Page 15 of The Darkest Angel

Page 15


  “Of course my every word and action was a lie. That’s what I do. I thought you knew that. ”

  So…did she desire him or not? Two days ago she’d told her sister, Kaia, that she wanted nothing to do with him. At the time, he’d thought she was merely saying that for Kaia’s benefit. Now, he wasn’t so sure.

  “You could be lying now,” he said. At least, that’s what he hoped. And who would have thought he’d ever wish for a lie?

  Excitement sparked in her eyes and spread to the rest of her features. She patted his cheek, then flattened her palm on his chest. “You’re learning, angel. ”

  He sucked in a breath. So hot. So soft.

  “Here’s a proposition for you. Steal something from this store and I’ll kiss you. ”

  Wait. Her words from a moment ago drifted through his head. You’re learning, angel. He was learning? “No,” he croaked out. He would not do such a thing. Not even for her. “These people need the money their goods provide. Do you care nothing for their welfare?”

  A flash of guilt joined the excitement. “No,” she said.

  Another lie? Probably. That guilt…it gave him hope. “Why do you need to steal like this, anyway?”

  “Foreplay,” she said with a shrug.


  “Ma’am, I need you to come with me. ”

  At the unexpected intrusion, they both stiffened. Bianka’s gaze pulled from his; together they eyed the policeman now standing beside her.

  She frowned. “Can’t you see that I’m in the middle of a conversation?”

  “Doesn’t matter if you’re talking to God Himself. ” The grim-faced officer latched on to her wrist. “I need you to come with me. ”

  “I don’t think so. Lysander,” she said, clearly expecting him to do something.

  Instinct demanded he save her. He wanted her safe and happy, but this would be good for her. “I told you to put the items back. ”

  Her jaw dropped as the officer led her away. And, if Lysander wasn’t mistaken, there was pride in her gaze.

  ARRESTED FOR SHOPLIFTING, Bianka thought with disgust. Again. Her third time that year. Lysander had watched the policeman usher her in back, empty her purse and cuff her. All without a word. His disapproval had said plenty, though.

  She hadn’t let it upset her. He’d stood his ground, and she admired that. Was turned on by it. This wouldn’t be an easy victory, as she’d assumed. Besides, for the first time in their relationship, he’d offered to kiss her. Willingly kiss her. But only if she replaced her stolen goods, she reminded herself darkly. Didn’t take a genius to figure out that he wanted to change her. To condition her to his way of life.

  It was exactly what she wanted to do to him. Which meant he wanted her as desperately as she wanted him.

  It also meant it was time to take this game to the next level. She, however, would not be the one to cave. The six hours she’d spent behind bars had given her time to think. To form a strategy.

  She was whistling as she meandered down the station steps. Lysander had finally posted her bail, but he hadn’t hung around to speak with her. Well, he hadn’t needed to. She knew he was following her.

  At home, she showered, lingering under the hot spray, soaping herself more slowly than necessary and caressing her breasts and playing between her legs. Unfortunately, he never appeared. But no matter.

  Just in case her shower hadn’t gotten him in the mood, she read a few passages from her favorite romance novel. And just in case that hadn’t gotten him in the mood, she decorated her navel with her favorite dangling diamond, dressed in a skintight tank and skirt and knee-high boots, and drove to the closest strip club.

  “I only have a few days left. Then I’m traveling to Budapest for Gwen’s wedding and you are not invited. Do you hear me? Try and come and I’ll make your life hell. So, if you want a go at me, now’s the time,” she said as she got out of the car.

  Again, he didn’t appear.

  She almost screeched in frustration. So far, her strategy sucked. What was he doing?

  The night was cold yet the inside of the club was hot and stuffy, the seats packed with men. Onstage, a redhead—clearly not a natural redhead—swung around a pole. The lights were dimmed, and smoke clung to the air.

  “You gonna dance, darling?” someone asked Bianka.

  “Nope. Got better things to do. ” She did, however, steal the stranger’s wallet, sneak a beer from the bar and settle into a table in the back corner. Alone. “Enjoy,” she whispered to Lysander, toasting him with the bottle.

  “Have you no shame?” he suddenly growled from behind her.

  Finally! Every muscle in her body relaxed, even as her blood heated with awareness. But she didn’t turn to face him. He would have seen the triumph in her eyes. “You have enough shame for both of us. ”

  He snorted. “That does not seem to be the case. ”

  “Really? Well, then, let’s loosen you up. Do you want a lap dance?” She held up the cash she’d taken. “I’m sure the redhead onstage would love to rub against you. ”

  His big hands settled on her shoulders, squeezing.

