Page 28 of Red Eve

  On the following morning, while they sat at breakfast, there came amessenger from the Doge of Venice, whose name Hugh learned was AndreaDandolo, bearing a letter sealed with a great seal. This letter, whenopened, was found to be from some high officer. It stated that the Dogewould hold a Court at noon, after which it was his pleasure to receivethe English knight who came as a messenger from the mighty monarch, KingEdward, and to talk with him on matters set out in the letter of SirGeoffrey Carleon. The writing added that the Seigneur of Cattrina, whoin France was known as the Count de Noyon and in England as Sir EdmundAcour, would be present at the Court and doubtless ready to answer allquestions that might be put to him.

  "Then at last we shall come face to face," said Hugh, with a fiercelaugh.

  "Yes, master," put in Dick, "but you've done that several times beforeand always ended back to back. Pray the Saints such may not be thefinish of this meeting also."

  Then he turned and went to clean his master's armour, for in thismartial dress, notwithstanding the great heat, Hugh determined to appearbefore the Doge. It was good armour, not that, save for the sword, whichSir Arnold had given him, whereat the Court at Windsor had laughed asout of date, but mail of a newer fashion, some of it, from the bodies ofknights who fell at Crecy, after which battle such wares had been cheap.

  Still, Dick could have wished that it had been better for so fine anoccasion, seeing that it was marked with many a battle dint and thatright across the Cressi cognizance, which Hugh had painted on his shieldafter he was knighted--a golden star rising from an argent ocean--was ascar left by the battle-axe of a Calais man-at-arms. Moreover Hugh, orrather Dick, took with him other armour, namely, that of the knight, SirPierre de la Roche, whom Hugh had killed at Crecy thinking that he wasEdmund Acour, whose mail Pierre wore.

  For the rest, Dick clad himself in his uniform of a captain of archersof King Edward's guard, wearing a green tunic over his mail shirt, and asteel-lined cap from which rose a heron's plume, pinned thereto with hisGrace's golden arrow.

  All being ready they started in a painted barge, accompanied by SirGeoffrey Carleon, who wore his velvet robe of office, and grumbled atits weight and warmth. A row of some fifteen minutes along the greatcanal brought them to a splendid portal upon the mole, with marblesteps. Hence they were conducted by guards across a courtyard, wherestood many gaily dressed people who watched them curiously, especiallyGrey Dick, whose pale, sinister face caused them to make a certain signwith their fingers, to avert the evil eye, as Sir Geoffrey explainedto them. Leaving this courtyard they went up more steps and along greatcorridors into the finest apartment that they had ever seen. It was aglitter of gold and marble, and rich with paintings.

  Here on a kind of throne sat the Doge Dandolo, an imperial-looking man,magnificently attired. Guards stood like statues behind him, while infront, talking together and moving from place to place, were gatheredall the great nobles of Venice, with their beauteous ladies. From timeto time the Doge summoned one or other of these, who was called to himby a black-robed secretary. Advancing with bows the courtier talked tohim a while, then was dismissed by a gracious motion of the hand.

  As the Englishmen entered this hall a herald called their names thusfrom a written slip of paper:

  "The Cavalier Geoffrey Carleon, Ambassador of England. The Cavalier Hughde Cressi, Messenger from the King of England, and the Captain RichardArcher, his companion."

  Now all talk was hushed and every eye turned to scan these strangers ofwhose business, it would seem, something was already known.

  "A fine man," said one lady to another of Hugh, "but why does he comehere in dinted armour?"

  "Oh! he is English and the English are barbarians who like to be readyto cut some one's throat," answered her companion. "But Holy Jesus!look at the long fellow with the death's head who walks behind him, andcarries his luggage in a sack. His face makes my back creep."

  Fortunately neither Hugh nor Dick understood these and other suchsayings which Sir Geoffrey repeated to them afterward and thereforewalked on with their host unconcerned. Once, however, Grey Dick nudgedhis master and whispered in his ear:

  "Be glad, our man is here. It is he who mocks us to those popinjays.Nay, turn not to look; you will see plenty of his sweet face presently."

