Page 20 of Born of Betrayal

  Fain growled in frustration. "Did the voice recovery work?"

  His comm officer shook her head. "I can't break the encryption."

  Fain pulled his link out and called Dancer. "Hey, I have a file up here I need you to work magic on. We need to ID the real voice on it."

  "On my way."

  Fain hung up and sighed as he tried to figure this out.

  What are you up to, Kyr.... He did his best to understand the mind-set of The League's prime commander. There was only one person he knew who might be able to guess it.

  He glanced back to the comm officer. "Get me a copy of the file to send."

  As they worked on it, he stepped out of the room for privacy and called Maris Sulle, Kyr's younger brother and Darling Cruel's best friend. He was also a member of The Sentella and one of The League's most wanted criminals. He motioned for Morra to follow him to Galene's office.

  By the time Fain reached her desk and took a seat, Maris answered the call with a groggy yawn.

  Fain cringed as he realized it must be the middle of the night wherever Maris was. "Sorry, Mari. I didn't check the time or your location."

  "Mmmm, it's okay, sexy. Is something up? Besides me and you at this unholy hour." He yawned again audibly. "Then again, it may not be unholy wherever you are, but I hope it is. I believe whole-heartedly in sharing my misery."

  Fain tried not to be amused at that comment. "I just had an interesting call we intercepted from Kyr. But it's codespeak and in Phrixian. You're the only one I know who might be able to translate it."

  "Or Saf." Maris yawned again. "He'd know better than I, especially if it's League code. Can you please send him a copy and wake him up? Besides, he can handle the sleep dep better than I. I'm the one with a husband and infant, and he's the one gallivanting about with cheap women and no responsibilities these days as we're all still spoiling him terribly."

  "Yeah, sorry I woke you."

  "No problem." A baby started crying in the background.

  "I've got him," Ture said near the link.

  "Thanks," Maris responded before he returned to the call. "File's here. I'll get right on this with Saf and see if we can figure it out." He yawned yet again, making Fain feel terrible for waking them.

  "I owe you."

  "Anytime, sweet cheeks. I'll call as soon as I have something."

  As Fain hung up, he noticed Morra was texting someone. "What are you doing?"

  "Notifying Ryn since Nykyrian's en route with Syn. He's letting me know that their families are being prepped and locked down." She showed him the text. "I'm personally responsible for Sumi and the kids until they arrive, and am senior Sentella officer under Hauk and Jayne." She put the link in her pocket. "I'm not to let Hauk's family out of my sight for three seconds."

  "What was that?" Dancer scowled as he walked in on that last bit.

  Fain laughed at the thought of Morra babysitting Sumi and Dancer in their bedroom. "It sounds like a plan."

  Morra chucked Dancer on the arm. "Always around to ruin your fun, eh, big guy?"

  Dancer shook his head. "Just knock first before you enter. If Sumi comes awake to a stranger in the room, she'll open fire on you."

  "I've heard that about your lady. And that Kyr is still nursing his rib cage from his last encounter with her."

  "That he is. My Ger Tarra is fierce."

  "In that case, I shall awaken the hulk that is Q and send him in first." She winked and clicked her tongue at him. "Later, fellow air-breathers."

  Dancer laughed as he turned toward Fain. "She really hates the Nagls, doesn't she?"

  "With a burning passion. And now that you're here, I'm handing the helm over and going to update Galene on this. Call if you break the encryption or need me."

  "Will do."


  Galene smiled as she saw the paperwork she'd filed go through. "Is there anything else I need to do?" she asked the female Tavali.

  "No, Commander. It's pretty much standard from here. Everything checks out. While this isn't quite the normal procedure, I can't see a reason why this shouldn't post immediately. Our goal is to place as fast as possible, so we're happy to facilitate all inquiries."

  "When will I have an answer?"

  "We should have official paperwork cleared within a few hours. Once you have notice, you can take possession immediately."

  Joy rushed through her at that. She couldn't wait to surprise Fain with the news. "Thank you. I can't wait."

