Page 11 of Garden of the Wolf

  Fortunately, we came to a crossroads between two islands, and we rolled in opposite directions. Platt landed between us and we scrambled to our feet. The old woman raced after Susie. I popped my head over the nearest island and watched my friend zig and zag around the other islands with the top of the head of Platt in hot pursuit.

  "Don't let her touch you!" Linda shouted.

  "You're telling us!" Susie quipped as she dodged a swipe by our geriatric assailant.

  Linda rushed after my friend and at the front of the kitchen she crashed into Platt. Susie rushed through the door that led to the lobby and disappeared, but not for long. I heard a commotion in the lobby, and in a moment Nelson, Young, and some burly men like the one in the woods hurried into the kitchen. At Nelson's side was Susie.

  Linda still tussled with Platt, but the burly men pounced on them and pulled them apart. Our attendant was covered in scratches and she collapsed into her brother's arms. Platt snarled and thrashed in the arms of the men, but they held her tight.

  "Remove her," Young ordered them.

  The men nodded, and yanked and pulled Platt through the lobby door and out of sight. Soon we couldn't even hear her angry growls. I stumbled over to the group as nelson switched on the lights near the lobby door.

  "Are you all right?" I asked Linda.

  Linda pulled herself from her brother's arms and nodded. "Yes, I'll be all right."

  "What the hell was with that crazy lady?" Susie asked our acquaintances.

  Scott glanced between Susie and me. His lips were pursed and his face was pale. "Something I'm sorry you had to see," he told us.

  "What exactly did we see in there?" I asked him.

  Scott sighed and shook his head. "The worst you can see at the Gardens. Miss Platt's attendant informed us she had disappeared and in our search for her we heard the commotion in here."

  "That still doesn't explain what happened to her," I pointed out.

  "Her transformation is an example of what happens when someone consumes more spice than their body can handle at once," Scott explained.

  "So you're telling us that if we overdose on the food we can turn into a wild animal?" I questioned him.

  "It is rare, but yes, she took more than her body could handle in such a short time," Scott agreed.

  "So what's going to happen to her?" Susie spoke up.

  "She will receive the help she needs to remove the youth formula from her system and will be sent home," he assured us.

  "Like a detox place?" she wondered.

  He nodded. "Yes, something like that, but your concern might be a little misplaced. You two were wanting the lodge after hours. According to the Garden's rules I should expel you both." Susie and I both winced. It was impossible to argue with the evidence when we'd been found at the scene of the crime.

  "Well, we sort of got hungry and thought we'd just see what was in the kitchen," Susie admitted.

  "It was our fault completely for being here. Don't blame Linda," I added to my friend's statement.

  Scott smiled at us. "Blame? You three averted a much larger disaster." He nodded at the stoves, and it was then I smelled gas. Nelson walked over and shut off the propane. "A few more minutes and she may have destroyed the entire kitchen and possibly blown herself up."

  "So does that mean we can still stay here?" Susie guessed.

  Scott nodded. "Yes, but I hope you won't speak to anyone about this matter. We don't want the other guests to worry over a trouble that will no longer bother them."

  Susie straightened and saluted him. "No problem, sir!" she agreed. Her eyes flickered to me. She slid over to my side and she jabbed me in the arm. "Salute," she hissed.

  I pursed my lips. One of our own going crazy and almost killing herself didn't seem like a secret that should have been a secret to the other guests. "Shouldn't everyone be told about this just to warn them it could happen to them?" I pointed out.

  "Please," Scott pleaded with me.

  I sighed, but nodded. "We both swear not to tell anyone else," I promised.

  "Good. Then if you're done finding trouble for the night I would prefer you two return to your rooms for some rest. That is, if we can trust you to be alone. I'd like to take Linda with me for some rest."

  "We'll get right on it, sir!" Susie swore. She grabbed my hand and yanked me past them and through the lobby door.

  I didn't free myself from her grasp until we were nearly at our cabin. "We could have asked them a few more questions before we left," I pointed out.

  "You know they're not going to tell us. We'll have to do more sleuthing and find out for ourselves," she insisted.