  Now they stood before the chair of state, from which the Doge rose,and advanced two steps to greet the Ambassador of England. When thesecourtesies were over Sir Geoffrey presented Hugh to him, to whomhe bowed, and Dick, whose salute he acknowledged with a wave of hisjewelled hand. Afterward they talked, all crowding round to listen, SirGeoffrey himself, who spoke Italian well, acting as the interpreter.

  "You come hither, Cavalier de Cressi," said the Doge, "on behalf of hisroyal Grace, King Edward, who speaks of you in his letter in terms ofwhich any knight may well be proud. We understand that this captainwith you is your companion," and he glanced curiously at Dick out of thecorners of his dark eyes, adding, "If those are gifts which he bearsin that leathern sack and the long case in his hand, let our servantsrelieve him of them."

  "Let his servants leave me alone," growled Grey Dick when this wastranslated. "Say to this fine lord, Sir Knight, that the gifts in thesack are not for him, and that which the case scatters he would scarcelycare to have."

  Sir Geoffrey made some explanation in a low voice, and with a smile theDoge waved the matter by, then said:

  "Will the noble cavalier be so good as to set out his business, unlessit is for our private ear alone?"

  Hugh answered that it was for the public ear of all Venice, andespecially for that of the lord who was called Sir Edmund Acour inEngland, the Count de Noyon in France, and the Seigneur of Cattrina inItaly.

  "Will you pleased to point out this lord to us," said the Doge, glancingat the gorgeous throng which was gathered behind them.

  "I cannot, illustrious Doge," answered Hugh, "that is, with certainty.As it chances I have seen his face but twice--once in a marsh when I hadother things to think of who must watch my enemy's sword, and once ateve in the corner of a dark chapel, where he had just gone through therite of marriage with a lady whom he had drugged, which lady was myaffianced wife. Often afterward I sought to see that face, especially inthe great fray of Crecy, but failed, in a case which with your leave Iwill narrate to you."

  Now when all that company understood the meaning of these outspokenwords, they swayed to and fro and whispered like reeds in an eveningwind. Presently above this whispering a soft yet penetrating voice washeard to say:

  "If this English knight desires to study the poor face of Acour, deNoyon, and Cattrina, he who owns it is much honoured and prays yourExcellency's leave to wait upon his pleasure."

  So saying a tall and noble-looking man, who wore the badge of a whiteswan worked in pearls upon his rich tunic, stepped forward out of thering of courtiers and bowed, first to the Doge and next to Hugh.

  De Cressi looked at his handsome face with its quick dark eyes andlittle, square-cut, black beard, and answered:

  "I thank you, Sir Edmund Acour, for I take it you are he. Now I shallnever forget you again, for though a man may shift his armour he cannotchange his countenance"--a saying at which de Noyon coloured a littleand looked down uneasily.

  "Cavalier de Cressi, he whom you seek is before you; we ourselves vouchfor his identity," said the Doge. "Now be pleased to set out your case."

  "My private case I thrust to one side," answered Hugh, Sir Geoffreyinterpreting all the time, "for it is a matter between this Count, acertain lady and myself, and can wait. That which I have to lay beforeyou, Illustrious, has to do with my master the King of England, as whosechampion I am here to-day. I accuse this lord of the three names ofblack treachery to his august liege, Edward, all details of whichtreason I am prepared to furnish, and on behalf of that most puissantmonarch I challenge him to single combat, as I am empowered andcommissioned to do."

  "Why should I fight the King of England's bravoes?" inquired Acour ina languid voice of those who stood ab
out him, a question at which theylaughed.

  "If the charge of treason is not sufficient," went on Hugh, "I'll add toit one of cowardice. At the battle of Crecy, as a man here will bear mewitness," and he pointed to Dick, "I overcame in single combat a knightwho wore upon his shield the cognizance of a wolf and on his helm awolf's head, which were the arms of Sir Pierre de la Roche. At thisknight's prayer I spared his life, for that day we took no prisoners,and let him go. Afterward I fought with another knight carrying thecognizance of a white swan, the arms of the Count de Noyon, and slewhim in fair and single fight. But before he died he told me that he borethat armour by command of his lord, the Count de Noyon, and that thesaid Count fought that day in his mail because he feared the vengeanceof the King of England and my own. Thus it came about that the Wolf whofought paid the price for the Swan who fled away, hid in the armour ofhis friend, whom he left to die for him."

