Page 26 of Born of Betrayal

  Ryn stepped forward in case she needed him.

  Nyk held her and whispered in her ear.

  While Nyk did that, Fain pulled Ryn back from them.

  When he started to protest, Fain cupped Ryn's jaw and leaned down so that he could whisper intimately to the Tavali ambassador without anyone else overhearing him. "What Nyk's telling your mother is something you cannot react to. Brace yourself and stow your expressions to show no emotions whatsoever.... Darling is alive and well. As are his wife and son. Everyone was pulled out before The League bombed the palace. Now act upset." Fain stepped back.

  Like an award-winning actor, Ryn choked on a sob and patted Fain on the arm. "Thank you, brother. I appreciate your sympathy in my darkest hour of need. I won't forget it."

  Fain inclined his head, but he saw the relief in Ryn's eyes as well as the fire that had returned to Hermione's. Now that was The Tavali queen he knew and loved.

  Hermione clutched at Nykyrian's hand. "From the moment he drew his first breath in this life, Darling has always been a son to me. For his father alone, I would have given up my Canting and name, and renounced Tavali citizenship." She cast a furious glower around the bay. "May the gods have mercy on the soul of whatever Tavali dared bring harm to Darling and his house, for I will not. Rather, as my esteemed ancestor Hestia Waring-Dane once did, I will rain down Hell's wrath upon them and take not just their Canting and name, I will have their throat. Tell Brax he better deliver their heads to me or else I will have his on my wall, and his balls as my earrings."

  Ryn smirked at Fain. "That's my mom. Now you know why I'm still single."

  Hermione passed an irritated glare at her son.

  He gave her a charming wink. "Just like you, Mom. Independently owned and operated."

  Chayden laughed. "Hey, it's better than me. I can't tell if I'm still single 'cause nobody likes me, or because I like nobody."

  Caillen snorted at that. "That's easy. Definitely the former more than the latter."

  Chayden passed a threatening look at him, which Caillen must have caught, along with a sudden memory of the fact that before Caillen had married Chayden's sister, he'd slept with Chayden's fiancee, and that was the sole reason they'd split up.

  And why Chayden remained unmarried to this day.

  Caillen quickly put Fain between them for protection.

  Ignoring them, Hermione released Nykyrian and met Galene's gaze. "I stand at your ready, Commander. Let us know when and where to attack. My forces are at your disposal."

  While Hermione headed up the ramp to greet Ushara, Ryn stayed behind.

  "You're sure about Darling?" he asked Fain in a barely audible tone.

  "Absolutely. He wanted us to make sure you didn't do anything stupid--his words--while he was in hiding, and cost him his empire."

  Ryn cracked a half smile. "That's my little brother, Dumbass. And not like I could screw it up any worse than he did. I'm not the idiot who declared war on The League by telling their prime commander that I was going to raid and pillage the village and burn that--and I quote--motherfucker to the ground and there ain't nothing you bitches can do about it--end quote."

  Dancer laughed. "Yeah, not one of his better days. But definitely one of his more entertaining speeches."

  Ryn snorted. "Yeah, right. Let's hear it for the Cruel family's standard of diplomacy."

  "Brother, I hear you. There's no problem so large that it can't be solved by an adequate supply of explosives," Chayden finished for him. "That's always been one of my favorite things about Darling."

  Fain shook his head. "Yeah, you would like that, Psycho Bunny."

  "And you..." Ryn swung around toward Talyn, who met him with an arched brow. "I hear that we have a new son to welcome to our family group. It's an honor to see you again, boy."

  Talyn extended his arm. "It's good to see you, too, Ambassador."

  Taking his hand, Ryn pulled him in for a hug. One that Talyn accepted without complaint. "Family don't shake hands. We maul like the gods intended ... and I'm so glad I kept Ven from shooting you all those years ago."

  Talyn clapped him on the back. "Me, too. It would have seriously screwed up my future plans."

  Laughing, Ryn stepped back, then remembered he was supposed to be in mourning. He cleared his throat and sobered instantly. "Congrats on the unification."

