The early morning of the next day was quite strange. She ate her breakfast quickly and was prepared to go back to Warsaw. She seemed to be waiting for some news. With every look and every movement, she said how fast she wanted to leave this place. It was only 7 o’clock. According to her feeling of time, it was already too late.

  As he unlocked the car, she jumped in and waited until he sat down near at the wheel.

  -And how are you? – Julian asked as they were leaving his property.

  -Great, really, I am so happy having spent this time here. You will not believe me how much. – She really meant it this way.

  -I am glad that you liked this stay. You have a permanent invitation to my house. – He said solemnly and smiled.

  -Oh, thank you very much. Maybe I will use it someday. Who knows? – She smiled back but soon took on her rushed look again.

  -I have just one question. – He said and she looked suspiciously at him. – Why are you using two different first names? I asked myself, but I couldn't explain it to me.

  She looked away and was silent for a while.

  -It is a long story. Shortly speaking there is Anna Emilia everywhere in my documents, but I prefer to be called Mia like my parents called me.

  This past tense form revealed him some new information, but she didn't add anything more and he was left with too many options. Because of her short sentences and minimal input of information, it was always hard to get to know her. Maybe that is why she was more fascinating than a person, which was solved from the very beginning. She was like a song of Linkin Park: gentle, melodic, and mysterious and at the same time thought-out and rocking.

  He turned on the radio but he didn’t find any music he liked. He left her in the middle of Warsaw as she wanted to and of course, there was no possibility to park his car and he lost her in a city for the second time.

  She had this incredible ability to vanish into thin air. He thought about how he will find her this time. At least now, he had some more information about her and he knew who had her cell phone number.