Page 7 of Garden of the Wolf

  Then he took all of himself away from me. He leaned back on his hands and stared down at me with glistening eyes. "Do you want me?" he growled.

  I squirmed on the towel. My hot, tight body needed him to fulfill his sensual promises. "Please," I whimpered.

  "Say it," he insisted.

  My hands grasped the sand. I arched my back, tempting him with my bare breasts. He didn't budge. "Please. I can't take this," I pleaded. The heat inside me was maddening. It craved his touch, and nothing else would satisfy it.

  His voice was hoarse as he denied both of us what we so desired. "Say that you need me," he demanded.

  I couldn't take it any longer. All my pride was swept aside for this godly creature who had such control over me. "I need you! Oh god, please take me! Take me and make me yours!" I cried out.

  He grinned, and the look was feral. "Only mine forever."

  In a moment the rest of my clothes were gone and so were his. He thrust deeply and powerfully into my hot, waiting core. I eagerly accepted his large, swollen manhood. This was where he belonged, inside me, a part of me. His rhythm matched perfectly with mine as we began the dance of lustful lovers. Our sweat-soaked bodies slid against each other in harmony to music that came only to our ears. I grasped his back and pressed myself against him. My mind and body reveled in the feel as he penetrated me again and again. Each stroke slipped against my bundle of sensitive, quivering nerves and sent tingles of pleasure through my body.

  My groans filled the air followed by my whispered pleas to this beautiful god who had chosen me as his companion on this wondrous night. "Please don't stop. Don't ever stop."

  He grunted like a wild animal and thrust harder into me. My flesh tingled and tensed. His strokes demanded satisfaction, and to be satisfied they needed me to achieve that height of pleasure meant only for lovers. I wrapped my legs around his waist and allowed him deeper penetration, deeper love-making. He clutched onto me as though I was the last woman on earth and would be no one else's, the world population be damned.

  "Faster! Oh god, faster!" I demanded.

  His grunts and groans filled my ears. His pleasure was mine, and mine his. Slick body melded with slick body in a passionate rut on that beach towel under the night sky. As I lay there beneath my lover I felt my body shift and begin anew. My tense muscles seemed to thicken and expand. My breasts grew larger and pushed him away from me. Their sensitive flesh was massaged by his tight chest muscles, and that sent me into a sensual pleasure that only orgasm could appease.

  I came in a brilliant burst of light. My whole body convulsed with pleasure I never imagined. My lover thrust into me again and again, expanding the bliss into infinite heights. He thrust once, twice, and then I felt him finish inside me. We were finished, and so very complete.

  Chapter 11

  Euphoria and paradise, even one as deep and penetrating as ours, never lasts forever. The sensual lust faded and was replaced by exhaustion and fulfillment. Scott slipped to the side so he wouldn't crush me, but he wrapped his arms around me and pressed me close to his chest so the cool night air wouldn't chill me, covered as I was in sweat.

  The cool breeze swept over us, and I shuddered and snuggled against his warm body. His chuckle reverberated through us. "Comfortable?" he teased.

  My damn cheeks blushed and his words reminded me of how sudden and how foolish my actions just now had been. I tried to pull away from him, but he held me tight. I avoided his eyes, but my voice was firm. "I need to go," I told him.

  "So soon?" His question wasn't teasing. There was sincerity and surprise in his voice.

  "Yeah, I-um, I have to get ready for tomorrow," I replied.

  "Your schedule will wait," he promised me.

  I pushed against his chest, but he didn't budge. "Well, evictions, or banishments, or whatever you want to call them are usually early in the morning to prevent a scene, so I'd like to be ready."

  "Eviction?" He pulled me to half his arm's length and I couldn't avoid his eyes as they bore into mine. " Abby, what are you talking about?"

  "I broke two rules in one night, one of them very knowingly. That means I need to be kicked out," I reminded him.

  "Is that what you think will happen tomorrow?" he wondered.

  I frowned at him. He was treating me like an incompetent child again. "What do you think I'm suppose to think?" I growled. I pushed away from him, grabbed my clothes from the sand, and slipped into them. The sand inside them grated against my skin like Young grated against my nerves.

