Page 18 of For Love or Legacy

Page 18



  Kyle jumped in, “Kara, that’s rude. ”

  Kara quickly added, “It’s not rude, it’s true. Mom writes about people who raise money for charities or lobby for environmental causes. Do you do any of that, Nicole?”

  “No,” Nicole admitted reluctantly.

  “See,” Kara said. “So, can I interview you?”

  Nicole hedged. “Let’s talk more about it tomorrow. ”

  Kyle smirked. “That’s a no. ”

  Kara said, “Get lost, Kyle. ”

  Kyle opened the screen door to go back into the house. “Remember what I said about the pictures, Nicole. ”

  Nicole laughed, “I will. ”

  Kara flounced in her chair. “Mom says I have to love him because he’s my brother. Do you have a brother, Nicole?”

  “Yes,” Nicole said. Suddenly serious.

  “No. You can’t be related to…Is your brother Dominic Corisi?” Kara practically leapt out of her seat with a squeal.

  Grudgingly, Nicole said, “Yes. ”

  Kara took a tablet out of a case she’d left near the door and turned it on. “You’re one of those Corisis? This is going to be awesome! I can’t believe it. Your brother is my newest hero! He’s on the cover of every magazine right now. Did you know that he was going to start a revolutionary scholarship fund in China? He’s not just talking about it. He’s doing it. He’s making a difference. What can you tell me about him?”

  “I have nothing to say about my brother,” Nicole croaked, her throat getting tight with emotion.

  Dominic still rang once a day even though she refused to take his calls. She’d had her lawyer contact him regarding Stephan’s buyout so he knew that it was no longer necessary for him to be involved in Corisi Ltd. Why couldn’t he just leave her alone now?

  “Seriously?” Kara’s hands dropped to her sides.

  “Seriously,” Nicole said.

  Slipping her tablet back into its protective case, Kara announced, “It’s a good thing Mom doesn’t want you for her blog. ”

  Nicole raised an eyebrow.

  With the brutal honesty of youth, Kara hugged her tablet to her and announced, “You’re an awful interview. ” And she disappeared back into the house.

  Dinner was a vegetarian delight that all members of the Allen family played a part in creating. When little Kyle handed Stephan a stack of plates, Nicole found hope in the ease in which he performed his delegated responsibility. He and Kyle laughed together as they set the table and Nicole almost burst into hopeful tears.

  Is that what he’d look like as a father?

  If only we could stay here forever.

  Stephan passionately debated the merit of current proposed environmental laws with both the adults and children. Kara and Kyle quoted the voting histories of many politicians like some people quote sport stats.

  When the children cross-examined him on if his companies were “green” and what his policies were for waste management, Stephan came alive. Clearly hed remained true to his core beliefs. Yes, he had walked away from lobbying for the environment, but he’d adhered to stringent polices at all of his companies despite the margin of loss involved.

  Kyle asked, “Do you miss making films with my dad?”

  Stephan sat back in his chair. “Every day. ”

  Kyle asked, “Then why did you stop?”

  “I had some important things that I needed to do. ”

  “More important than global warming?” Kyle asked.

  “I thought so at the time. ” His expression held a hint of regret that Nicole was sure Stephan did not mean to reveal.

  “Is that why you don’t come visit us? Because it makes you sad to remember?”

  Out of the mouths of babes.

  Mark said, “Kyle, that’s enough. ”

  His wife countered, “Let him ask his questions, Mark. He’s not being rude. ”

  Kyle said, “At least I’m asking because I really want to know and not because of some stupid blog. ”

  Kara whined, “Mom, do you hear him?”

  Kayla said, “Kyle, you know your sister is sensitive about…”

  Stephan cut in, “To answer your question, Kyle… that was exactly why I didn’t visit, but I was wrong. I should have come earlier and then you two wouldn’t underestimate the value of using strategic litigation to implement environmental laws. It should have been the cornerstone of your debate. ”

  Mark said, “God, it’s good to have you around again. You know, we have upcoming projects if you want to be involved in them. ”

  Shaking his head, Stephan said, “I don’t have time to camp on location and collect data. There is a lot going on right now. ”

  Organizing some of the used plates into piles, Kayla added, “We don’t do most of the legwork anymore, either. We produce the films and use them to help us lobby for change. You always had a good sense of how to frame the message. In fact, some of your old films are still being used to push through change at the state level. Imagine the impact you could make now. ”

  “She’s right,” Mark interjected. “Your commitment to environmental protection, partnered with your skyrocketing success in the computer business, makes you a voice that would be listened to around the globe. ”

  “I can’t really see…” Stephan said.

  Mark cut him off and said, “Just think about it. ”

  Why did I agree to this? Stephan asked himself as he and Nicole entered the guest room that Kayla had prepared for them. It was beautifully decorated in neutral colors, accented by artwork he guessed the children had drawn and Markd had professionally framed. A warm and welcoming room, perfect for any other night but tonight.