  "No, thank you. We appreciate your interest and hope to have this finalized no later than the morning."

  "Wonderful!" Galene hung up. Yes, this was a big commitment and change, but it was one she wanted.

  For Fain.

  No, for all of them. Watching Felicia with Talyn had reminded her so much of her youth, when she had made those plans with Fain. They had been robbed of sharing Talyn's childhood together. But she would make it up to Fain.

  Starting now.

  Her link went off. She picked it up, and bit her lip as she saw the message from Venik. This was the most important of all. Please, please be a yes....

  With a deep breath, she opened his text with breathless anticipation.


  You insult me with such a request. The Tavali does not let our Rogue pilots go. Hauk owes tithe to me and I'm not about to give up such a valuable asset. Do not waste my time again with any more ridiculous inquiries where he's concerned.

  H.A. B.V., Lord Porturnum

  Tears blinded her as she read the cold, callous words and felt her hopes and dreams crash and burn with each one. So much for freeing Fain from Venik's service.

  He was right. Brax would never let him go.


  Leaving the center, Fain walked the metal corridors with a deep feeling of severe trepidation. Everyone he passed, he wondered if they were the traitor. Who would be so stupid? The Tavali weren't like other Nations. They were a highly trained, fierce warrior culture that was supposed to hold honor sacred above all. While they didn't hesitate to screw over non-Tavali, you were never, ever supposed to do harm to those who flew under Tavalian Code and Canting.

  It was an automatic death sentence. The only reason Ven had gotten away with what he'd done to Fain was because he'd done it before Fain had earned his own flag. And it was why Ven hadn't blown his head off since. Why he might threaten to, but always backed down from actually pulling the trigger.

  At this point, there would be an inquest and Ven would have to answer for Fain's death. He'd have to justify it to the UTC or lose his own Canting and standing.

  And Fain knew what Ven did.

  He wasn't worth it. So, for now, he was relatively safe from Ven's threats. Provided he didn't push his owner too far. There was a point where Ven wouldn't care, and would react without reason. Luckily, Fain hadn't found that point-of-no-return yet.

  "Hey, Hauk."

  He inclined his head to Kareem's older brother, Stanis, who looked more like his Qill mother than his half-Andarion father. He was one of the few Tavalian who was almost equal to Fain's massive height and build. "Hey, Stain. Didn't realize you'd made it back to the station."

  "Yeah, just docked. Was headed in to say hi to my dad. What about you?"

  "Coming off shift and headed for RNR."

  Stain nodded. "You look like you could use some."

  "Yeah, haven't slept much. There's been some weirdness going on."

  "That's what Kareem said. Heard you had a run-in with The League in the middle of our territory."

  "I did, indeed. It was a bold move on their part."

  Stain laughed. "Definitely. Glad you made it out."

  "Not half as glad as I am."

  "Hear, hear, brother." Stain shifted the package in his hand to the other arm. "Well, I'm off to pay respects. See you around."

  He inclined his head as he watched the shorter male walk away. While Fain had never envied Ven his position or money, he had always envied him his family. Four sons and four daug
hters, all brilliant fighters and pilots.

  And Malys Venik was no slacker herself. An incredible Qillaq warrior, she was hopelessly devoted to her husband and children. But she wasn't the most affectionate of women. Because she came from a warrior culture even more severe than the Andarions, it left her a bit cold and even less maternal than his own mother. Fain had often suspected that was what led Ven to occasionally find comfort with others when his wife was away for long periods of time.

  Either that, or a death wish on Ven's part. If Malys ever learned of his dalliances, there was no telling what she'd do to her husband. For one thing was a given about all Qillaq females.

  Their males only cheated once.

  Why Ven would risk it, Fain couldn't imagine. He'd have given anything to be so lucky. And with that thought on his mind, he entered his side of the condo first so as not to startle his new roommate.

  The door that joined his quarters to Galene's was ajar.

  An awful feeling went through him. That wasn't like her. While she'd said that she would leave it open, that just meant she wouldn't lock and bar it. Not that she would actually open it like that. Galene didn't like open doors. She never had.

