Page 21 of Everlife

  Then Killian's voice joins the deluge. --I'm sorry.--

  --Sorry doesn't change our current circumstances. You aren't the man I thought you were.--The words slip from me, unbidden, my dark side striking out.

  He flinches. --I'm better.--

  --Hardly. You lied to me.--

  He cuts me off. --I know I'm nothin' like your precious Archer.--

  Jealousy? Now of all times?

  Doesn't matter. Through sheer grit and determination, I listen to my Troikan side and resist the darkness. Anger, hurt and worry will only strengthen the shadows. Deep breath in, out. Happy thoughts. The end of the war. A peaceful future for Jeremy. No more friends dying too soon.

  Good, that's good. I begin to calm, and the darkness begins to fade.

  I suspect I haven't seen the last of anger, hurt and worry, but for now, they're hiding again, and I'm centered. Learn from misfortune and move on.

  I focus on Killian. --I've never desired Archer. He's my brother, and you're my...--What?

  Doesn't matter. Logic over emotion. Escape with Killian. Enter Many Ends. Save...everyone.

  I'm tossed on to a cold, hard floor. Impact knocks my brain against my skull. Next, a storm of ice water splashes over me, and I gasp, sputter. My eyelids break apart, and I meet the gaze of the man I know is Zhi Chen. He is dark from head to toe, with a lean body barely strong enough to carry me however far we traveled.

  Beside him stands a Shell. Masculine, rugged. Blond with the same nearly translucent skin of the Secondking and glittering green eyes. A face so beautiful that both females and males, young and old, have fallen for him. And killed for him.

  I know those eyes. Here is Victor Prince, Archer's younger brother.

  He likes to pretend he's some kind of angel. I know he's fallen.

  Though he's not pretending today, is he? He's too busy glaring daggers at me.

  I don't have to wonder why he's in a Shell. During our last encounter, he tried to force me to bond with him the way I willingly bonded with Killian, and when I refused, he then attempted to kill me. I cut off his hands, and they have not yet grown back. In the Shell, he can at least pretend to be whole.

  "Oh, but the mighty have toppled," he says, his tone smug.

  I'm barely able to move, my strength depleted, my Light gone, but still I blow him a kiss, taunting him. Take your anger out on me, not Killian. Although, hello, we're bonded. What happens to me happens to him. Double zero. "At know...I'm mighty."

  Victor decides to humor me. With a hiss of rage, he moves toward me. The guy beside him holds out an arm, stopping him.

  That guy--Javier Diez. The enemy. He is an Abrogate, my total opposite. I supercharge in the Light while he supercharges in the dark. I can push Light into others; he can tamp it out and create shadows from nothing but air.

  Although, with my dual citizenship, I wonder if I can transition from Abrogate. Scratch that. I'm certain I can. The knowledge rises up inside me, temptation wrapped in persuasion and sprinkled with enticement. I have only to embrace the shadows hiding in my mind. Then I can use Javier's powers against him. Shadow versus shadow.

  Will be so easy...

  Steel fuses to my spine, squaring my shoulders and lifting my head; the position of a soldier who refuses to back down. Easy doesn't mean right. How can I utilize darkness, then turn around and condemn Ambrosine and his followers for doing the same? How can I create darkness, stealing Light from my friends? Hurting my friends?

  No! There's another way. A better way. The Light way.

  What do I know about Javier? Kayla once called him the quintessential dreamboat. He's tall, with a golden tan, and handsome. But to me, he's the embodiment of evil. He gets off on the misery he inflicts. Death and destruction are his constant companions, and selfish is the name of his game. So, dreamboat or not, I'm not a fan.

  Before Javier's Firstdeath, I received a small taste of his powers. He might as well have been a needle, and me a balloon. One moment I was strong, the next I was weak. Now that he's a spirit, we're on equal ground.

  He's cocky, and he'll underestimate me.

  I can take full advantage.

  Determination tramples any lingering fear, but not by word or deed do I betray my newfound fight. Let him see me as weak. Let him act accordingly.

  Javier extends one finger, only one, and not the middle one. Surprise surprise. I think he's creating shadows. Yes. Oh, yes. Dread attempts an invasion as shadows seep from the ceiling and floor; they slither toward me and wrap around my wrists and ankles. Ice-cold. I gasp.