  "Abby, listen to me." He stood and ignored his shorts. I couldn't help looking down at his nakedness. It was a good view, but my propriety forced me to look away from him. Young came up behind me and wrapped his arms around me. I cringed, but he ignored my reaction. He leaned down and his breath wafted against my neck. I shuddered and turned away. "Do you think I could let you go after this night?" he whispered.

  "Couldn't you?" I argued.

  He spun me around and I looked into his blue eyes. They burned with a lust that wasn't quenched, and a love that melted my fears away. "I could never let you go. Not now, not ever. You could break all the rules at the Gardens, or even all the laws in the world, and I don't think I could stop loving you."

  I blinked at him. "Really?"

  A smile slowly slid onto his lips. "Really."

  I leaned away from him and scrutinized his face. "Prove it."

  "My pleasure." He leaned down and captured my lips in a kiss that ignited my body with renewed lust. I wrapped my arms around his neck and deepened the kiss. Our bodies rubbed together, and I regretted donning my clothes. We broke apart for air, and my cheeks were flushed from the exhilaration. He chuckled. "Coming down with something?" he teased.

  I smirked. "Yeah, I think it's a bad case of love. Any way to cure it, doc?"

  He shook his head. "I'm afraid there's no cure, and it's completely fatal to your status as an old maid."

  I shrugged. "I guess I'll just have to live with that."

  Scott grinned. "Care to try-" He paused and his eyes whipped over my shoulder to something behind me. I turned and followed his gaze, but saw nothing except the path into the trees. "What is it?" I asked him.

  "I think your friend's looking for you," he informed me.

  My eyes widened and I gasped. "Oh crap. What time is it?"

  "Almost eight," Scott replied.

  I reluctantly pulled away from him. "I have to go. Susie probably thinks I'm dead somewhere or dragged off by a wild animal."

  Scott grabbed my hand and I glanced over my shoulder at him. "I'll see you tomorrow, and for the next two weeks," he promised.

  He smiled and nodded. "See you tomorrow."

  He released me and I hurried to the forest path. I had traveled ten yards into the trees when I caught a glimpse of my worried friend. She saw me at near the same time and we met halfway.

  "There you are! You had me worried sick! I thought you were dead or dragged off by a wild animal!" she scolded me.

  I sheepishly smiled and shrugged. "Sorry. I guess I got distracted by the moon."

  She rolled her eyes, grabbed my hand, and pulled me back toward our cabin. "Did you forget we might have to get up early tomorrow so when they toss us out we'll be awake enough to land on our butts?"

  I glanced backward toward the lake and smiled. "I have a feeling we'll be okay."

  Garden of the Wolf #2

  Chapter 1

  Night hung over my quiet little cabin. I lay in my bed and watched through the window in front of me as the clouds drifted across the moonlit sky. The cabin was empty but for me. I didn't question where Susie had gone. I only knew I was relieved she wasn't there. My body was tense. I grasped the covers beneath me. My breaths came out in short, quick gasps. I waited eagerly for something. I couldn't understand how I knew something was coming, but I did.

  A shadow appeared beneath the door. The knob turned and the door opened. In the entrance stood a tall shadow. I recognized the shadow. It was my lover c
ome to seduce me. My pulse quickened as he walked to the bed. He stood by my side and his yellow eyes gazed down on me with barely-restrained lust. My body felt on fire as he leaned down. His warm breath wafted over my neck. I shuddered as he planted soft kisses on my flesh. His hands swept over my trembling body. I shuddered and sighed. This delicious torment ignited a lustful fire within me. His hand slipped beneath my shirt and he cupped my breast in his hand. I groaned and pushed myself into his touch. This was where I wanted, and what I wanted. Nothing could ruin this moment.

  Except waking up. That ruined that wondrous dream as slumber was replaced with consciousness. My eyes fluttered open and I groaned, this time from disappointment.

  I awoke to birds chirping and the sun shining brightly on my face. Another day had dawned, and with it came the disappointment that I had dreamed that sensual encounter. Fortunately I had real memories to compensate for the dream, and those memories gave me a pick-me-up. I felt more ready for the day than I'd felt in a long time. I sat up in my bed and stretched. In the other bed lay Susie, fast asleep and with a slight snore to her slumber. Between us was the clock, and the time showed eight. That was a late hour for me, but I couldn't scold myself. I felt too exhilarated from last night's tryst to be bothered about anything.