  This can't be good.

  Please, please be okay.

  Drawing his weapon, he crouched low and pushed the door open with his foot.

  His heart hammering, he froze at what he found there.


  Galene looked up with a gasp to find Fain pointing his blaster at her. She held her hands up, afraid of his intent. Faster than she could react, he dropped his weapon straight to the floor and rushed to scoop her into his arms.

  "You're all right," he breathed raggedly in her ear as he held her with trembling arms. He laid his head against her shoulder and held her so tightly that she could barely breathe.

  "Fain, you're hurting me."

  He loosened his hold, but still didn't release her. "I thought you'd been attacked ... I-I didn't know what I'd find."

  Melting at his obvious fear, she pressed her cheek to his head and buried her hand in his braids. "No, keramon. I'm fine. Just waiting for you."

  Fain pulled back at that to see the dimly lit room where she'd set out a full service for them, along with snacks and warming towels. And a low, slow song from their youth. It was only then he realized she was dressed in a long maroon gown--Hauk maroon--and a robe that left very little of her lush body to his imagination. Instantly hard, he smiled at her. "You're seducing me?"

  "Am I?" she teased.

  Closing his eyes, he kissed her and let the taste of her lips soothe his ragged nerves. The warm, rose scent of her body lotion filled his head. He began to relax as he finally heard the words of the song. It was the same one that had been playing the night of their dance when Galene had last told him she loved him.

  Unable to believe this was real, he pulled back to stare down at her. "Is this a new torture where you're about to kick me out and send me to my room?"

  Cupping his cheek in her warm palm, she rubbed her nose against his. "I know better than to tease an Andarion male. I wouldn't do that to you."

  He frowned at her. "I don't understand."

  She laughed bitterly. "Neither do I. I still want to claw out your eyes and leave you bleeding on the floor."

  "Mmm, I love when you sweet-talk me like that."

  Laughing, she nipped his chin, then opened his shirt and slowly peeled it from his body. Her fingers lingered over the scar on his shoulder that Keris had given him during his Endurance when his brother had kicked him with his spiked boots on their ascension while Fain had been drilling anchors to the side of the mountain they were scaling. That "fun" action had almost sent Fain plummeting to the ground. Galene had been so angry when she found out about it, Fain had actually been forced to disarm her and keep her from Keris for weeks.

  After his unwillingness to allow her to physically harm his older brother, she'd finally "poisoned" Keris in retaliation with a concoction that had left his brother sick and cursing her for a solid week. But she'd been completely unrepentant. "You ever hurt or endanger Fain again, and next time, it'll be coming out both ends, and your nose!"

  No one had ever taken up for him the way Galene had. Gods, how he loved this female.

  She kissed the faded scar. "Do you ever think about Keris fondly?"

  "Sometimes. Then I remember what a bitter, jealous asshole he was and how often he used Dancer for target practice."

  "I know he was hard on you, but he loved you."

  "I would emphatically disagree."

  She fingered his scar with a frown. "And I sat with him in the stands during your fights. Every time you hit the deck, he'd rise to his feet and clutch his prayer beads, whispering a prayer under his breath until you were back up again. Then he'd take my hand and pretend to be tough. But I could feel him trembling in fear for you."


  She nodded. "I know he never told you, but he was so proud of you. Every time you won, he'd jump up and scream as loud as I did."

  "And then criticize my skills as soon as he got near me."

  "Only because he wanted to please your mother."

  Fain ran the backs of his fingers along her jawline. "You were the only one who ever made me feel strong and capable. Wanted. I weep for every second of my life that I've lived without you by my side."

  A beautiful smile lingered on her lips as she undid his pants. He held his breath, praying she didn't stop. If she did, he might very well die on the spot. Her gaze held his as she slowly slid her hand down to cup him.

  Fain moaned out loud at the sensation of her stroking his cock. Tears choked him as tenderness and guilt overwhelmed him. Of all the beings in the universe, this was the one he should never have caused harm to. Yet he'd done more harm to her than even his worst enemy. For that alone, he wanted to kick his own ass.