  "Thank you."

  As Fain turned toward Galene, a sudden explosion rumbled and then rocked through the station. Alarms blared and lights dimmed. Their comms went off with warnings and summonses.

  Fain paled as he read his link and his entire world tilted out of control.

  No ...

  "It's the orphan decks ... where War and Vega are housed." Without waiting on anyone, Fain took off at a dead run. His heart pounded in terror as he tried to call them.

  No one answered.

  Over and over he told himself they were all right as he kept trying to get through to them. That the lines were down or overloaded by others trying to contact loved ones.

  Yet when he reached the section where they lived and saw the cordoned-off area that had been blown out and sealed so that the rescue teams could help the few survivors, he knew better.

  No one in their building was left alive.

  No one.


  Fain fell to his knees as pain racked him harder than any blow he'd ever felt since that day in the locker room when Galene had shattered his heart and left him barren and alone. He couldn't breathe for it. All he could see were the faces of the kids when he'd first found them, starving and terrified.

  It's okay. I've got you. No one's going to hurt you again. I promise.

  How could he have let them down, too?


  He blinked at Galene's voice, but couldn't speak past the agony that choked him.

  She brushed her hand through his braids as aid workers and Hadean Corps soldiers rushed around them to put out the fires and help survivors. "Come with me."

  "I've got to search for them. Maybe they're trapped. Maybe--"

  "Come with me," she repeated in a tone that brooked no argument or resistance.

  He glanced past her to see Talyn watching them with a peculiar expression he couldn't read. "You want to listen to her, Hauk. Trust me."

  Numb, he nodded and allowed them to lead him back toward Talyn's condo.

  By the time they reached it, silent tears blinded him as guilt flayed him for having left the kids by themselves. Damn Venik and their laws. He should have kept the kids with him and screwed Tavalian law and custom. This was all his fault. And he would never forgive himself. Never get over the loss of two lives that were solely on him. Two lives he'd sworn to protect and take care of. He was all they'd had.

  And he'd failed them. He would never forgive himself.

  Talyn opened the door to his condo.

  "Paka! Paka! Paka!" War came running to almost tackle Fain with an unexpected hug.

  Fain's breath left him with a loud whoosh as War's small body collided with his and filled his arms with squirming spindly limbs.

  "See! I told you he wasn't caught in it." Vega frowned as she approached and saw Fain's tears. "Are you okay, Paka? Was someone hurt?"

  Unable to speak, Fain grabbed both of them into his arms and burst into tears as he sank to his knees and held them in a crushing embrace. Relief and love exploded through him while he rocked them, knowing they were safe and alive. That by some unexpected miracle they'd been spared the horror of the day, and consequences of his stupidity.

  Thank you, gods, thank you! He would never miss temple again after this. He owed Ornul and Eri prayer lights for the rest of his life that They, in Their divine mercy, had spared his kids.

  It wasn't until he'd thought they were dead that he realized just how much he loved them. How much of his heart he'd allowed the two of them to claim. Since the day he'd lost Galene, and his parents had callously thrown him away, he'd done his damnedest to live the rest of his life
without any kind of emotional entanglement. To keep everyone, even Omira, at arm's length.

  Only Dancer and the memory of Galene had stayed with him.

  Until the day War and Vega had wiggled their adorable little ways through his shields.

  "Paka ... I. Can't. Breathe," War choked out as if he were in absolute misery.

  Snorting an irritated laugh, Fain let go of them finally.

  "I think Paka went crazy," War whispered loudly to his sister.

  Bug-eyed, she nodded.

  Galene laughed at them before she stroked Fain's cheek with a gentle, understanding hand. "No. Paka had a bad scare. He thought you both had been killed in the explosion. I know from all the years of having your brother Talyn in similar situations that the only way to breathe again after such a horrible shock is to have the babies in your arms and feel with tangible proof that they're safe and whole."

  Only then did Fain let go and take Galene's hand. "Thank you. But how did they get here?"

  She jerked her chin toward Gavarian, who was watching him as if he was as crazy as War had proclaimed him. "Talyn sent Vari and his brother to secure them after the attack on us."