  A rap on our door alerted me to a visitor. "Susie? Abby? Breakfast time," Linda called through the door.

  "We'll be right out," I called back.

  I flung aside the sheets and almost hopped out of bed, but paused. There was such a spring to my step that my eyes flickered to Susie's bed and a devilish grin slipped onto my lips. I stood atop my bed, faced Susie, and bent my knees. My butt wiggled as I tried not to giggle.

  "Banzai!" I cried out just before I launched myself at the other bed.

  I landed with a hard thump atop my unsuspecting friend. Susie yelped and shot up, but our heads collided and we both fell back. Our legs and arms tangled in the sheets and created a mess of flailing bodies. I freed myself the hard way: I fell off the bed onto my back and dragged half the covers with me.

  In a moment Susie peeked over the edge of the bed and glared at me. "What's the big idea?" she growled.

  I couldn't help but giggle a little bit. She looked like a ruffled hen with her hair and clothes askew from our tussle. "I couldn't help it," I told her.

  Susie raised an eyebrow and leaned her face closer to me. "Are you drunk?" she asked me.

  I gathered control of my giggling and shook my head. "No, but I'm starting to believe this places' advertising."

  "I'm starting to believe you're nutty," she quipped.

  I sat up and scooted backwards so my back leaned against my bed. "I'm fine, really. I just couldn't help it. You looked so peaceful, and Linda called us for breakfast, so I thought of a new way to wake you up."

  Susie swung her legs over the side of the bed and frowned. "I'm the one who's supposed to think of all the devious plans, remember?"

  I shrugged. "Some of your insanity must have finally rubbed off on me."

  My friend glanced at the clock and cringed. "And what a time to do it. Couldn't you have given me a few more minutes, or maybe two hours?"

  "Breakfast waits for no one," I scolded her.

  "I could have raided the kitchen. Someone told me how to do it last time I was here," Susie informed me.

  "Don't push our luck with being expelled. Scott-Mr. Young might not forgive us if we make any more mistakes," I warned her.

  Susie grinned and raised an eyebrow. "'Scott?'" she repeated.

  "I said Mr. Young," I insisted.

  "I'm sure I heard you call him Scott," she persisted. She leaned toward me and her eyes narrowed. "Tell me again how you got us out of being thrown out of here."

  Under her scrutinizing gaze I turned away and shrugged. "I met him at the lake and we-well, we talked things over. He said he wouldn't throw us out because I apologized for my behavior."

  "And you taking a night walk? He was fine with that, too?" she continued.

  I spun around to face her and crossed my arms over my chest. "He said we could stay. Let's just leave it at that, okay?"

  Susie shook her head. "No way. You practically chewed his head off and everything's all nice and forgiven? How big of an apology was this?"

  I folded my arms across my chest and glared at her. "If I can't be suspicious, then you can't be suspicious," I demanded.

  "Well, maybe my suspicion will decide the fate of the world," she countered.

  I snorted and tossed a pillow at her. My aim was true and the soft weapon hit her in the face. "I don't even think it will decide the fate of a sea slug, so let's get some breakfast."

  Susie wrinkled her nose. "You just had to mention sea slugs before food, didn't you?"

  "Lost your appetite?" I teased.

  She flung aside her tangled sheets and hopped out of bed. "No, but I could have and it would've been an innocent bystander."

  We dressed and stepped outside. The crisp mountain morning invigorated us and Linda awaited us with a bright smile. "You're both looking very well," she complimented.

  "And feeling very well," Susie chimed in. She rubbed her hands together and grinned. "I feel like I could eat everything at the buffet."

  Linda laughed. "I'll be sure to tell the cooks to make double of everything so the others get some."

  Speaking of others, I looked around us. The hour was early enough only a few people were out, and they, too, had a lively step to their walk. "I'm guessing we can start seeing the effects of this place on everyone else," I mused.

