Page 18 of Born of Betrayal

  She laughed and kissed his cheek. "I love you."

  "Love you, too." He gave her a gentle hug and left.

  Galene turned everything off and headed back into the living room.

  Curious about her intentions, Fain continued to feign sleep.

  She came over to him and brushed the hair away from his face before she placed a quick kiss to his cheek and pulled the blanket up to his chin. Then she returned to her room and went back to bed.

  For several minutes, Fain didn't move as something warm and sweet swept through him. He hadn't felt like this since the day she'd conceived Talyn. Since they'd lain in the shelter of the cave where he'd once played with Dancer and listened to the rain pelting down outside.

  Warm. Wanted.


  Don't be stupid. You're the father of her son. That's all you are to her.

  But it felt like more. Worse? He wanted it to be more with a desperation that left him so vulnerable it terrified him.

  Pain choked him as he looked down at the tattoo on his bare arm. For years, it'd been his sole comfort. Memories of Galene and the hope that he'd done right by leaving her had been the only thing that had gotten him through utter hell.

  Now he knew the truth. He'd screwed her over badly.

  As he started to get up and go to her, his link went off. He dropped it, then caught it before it hit the floor and alerted her that he was awake.

  It had to be Dancer. His brother was the only one who ever called him, especially at this ungodly hour.

  He unlocked the screen to see a very short encrypted message.

  ETA 9 hours.

  Yeah, it was his brother, and that made him smile. He couldn't wait to meet this mysterious Felicia and see his son finally smile.

  Plus he'd feel a lot more relaxed once Dancer was safe and he had one person on this station he could trust with Galene and Talyn's lives.

  With Vega and War.

  'Cause deep in his gut, he knew something bad was brewing and it was about to hit. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't shake the feeling. And while he'd been at war before, he'd never had this much to lose.

  That was what made all this even more terrifying.



  Fain paused at the sound of Ven's voice. He turned and waited for the Tavali to catch up to him on the suspended walkway that connected their shopping area to the command and business sections of the station. "What'cha need?"

  "We have a problem." Brax handed him a small chip. "That's a transmission we picked up. One of the Andarions is working with The League."

  Fain put it in his ear and listened to it. It was the same transmission Talyn had intercepted earlier. "The Andarions claim it's a Tavalian."

  "And you believe that?"

  Why wouldn't he? "There are a lot more Tavali here than Andarions."

  Ven shoved him back and grabbed him in one massive fist. "You need to remember what uniform you wear, Slag-wart."

  How could he forget? "I know exactly where to put my loyalty."

  Ven tightened his fist before he released him. "You better."

  Fain didn't move as Ven and his entourage moved off.

  Disgusted, he headed into the commcen to find Galene and warn her about his encounter. But she wasn't there. Just two Tavali, one Sentella he didn't know that well, and Talyn and Gavarian.

  "Commander Hauk on deck," Gavarian announced.

  Fain gave him a droll stare. "You don't have to do that, kid."

  "Does it annoy you?"

  "Yeah, it does."

  Gavarian grinned. "Then I have to do it. Consider it my duty and pleasure."

  Talyn snorted, but said nothing as he continued to review reports from their allies.

  Fain closed the distance between them. "Where's Galene?"

  "Commander Batur's in conference with Tadara Cairistiona and Emperor Cruel." Damn, whenever Talyn went into his official military mode it was truly impressive. The kid was unflappable.

  With nothing else to do while he waited for Galene to finish up, Fain listened to the newsfeeds with Talyn. Things were heating up everywhere. The League was out for their blood in the worst sort of way.

  They'd attacked another Andarion outpost and hijacked a Caronese freighter that had been carrying medical supplies to aid those orphaned in the fighting. In better news, The Sentella had obliterated two of The League's primary weapons depots and freed a number of political prisoners who'd been wrongfully seized.

  But things were going to get worse before they got better. Provided they all didn't get killed for treason.