  Fain finally saw that Felicia had been sitting at the table, doing schoolwork with them, on his arrival. "Thank you, Vari. And thank you, Felicia, for watching over them."

  Before they could respond, Vega touched the tears on his cheek.

  Fain met her haunted gaze. Her small hand trembled as she wiped at his tears.

  "I'm sorry we scared you, Paka." Then Vega did something she hadn't done since she'd hit puberty--she sank down in his lap and laid her head on his chest to cuddle against him like a small child.

  Closing his eyes, Fain held her and brushed his hand through her dark hair. "I'm just glad you're all right. And if you want to date, I promise I won't gut the little ... male."

  She laughed at that. "I can wait until you're ready. I don't want you in jail for it."

  Fain smiled. "Very well. I'm told ninety is a prime dating age for a human female."

  "Paka!" she snorted.

  Gavarian moved to stand in front of them. "Well, since you're here ... if you'll give me the new key card to your half of the condo, I'll get the kids moved in for you."

  Fain scowled as he finally realized that all of Vega's and War's personal items were packed in bags and lined up against the wall. He glanced over to Galene in confusion.

  Her features softened into the kind of smile he'd never thought to receive from her again. She pulled out her link and scrolled through it for a minute before she handed it over to him. "It went through earlier. I was going to tell you about it but then all hell broke loose."

  Stunned, he felt his jaw go slack. "You legally adopted them?"

  She nodded. "And named you as their paternal guardian. I found the loophole that allows you to legally be their father, and there's nothing anyone can do to stop it. It was the least I could do for you, after what you did for Talyn and Felicia."

  Another tear slid from his control as he saw his own name listed as their father. He couldn't believe it.

  A family of his own ... The only thing he'd ever wanted in his entire life. A dream he'd been forced to give up so long ago that he'd refused to think about it. The pain had always been too raw and biting.

  Now ...

  Rising to his feet, he pulled Galene into his arms and kissed her. "Thank you, Stormy."

  She smiled up at him. "Don't thank me so soon, War Hauk. Parenthood is an equal share of awe and ah, crap."

  "Thanks, Mum," Talyn said drily. "Way to nurture that healthy ego in your son."

  She laughed at him. "Oh please! As if you need any help in that regard. Your ego is granite. I've seen the way you dress when you're not in uniform."

  Talyn staggered back and covered his heart as if she'd shot him. "Ah, now that's just painfully mean." He turned toward Felicia. "And you're the one who should really be offended since you buy most of my clothes."

  Felicia let out the most feminine and strangely sweet snort Fain had ever heard. "True, but you seldom wear the ones I buy for you. Rather you live in those old things you've had since the day I moved in. Every time I try to throw them out, you find them again and return them to the closet."

  Gavarian and Brach burst into laughter.

  Until Talyn glared at them. That sobered them instantly. "Don't you hyenas have luggage to move?"

  Gavarian passed an irritated smirk to his brother. "Yes, sir." But no sooner had he neared the luggage than a demanding knock sounded on the door, at the same time Fain's link went off with Venik's alert tone.

  "What fresh irritant is this," Talyn said under his breath.

  Assuming it was about the attack, Fain started to answer his link while Galene opened the door. The moment she did, a full Hadean Corps squad burst in, with their arms held at the ready.

  Gasping, Felicia shot to her feet. Vega and War screamed and ran to take cover behind Fain. They gripped at his legs as Talyn moved to cover Felicia.

  "What is this?" Galene demanded.

  Fain tried to calm the children. Something much easier said than done, since War was trying to scale him like a ladder. The boy had hands that could double for suction cups. And Vega's death grip on his thigh wasn't much better. He was starting to lose circulation in it.

  The captain moved toward Gavarian and angled his blaster at him. "Major Terronova, you're under arrest. On your knees. Hands behind your head. Ankles crossed. Now!"

  His jaw dropping, Gavarian held his hands out so that no one would mistake his intent and shoot him for it. "Whoa ... What? Are you serious?"

