Her tears fall unheeded,

  onto the last memory, before he left.

  He stood so proud, his services needed.

  Her in white, him in service dress.

  Bride a day, widow a lifetime.

  His life taken, he gave it bravely,

  his last thought

  the sweet touch of his lady.

  She sat, perched on her window sill.

  Clutching his purple heart.

  As tears slowly dropped,

  her body went still.

  She prayed they would cease to be apart.

  And as her heart stopped,

  they held each other sweetly.

  Widowed only a lifetime, embracing each other forever.

  Chapter Three: The History In the Stars

  Fires of Hope

  The Desert Night

  The Silence of Immortality

  Summer Storm

  Exquisite Innocence

  Rainbow True

  Autumn Change

  Fears of the Mist

  Color of our Heart

  Fires of Hope

  With delicate absurdity we sculpt our path,

  each line and crevice a triumph

  of Mastery.

  Over cascading ripples of a moons translucent


  In the midnight descent to quake some

  fear and tumultuous loneliness,

  when Monsters from the deepest ebony

  of the mind emerge.

  There lingers the smallest glimmer



  Dancing shadows, wind flickered flames.

  Beckoning from sandy


  On a beach of scoured glass

  and weathered waves.

  Its with a indefinite sense of foreboding

  we gaze upon the storm encroaching.

  And as closes the final chapter,

  extinguished are the lights



  The sandcastle is washed away.

  The Desert Night

  Flesh crawls,

  As the moon watches,

  and the wolf howls.

  To greet the birth of the desert night.

  As the wind catches

  the dreams of the night

  increase, and the passion matches

  the tempo as the night's pulse continues to beat.

  And watching with awe the stardust's flight

  as the spirits search to meet

  and with infinite praise, and unending might,

  the creatures come alive.

  Footprints show, but with no matching feet,

  save those that struggle to survive.

  in a world where the fight is the tempo to night's beat

  and passion is the fading of the sun.

  Flesh warms,

  wind dies down, the moon fades its face,

  the wolf howl's its final lullaby

  to the end of the desert night.

  The Silence of Immortality

  The silence of immortality

  is but the shrill echo bound in the passage

  of a fading eternity.

  Steel to Dust. Wood to Stone.

  In death all coalesce as one.

  Tracks laid through

  a forest of beauty and youth

  are but a minute earthworm in the essence of forever.

  Green to Gold. Young to old.

  In life all is lost to behold.

  A setting sun mists and flows

  in a reminiscence of its noon brilliance.

  A ray to waste with each second gone

  as the essence of eternity fades alone,

  like the trilled whistle of a long evanescent train.

  Green and Old. Steel and Stone.

  In all, all is lost as one.

  Summer Storm

  The sky kisses with lips of slanting rain

  and moans of violent thunder.

  Lashing trees that bend and snap,

  through fury and torment.

  Castles of blackened air and slashing scintillation,

  bedeck the roiling sky.

  Lovers dance and sigh

  to the stars and sun obscured.

  Where once the gentle tap did sound,

  now an ocean roars.

  Trains pound through mighty pines,

  and animals burrow deep.

  Green turns glossy

  and the air sweetens its tint.

  The heavens caress with limbs of living moisture

  and I dance through lifes' summer storms.

  Exquisite Innocence

  Exquisite Innocence

  An infantile dream

  cascades through

  a sunset bursting from

  waves of subconscious.

  Inner Delight.

  Whispered secrets.

  Fantasies of youth.

  Embrace with bliss.

  An elegant Innocence.

  Fantasies unfulfilled to age.

  Secrets lost.

  Delighted bitterness.

  Return to bairn,

  bewitch a dissilient

  rainbow that twirls

  in angelic madness.

  Revel once more

  in the cloying passions

  of the gentle caress

  that cavorts forever

  In exquisite Innocence.

  Rainbow True

  Rainbow glowing true.

  Blue silk, cool to the touch.

  Red flame, burning bright.

  Viridian Emeralds, glinting sharp.

  Golden nuggets, shining true.

  Silver glistens, liquid hot.

  Magenta fades to pearly pink.

  A dust of magic.

  A leap of faith.

  Wings flutter,

  Time ends,

  As a butterfly takes to wind.

  Autumn Change

  The wind increases it's speed,

  The green becomes less bold,

  As the bronze is freed.

  With hues, from the red to gold,

  Orange to brown.

  As leaves die,

  And colors stain the ground,

  The wind whispers it's lullaby,

  As the Autumn change begins.

  Fears of the Mist

  Passion in adversity,

  Beauty is pain,

  Love conquers death.

  This is how it should be.

  But with spastic ignorance,

  We deem the Gods a fake.

  Enter into the darkness,

  Give life to the ebony.

  And praise the object of mortal affections,

  Until forced to agree.

  Worship the great Aphrodite,

  whose passion's lust is bad.

  Tribute the drunken Maeynad,

  that fills us with her insanities.

  The creatures of our most beatific dreams,

  Cause our enemies to quake with fear.

  and Flaming Hades laps up their screams.