  Suddenly, the door behind him slid open to admit Dancer, Sumi, and a hooded female who was tiny for an Andarion adult, but that meant she was slightly taller than Sumi. And in keeping with noble Andarion fashion whenever the high-Caste traveled off-world, no part of her body showed at all.

  For once, Gavarian didn't say a word to announce their presence. But the relief on his face was tangible. In fact, he looked like a pregnant woman who'd just given birth after a three-day labor.

  Ever the stern military commander, Talyn straightened from the control panel to scowl fiercely at them. "Civilians aren't allowed in here," he barked at Dancer. "You need to leave."

  Dancer didn't betray a single emotion as he stood his ground. "Fine, Commander. Give us the key card to your room and we'll go."

  Talyn's snarl deepened. "Excuse me?"

  Two graceful hands, brightly painted in keeping with the Andarion holiday season, emerged from the folds of the dark blue cloak to lower the hood and expose a mass of waist-length, curly brown hair. Fain had never seen such an abundance of curls in his life. They sprang out to frame the breathtaking face of a joyous imp. Bashful and sweet, she stared up at Talyn with love gleaming in her silvery-white eyes.

  "Licia!" Talyn breathed before he raced across the room to scoop her up in his arms and kiss her as if his life depended on it. Cradling her head with his hand, he pressed his cheek to hers and held her with her feet suspended well above the floor. "What are you doing here?"

  With bright musical laughter that betrayed her happiness, she kept her arms wrapped around his shoulders as she savored his touch and played in his braids. "Your aunt and uncle showed up at the condo and said that your father sent them to ask if I wanted to come stay with you while you were stationed here. I hope it's okay?"

  "Of course it is!" Biting his lip, Talyn finally set her back on her feet. Breathless, he cupped her cheek and swept his gaze over her as if he still couldn't believe she was real. "Where are your things?"

  She turned to show him her small backpack beneath her cloak. "You know me. Travel light. Besides, I didn't want to waste a single second getting to you." Wrinkling her nose and giggling in the most adorable way, she danced around to face him again. And Talyn was just as giddy. He couldn't stop smiling at her while he brushed the hair back from her face.

  Their obvious love and adoration for each other tightened Fain's throat. It reminded him of how Galene used to look at him when they were kids.

  How she still lit up his heart every time she came near him.

  And he was grateful beyond repayment to his brother for doing him this favor.

  Fain cleared his throat to get Talyn's attention off his female, but it was hard and took several seconds before his son dragged his gaze away. "Go on and see Felicia settled. I'll cover the remainder of your shift."

  Talyn hesitated. "You sure?"

  Nodding, Fain pulled his key card out. "And swap keys with me. I had them exchange our quarters earlier. After last night, I figured you'd want more room and privacy while Felicia was here. Mine should be freshly cleaned and stocked for you. If not, let me know and I'll get maintenance right on it."

  Like a little kid who'd just been handed the gift he never thought to have, Talyn slung Felicia's pack over his shoulder and complied. His hand hesitated on Fain's. "Thank you, Hauk. Really."

  Fain clapped him on the shoulder. "My pl
easure, kid."

  Talyn returned to Felicia's side and took her hand to lead her out.

  Felicia bit her lip in the most precious way as she glanced over her shoulder at Fain. "Um, Talyn? When did you get a father?"

  Talyn paused to look back at him, too. It was the first time Fain saw something more than contempt or hatred in his son's eyes as he regarded him. "The minute you walked through the door." He kissed her hand and left the room.

  Fain should probably take offense to the fact that Talyn hadn't introduced them, but given his son's eagerness to be alone with his female, he'd let it slide. He'd have been the same way at that age.

  Introductions and manners always took a backseat to stralen hormones and emotions.

  Dancer and Sumi closed the distance between them.

  "Hi, Sumi." Fain kissed her cheek.

  She gave him a light hug. "That was really sweet. Good job."

  Embarrassed, he shrugged her praise off. "Where are the kids?"