  When the captain went to grab the boy, Fain handed the kids off to Galene and shoved the captain back.

  "Stand down, Hauk," he warned.

  Fain refused. "This is bullshit!"

  Venik walked through the squad to join the fray.

  Before Fain realized what Venik intended, he felt something cold snap around his neck. An instant later, a fierce shock went through his nervous system. Had he been human, it would have rendered him unconscious or flat on his back.

  As an Andarion, it just seriously pissed him off. Wanting blood, Fain growled at the pirate bastard who'd cuffed him.

  "It's time you remembered your place, Slug-wart. I just lost three hundred people, and half of them were children. You brought the Andarions here. Fuck with me and I'll hang you with them. We have footage of that little prick walking in the area where the bomb was planted less than an hour before it detonated. And he had no business whatsoever on those decks. He's the only one who was out of place there."

  Fain glared at Venik. "He was getting my kids to safety, after someone tried to murder my son in his sleep."

  Venik shoved him back against the wall. "Get it through your thick, stupid Andarion skull, you don't have a son. You don't have kids. I. Own. You." He grabbed Fain by the throat.

  The next instant, Venik went flying sideways.

  "Get your hands off him!" Talyn planted himself between them. "My father's a War Hauk, you son of a bitch. You don't talk to him like that! And you don't ever lay hands to him!"

  The expression on Ven's face made Fain's blood run cold, especially as every guard there aimed blasters at his child. Galene started forward, into the fray, but Fain waved her back and Felicia held her in place.

  While it meant everything in the universe to him that Talyn had defended him, if he didn't diffuse this fast, it was about to go into total nuclear devastation. No one threatened Venik in his station.

  No one.

  "Stand down, Talyn. High Admiral Venik's correct. I'm not a War Hauk. I haven't been one since the day my mother slashed my lineage."

  Ven straightened his clothes with an arrogant tug. "And who owns you?"

  Fain had always hated it whenever Ven played this power shit with him. It took everything he had not to put the bastard through the wall. But so long as he had a kill switch in his brain, he had to cow to him or have his brains become
part of the landscape. And while that might not have been all that important to him in the past, he now had a room full of reasons to swallow his pride and let Ven feel like he had control of him, when really, they both knew the truth.

  If Fain wanted his freedom, Ven would be forced to kill him. 'Cause that would be the only way for Ven to keep him leashed. No one hemmed a War Hauk down without their express permission and cooperation.

  "You do, my lord."

  "Who do you tithe to for your Canting?"

  Fain felt the familiar ticcing start in his cheek. "You ... my lord."

  Venik nodded. "That's right. I am the one you answer to, for everything. And this little fantasy bullshit you've been living ends today. Get your things and report to slag quarters. Now!"

  Galene wanted to weep as she saw the bitter resignation in Fain's stralen eyes. This was killing him and there was nothing she could do. Damn Venik for it.

  It was just like watching Fain with his family, all over again. Every time he'd ever tried to have pride in something or to feel good about himself, either Keris, his father, or mother would rush to publicly humiliate him.

  And you did it to him on his graduation day.

  Galene choked as she realized that. All these years, she'd been focused on her own pain. She'd never once considered what she'd taken from him in return.

  His last chance at one untainted memory. How could she have been so selfish?

  While her parents had been kind and giving until that moment in time, his hadn't. Fain had never had anything in his life he hadn't bled for. Not one.

  What do I do?

  Venik faced the captain of the Hadean Corps. "What are you waiting for? An accommodation, or applause? How about I just kick you in the ass? Now arrest the major before I give in to that latter urge."

  Fain scoffed indignantly. "No! I just told you what he was doing there. You've no reason to arrest him."

  "And it still doesn't clear him of the matter. If anything, it makes it look worse, and implicates you."

  He gaped in disbelief. "You don't really believe that?"

  "Honestly? I don't know what to think anymore. Maybe I should arrest you both until I sort this out."

  Was he serious? Stunned by his irrational logic, Galene shook her head. "I can't stay quiet any longer. This is insane and you know it. Fain would never do anything against you."