  There followed a great silence, for all those noble lords and ladieswho thought little of treason, which to most of them was a very familiarthing, were not a little stirred by this tale of cowardice and falsearms. The Doge said:

  "Noble Cattrina, you have heard the story of the English knight. What doyou answer to it?"

  "Only that it is a lie, Illustrious, like everything else that he hastold us," replied Acour with a shrug of his broad shoulders.

  "You said that you had a witness, Cavalier de Cressi," said the Doge."Where is he?"

  "Here," answered Hugh. "Stand forward, Dick, and tell what you saw."

  Dick obeyed, and in his low, rasping voice, with more detail than Hughhad given, set out the story of those two combats at Crecy, of thesparing of the wolf knight and the slaying of the swan knight.

  "What say you now, noble Cattrina?" asked the Doge.

  "I say that the man lies even better than his master," answered Acourcoolly, and all the Court laughed.

  "Illustrious," said Hugh, "doubtless you have some herald at your Court.I pray that he may fetch his book and tell us what are the arms of deNoyon and Cattrina, with all their colourings and details."

  The Doge beckoned to an officer in a broidered tabard, who with bows,without needing to fetch any book, described the crest and arms ofCattrina in full particular. He added that, to his knowledge, these wereborne by no other family or man in Italy, France, or England.

  "Then you would know them if you saw them?" said Hugh.

  "Certainly, cavalier. On it I stake my repute as a herald."

  Now while all wondered what this talk might mean, the Doge and Acourmost of any, although the latter grew uneasy, fearing he knew not what,Hugh whispered to Dick. Then Dick loosed the mouth of the leather sackhe carried, and out of it tumbled on to the marble floor a whole suit ofblood-stained armour.

  "Whence came these?" asked Hugh of Dick.

  "Off the body of the night, Sir Pierre de la Roche, whom you slew atCrecy. I stripped him of them myself."

  "Whose crest and cognizance are these, herald?" asked Hugh again,lifting the helm and shield and holding them on high that all might see.

  The herald stepped forward and examined them.

  "Without doubt," he said slowly, "they are those of the lord ofCattrina. Moreover," he added, "five years ago I limned yonder swanupon this very shield with my own hand. I did it as a favour to Cattrinathere, who said that he would trust the task to none but an artist."

  Now the silence grew intense, so much so that the rustle of a lady'sdress sounded loud in the great hall.

  "What say you now, my lord of Cattrina?" asked the Doge.

  "I say that there is some mistake, Illustrious. Even if there werenone," he added slowly, "for their own good and lawful purposes knightshave changed armour before to-day."

  "There is no mistake!" cried Hugh in a ringing voice. "This signor of somany names is a signor of many coats also, which he can change to savehis skin. He wore that of Sir Pierre de la Roche to protect himself fromthe vengeance of the King of England and of the English squire whom hehad wronged. He took mercy from the hand of that squire, who, as he knewwell, would have shown him none had he guessed the truth. He left thepoor knight, whom he had bribed to be his double, to die beneath thatsame squire's hand who thought him named de Noyon. Therefore the bloodof this de la Roche is on his head. Yet these are small matters ofprivate conduct, and one that is greater overtops them. This false lord,as Sir Edmund Acour, swore fealty to Edward of England. Yet while he wasbound by that sacred oath he plotted to depose Edward and to set up onhis throne the Duke of Normandy.

  "The King of England learned of that plot through me, and gave me chargeto kill or capture the traitor. But when we came face to face in aconsecrated church where I thought it sacrilege to draw sword, he, whohad just done me bitter wrong, stayed not to answer the wrong. He slunkaway into the darkness, leaving me felled by a treacherous blow. Thencehe fled to France and stirred up war against his liege lord under theOriflamme of King Philip. Now that this banner is in the dust he hasfled again to Venice, and here, as I have heard, broods more mischief.Once, when after the sack of Caen I sent him my challenge, he returnedto me an insolent answer that he did not fight with merchants' sons--hewho could take mercy from the hand of a merchant's son.