  A second later, I'm yanked upright, my limbs stretched out as if I'm on a rack. My gaze is suddenly eye level with Javier's. He's smiling a smile as frigid as his shadows.

  "As you might have deduced," he says, his tone even smugger than before, "I'm learning to use my gifts."

  He expects me to cower. Keep dreaming. "Aw. You're going to make such a good puppet for your realm." Speaking while panting proves a challenge, but I manage it.

  Rage contorts his features.

  To prove he means nothing to me--less than nothing--I mentally dismiss him and scan the room. Between Zhi and Victor is a large dog crate--

  Horror slaps me. Killian is locked inside the crate. He's on his knees, the diameters of the walls not allowing him to stand, and he's wearing an expression of pure boredom.

  This is where betrayal leads you. Happy?

  "I'm sure you remember when you cleansed Dior Nichols of Penumbra." Zhi is as smug and superior as a king. "Now Javier is going to cleanse you of Light, and you're going to help him. Let him into your Grid. Anytime you resist, Mr. Flynn will be... Well, there's no kind way to say this. He'll be deep-fried. Meaning you, too, will be deep-fried."

  Deep breath in, out. I need help, can't do this on my own.

  Desperate, I reach out to Archer through the Grid. Considering Raanan is an Architect, I reach out to him, as well. And the Conduits. The princess. And Biscuit. Clay. Deacon. Reed. Clementine. Kayla. Someone has to hear me, despite the distance between us.

  One second, two. Three. Radio silence remains.

  Zhi arches a brow. "Nothing to say, Miss Lockwood?"

  My panicked gaze swings back to Killian. He's gripping the bars of his cage, his knuckles white, his calm slipping away.

  Slap! Javier's palm makes contact with my cheek. The pain is sharp but fleeting as my head whips to the side. Lifeblood leaks from the corner of my mouth.

  "Do yourself a favor, Miss Lockwood." Zhi tugs at the cuff of his shirt. "Pay attention."

  Rage detonates along my bond to Killian--and it's not mine.

  "Hitting girls now, Diez?" Killian tsks. He appears even calmer than before. So calm it's almost scary. "And bound girls who can't fight back, at that. Your bravery is inspiring."

  "Keep talking. Please." Javier peers over his shoulder and smiles slowly. Then, still watching Killian, he slaps me harder. "Ten is the one who will pay for your crimes."

  "You consider truth a crime?" I laugh. "I don't know why I'm shocked. The truth is, you're pathetic in every way. You're a coward with--"

  His arm lashes out a third time. Third time is the charm. Rather than delivering a slap, he balls up his hand and punches me. Stars explode in my vision. My teeth cut my cheeks, and agony sears my mouth.

  No longer can Killian maintain any type of facade. He rattles the cage and screams, "I'm going to do everything in my power to ensure you rot in Many Ends."

  I use his outburst to my advantage, shouting again for my friends. --Archer! Raanan! Biscuit! Someone!--


  I suck in a breath. Archer! I'd recognize his voice anywhere, anytime. He may be in Troika, and I may have used up all my Light, but I'm still connected to him through the Grid.

  "What happened?" Victor closes the distance, then reaches out to clasp my chin. Problem is, he's in the Shell and I'm in spirit form. His hand ghosts through me. Glaring at me now, he snaps, "Tell me!"

Archer. I used up my Light, and now I'm a captive. I--

  --No need for a recap, Sperm Bank. I know the gist.--

  Sperm Bank. The nickname he gave me the day we met. He said I had lady balls and an explosive temper.

  --Listen up. I'm with Clay, Raanan, Clementine, Kayla and Reed. Earlier I sent you a message explaining everything, but it bounced back. So here's the condensed version. Our group has changed. We're ALL Conduits now. Well, not Kayla. Not yet. Raanan is an Architect, like you. Okay, okay, I'll tell her.--

  Maybe Javier's punch damaged my brain, because the last part of Archer's speech fails to compute. --First, I'm so happy for you guys. There are no better people for the job. Second, I'm sorry, but I don't understand. You'll tell me what?--

  --Biscuit is insisting I let you know he's with us. Anyway. We're going to send Light across the Grid. Maybe it will work, maybe it won't. We're new at this. Good news is, the princess thinks it will, in fact, work.--

  The princess has left the protection of the tunnels. Perfect! More Conduits means more safety for Troika. I can use whatever Light I'm given to fight Javier's shadows.