  "Because that worked out so well today?" I quipped.

  "No, because we don't have any other choice," Susie countered.

  We reached our cabin and Susie turned to me with one of her rare serious faces. She crossed her arms over her chest and frowned at me. "You gotta stop being so suspicious and start being curious. Something's going on here and we need to find out what it is."

  I snorted. "Now you sound like me."

  "I guess we're rubbing off on each other, but it's true," she insisted.

  I sighed and nodded. "All right, but whatever we do can't be done tonight. We're exhausted and everyone is on high alert around here. Maybe we can try something tomorrow."

  Susie grinned and slapped an arm over my shoulders. I winced when my sore muscles protested. "That's the way! With that attitude we'll find out what's going on in no time!"

  "If we live to find out. . ." I muttered as we stepped inside our cabin.

  Chapter 8

  Susie plopped onto her bed, but I hesitated. I rolled my arm and winced when my shoulder complained. All those falls on the floor had really taken their toll on my sore muscles. "I'm going to take a warm bath," I told my friend.

  Susie flopped her back down on her bed and sighed. "Oh sure, leave me alone when another senile old woman attacks us," she quipped.

  I grabbed my towel and my pajamas. "I think Scott and Nelson are going to be watching things for tonight."

  "But it could still happen! I'm a magnet for trouble!" Susie argued.

  I paused in the doorway and snorted. "So true, but I'm still taking a bath. Why don't you read a book or something?" I suggested as I walked past the foot of her bed.

  She stuck out her tongue. "I'd rather go to bed."

  "Then do that, because I'm still taking a bath," I replied.

  I slipped into the small bathroom and tossed my towel on the counter beside the sink. The clouds had cleared and the moonlight shone through the small window at the rear. The light caught my eyes, and I sauntered over to the window. The night sky above the trees was like my dream from last night. There was even the soft clouds that drifted around the moon. My eyes fell on the bright crescent shape and I was entranced by its elegance. Its light seemed to shine down on me with such penetration that I felt it warm my skin. My pulse quickened and my hands trembled on the sill. Memories of last night invaded my mind and heated my body. I pushed against the wall, eager for more of the dark, lustful promise the light offered me.

  No. I had to control myself. These emotions weren't right. I shuddered and turned away. The emotions inside me felt so wrong, and yet so right. I turned away from that beautiful light, but looking away did nothing to alleviate the lust growing inside me. I stumbled over to the sink and grasped the edges of the counter. My mind was abuzz with delicious images of my body against another as we made sweet love to each other beneath the moonlight.

  I gasped for breath. These damn clothes were too tight. I tore away my shirt and paused when I caught my reflection in the mirror. I watched in horror and lustful fascination as my breasts swelled beyond what was normal. They spilled over my bra and pushed the cups beneath themselves. My jeans stretched at the seams as my hips widened, giving me curves in all the right places.

  I reached up with shaking fingers and touched my swollen breasts. I groaned when I felt a wave of sensual pleasure rush ov
er me. They were so sensitive I nearly orgasmed, but something was missing. I knew what, or, rather, who was missing. My body craved him, and my mind knew where he was. I needed him, and deep down I knew he needed me.

  My mind wasn't so far gone that I didn't realize how complicated it would be if my friend were to see me like this. I looked for a way to escape without being noticed. The bathroom window was my only choice.

  I squeezed through the tight space and was nearly caught by my widened hips. After some pulling and wiggling I slipped the rest of my body outside. I looked around for anyone else, but the night was quiet and so I crept into the bushes. Once free from prying eyes I paused and stood. I stretched out my arms and reveled in the feel of the moonlight on my bare skin. The light strengthened me. I felt my socks tear open as my feet widened and lengthened. My toes dug into the deliciously cool dirt and I unbuttoned my tight jeans. Fresh air wafted over my torn underwear and tried to soothe the fire between my legs. Nothing could do that but the man I sought.

  I knew where to find him, and took off for the lake. Every moment away from him was another moment that I felt this unsatisfied, frustrated lust. In a few agonizing minutes I reached the sand and saw a figure at the shore. The person wore only pants, and I recognized that muscular physique. Scott. My lover. My only one.