  “Or maybe you’d like a beer?”

  “I would indeed,” the stranger she’d stolen from said, now in front of her table. He reached into his back pocket. Frowned. “Hey, my wallet’s gone. ” His gaze settled on the small brown leather case resting on her tabletop. His frown deepened. “That looks like mine. ”

  “How odd,” she said innocently. “So do you want me to buy you a beer or not?”

  Lysander’s grip tightened. “Give him back his wallet and I’ll kiss you. ”

  Her breath caught in her throat. Gods, she wanted his kiss. More than she’d ever wanted anything. His lips were soft, his taste decadent. And if she allowed him to kiss her, well, she knew she could convince him to do other things.

  But she said, “Steal his watch and I’ll kiss you. ”

  “What are you talking about?” the guy asked, brow furrowed. “Steal whose watch?”

  She rolled her eyes, wishing she could shoo him away.

  Lysander leaned down and cupped her breasts. A tremor moved through her, her nipples beading, reaching for him. Sweet heaven. Her stomach quivered, jealous of her breasts, wanting the touch lower.

  “Give him back the wallet. ”

  Suddenly she wanted to do just that. Anything for more of Lysander and this sultry side of him. She didn’t need the money, anyway. Wait. What are you doing? Caving? She straightened her spine. “No, I—”

  “I’ll kiss you all over your body,” Lysander added.

  Oh…Hell. He’d decided to take their game to the next level, as well.

  Damn, damn, damn. She couldn’t lose. If she did, he would control her with sex. He would expect her to be good like him. All the damn time. There would be no more stealing, no more cursing, no more fun. Well, except when they were in bed—but would he expect her to be good there, too?

  Life would become boring and sinless, everything a Harpy was taught to fight against.

  She stood to shaky legs and turned, finally facing him. His hands fell away from her. She tried not to moan in disappointment. His expression was blank.

  She blanked hers, as well, reached out and cupped him. Though he showed no emotion, he couldn’t hide his hardness. “Steal something, anything at all, and I’ll kiss you all over. ” Her voice dipped huskily. “Remember last time? You came in my mouth, and I loved every moment of it. ”

  His nostrils flared.

  “Yes!” the guy behind her exclaimed. “Give me five minutes and I’ll have stolen something. ”

  “You aren’t trainable, are you?” Lysander asked stiffly.

  “No,” she said, but suddenly she didn’t feel like smiling. There’d been resignation in his tone. Had she pushed him too far again? Was he going to leave her? Never return? “That doesn
’t mean you should stop trying, though. ”

  “Wait. Trying what?” the stranger asked, confused.

  Gods, when would he leave?

  “Lysander,” she prompted.

  “That’s not my name. ”

  “Get lost,” she growled.

  Lysander’s gaze lifted, narrowed on the human. Then Bianka heard footsteps. Her angel hadn’t said anything, hadn’t revealed himself, but had somehow managed to make the human leave. He had powers she hadn’t known about, then. Why was that even more exciting?

  “If you won’t give the wallet back and I won’t steal anything, where does that leave us?” he asked.

  “At war. I don’t know about you, but I do my best fighting in bed,” she said, and then threw her arms around his neck.


  WIND WHIPPED THROUGH Bianka’s hair, and she knew that Lysander was flying her somewhere with those majestic wings. She had her eyes closed, too busy enjoying him—finally!—to care where he took her. His tongue made love to hers. His hands clutched her hips, fingers digging sharply. Then she was tipping over, a cool, soft mattress pressing into her back. His weight pinned her deliciously.

  And it shouldn’t have been delicious. This was not a position she allowed. Ever. It caged her wings, and her wings were the source of her strength. Without them, she was almost as weak as a human. But this was Lysander, honest to a fault, and she’d wanted him forever, it seemed. And as wary as he’d been about this sort of thing, she was afraid any type of rebuke would send him flying away. Besides, he could do anything he wanted to her like this…

  “No one is to enter,” he said roughly.

  Moaning, she wound her legs around his waist, tilted her head to receive his newest kiss and enjoyed a deeper thrust of his tongue. White lightning, the man was a fast learner. Very fast. He was now an expert at kissing. The best she’d ever had. By the time she finished with him, he’d be an expert at everything carnal.

  His cock, hard and long and thick, rode the apex of her thighs. She could feel every inch of him through the softness of his robe. His arms enveloped her, and when she opened her eyes—they were inside his cloud, she realized—she saw his golden wings were spread, forming a blanket over them.