  But what will happen to Killian? I stiffen. He reacted to Light so badly the first time.

  Doesn't matter. Whatever happens, we'll deal. Without Light, we might not survive this encounter.

  --Thank you, Archer.--All for one, and one for all. --But be careful. I'm with Javier, and he wants to spread his darkness along our Grid. If you begin to feel drained, stop.--

  "Enough." Javier cups the sides of my face annnd the next thing I know, darkness is hurled into me.

  Oh, the pain; it consumes me. Gritting my teeth, I summon every bit of my remaining strength to erect a block and keep it--him--away from the Grid. Sweat beads in different locations. Ice seems to spread over my spine. I can't breathe. I need to breathe.

  Finally Javier pulls back, and the darkness vanishes.

  The pain fades, and I begin panting. --Archer!--

  --Working on it, but...--The words are gritted. --We're blocked.--

  No, no, no. Is the block I erected against Javier also keeping out my friends?

  "Well?" Zhi demands.

  "She's resisting," Javier snaps. Glaring at me, he adds, "Now Killian will pay the price."

  Killian will pay the price either way. This way, at least, there's a chance we survive.

  "You were warned, Miss Lockwood." Zhi lifts a remote and presses a button. Volts of electricity flow through the metal bars of Killian's cage.

  My entire body shakes. My vision goes dark, and in my veins, my blood begins to boil, muscle and flesh cooking.

  Agony nearly rends me asunder, worse than anything I've ever before endured. One second, two. I scream. Or try to. Suddenly the volts die. I continue to quake, my teeth rattling against each other.

  My gaze meets Killian's, his beautiful eyes reminding me of open wounds. He may not remember everything about our past, but he hates what's being done to me.

  "Again," Zhi says.

  Javier reaches for me only to still as multiple voices call out greetings from the hallway.


  "Your Highness."

  "My lord." Distress tinges each and every voice.

  Pulse after pulse of power hits the room. Hits me. My entire body shudders, my nerve endings buzzing.

  Ambrosine has arrived.

  While the people of Troika adore Eron, the people of Myriad fear Ambrosine. The contrast proves everything I've begun to suspect.

  Ambrosine must die.

  Zhi and Victor stiffen. Javier smiles. Interesting. He must see himself as prince's pet.

  Then the door opens, and a man who can only be the Prince of Ravens glides into the room.

  He is so beautiful, with pale hair and eyes that glitter like diamonds, that I can only believe my eyes are deceiving me. His nearly translucent skin is flawless, his muscles well-honed and displayed to perfection even though he's wearing a robe made of raven feathers and brushed with...stardust?

  A crown of shadows rests upon his head, a hundred pairs of red eyes within its depths, glowing like rubies as they watch the world with undiluted glee. On his hands are strips of metal. One for every finger. Each strip arcs into a sharpened claw at the tip.

  His power intensifies, his shadows growing darker, the hum of evil ringing in my ears. Zhi, Victor and Javier are forced to their knees. In the cage, Killian struggles to rise into a crouch, refusing to look as if he's begging.

  Were I standing and at full strength...I don't think I would have had the same reaction. When his shadows bump up against my Grid, they cringe and flee.

  Hope ignites. There might not be a better time to kill this man. Scratch that. He's not a man. He's an otherworldly being. There might not be a better time to kill this otherworldly being. I've never been this close to him, may never be this close again. Argh! Though I struggle, my bonds hold firm.

  Come on, come on. Fight harder.

  Ambrosine destroyed the bridge that once connected Troika and Myriad. He promises a better life filled with excitement and untold pleasures, but he lies, cheats and steals. He can't be trusted to maintain a truce, has proven himself treacherous at every turn.

  He claims he enforces no rule but one: Myriad comes first. And yet, he doesn't always follow his own rule. He comes first. His wants, his desires. He's selfish to the extreme, dooming his people to eternal war and endless torment in Many Ends.

  "Majesty." Zhi lumbers to his feet as the Secondking's shadows thin. "We are humbled by your presence."

  Ambrosine must control the intensity of power he exudes; he can crank it up or let it simmer. I highly doubt he revealed the true depths of his strength just now. Why show all of your cards at once, when I'm already captured and restrained? Why not save the best for last?

  I'm not going to be able to kill him, am I?

  Hope withers, and fury ignites.