  Beneath the moon and in the presence of my lover I threw all caution to the wind. My annoying pants were thrown aside with my underwear. My bra soon joined them on the sandy beach. I stood before him naked and trembling with anticipation. He didn't move an inch, so I crept towards him. His blue eyes were now a bright gold, and he stood tense and erect. I came within a yard and stopped. The heat in his eyes melted my confidence. I couldn't force myself on him.

  He stepped towards me. His eyes swept over my nakedness with a keen, careful eye. I shuddered and tried to hide myself, but he growled. The sound was a warning, and yet it excited me. It told me how much he needed me. Confidence was replaced by my persistent, impatient lust. I needed him now.

  I dropped my arms to my side and sauntered over to him. He didn't stop me when I put my hands on his chest and pressed my swollen breasts against his muscle. Our warm bodies meshed perfectly. I groaned when my pert buds rubbed against his flesh. Little waves of pleasure stimulated my body, but my lust demanded more.

  "Please," I whimpered.

  My lover knew what I asked for, what I needed. He reached up and grasped my upper arms. His hands shook like leaves in an autumn wind, but the heat in his fingers blazed like the fires of hell. If this was damnation then I wanted nothing of heaven.

  I barely had time to register movement before we were on the ground. He lay atop me and his hands slid over my naked, trembling flesh. His lips kissed and nipped my skin. The heat was unbearable. It was as though he set a fire ablaze inside me. Every touch, every movement of him against me was what my body demanded, and yet it was never satiated.

  "Yes. Oh god, yes," I whispered.

  He grunted and raised his head. His eyes were a bright, lustful yellow like the moon behind him that watched our lovemaking. He panted for breath. His hand slid up to clasp one of my swollen breasts. I moaned and pressed myself deeper into his grasp, into the power he held over me. He was the master, and I his woman, and that thought sent shivers of desire through me. My lover growled and massaged my breast. I groaned and squirmed atop the sand. His thumb brushed against the stiff peak of my breast, but that wasn't enough. I wanted more.

  "Inside me," I groaned. I stretched my arms over my head and looked him in the eyes. My tongue flicked out to wet my dry lips. "Please."

  His lips curled back in a feral grin. He stretched his body over mine and pressed his swollen tip against my hot, wet opening. I opened my legs, inviting him to satiate our hunger for each other. He slid into me, but it wasn't the strong, hard penetration I expected and ached for. He was slow, achingly slow. He pulled out and pushed in with careful, teasing movements. Each thrust rubbed against my walls and clit, sending thrills of pleasure up and down my body.

  I clung to his back and wrapped my legs around his waist. He pushed deeper into me, so deep that I felt we were as one. We were a single hot, sweat-soaked body eager to find satisfaction. My hips rocked with his as he kept to this painfully slow dance. Each penetration was a sensual heaven, but I ached for more, for a promise only he could fulfill.

  I nibbled on his ear and my voice came out in a raspy, husky tone. "Faster. Please faster," I begged.

  He grunted, but didn't increase his thrusts. "I will have you as I wish," he growled.

  The possessive tone in his words made me shudder. I was his, and he would do with me as he pleased. I groaned and pressed my breasts against his chest. My pert buds rubbed against him, increasing the tension building inside my hot body. I hardly noticed as my body changed. My fingers and nails lengthened. My nails dug deeper into his flesh as my heightened senses smelled the thick scent of lust and sweat in the air.

  My lover, too, changed. His muscles thickened and expanded. Little hairs pushed through his skin and covered him in a fine layer of short fur. His stiff manhood swelled to a size that pressed against my walls and teased every sensitive part of me. He raised his head and I could see his ears were pointed and his hair grew down the back of his neck like a mane. His teeth were longer, more like fangs, and his eyes were dilated beyond what was possible for a human.

  Like our previous meeting, I should have been scared, but the scent of his lust overwhelmed all other emotions. He was my world, my sole companion, and I needed him. Only he could extinguish the fire that burned inside me. I ached so desperately for him that I reached up and cupped his unshaven cheek in my palm.