  Galene bit her lip as she saw the tender emotions playing across his face. She leaned in to kiss the scars that marked almost every inch of his chest. Some were from claws, knives, or blasts, and others were from wounds she could only guess at.

  So much pain and suffering.

  And always alone. Her poor Fain had never had anyone to love him and see him through his tragedies.

  As she glanced up, she saw his eyes turn vibrant red. At first, she thought it might be from his neurolink with the ship. But as she studied them closer ...


  He fingered her cheek. "I was always stralen for your touch, Stormy. Like Talyn, I hid it as a boy out of fear. It was why I left so suddenly after we made love that rainy afternoon. I was terrified that if your parents found out we'd been together before our unification, they'd punish you for it."

  She buried her hand in his braids and tugged at them. "You've lied to me so many times. Kept so many secrets."

  "I know, and I'm sorry. But I was so scared they'd hurt you and I didn't know what to do or where to turn. I had no one I could rely on, other than myself, and we both know what a piss-poor Andarion I am. Keris treated me like shit and never listened to anything I had to say. My parents were always disappointed in me, and told me to figure everything out for myself. And Dancer had no one else to protect him. Since Chrisen and Merrell couldn't touch Keris until Dariana got her claws stuck in his heart, they came for me from the moment I started school until our graduation. I had no quarter from any of them and their scheming hatred."

  He squeezed his eyes shut. "Then when Chrisen crashed and trapped Dancer inside their pod to prove to me how easily they could kill him and get away with it, unless I agreed to break up with you ... I felt so helpless and lost. I didn't know what to do. Chrisen said if I told anyone, Jullien would have me jailed and Dancer would be killed instantly. I knew they meant it and that they'd carry out those threats without reservation or hesitation."

  Galene pressed her cheek to his as old memories surged. Fain had cut school the day of the accident to be with her. They had snuck into her parents' pool house to be a
lone and had spent the entire morning planning their unification ceremony and where they'd live while she went to school and he did his military service. They'd practiced their vows and dreamt of a future that would never be theirs.

  Fain had just left the bathroom when his link had gone off. Even from across the room, she'd been able to hear his mother shrieking at him. Hanging up, he'd grabbed his backpack frantically.

  "What is it?"

  "Dancer." It was all he could choke out.

  Galene had gone with him to the hospital. His parents had looked at him as if he was the most repugnant creature alive. But it'd been Keris who'd grabbed him by his throat and shoved him against the wall.

  "Where were you?"

  Fain had slammed his hand down and broken Keris's grip. "What happened?"

  His mother had raked him with a sneer. "Dancer was burned and will be deformed for the rest of his life. Which, if the gods have any mercy, won't be much longer."

  Horrified by her callousness, Fain had scowled at them. "How was he burned?"

  "He crashed the pod he was flying," his father snarled. "Almost killed Tahrs Jullien and Tiziran Chrisen Anatole. We'll be lucky if the tadara doesn't demand my life and Dancer's for it! You were supposed to be in the pod, you worthless bastard! Where were you?"

  Keris had punched him so hard, Fain had staggered back. "Hope you're happy, brother. Your little adventure today cost Dancer his life and entire future. Good job, you selfish asshole."

  Unable to listen to any more, Galene had stepped forward and pulled Fain back. "It wasn't Fain's fault. He was with me because I needed him."

  Only then did they back off.

  Endine had shaken her head. "I hope for your brother's sake, for all our dignities, he doesn't survive surgery." She'd stalked off.

  His father had limped toward Fain. "That hybrid bastard is the one who dragged him out of the wreckage and ruined his future. If you're the warrior you should be, you'll kill that rank bastard tomorrow and save what little family honor we still have." Then his father had stormed off after his mother.

  Keris had spat at Fain before he followed his parents and left Fain alone in the waiting room with his guilt and pain.

  Aghast at their actions and aching for him, she'd rubbed his back, trying to offer a solace she knew she couldn't. "I'm so sorry, Fain."