Page 20 of Shroud of Doom

  Chapter 19

  The Network


  Before Threebeard left the meeting with Colonel Zitor and the other Loyalist leaders he was stopped by Rammel Garciah. Threebeard was in awe of the newly appointed justice to Tarizon’s Council of Interpreters and felt a bit nervous.

  “Listen. I know we’ve dumped a lot of responsibility on you, but remember you’re not alone. If you need any help with anything just ask. We’ll get you whatever you need to be successful.”

  “Thank you, Councilor. I’m sure I’ll need a lot of guidance–particularly on military matters. This is all new territory for me.”

  “Colonel Zitor will soon be a General. He’s up for promotion and we’re doing everything in our power to make that happen. He’ll make sure you get all the help you need.”

  “Right. But I don’t even know where to begin.”

  “Yes. I understand, but you are very intelligent and quite resourceful, so I’m sure you will figure it out.”

  “I hope so.”

  “I’m very impressed with your work with the Nanomites, by the way. I understand you have a replica of one of their cities they built for you.”

  “You heard about that?”

  “Oh, yes I’ve got Loyalist cells all over Lemaine Shane so if there is any news I hear about it quickly. I understand you are building a communications network with the rhutz.”

  “Yes, my son Nic is working on that,” Threebeard replied.

  “Well, we should link our two networks. The rhutz would be a great ally if the civil war actually does materialize.”

  “I don’t know if they’d join in any war. They are a peaceful life-form.”

  “I understand, but if there is a civil war they will be at risk as much as mutants. You saw what happened at Flat Meadow. Mutants won’t be the only life-form facing genocide if the Purists gain control of the government.”

  Threebeard nodded somberly. “I’ll discuss it with them and, I’m sure, when they realize the threat the Purists pose to them, they will cooperate.”

  “Good. I’ll have someone contact Nic to start working on linking the two networks.”

  “Okay. I’ll let him know to expect to hear from you.”

  Rammel slapped Threebeard on the shoulder. “Excellent! Looking forward to working with you.”

  Threebeard laughed and shook the councilor’s hand warmly. “Likewise.”

  On the way back to Liehn Threebeard’s mind raced trying to grasp what he had gotten himself into. He wondered why such notable persons had selected him for such an important role in the Loyalist movement. Politics had never been something he expected to get involved in. He hadn’t told anyone he had any political ambition, yet they had come to him asking for help in preserving the Supreme Mandate. He was honored but also shocked and overwhelmed. When he got back to the Mighty Jolly he found Nic and took him aside.

  “How’s your work with the rhutz coming?” he asked.

  Nic smiled. “Pretty good. I’ve got five or six contacts set up in Tributon, two or three in Rigimol and one in Quori.”

  “Well, you’re going to have to accelerate your work. I just came from a meeting with some government officials and they want you to expand the network throughout the globe.”

  Nic’s eyes widened. “Wow. That sounds like a lot of work.”

  “Yes, it is and they want you to merge it with a Loyalist network that is being created.”

  “A Loyalist Network?”

  Threebeard nodded and briefed Nic on the Purists threat and the Loyalists intended response. Like Threebeard, Nic was a little overwhelmed by it all and the role that he was to play.

  “Don’t worry. You’ll have plenty of help. In fact, someone from Councilor Garciah’s staff will be contacting you soon to coordinate things.”

  Nic took a deep breath. “All right. This should be interesting.”

  “Don’t discuss any of this with anyone other than the people involved. If the Purists get wind of it they could cause us a lot of grief. For now everything we are doing is for the relief effort. Understand?”

  Nic nodded and went back to what he was doing. Threebeard went to find Giant to see how things had gone with the Nanomite Exhibit. He was shocked when he saw the throng of people waiting to see the replica of the Nanomite city. Giant was standing by the door to the exhibit room.

  “So, everything okay?” Threebeard asked.

  “No problems. There has been a steady stream of people to see the exhibit. The good news is a lot of them are hanging around the tavern to socialize after they see the replica of the city. Sales are up dramatically.”

  “Excellent. I hadn’t realized it would be such a great draw. Too bad we don’t have a few more replicas to display.”

  Giant laughed. “Isn’t that the truth. The media has been here too filming the crowds and the exhibit. I hope that’s okay.”

  “Sure. I want all the people of Tarizon to learn about the Nanomites so they will appreciate and respect them as a sentient life-form.”

  “That’s what I thought.”

  Threebeard put his hand on Giant’s shoulder and smiled. When he got back to his office he took a deep breath and sat down in front of his computer monitor. After punching in a few commands the TGN came up and he searched for the TGA training base on the Isle of Muhl. If he were going to go to boot camp he knew he needed to find out what it was going to be like, so he could prepare himself and the recruits that came with him. After quickly examining the contents of the site a feeling of complete dread came over him. Boot camp was not going to be a pleasant experience.