  "Please," I pleaded.

  His lips curled back in a feral grin and revealed his glistening fangs. "Mine," he growled.

  He dove down and captured my lips in a searing kiss. I groaned as our tongues fought each other in a battle that he decisively won. He was the victor, and I his spoils. He tore our lips apart and traced a furious path of heated kisses down my neck. His hands were everywhere, touching me in places only a lover could touch. My breasts, my hips, my thighs, nothing was missed. I moaned my approval and shifted my hips to encourage him.

  He accepted my gentle encouragement and pushed himself deeper inside me. His thrusts were faster now, more persistent. We ached for completion, for a perfect union of our bodies. He panted in my ear as he penetrated me again and again, harder and faster than before. I clutched onto him and tried to match his speed.

  "Oh god, yes. Faster. Deeper," I pleaded.

  He obeyed and his smooth strokes increased. My body trembled as vibrations of pleasure swept over me. The tension rose like the moon overhead. We both panted for breath. Our sweat-soaked bodies slid against each other in a desperate plea to become one. I closed my eyes and reveled in the feel of him inside me, filling me with himself over and over again.

  "My lover, my master," I groaned.

  "Yes," he growled.

  I opened my eyes and saw him over me, staring at me with those yellow eyes. They hungered for me, they claimed me. I was his and only his. Nothing would change that.

  The sweet hints of pleasure now swept over me in crashing waves. His thrusts quickened to a speed I couldn't match. I leaned my head back and allowed him full use of my body as he pleasured me beyond what I thought was possible. My lust erupted into full orgasm as bliss swept over me. I let loose a howl of pleasure that echoed across the lake. My pleasure didn't end. He still thrust into me, not satiated by my coming. He grunts and growls pushed me further, allowing me a greater taste of heaven as my body shook and shivered with an orgasm that wracked my body with sweet, sensual pleasure.

  "Yes! Yes!" I screamed.

  My lover pushed again and again until he stiffened. He tilted his head back and released into me as his lips released a howl that was louder than mine. A few more thrusts and he was finished. He fell into my arms and we rested in the warm afterglow of our lovemaking. The night's adve
nture and sexual fun left me exhausted, and before I could stop myself I drifted off into a deep slumber.

  Chapter 9

  The next I knew my eyes fluttered open and presented me with a view of a ceiling. I started up and whipped my head to and fro. I was in the cabin on my bed. My bathrobe covered my body, but my bare skin against the soft cloth told me that was all I wore. There was no sign of my strange lover. I looked down at myself and didn't see any sand. Maybe it'd all been a dream, but I couldn't figure out when reality ended and the dream started.

  In the other bed beneath the covers lay Susie. She faced me and was fast asleep. "Susie?" I whispered. I cringed and clutched my throat. My voice felt sore and was hoarse, as though I'd been yelling loudly. My eyes widened. All my exuberant yelling on the beach had made my throat sore. That meant it wasn't a dream. "Susie!"

  She shot up in bed and turned to me with blinking eyes. "Wha? Who?"

  "Susie, when did I get into bed?" I asked her.

  She rubbed her tired eyes and shrugged. "I don't know. I fell asleep after you went to take a bath."

  The bath. I flung aside my covers and raced to the bathroom. The door was ajar, and when I rushed inside I didn't trip over any clothes on the ground. My torn shirt was gone. My towel lay on the counter. I touched it and felt it was soaked like I'd dried myself.

  Susie followed me into the bathroom and glanced between me and my towel. She frowned. "You leave your towel in here?" she wondered.

  I lifted the towel and shook my head. "I don't remember."

  Susie raised an eyebrow and pointed at the towel. "Abby, you never leave your towel in the bathroom. You yell at me for doing that," she reminded me.

  My face paled and I clutched the towel to myself. "I know," I replied.

  Susie stepped into the bathroom and put a hand on my shoulder. She looked into my face with a careful eye. "Abby, what's going on? You look like you've seen a ghost."