"There's a model for you," said the tailor to Maurice Tudor. "He won'tpay his bills."

  "How did you come to trust him in the first place?"

  "I didn't know him then as well as I do now. I make it a practice toaccommodate my customers by trusting them for a month or two, if theywant it. But Luke Harrison isn't one to be trusted."

  "I should say not."

  "If young Walton wants to get an overcoat on credit, I shan't object. Ijudge something by looks, and I am sure he is honest."

  "Well, good night, Mr. Merrill. You'll have my coat done soon?"

  "Yes, Mr. Tudor. It shall be ready for you to-morrow."

  Maurice Tudor left the tailor's shop, revolving a new idea whichhad just entered his mind. Now he remembered that he had at home andexcellent overcoat which he had worn the previous winter, but which wasnow too small for him. He had no younger brother to wear it, nor in hiscircumstances was such economy necessary. As well as he could judgeby observing Harry's figure, it would be an excellent fit for him. Whyshould he not give it to him?

  The opportunity came. On his way home he overtook our hero, plunged inthought. In fact, he was still occupied with the problem of the neededovercoat.

  "Good evening, Harry," said young Tudor.

  "Good evening, Mr. Tudor," answered Harry. "Are you going back to thecity soon?"

  "In the course of a week or two. Mr. Leavitt's son is in a store inBoston, is he not?"

  "Yes. I have taken his place in the shop."

  "By the way, I saw you in Merrill's this evening."

  "Yes; I was pricing an overcoat."

  "I bought this one in Boston just before I came away. I have a very goodone left from last winter but it is too small for me. It is of no use tome. If I thought you would accept it, I would offer it to you."

  Harry's heart gave a joyful bound.

  "Accept it!" he repeated. "Indeed I will and thank you for your greatkindness."

  "Then I will write home at once to have it sent to me. I also have asuit which I have outgrown; if you wouldn't be too proud to take it."

  "I am not so foolish. It will be a great favor."

  "I thought you would take it right," said Maurice, well pleased. "Iwill also send for the suit. I will get my mother to forward them byexpress."

  "They will be as good as money to me," said Harry; "and that is not veryplenty with me."

  "Will you tell me something of your circumstances? Perhaps I may have itin my power to help you."

  Harry, assured of his friendly interest, did not hesitate to give hima full account of his plans in life, and especially of his desireto relieve his father of the burden of poverty. His straightforwardnarrative made a very favorable impression upon Maurice, who could nothelp reflecting: "How far superior this boy is to Luke Harrison and histribe!"

  "Thank you for telling me all this," he said. "It was not from merecuriosity that I asked."

  "I am sure of that," said Harry. "Thanks to your generosity, I shallpresent a much more respectable appearance, besides being made morecomfortable."

  Three days later a large bundle was brought by the village expressman toMr. Leavitt's door.

  "A bundle for you, Walton," said the expressman, seeing Harry in theyard.

  "What is there to pay?" he asked.

  "Nothing. It was prepaid in the city?"

  Harry took it up to his room and opened it eagerly. First came thepromised overcoat. It was of very handsome French cloth, with a velvetcollar, and rich silk facings, far higher in cost than any Mr. Merrillwould have made for him. It fitted as if it had been made for him. Nextcame, not one, but two complete suits embracing coat, vest and pants.One of pepper-and-salt cloth, the other a dark blue. These, also,so similar was he in figure to Maurice, fitted him equally well. Theclothes which he brought with from form Granton were not only of coarsematerial but were far from stylish in cut, whereas these garments hadbeen made by a fashionable Boston tailor and set off his figure to muchgreater advantage.

  "I wonder what Luke Harrison will say?" said our hero to himself,smiling, as he thought of the surprise of Luke at witnessing histransformation.

  "I've a great mind to keep these on to-night," he said.

  "Perhaps I shall meet Luke. He won't have anything more to say about mygoing without an overcoat."

  After supper Harry, arrayed in his best suit and wearing the overcoat,walked down tot he center of the village.

  Luke was standing on the piazza of the tavern.

  "Luke, see how Walton is dressed up!" exclaimed Frank Heath, who was thefirst to see our hero.

  "Dressed up!" repeated Luke, who was rather shortsighted. "That would bea good joke."

  "He's got a splendid overcoat," continued Frank.

  "Where'd he get it? Merrill hasn't been making him one."

  "It's none of Merrill's work. It's too stylish for him."

  By this time Harry had come within Luke's range of vision. Thelatter surveyed him with astonishment and it must be confessed, withdisappointment; for he had been fond of sneering at Harry's clothes, andnow the latter was far better dressed than himself.

  "Where did you get that coat, Walton?" asked Luke, the instant Harrycame up.

  "Honestly," said Harry, shortly.

  "Have you got anything else new?"

  Harry opened his coat and displayed the suit.

  "Well, you are coming out, Walton, that's a fact," said Frank Heath."That's a splendid suit."

  "I thought you couldn't afford to buy a coat," said Luke.

  "You see I've got one," answered Harry.

  "How much did it cost?"

  "That's a secret."

  Here he left Luke and Frank.

  "Well, Luke, what do you say to that?" said Frank Heath.

  Luke said nothing. He was astonished and unhappy. He had a fondness fordress and spent a good share of his earnings upon it, paying where hemust, and getting credit besides where he could. But he had never had sostylish a suit as this and it depressed him.