Page 23 of Born of Betrayal

  Galene wiped at her eyes. "I dropped my gaze to her blaster. I'd never been that close to one. 'Are you afraid of me, little one?' she asked. I shook my head no. And she smiled so beautifully and asked if I wanted to touch her weapon. When I said yes, she took it out, ejected the charge cartridge, and handed it over. I was beguiled. My father horrified. He started fussing at me for wasting the tizirah's time. But Cairie quickly shushed him and told me that she wanted me in her armada when I grew up. That she respected my courage and fire."

  Covering her face with her hands, she wept as if her heart was broken.

  Fain knelt on the floor by her side to gather her into his arms.

  "I loved her so much, Fain. You just don't know."

  "I'm so sorry, Storm. But you said it yourself. It's possible she wasn't there."

  Galene held on to him and to those words. She let his strength melt into her and was grateful to have him here. It was the first time since childhood that she'd had someone she could lean on. While Talyn had done his best to fill that role, she'd always been extremely aware of the fact that she was the parent and that she was supposed to be strong for him. Something that had been so incredibly hard at times.

  But with Fain ...

  She could be weak and needy. She didn't have to pretend that this didn't hurt her to the core of her soul. And as that thought went through her mind, she remembered that Fain had also been close enough to the tadara that she'd adopted him. That he was a lifelong friend of others who'd perished.

  They were his family.

  "How are you doing?" she breathed.

  He looked away, but not before she saw the heartbreak he was holding inside. "I just keep thinking about the kids. Cairie's lived a long, full and good life, and I'm Andarion enough to appreciate that and be at peace with it. But the kids ... Zarina's only a few months old, and Thia's just entering the prime of her womanhood. She looks older, but she's just a baby. So full of life and wonder ... like her brothers. The twins are a wrecking crew of disaster. Jayce and Adron would make Saint Sarn a cursing atheist, and yet I love spending time with all their annoying questions. And Kiara ... she's the gentlest soul I've ever known." He shook his head. "I refuse to believe they're gone." He spoke between clenched teeth. "I won't accept that."

  Galene bit her lip as she sniffed daintily. "Thia's the same age you were when Keris died."

  That succeeded in wringing a single tear from him. Angry, he wiped it away. "Did you know Keris's last words to me were 'titana tu, giakon'?"

  She cringed at words that were basically go fuck yourself, you castrated coward. "Why would he say that to you?"

  His red eyes glistened with grief-stricken agony. "I'd just found Omira in bed with a man and I'd tried to go home. My parents slammed the door in my face and threatened to call the enforcers on me if I didn't leave, so I went to Keris's. I just wanted five minutes of shelter. Instead, he sucker-punched me, insulted me, and left me in the rain on his doorstep."

  "I'm so sorry, Fain. Did you never try to speak to him again?"

  Shaking his head, he sighed wearily. "I took what little money I had that night and bribed a ride from a Tavali to Rook, hoping I could find work on someone's crew. Since I was Outcast, I had no papers. No Andarion could hire me, and no one else would touch me without legal documents and a birth registration. So I was left scraping for whatever illegal crew was willing to pay me under the table and not ask questions about my background. A week later, I went into a bar for a job prospect, and ended up getting drugged and enslaved. Ven liberated me right before Keris took Dancer on his Endurance. I was planning to talk to Keris to make amends once he was back from it ... never had the chance. Never was able to say that I was sorry, for everything."

  He blinked back his tears. "I was the only one there when they cremated him. All I kept thinking was that I should have been there for Dancer when he fell during his climb, and for the years after that when everyone blamed him for Keris's death. That he was alone in that house with our parents' hatred, and with no brother there to help him through it."

  "You were always there for him."

  "No. I was only there to help piece things back together after everything fell apart. But I was never there when he really needed me. Anymore than I was there for you or Talyn."

  She placed her finger over his lips. "Let it go, Fain. Life is hard. For everyone. We are all warriors fighting our way through it. As I've always said to Talyn, tough times never last. But tough Andarions do. I learned that from watching you as a boy. Your parents, grandparents, and Keris treated you like shit and yet you never once spoke against them. You'd just lift your chin and carry on. 'Barking dogs don't bother me,' you used to say. 'Sooner or later, they reach the end of their yard and hit a fence. I'll keep going past it, and won't hear them anymore.'"