  No. No! I will not give up. This man--this being--is the epitome of hate. Hate will never be stronger than love.

  Long ago, Ambrosine allowed envy to lead him, and chose to betray his brother. Over the centuries, he has grown worse. Darker. In the end, his home mirrored his soul--a cesspool of jealousy and greed. He sends his own people to Many Ends when they experience Second-death. Just because he can. Maybe because he likes their pain.

  A person like that--he will not defeat me. Even if I'm faced with pain and the loss of my life, I will still choose what is right.

  I will choose love at the cost of everything.

  Victor stands, and nods a greeting to his father. Javier beams with something akin to hero worship.

  The Secondking glances at Killian--and nods with approval.

  "Majesty," Killian says through gritted teeth. "I would like to speak with you privately about--"

  "Be silent." The Secondking flicks a finger, and a shadow appears over Killian's mouth.

  Killian's eyes go wide. He begins to shake, as if a new round of electricity is flowing. He's fighting against the shadow, I realize. But he's weak and soon deflates. His emotions do nothing to help. I feel the sting of rejection and dejection along the Grid.

  My stomach sinks, even as my heart aches. He pinned all his hopes on his king, and this is his reward.

  Ambrosine turns those diamond eyes on me, staring me down, but I refuse to cower. I'd rather die.

  "Well, well," he says. My hatred for him is reflected back at me. "Finally I meet the little girl who's going to win the war for me. Let's get started, shall we?"


  * * *

  From: L_R_3/51.3.15

  To: J_A_3/19.37.30, S_C_3/50.4.13, C_M_3/5.20.1, Y_L_3/59.1.2, A_S_3/42.6.31, T_B_3/19.30.2, B_S_3/51.3.13, M_V_3/54.5.8, J_B_3/19.23.4, S_J_3/62.5.5, M_P_3/45.10.9, A_T_3/23.40.29

  Subject: New Conduits

  We've heard the rumors about Miss Lockwood and Mr. Aarons becoming something known as an "Architect." Now we've seen proof. Raanan Aarons
has turned other Troikans into Conduits. Archer Prince, Deacon Williams, Clayton Anders, Reed Haynesworth and Clementine Vickers. I think Kayla Brooks--a known traitor--is on the verge of changing, as well. She grows brighter every hour.

  Though Mr. Aarons has tried, he was unable to turn a single General into a Conduit. Why? I've reached out to Eron, but have not received a response.

  If we're going to overcome this new Penumbra attack, we need more Conduits--we need us.

  Light Brings Sight!

  General Luciana Rossi


  * * *

  From: A_T_3/23.40.29

  To: L_R_3/51.3.15, J_A_3/19.37.30, S_C_3/50.4.13, C_M_3/5.20.1, Y_L_3/59.1.2, A_S_3/42.6.31, T_B_3/19.30.2, B_S_3/51.3.13, M_V_3/54.5.8, J_B_3/19.23.4, S_J_3/62.5.5, M_P_3/45.10.9

  Subject: I disagree

  For a Myriadian General, turning an ordinary citizen into Abrogate requires self-sacrifice. And the sacrifice might not even work. All they can do is infect a single person with Penumbra and hope for the best. (Like Miss Lockwood, I will name the disease without fear.) Yet, we must sacrifice no one for our advancement, and an Architect can turn more than one person. That is the difference between Light and dark. Light builds up. Dark tears down. And Miss Brooks is a former traitor. There's a difference. Eron has forgiven her. So should we.

  We should be celebrating our victories rather than envying our members.

  We are leaders. So, let's lead.

  The people Raanan has succeeded in turning into Conduits? The people aiding Miss Lockwood. We have done nothing but hinder her. And before you ask--hinder her from doing what?--I'll tell you. She craves peace between the realms.

  Perhaps we should consider the same?

  I know. We tried to facilitate peace eons ago, only to endure one ambush after another. But at this very moment, I can almost hear Miss Lockwood screaming inside my head that the answer is simple. Myriad needs a new Secondking. The head directs the body.

  Is this worth considering?

  As for the warehouses, I have good news and bad news. I'll start with the good. We have unexpected help. Sloan Aubuchon managed to fight her way free of the pole. She's doing her best to deactivate the many alarms. If a single one is triggered, every potential Abrogate in all eighteen warehouses will wake, a Buckler will fall around the buildings, trapping our men inside while allowing the humans to leave.