Immediately after Thanksgiving Day, the winter schools commenced. Thatin the center district was kept by a student of Dartmouth college, whohad leave of absence from the college authorities for twelve weeks, inorder by teaching to earn something to help defray his college expenses.Leonard Morgan, now a junior, was a tall, strongly made young man oftwenty-two, whose stalwart frame had not been reduced by his diligentstudy. There were several shoe shops in the village, each employing fromone to three boys, varying in age from fifteen to nineteen. Why couldhe not form a private class, to meet in the evening, to be instructed inadvanced arithmetic, or, if desired, in Latin and Greek? He broached theidea to Stephen Bates, the prudential committeeman.

  "I don't know," said Mr. Bates, "what our boys will think of it. I'vegot a boy that I'll send, but whether you'll get enough to make it pay Idon't know."

  "I suppose I can have the schoolhouse, Mr. Bates?"

  "Yes, there won't be no objection. Won't it be too much for you afterteachin' in the daytime?"

  "It would take a good deal to break me down."

  "Then you'd better draw up a notice and put it up in the store andtavern," suggested the committeeman.

  In accordance with this advice, the young teacher posted up in the twoplaces the following notice:


  "I propose to start an evening school for those who are occupied duringthe day, and unable to attend the district school. Instruction will begiven in such English branches as may be desired, and also in Latin andGreek, if any are desirous of pursuing a classical course. The schoolwill commence next Monday evening at the schoolhouse, beginning at seveno'clock. Terms: Seventy cents a week, or five dollars for the term often weeks.


  "Are you going to join the class, Walton?" asked Frank Heath.

  "Yes," said Harry, promptly.

  "Where'll you get the money?" asked Luke Harrison, in a jeering tone.

  "I shan't have to go far for it."

  "I don't see how you can spend so much money."

  "I am willing to spend money when I can get my money's worth," said ourhero. "Are you going?"

  "To school? No, I guess not. I've got through my schooling."

  "You don't know enough to hurt you, do you, Luke?" inquired Frank Heath,slyly.

  "Nor I don't want to. I know enough to get along."

  "I don't and never expect to," said Harry.

  "Do you mean to go to school when you're a gray-headed old veteran?"asked Frank, jocosely.

  "I may not go to school then but I shan't give up learning then," saidHarry, smiling. "One can learn without going to school. But while I'myoung, I mean to go to school as much as I can."

  "I guess you're right," said Frank; "I'd go myself, only I'm too lazy.It's hard on a feller to worry his brain with study after he's been atwork all day. I don't believe I was cut out for a great scholar."

  "I don't believe you were, Frank," said Joe Bates.

  "You always used to stand pretty well down toward the foot of the classwhen you went to school."

  "A feller can't be smart as well as handsome. As long as I'mgood-looking, I won't complain because I wasn't born with the genius ofa Bates."

  "Thank you for the compliment, Frank, though I suppose it means that Iam homely. I haven't got any genius or education to spare."

  When Monday evening arrived ten pupils presented themselves, of whomsix were boys, or young men, and four were girls. Leonard Morgan feltencouraged. A class of ten, though paying but five dollars each, wouldgive him fifty dollars, which would be quite an acceptable addition tohis scanty means.

  "I am glad to see so many," he said. "I think our evening class will bea success. I will take your names and ascertain what studies you wish topursue."

  When he came to Harry; he asked, "What do you propose to study?"

  "I should like to take up algebra and Latin, if you are willing,"answered our hero.

  "Have you studied either at all?"

  "No, sir; I have not had an opportunity."

  "How far have you been in arithmetic?"

  "Through the square and cube root?"

  "If you have been so far, you will have no difficulty with algebra. Asto Latin, one of the girls wishes to take up that and I will put you inthe class with her."

  It will be seen that Harry was growing ambitious. He didn't expect togo to college, though nothing would have pleased him better; but hefelt that some knowledge of a foreign language could do him no harm.Franklin, whom he had taken as his great exemplar, didn't go to college;yet he made himself one of the foremost scientific men of the age andacquired enduring reputation, not only as a statesman and a patriot, butchiefly as a philosopher.

  A little later, Leonard Morgan came round to the desk at which Harry wassitting.

  "I brought a Latin grammar with me," he said, "thinking it probablesome one might like to begin that language. You can use it until yourscomes."

  "Thank you," said Harry; and he eagerly took the book, and asked to havea lesson set, which was done.

  "I can get more than that," he said.

  "How much more?"

  "Twice as much."

  Still later he recited the double lesson, and so correctly that theteacher's attention was drawn to him.

  "That's a smart boy," he said. "I mean to take pains with him. What apity he can't go to college!"