  "Now that for deeds done a King has made me knight, and now thatthis King under his seal and sign has named me his champion, in yourpresence, Illustrious, and in that of all your Court, I challengeCattrina again to single combat to the death with lance and sword anddagger. Yes, and I name him coward and scullion if he refuses this, KingEdward's gage and mine," and drawing the gauntlet from his left hand,Hugh cast it clattering to the marble floor at de Noyon's feet.

  A babel of talk broke out in the great hall, and with it some _vivas_and clapping of hands, for Hugh had spoken boldly and well; moreover,the spectators read truth in his grey eyes. A dark figure in priest'srobe--it was that of Father Nicholas, the secretary who had brewed RedEve's potion--glided up to Cattrina and whispered swiftly in his ear.Then the Doge lifted his hand and there was silence.

  "My lord of Cattrina," he said, "Sir Hugh de Cressi, speaking as thechampion of our ally, the King of England, has challenged you to singlecombat _a outrance_. What say you?"

  "I, Illustrious?" he answered in his rich voice, drawling out his wordslike one who is weary. "Oh, of course, I say that if yon brawler wishesto find a grave in fair Venice, which is more than he deserves, I am notthe man to thwart him, seeing that his cut-throat King----"

  "As the ambassador of that King I protest," broke in Sir Geoffrey. "Itis an insult that such a word should be used before me."

  "I accept the protest of his Excellency, who forgot his noble presence,"replied Cattrina bowing back. "Seeing that his King, who is not acut-throat"--here a titter of laughter went through the company, thoughit was evident from the frown upon his face that the Doge liked thejest ill--"has chosen to make a knight of this de Cressi. Or so he says,which will show you, friends all, how hard it must be to find gentlemenin England."

  Again the company tittered, though Dick's grey face turned scarlet andhe bit upon his pale lip until the blood ran.

  "As you accept the challenge," broke in the Doge shortly, "cease fromgibes, my lord, which more befit an angry woman's mouth than that ofone whose life is about to be put to hazard, and take up the gage of hisGrace of England."

  Cattrina looked round and bade a page who waited on his person obey theDoge's command, saying:

  "Your pardon, most Illustrious, if I do not touch that glove myself,as it seems somewhat foul. I think it must have served its owner in hisuseful labours at the dyer's vat before his master made him noble."

  Now it was Hugh's turn to colour, but when he understood the insult GreyDick could contain himself no more.

  "Ay, Sir Cheat and Traitor," he said in his hissing voice. "The vat inwhich it has been dipped was that of the life-blood of your dupe, SirPierre de la Roche, and of many a nobler Norman. Oh, did we not standwhere we do I'd thrust it down your false throat, and with it twist outyou
r slanderous tongue."

  "Peace, peace!" cried the Doge, while those present who understoodEnglish translated Dick's wild words to their neighbours, and Cattrinalaughed mockingly at the success of his sneer. "Have I not said thatsuch words are unseemly? Ah! I thought it; well, my lord, you havebrought it on yourself."

  For while he spoke, the page, a mincing young man tied up with bows andribbon like a woman, had lifted the glove. Holding it between his thumband forefinger, he returned it to Hugh with a low, mock bow, beingcareful as he did so, as all might see, to tread upon Dick's footand hustle him. Next moment two things happened. The first was that,dropping his cased bow, Grey Dick seized that young in his iron grip andhurled him into the air so that he fell heavily on the marble floor andlay there stunned, the blood running from his nose and mouth. The secondwas that, seizing his gauntlet, Hugh strode to where Cattrina stood, andstruck him with it across the face, saying:

  "Let your lips kiss what your fingers are too fine to touch."

  With an oath Cattrina drew his sword and out flashed Hugh's in answer,as he cried:

  "Ay, here and now if you will! Here and now!"

  Then the Guard rushed in and forced them apart.