  Linda guided us towards the lodge and nodded. "That's right. The effects are very quick for many people, and some of the others are a little slower."

  "What about the ones who don't show anything?" I asked her.

  Her smile faltered. "I'm afraid they will often leave the session early on account of ill health. Sickness is a sign that the food isn't agreeing with them."

  "Well, that won't happen to us," Susie commented as she wrapped an arm over my shoulders. She patted her stomach. "We've got some hard constitutions."

  I slipped from her grasp and rolled my eyes. "And you have an even harder head," I commented.

  She sheepishly grinned and shrugged. "What can I say? I was dropped a lot as a kid."

  "That explains a lot," I teased.

  We reached the lodge and stepped inside. The smells of breakfast wafted across our noses and Linda walked up the stairs with Susie close behind. I paused when I noticed a tall man in front of us who walk over to the front desk. He wasn't familiar to me. I guessed his age at about thirty-five, and his skin was ruddy with the last hints of youth. His hair was as black as night and he had a muscular build. He wore a simple polo shirt with matching pants, and walked with an air of confidence. I would have called him handsome were his eyes not so dark. Their dark depths held a certain bit of sly cruelty in them.

  Frank was at the desk, and he turned at the man's arrival. The smile on the young man's face slipped off and his eyes widened with fear. He coughed and tried to gather himself, but failed miserably. "H-how can I help you?" he asked the gentleman.

  "I wish to speak with Young," the man requested. His voice was quiet and calm, but there was a tension in the words which told the listener that 'no' was never an answer.

  "Y-yes, sir," Frank readily agreed. He pulled out a phone receiver from beneath the desk and rang up a number. "Sir, there's a gentleman here to see you. The-um, the neighbor, sir." The color slowly drained from Frank's face, but he nodded. "Yes. Yes, sir. I'll tell him." Frank hung up the phone and turned to the mysterious man. "Mr. Nelson will be down in a moment."

  The man's dark eyes narrowed and he leaned over the desk towards Frank. "I requested Young," the dark man reminded him.

  Frank cringed as though he'd been slapped. "I-I know, sir, but Mr. Young isn't available so Mr. Nelson will meet with you."

  Susie sidled up to me. "Looks like trouble," she whispered.

  Trouble was averted when Nelson
appeared from behind the Employees Only door at the rear of the building. He had a strained smile on his face as he strode over to the gentleman. "Good morning. If you would follow me we can discuss what you wish in private," I heard Nelson whisper to the man.

  "Hey, Dan!" Susie shouted as she waved her hand above her head.

  I jabbed her in the ribs hard enough to make her gasp, but it was too late. Nelson paled and the tall stranger turned toward us. He raised an eyebrow as Susie recovered from my abuse and looped an arm through mine. She dragged me towards Nelson and the stranger. Linda, who had hurried up the stairs with an unusual quick step, paused halfway and turned to us. She bit her lip and reluctantly turned around, but Nelson held up his hand and she stopped.

  "You look really great for all the wine you drank last night at the dinner, Dan," Susie complimented Nelson.

  The stranger's eyes flickered between Susie and Nelson, and a smirk slid onto his lips. "You are on a first-name basis with your 'guests?'" he asked Nelson.

  Nelson grew a little pale, but cleared his throat and smiled. "We encourage friendship here among the guests and employees," he returned.

  "Then care to introduce me so I can make friends?" the stranger suggested.

  Nelson pursed his lips, but gestured to us. "These are some of our guests for this session. Susan Baker, Abigail Lee, this is Mr. Andrew Blackwood. He's a. . .a neighbor to our business."

  Blackwood bowed his head to us. "A pleasure to meet such interesting ladies," he complimented us.

  Susie whipped out her hand to him and smiled. "Pleasure to meet you, too, sir."

  He smiled and shook her hand, then turned his attention to me. His eyes swept over my body and I had the impulse to shudder under his gaze. "How are you both enjoying the 'session?'" he wondered.

  I had a feeling the question was directed at me, but Susie stuck her head in his line of sight. "Great! I can't wait to go swimming and hiking, and maybe taking one of those golf carts out for a spin-"

  "Those are only for the more infirm of our guests," Nelson reminded her.