It was late in the morning when Sebastian woke up. The sun was shining into his apartment and he felt desperate. He wore his t-shirt and his Marky Mark boxer shorts. In fact, he didn't care about what he was wearing. He thought of Mia, jumped out of his bed, and ran into other room where Mia should have been.

  The only thing he remembered was that Julian called him and that Mia didn't come back to his apartment after school.

  He wasn't able to remember what happened last night, but he had a crazy dream, Mia was there and Julian was there. It was creepy. It was a sleepy hollow horror show. He had to check whether Mia was all right and whether Julian was OK.

  He ran out of his bedroom and as he came into the living room, he saw Mia sitting at the table. She was looking quite tired. She looked as if she hadn't had enough sleep and her eyes were sad. She wore a Hello Kitty shirt and had the cup with the banana cow in front of her. The living room smelled of fresh coffee and Sebastian thought that he had never seen Mia drinking coffee before. She didn’t look into his direction, but she was aware of his presence.

  -Mia, I am so relieved to see you here. You won’t believe what I have dreamt!

  Sebastian was loud. He was happy and indeed haywire. He was full of energy and therefore he was moving fast and uncoordinated. He didn’t know what was going on with him, but he was sure that it was a nice surprise not to need coffee to have so much energy.

  -Mia, it was a dream like I never ever had before!

  Mia didn’t move. She was emotionless. She was focused on the cup, she held in her left hand. She was calm and quiet. The boy jumped to her and only when he was very close to her, he noticed her right hand was bandaged. He stretched out his hand and took her hand. He laid it on the table and in his eyes was one big question. She allowed him to move her hand as he wanted to, she was like a doll right now. Sebastian was shocked.

  -Was it not a dream?! Mia?! Tell me, it was just a bad dream! Mia?!

  He kept repeating these words and shook his head fiercely. It was unbelievable. He screamed into her ear, he jumped around, and he was everywhere hoping for an answer. Nothing. Mia was like a statue, you can see in a museum. She didn’t react to anything. She was staring at her cup with blank eyes and kept breathing slowly.

  Sebastian felt the need to smash something. The quieter she was the more furious Sebastian became. He stepped away from her, then he came back dynamically, then he went away again. His arms were moving in almost every direction, from his head up to the walls. He was too unsettled to calm down.

  Mia sat at the table with her cup, the other hand still laying on the table where he had put it. Sebastian became mad. He came closer once again; he took her bandaged hand and squeezed it. Mia didn’t react.

  -Mia, are you there? Mia, please, talk to me!

  She didn’t react.

  Then Sebastian pressed her hand even more, she had to feel the pain. However, she still didn’t react. He hurt her, but she didn’t bother. He wanted answers; he wanted a sign, a word, and hope.

  He would surely explode any moment. He took her cheeks into his hands and wobbled her as much as it was needed to bring her back to life. He was already shaking her but she still didn’t react. Her eyes were empty, and her soul was somewhere else. Coffee was spilled on the table and started dropping down to the floor.

  Surely, Sebastian would have hurt her more without even thinking about what he was doing, but in this moment three beings appeared in Sebastian’s living room. They were quieter than the silence in this room and faster than anything humans knew. They were wearing white clothes. Xenia wore a white dress and the other two had white, very good-looking suits.

  Those were the three beings from Sebastian's dream. The oldest one took him away from Mia. She fell back into the same position as before.

  -Let me introduce us, Sebastian. – said the old being slowly and his calmness filled the room. – I am Leonard, this is a part of my family, Xenia and Lucius. They will take care of you. They will tell you what you should know.

  Sebastian starred at the old man, thinking he was in another nightmare. Xenia stepped forward and took Sebastian by his hand. He relaxed even faster than anyone would think. They went to the kitchen. Lucius followed them and only Leonard and Mia stayed in the living room.

  -Mia. – started the old man peacefully.

  She didn’t react. She was like a rock.

  Leonard came closer and bent down over her. He wanted to look her into the eyes, but she closed them.

  -Am I invisible, because you ignore me?

  -If you want to kill me, please. It will relieve me. – She said surprisingly and her voice was strong.

  -I don’t intend to kill you. – Leonard answered like a father asked by a three years old who just damaged a toy.

  -May I leave now?

  -You don’t want to talk with me?

  -About what?

  Mia was calm, controlled and Leonard had no idea what she was thinking about.

  -We saw what happened and we know that you were very important for Julian. For that reason I cannot punish you. I know that it is hard for you, but it is our common loss...

  -What do you want from me? – Mia opened her eyes and looked into the old, vivid eyes of the old man.

  Leonard watched her very cautiously. Her look was strong. Her face was hurt, her soul was hurt, her body was hurt, but there was an extraordinary strength inside of her. She needed time. This talk wouldn't lead anywhere. She needed to gather her broken pieces together.


  -Am I allowed to go away?


  Mia stood up and went into the room where she was supposed to sleep for the next couple of days. She dressed into her jeans and the top, which Julian bought her. Then she left the house.