had some time. This way, Julian could always put himself into everybody's position, particularly into Sebastian's.