  "Kalea saw a candy store out in the mall area so Darice was kind enough to take her for some, while we brought Felicia here." Sumi stepped back and caressed her slightly distended stomach. "I'm going to go check on them and make sure Kalea hasn't driven him to murder her with her billion and two questions about everything."

  Dancer snorted at that. "Yeah, right. Get me some of whatever you get for yourself."

  She wrinkled her nose playfully at him. "Will do."

  As soon as she was gone, Dancer arched a brow at Fain.

  "What?" he asked irritably.

  "Nothing." Dancer pulled out a large envelope. "I picked up those papers you requested. Everything's in order."

  "Thanks. I owe you."

  "Nah. Just sorry it took so long. League has most of this sector locked down tight. We had to do some creative navigating to get here without battle or confrontation, and I wasn't taking any chances, given my cargo."

  That he well understood and was grateful for. "Glad you made it."

  "Yeah. Me, too."

  Fain set the papers aside. "So what do you think of Felicia?"

  "Not what I expected."


  "She's sweet, Fain. Quiet and bashful. Very, very reserved. For some reason, I'd assumed the Iron Hammer's female would be much more brazen and tough. In your face."

  "Like Sumi?"

  "Yeah. But I think a strong breeze could knock Felicia over and scare her. I've never met anyone more timid, especially not an Andarion female."

  Dancer was right about that. Most Andarion females were tougher than the majority of human males. And he noticed Gavarian was choking as they spoke as if he knew something they didn't.

  Ignoring him, he continued to speak to his brother. "What did you find out about her?"

  "Her father's Saren ezul Terronova and her mother was born Marna eton Nykyrian."

  Fain's eyes bugged at that noble lineage. Those were two of the original royal bloodlines that were only trumped by that of the current queen of Andaria. In fact, Cairistiona was an ezul Nykyrian--through her father, who was descended from the daughter of the first Nykyrian who'd been granted a royal title. An eton Nykyrian meant that Felicia's mother was descended from the original prince ... damn. Felicia's mother was more noble than the current tadara's father had been.

  As for the Terronova lineage ...

  It was only trumped by the eton Nykyrian and eton Anatole lineages.

  "Are you shitting me?" He glared at Gavarian, who grinned at him.

  "Oh? Did I fail to mention that Felicia is my aunt?"

  It took everything he had not to shoot the kid where he so smugly sat. "Yeah. You left that bit out."

  "Oh ... By the way, Hauk, Felicia's my aunt."

  No wonder Gavarian was so close to Talyn, and that they trusted him so completely. The little shit was family. It was all starting to fall into place now.

  Dancer scowled at him. "Your father's Lorens ezul Terronova?"

  Gavarian nodded. "All my life ... since birth."

  He looked back at Fain. "Lorens is her older brother, who adores her."

  Fain let out a low whistle. "I give Talyn credit for choosing so well." But why a female with a lineage that impressive would be a paid companion boggled his mind. Even being bastard-born, Felicia could have negotiated marriage with any male she wanted.

  Hell, she could have probably commanded a prince.

  "She really loves him. I wish you could have seen her face when we went to pick her up. At first, I thought she was going to call security on us. But once I proved to her that I really was his uncle, she packed so fast, she left a vapor trail."

  Fain laughed at that.

  Until the door opened and showed Galene entering the room. She stalked toward him like a feral lorina out for blood.

  Had he not been standing with a wall at his back, he'd have fled from the steeled look on her face. What the hell did I do now?

  A little scared, he was frozen to the spot. Until she stopped in front of him, reached up, and pulled his lips down to hers. Fain relaxed as she kissed him with a passion he hadn't tasted since they were kids. It left him breathless and hot, and with a hard-on that should be declared illegal. And no doubt was obvious to all.

  Pulling back, she smiled up at him. "Thank you."

  "For what?"

  "Making Talyn so happy." She hugged him like she used to do. Her breath teased his ear, sending chills all over his body. "I passed him in the hallway, with Felicia. He was practically dancing."

  Fain savored the sensation of her body pressed against his. The only way to make this better would be to have her naked in his arms. "Anything to make you smile at me."

