It was already late in the evening. It was fresh outside, and Mia was still laying in the grass at the river Wisla. On the bridge, one car after the other was driving in both directions. Their lights were playing with the river’s surface.

  The stars and the moon were clearly visible and looking at Mia. They tried to win her attention by shining and smiling to her. But Mia’s heart was empty. Her soul was empty. There was just a black hole inside of her. Her eyes didn't move. Her body didn't move. She was dead inside.

  She didn’t react as Leonard appeared from nowhere. He was simply there and sit next to her.

  -Mia, it is hard to explain. I barely speak with people. I rather exchange my thoughts with my family.

  Mia still laid like a rock and didn’t respond. Leonard didn’t look at her, but at the moon which was like a friendly spotlight in the sky.

  -I know you’re hurt. I know that I won’t break you, because you’re already broken. I can only help you to put your pieces together. There is not much time, Mia. We can make time pass slower, but it won’t help. There is no time and we have to act.

  Mia didn’t move. Leonard was talking to a wall.

  -I don’t ask you to help us. I ask you to help Sebastian. He is important for fulfilling the prediction and he won’t manage it without your help. Don’t do it for us, don’t do it for yourself, but do it for Sebastian. Do it for Julian. Julian was responsible for Sebastian and I ask you to overtake this task. It would be Julian's wish, I suppose.

  Leonard didn’t stop talking with his warm and calm voice.

  -I promised something to Julian. Our talk was short and in fact, he told me just to carry over the first thing I see. He was in a hurry and therefore it was impossible to exchange further thoughts. He just told me where we should meet. I don’t know how he managed to locate Jonas. I don’t know many things which is a new situation for me. I don’t know how to deal with it. I can’t read your thoughts and I don’t know much about you. You were important for Julian, he trusted you and therefore I trust you. Please trust me, too.

  Mia didn’t move. Every time Leonard mentioned Julian, her heart collapsed. An emotion showed up briefly in her empty eyes and her breath stayed in her lungs. Leonard was almost convinced that she won’t ever move again. She was extraordinary and he could reconstruct easily why she was so fascinating for Julian. Her power was noticeable, even now when she was so broken and damaged.

  -We know that Jonas is still alive. We don’t know which role Sebastian will play. We don’t know how to prepare him. He can make it easier to find our dear friend who is able to turn back the time. We strongly believe that it is still possible to find a different end to this story. Help us to make it real. Help yourself to find your happy end. Help us to get Julian back.

  For the first time, she looked at him. Suddenly, she had so much sadness in her eyes that she could hardly see anything.

  -I can’t move, because my body is too weak, I can’t move, because I am broken inside. You will need someone who can really help you. You don’t need me at all. Please, leave me here and let me die.

  She didn’t trust this being. Leonard was visibly interested in her and he already asked her for help. Therefore, it was impossible to entirely trust him. If Julian’s family was so strong and great, why didn’t they appear earlier? Where were they, when Julian needed them? Why would they allow her to live and even explain everything to Sebastian, if it was forbidden? Were they desperate and needed human help? If she would clarify anything to them, would she still be alive?

  Mia wasn’t sure what the intention of Leonard and the other two beings were. She didn’t want to open her soul to someone who stepped into her life so suddenly and didn’t make any impression on her. When she met Julian, she knew from the very beginning that he was special. She loved him even though she didn’t know him, even if he wouldn’t have explained his special skills to her.

  When she met Sebastian, she trusted him from the very beginning. There was a connection between them and therefore, Mia was ready to stay with him, when he needed her. But what should convince her to work with Leonard and his family?

  -Mia, you won’t die, not now. You have to stand up and fight. The Mia who loved Julian would help to save lives. If you stay here, everything Julian cared about will be killed. It will be a sign that you don’t care about Julian, Sebastian and any human being in this world. Think about it. We will wait for you until sunrise. Then we have to move on. It is too dangerous for Sebastian to stay here. As I already said, we don’t have time. We have to act. You need to act. You need to stand up and fight. Everyone will die, but not everyone lives his life in a way that he is allowed to die in peace. If you will die without having lived your life and without fighting for what is important to you, your death doesn’t really matter.

  Then he disappeared.

  Mia kept laying there without moving. She still wasn’t able to feel her body, she still wasn’t able to feel her internal pain.

  It was a clear May night. The stairs were shining and the moon was playing with the clouds. Yesterday at this time, she was almost pushed down into the lights of Berlin’s streets. Two days ago at this time, she was lying in a bed in Sebastian’s apartment and Julian was stroking her hair.

  Mia closed her eyes. She wanted to remember how it was to feel his touch. It didn’t work. She felt nothing. There was just an empty space around her and neither the bad emotions nor the good memories showed their intensity. She felt nothing at all.