  "Is this a place for brawling?" cried Dandolo in wrath, adding: "YetI cannot blame the Englishmen overmuch, seeing that they were soreaffronted, as I saw with my eyes and heard with my ears. Be silent,my lord of Cattrina. After your fashion you make trouble at my Court.And--hearken all--blood so hot had best be quickly cooled lest one orother of these knights should take a fever. Moreover, the noble Cattrinahas but to-day asked my leave to ride from Venice to-morrow, havingurgent business at Avignon at the Court of Pope Clement. So I decreethat this combat _a outrance_ shall take place in our presence on theCampo del Marte to-morrow, three hours before noon, ere the sun growstoo hot. To all the details of the combat our heralds will attendforthwith. Officer, take soldiers and escort the Ambassador and theChampion of his Grace of England, together with this Captain of Archers,back to their own door. Set guards there and see that none molest themby word or deed under pain of fine and strait imprisonment. Sir GeoffreyCarleon, your requests are granted; be pleased to write it to the mostpuissant Edward, whom you serve, and for this time fare you well.Why, what is it, Captain Ambrosio?" he added irritably, addressing araw-boned, lantern-jawed giant of a man clad in the splendid uniform ofthe Guard who stepped before his throne and saluted.

  "Most Illustrious," said Ambrosio, in bad, guttural Italian, "my motherwas a Swiss."

  "Then congratulations to the Swiss, Ambrosio, but what of it?"

  "Very Illustrious," replied the captain in his hollow voice, "the Swissare brave and do not swallow insults. That lad whom the Englishmankicked, or smote, or tossed like a bull," and he pointed to the poorpage, who, still senseless, was being carried from the hall, "is myyoungest brother, who resembles our Venetian father somewhat more than Ido."

  "We see it, we see it. Indeed are you sure that the father was----" andthe Doge checked himself. "The point, captain; we would dine."

  "Illustrious, I would avenge my brother and myself on the Englishman,whom I will beat to a jelly," said the giant. "I crave leave to fighthim to-morrow when the lord Cattrina fights his master," and advancingtoward Grey Dick he made as though he would pull his nose.

  "What is it he wants?" asked Grey Dick, staring up at the great fellowwith a look in his eyes that caused Ambrosio to cease flourishing hisfists.

  The challenge was translated to him, and its reason. "Oh," said Dick,"tell him I am much obliged and that I will fight him with the bow orwith the axe and dagger, or with all three. Then we will see whether hebeats me to a jelly, or whether I cut him into collops, who, as I think,needs shortening."

  Now the Captain Ambrosio consulted with his friends, who with muchearnestness prayed him have nothing to do with arrows. They pointedout that there his bulk would put him at a disadvantage, especially indealing with an English archer who had an eye like a snake and a facelike that of death itself.

  In short, one and all they recommended the battle-axe and the dagger ashis most appropriate weapons--since his adversary refused swords. Thebattle-axe with which to knock him down, as he could easily do, being sostrong, and the dagger with which to finish him.

  When this was explained to Grey Dick he assented to the proposal witha kind of unholy joy that was almost alarming to those who saw it.Moreover, as neither of them had gauntlets to throw down or pick up, hestretched out his hand to seal the bargain, which, incautiously enough,the huge, half-breed Swiss accepted.

  Dick's grasp, indeed, was so firm and long that presently the giant wasobserved first to move uneasily, secondly to begin to dance and thirdlyto shout out with pain.

  "What is the matter?" asked his friends.

  "The matter is," he groaned, as Dick let go, "that this son of Satanhas a blacksmith's vise in place of a hand," and he showed his greatfingers, from beneath the nails of which the blood was oozing.

  His Venetian companions of the Guard looked at them, then they looked atGrey Dick and gave him a wide berth. Also Ambrosio said something abouthaving offered to fight a man and not a fiend. But it was too late toretract, for the Doge, taking, as was natural, no share in this smallmatter, had already left his throne.

  Then, escorted by Sir Geoffrey and the city Guards, Hugh and Grey Dickpassed through that splendid company away home to dinner, Dick carryinghis bow-case in one hand and the sack of armour which de Noyon had notthought fit to claim in the other.

  In the midst of dead silence, they departed, for now no one seemed tofind either of them a fit subject for jest. Indeed there were some whosaid, as they watched the pair pass the door, that Cattrina and thegiant would do well to consult a lawyer and a priest that night.