  She rolled her eyes at him until she noticed Dancer. "And thank you. Felicia said you were a sweetheart to her the whole time, and that you and your wife and kids treated her like family."

  "You don't have to thank me. I don't see how anyone could be unkind to her. It'd be like kicking a toothless kitten."

  Galene let out a low laugh at that. "Yeah, you keep thinking that."


  "Felicia's not as meek as she seems. Threaten Talyn and you'll find that out real fast. Even Qory's afraid of getting her riled."

  Dancer scoffed. "I'd have to see it to believe it."

  The door opened.

  Galene turned to look past Dancer. The moment her gaze focused on the newcomers, her entire world shattered in a blinding wave of pain.

  It was her worst nightmare.

  Fain's ex-wife.

  Worse? The pregnant human bitch stood there with a dark-haired girl in her arms, and an Andarion boy by her side who was almost identical in looks to Fain.

  Vasectomy, my ass!


  For a full minute, Galene couldn't breathe as she stood face-to-face with the last person she'd ever expected to see again.

  Omira Hauk. Fain's human wife.

  "Stormy," Fain said in a low tone. "It's not what you're thinking."

  She raked a hostile glare over him as her fury erupted. "You faithless bastard!" Unable to deal with it, she stalked from the room with his lies ringing in her ears.

  Fain followed her out into the hallway. "Galene, please!"

  "Go back to your human! Or else I will kill you!"

  "She's Dancer's wife!"

  Galene stumbled at the last thing she'd ever expected to hear.

  Dancer's wife? What the hell?

  How sick were they?

  Catching herself against the wall, she turned back toward Fain, stunned beyond imagination. "What?"

  "That's not Omira. I swear! It's her sister Sumi, and she's Dancer's wife. Not mine."

  Galene scowled as she tried to digest his explanation. Could it be true?

  Dancer and the tall, lithe blond woman who was still holding the little girl in her arms approached them slowly. The boy stayed back as if he was afraid she might harm him.

  "I'm not Omira," the woman said slowly. "I know I look a lot like my sist
er, but I'm quite a few years younger."

  She was also taller, now that Galene saw her with less fury in her heart. And much prettier.

  Completely dumbfounded, she turned back toward Fain for more explanation.

  The little girl frowned at Dancer. "Paka? Why's the pretty lady so mad at everybody? What did we do to her?"

  He took her from her mother. "No one's mad, Lee-lee. Just a little misunderstanding."

  Galene shook her head as she finally accepted a harsh truth. "This must be awkward at family reunions."

  Sadness darkened the woman's eyes. "Not really. My sister died a long time ago. The only family I have now is standing in front of you." She gestured at the boy with them. "This is our son, Darice."

  Galene felt an instant kinship with the woman who had no other family. "Sorry..." She hesitated, trying to recall the woman's name.


  "Sumi, I know what it's like to be alone. I didn't mean to overreact."

  Fain let out a reserved sigh. "I should have warned you, Galene. But honestly, I don't even think about them being sisters. It just doesn't come to my mind at all."

  That more than anything told her that he was being truthful about his feelings toward Omira. If he'd really loved her, he wouldn't be able to stand being around Sumi. Seeing her pregnant with his brother's children. The pain of it would be unbearable.

  Instead, he really didn't care.

  She smiled at Sumi's stomach. "When are you due?"

  "Next year."


  Rubbing her belly, she smiled warmly. "Thank you."

  Fain took the little girl from his brother and brought her over. "Kalea, meet your aunt, Galene."

  With her finger in her mouth, Kalea frowned at her. "Are you a girl aunt or a boy aunt?"

  "Beg pardon?"

  Sumi, Dancer, Darice, and Fain laughed.

  Sobering, Fain explained it for her. "She knows Maris Sulle as Aunt Mari."

  "Oh." Galene joined their laughter. Maris was the Andarion ambassador for Caron. He was also flamboyantly gay. "I would be a girl aunt."