  "I was young and stupid."

  "Young, yes. Stupid? Never."

  He placed her hand on his cheek and savored the warmth of her touch on his skin. "I weep for every nanosecond of my life that I lived away from you."

  Overwhelmed by his sincerity, Galene kissed him. Like Fain, she grieved for all the time they'd lost. All the years that had been stolen from them.


  Irritated by the intrusion, she pulled back from Fain to see the highest-ranking Andarion officer after Talyn and Gavarian, who'd been left on duty. "Yes, Gheris?"

  "Sorry to intrude, ma'am, but you really need to see this." He moved to the monitor on her office wall while Fain rose to his feet. He turned it to the Andarion newsfeed.

  Galene gasped as she saw Cairistiona's mother, Eriadne, on the screen. Ever regal and harsh, and with a frigid beauty, she was dressed in full royal Andarion battlegear as she addressed the media.

  "It is with great sorrow in my heart that I stand before my fellow Androkyns once again. As you all know, my daughter forced me into exile against my will. Over the years, I've tried desperately to reconcile. And she would have none of it. When she began this war against the very League that was founded by our own proud War Hauks to protect us from invasion, I begged her to rethink her foolishness. Ever rebellious like her father before her, Cairistiona refused."

  The queen mother gestured to the photos of the leveled Andarion palace. "I have just received word that there are no survivors of the palace attack. Rescuers are working diligently to extract bodies for state burial, but as you can see, there is very little that remains, and we will be lucky if we find any remains at all."

  Eriadne sniffed back tears. "I, like all of you, am devastated by such a tragic loss of lives taken far too soon. But as the War Hauk motto says, indurari. Through blood pain, we conquer and endure. Andaria will continue on as she always has. And to ensure that no other Andarion family has to stand over the graves of their children for such a needless cause, I have again reclaimed the throne that was so violently taken from me, and entered talks with the prime commander of The League. Commander Zemin is more than willing to forgive our transgressions so long as we deliver the traitor Nykyrian Quiakides over to him for execution. With a heavy heart, I have agreed to his terms to sacrifice my grandson for the good of our empire. For the good of the families I don't want to see lose another loved one in a futile war that can only end in our inevitable deaths, and the end of our beloved empire and proud families."

  Lifting her chin, she drew a ragged breath. "I am recalling all Andarion soldiers from their off-world posts and severing our ties with the Alliance, effective immediately. Failure to return home, and any who stand with this so-called Alliance against The League, will result in their being declared traitors to the empire. This includes Prime Commander Batur, who is currently overseeing Alliance forces on an enemy base. If she contacts me immediately, and returns, she and her staff will be forgiven for their actions against our race and their treason against The League. But they must go before The League and do contrition, purification, and reeducation for their actions. Once repatriated, we will welcome them home."

lene ground her teeth at those words. Contrition, her left foot. She'd assassinate that bitch first.

  "From this broadcast forward, Andaria is again part of The United Systems and falls under the protection of The League and agrees to abide by the laws of The Overseer." She inclined her head to her soldiers, who began burning the tattered Alliance flag they'd taken from the attack, and hoisting a United Systems flag over the remains of the palace.

  Eriadne saluted the media. "All hail Andaria. We are forever united in purpose and we will strike with a precise hand." The queen bitch finished with the national Andarion motto. "Forever forward. Never back." And with that, she left the podium.

  The media shouted questions as Gheris turned the monitor off. His gaze went from her to Fain and back again. "I will stand with whatever decision you make, Commander. But know that my sister was taken and raped under the former tadara's regime, by one of her nephews. She did nothing to punish those responsible, even though we knew who they were and could prove it. Instead, my sister was imprisoned and executed for treason for daring to impugn royal reputations. Tadara Cairistiona and Tahrs Nykyrian restored honor and law to our empire. Regardless of what you decide, I will not be part of handing Tahrs Nykyrian over to The League for his execution."