  He and Nicole stood side by side at the foot of the queen-sized bed, neither moving nor speaking at first.

  Nicole’s voice held a trace of nervous humor. “This didn’t seem as awkward when I agreed to it earlier. ”

  Oh, it gets worse. “The door doesn’t lock. I checked it when I put the luggage in here,” Stephan added blandly.

  “I think I can actually hear the kids voices in the other room,” Nicole said, looking at the wall just a few feet from the bed.

  “Not exactly a mood setter, is it?”

  “No,” Nicole agreed with a small smile. “Are you disappointed?”

  Hell, yes. Stephan almost shared his initial reaction, but then he saw Nicole’s expression. She looked vulnerable and hopeful. He reached out and took her hand in his. “Of course I am, but I can survive one night. ”

  “Aren’t we here for two?” Nicole asked, surprised.

  “Only if we want to be,” he growled suggestively. Her gray eyes darkened with desire. He pulled her closer and ran one hand lightly up her spine, tickling her through the thin material of her blouse. If she kept looking at him like that he was going to throw politeness to the wind and drag her off to a hotel tonight.

  He pulled her flush against him. She arched her beautiful neck back to look up at him and he couldn’t resist. He brought his mouth down on hers. Just a fleeting taste at first but as her lips responded to his, he deepened the kiss.

  Nicole’s arms slid up his back, clutching him. His tongue seduced her mouth, teasing her to open up more fully to him. She met him, welcomed him, and her soft moan of pleasure almost drove him over the edge.

  It would be so easy to forget where they were. He broke off the kiss and the sound of their mutually ragged breathing temporarily blocked out all other sounds. He said, “If we’re staying here tonight, this is not a good idea. ”

  “You’re right,” Nicole agreed, resting her forehead on his chest.

  He stroked her upper arms lightly, enjoying the feel of her soft skin. “Going to a hotel now isn’t possible either. They wouldn’t understand. Well, Mark and Kayla would, but the kids wouldn’t. ”

  “We don’t want to offend the kids,” Nicole agreed breathlessly. She was not making this easy.

/>   She glanced up at him from beneath her long lashes, gray eyes burning with desire and he couldn’t resist. He met her eager mouth again. All of the reasons why this was a bad idea flew out of his head. He picked her up, carried her to the bed and rolled with her onto the thick comforter. Her new-found love of simple dresses made access easy, but it wasn’t enough. He resented each inch her dress still covered, desperately needing to see all of her, to taste what had been forbidden for so long.

  Her devilishly delightful hands unbuttoned his shirt and explored, driving him wild. She slid one just beneath his belt on his lower back. His hands stilled when he realized her intended path. She slid her hand over his hip and he sucked in a breath, unable to think or move, just wait.

  “Mom! Kyle commented on my blog again!” Kara’s voice echoed down the hallway and was followed by the sound of her stomping to her parents’ bedroom.

  Nicole laughed softly against his chest and removed her hand. Stephan rolled onto his back and pulled her with him. She was half across him, her hair tumbling down around her face and across his bare chest. She’d never looked more beautiful to him. “You think this is funny?” he growled into her ear.

  She smiled down at him and nodded, her eyes brimming with laughter. “I keep expecting Kara to whip the door open. ”

  “We’d end up in her blog. ” He ran his hand absently through her curtain of black hair.

  His body wasn’t as quick to downshift as his mind was. It pulsed and punished him. You’re not going to die, he chided himself. Although, he did vaguely remember this feeling from high school, and had been pretty certain back then that the condition could be fatal. This level of frustration was foreign to his adult life.

  As if reading his thoughts, Nicole moved to pull away. Stephan held her to him. “Stay, there. I can control myself. ”

  Cocking her head to one side, Nicole gave him the most adorable, sexy smile and said, “It’s not you I’m worried about. ”

  He groaned.

  She wants to kill me. She must.

  They lay there. Neither moving. Neither speaking.

  Quietly wanting.

  Nicole asked softly, “Stephan?”


  “I know tonight wasn’t what we had planned, but I’m glad we’re here. Your friends are very nice people. ”

  Stephan’s heart pounded in his chest. His own feelings about the weekend were so tangled up right now that he didn’t know what he felt about the trip. He didn’t want to be happy that she liked his friends, but he was. Was it too much to hope that his friends would reveal her for a brazen fraud instead of taking him aside to tell him how wonderful she was? Why did she have to be so damn perfect for him? “Yes, they are,” he answered absently.

  “And their children are incredible – so intelligent. ”

  So, Nicole wants to talk. Ok, let’s talk.

  “Mark and Kayla believe that knowledge is power, and evidently they’ve passed that belief on to the next generation. ” Spending time with the Allen family was bittersweet for Stephan. They were living the life he’d once imagined he’d have.