  "Put your heart at ease, Colonel. My loyalties are with the tahrs. He is the true heir to the throne, not the former tadara. I have my own issues and grudges with that bitch. But I will not force any of you to follow my path. Tell the others that they can stay or go with no fear of retaliation from me. In this, I won't be their conscience. I understand that all of you have families at home. Go in peace or stay and fight." She offered him a gentle smile. "If they wish to go, escort them out immediately, and notify our home troops to expect them."

  He saluted her. "I shall tell them, but I know their hearts are loyal to you. It's why Commander Batur selected us for this assignment. We all have issues with the former tadara and The League." He turned on his heel and left them.

  Galene rose to her feet to face Fain. "That whore killed them."

  Fain let out a heavy sigh. "As much as I'd like to say that no mother could do such a thing, I agree. She slaughtered most of her family to take the throne the first time. It only stands to reason that she'd kill the rest to regain it."

  Galene reviewed the footage of Eriadne's speech without the sound. "Where's Tiziran Jullien?"

  Fain moved to stand by her side. "She didn't mention him, did she?"

  "No." She paused to show an old enemy in the background. "Nyran is there." She pointed him out. "But there's no sign of Jullien, anywhere."

  "You think he was in the palace when it went up?"

  She shook her head. "He was exiled when his grandmother was thrown out. To my knowledge, he hasn't been near Eris since. But why wouldn't she have mentioned him as stepping forward with her? It's weird. With the others gone, would he not be her sole heir?"

  Her link rang with Talyn's tone.

  She clicked it on. "Yes, baby?"

  "Hey, have you seen the Andarion news?"

  "That Eriadne has proclaimed herself tadara again. Yes."

  "I know this is rhetorical, but are we staying or leaving?"

  "I don't trust that bitch as far as I can spit ... and I don't spit. The ninth sun will freeze solid before I return to an Andaria ruled by her. What about you?"

  "You know exactly how I feel about her. And I know from experience how much faith you can put in her lies. But regardless of my personal revulsion, I will stand with my mother in all wars. That being said, Felicia's brother called to let us know that her father has been seized and is in custody, awaiting trial for treason. They're planning to execute him, and all of Cairie's loyal advisors. WAR is attempting to reestablish itself, but it's been awhile since we've had any contact with each other. After Cairie took the throne, we disbanded harmoniously, assuming Andarions no longer had to fear Anatole tyranny."

  "Is Lorens safe?"

  "Yeah. He's on the run with his family and Felicia's mother. He wanted us to make sure Vari and Brach don't return home until this is settled. I promised him that I'd sit on both of them like a mother hen."

  "How's Felicia doing?"

  He cleared his throat and waited a few seconds as if putting distance between him and her before he spoke in a whispered tone. "She's acting brave. But you know how much she loved Kiara and the kids. She was taking it hard before Lorens called. Now ... if she could fly, she'd be on her way home to slaughter Eriadne herself. Thank the gods I was never able to teach her how to pilot a fighter."

  Galene snorted. "We still have a traitor here. I'm assuming the new tadara wants us all dead. So stay with Felicia and keep her safe."

  "What about you?"

  "I have your mother," Fain said before she could answer. "I won't let anything happen to her. I swear it on my life."

  Galene angled the link so that Talyn could see Fain. "My two fierce protectors."

  Talyn saluted Fain. "Let me know if either of you need anything."

  She hung up an instant before Fain's link went off.

  Galene stepped closer to him to see who it was. She recognized the ambassador's seal. "Ryn?"

  "Yeah." He answered it.

  "Is your brother with you, Fain?" Ryn asked without preamble.

  "Not at the moment, but he's here on the station. Why?"

  Silent tears began streaming down Ryn's face. "Darling was in the Andarion palace when it was hit ... with Zarya and Cezar." He barely choked the words out.

  Fain struggled to breathe as those words struck him in the gut. Zarya was Darling's wife, and Cezar their infant son. In one blow, Eriadne had wiped out the Caronese emperor and his heir. "Oh God, Ryn. I'm so sorry. I thought he was with Nyk."

  His hand shaking, Ryn raked it through his red hair. "We haven't told Annalise yet. We can't.... She was way too close to her brother ... she thinks Darling is headed for you...." He paused to swallow and rub his hand over his face. It was obvious he wasn't handling it well, either. Like his half sister Annalise, Ryn worshiped his half brother Darling.

  "Even though he's underage, Drake has assumed the Caronese throne with the CDS backing him. Maris had just headed out to you from the Andarion palace. Less than two hours before it was struck. He doesn't know about the hit, either, but his son and husband were also there. So was Desideria, Vashe, Lil. Shahara, Kasen, and Devyn." Ryn broke off into tears. "They took our families, Fain. All of them."

  "I thought Ture was on Caron."

  "No. They were planning to go, but they hadn't left yet. They wanted to make sure their husbands were safe first. And be together so that they could muster a rescue party if something happened." Fury burned deep in Ryn's eyes. "Tell Commander Batur that I'm mobilizing every fucking member of the Wasturnum for her to command and we are already en route for battle. As are the Caronese and Exeterians. We're going to ram our vengeance down the throat of any and every soldier dumb enough to don a League uniform." He hung up without preamble.

  His own hand trembling, Fain slid his link into his pocket as he struggled to wrap his mind around the tragedy of the day. It was so overwhelming, it left him in a strange state of numbness. As if the pain had gone so deep into his soul that it cut through all the nerves.

  Sadly, though, he knew it wouldn't last. Sooner or later, that numbness would pass and with it would come the true agony and reality of the fact that in one day he'd lost the majority of everyone who mattered to him. Everyone he called family.

  Horrified, he stared at Galene. "How did they get past their forces?"

  Galene shook her head. "We were betrayed. Someone had to give them our codes. There's no other way they could have infiltrated the net. Most likely Ilkin or someone else with the highest clearance ... I-I should have stayed on Andaria."

  "No. They'd have had you, too. The entire block where your condo was, as well as the Andarion armada command center, is leveled. Had you or Talyn stayed, you'd be dead with the others."

e wiped at her tears with the heel of her hand as she struggled for sanity in the midst of this utter lunacy, and the blinding need she had inside her to tear Eriadne apart. "This wasn't about the war. This was Eriadne using it as an excuse to punish us all for our part in dethroning her. She told us that if she had to wait a hundred years, she'd stand over our graves, crown on her head, and laugh at her vengeance against us."

  Fain wanted to deny that, but given what he knew of the tadara and her bloodthirsty vindictiveness, he couldn't. "You were part of it?"

  Galene nodded. "Talyn and I both."

  "How so?"

  "Chrisen started the fight by coming after me and Felicia, and threatening us. Talyn finished it in the Ring. He took Chrisen's life, and Eriadne took out contracts on his. Back then, WAR was in its prime."


  "Warriors Against Royalty. A radical group set on overthrowing Eriadne. We wanted no part of WAR originally. Not until Talyn was imprisoned by Chrisen and Merrell, for no other reason than being born your child." More tears glistened in her eyes. "When we got him back, he was broken, Fain. I'd never seen him like that, and I pray to the gods that I never do again. He was so angry and bitter by what they'd done."

  "What happened?"

  She drew a ragged breath. "Nykyrian had returned by a chance encounter with his mother and aunt. I helped to sober Cairistiona, and we went after that bitch for every wrong she'd ever done us. After it was over, I told Cairie to kill her. That so long as Eriadne lived, she'd be plotting all our deaths. But she's Cairie's mother, so Cairie refused. Just like she couldn't bring herself to hurt Jullien. So, she exiled them. Now..." She gestured toward the photos of the smoldering palace. "What kind of Andarion slaughters her entire family for power? That's a human move."

  He pulled her against his chest. "I know."

  The alarm to warn that aircraft were approaching sounded in the hallway.

  Galene clutched at him. "That'll be the tahrs."

  Fain's gut clenched with dread. This was the last thing he ever wanted to do. But he wasn't about to leave Dancer to do it alone.

  Hand in hand, they went to tell Nykyrian and the others that their families were dead. Killed at the hands of his own ruthless grandmother.