  And like the blind seer,

  A know-all, a Faux.

  To the God's of the myths,

  and to the fears of the mists.

  The past still to come,

  and the future behind

  Color of our Heart

  Beauty is just another name for the color of our heart.

  Love is the way we all let our feelings free.

  The purpose for these feelings apart.

  Is to let us just be we.

  We are the way all take flight.

  And let our spirits soar.

  With the winds of time keeping us right.

  And the times wind deplore.

  Time is how we live and die.

  Death and life to be.

  Crawling, and to fly.

  We are all that life, death, time, and now can see.

  Seeing our past.

  Living our present.

  Being our future so fast.
r />
  We are times indent

  Chapter Four: The Mask Behind the Face

  Deaths Heartstrings

  Dance Among the Dead

  Shadowed Memoirs

  Midnight Bells

  Smartest of the Fools

  Midnight King

  Clairvoyant Disease

  Hates Demise

  Deaths Heartstrings

  Hollowed hearts with whispered screams.

  Winter in its finest.

  Glacial blades cascade from slate and limb.

  To spike the pulses beat.

  Bring the rain and windshorn crowning

  for I enjoy failing, drowning.

  Beneath auburn waves

  of deadened lives.

  Humbled in the shadows of yesterdays


  Mindless incubation of a seasons desires.

  Rampant petulance in seasoned fires.

  Lost in the fevered brevity of death's


  Through the window of passage and time

  She watches.

  As her world fades to the muddied charcoals

  of muted eyes and sickened ears.

  Death is her long lost lover,

  lost to see.

  How eagerly she awaits

  Hands clasped tight, moth eaten.

  Her hearts final dream.

  Her lips run red in cracks and crevices

  of parched and papered skin.

  Soul prepared to meet with passion

  the kiss of Death's loving greed.

  Dance Among The Dead

  Opaque eyes froth crimson beneath masks

  of graying rainbows and shuttered suns.

  She dips and twirls on velvet strings

  untouched by an omnipresent audience

  of scarlet bedecked crows.

  Suitors of brocade and shadows

  circle in the mating dance of patriarchal wealth.

  To end in the captivity of womanly souls.

  Her puppet master of innocence banished

  to the nursery of tomorrow's puppet princess.

  Replaced by the blackest gleam among ebony stars.

  Bedecked in funeral garb of satin pearls

  and silken diamonds. Adorned by a crown

  of ivory rubies and sapphire tears.

  She is but one on the morticians dance card.

  A single waltz among the royal dance of the dead.

  Shadowed Memoirs

  Hades' whisper blossoms sweet terror to dance

  beneath misty curls, across the bare

  silk of purpled flesh. bitter in intensity.

  Silence echoes from the bones who rule the graveyard's

  murky depths.  Guarded by gargoyles fierce ebony eyes

  gleaming in midnight's rays. Marble and blood.

  Fervent pleas become frantic prayers.

  Phantom wails pulse, a ship tossed

  In the most demented of storms.

  Iced fingers grip tight to petals in mutilated decompose.

  Mud steeps the mind. Sawdust the lungs.

  Drips meat with a scattered beep.

  A life of no beat, with but a sorrowed sigh,

  Falls to shadowed memoirs.

  Midnight Bells

  The whisper of a lovers kiss

  Adorns the clouds a delicate rose

  Into the rising moon.

  Bristling softly in midst of diamonds of the sun,

  Succulent caresses on velvet skin,,

  The blossoms dance in the

  Sweetest blush of madness.

  Gentled passion among the clover

  The mighty pines roar

  A challenge to the heavens

  And the gilded oaks stand guard.

  Forbidden desires, clash of class

  And titles rights.

  The knave gives blossom

  To the brides pearled

  Wan lights.

  Surrendering to the effortless daze.

  The bride falls among the flowers,

  Deed done, her love proven

  The knave dons his mask.


  A midnight chiming of ghostly bells

  Awakes the lovesick maid.

  With sleep bruised eyes she finds

  A velvet purple blossom

  Nested in the warm indention

  Where the knave had watched and laid.

  Her smile lit the night

  The petal graced her lips

  Her heart blossomed sweetly.

  Smartest of the Fools

  Memories of ice, clear and blue

  pervade the senses.

  Once what warmth did glow bright,

  quails from sun and light.

  Sanctuary from passion and sweetness,

  can be found empty and overt intense.

  When what you seek lair’s its nest,

  in unmitigated faith and trust.

  Repose your intrinsic beat,

  so that may you one day

  tranquilize your fears of depth.

  Betroth yourself to a continuance,

  of seclusion in an entity of dryads

  or fissure now the parapets,

  and cataclysm the fortitude’s.

  Memories of ice clear and blue,

  touch with ardor upon the sweetest crevices,

  languishing to caress, ever gentle, succulent.

  But only in the most cryptic of your dreams.

  Fear falls even the Smartest of the Fools.

  The Midnight King

  A delirious eddy of satin and glittering jewels,

  that twirls in secrecy and the deep

  mysteries of forbidden

  gyrations and pleasure.

  Her eyes are but a coruscation

  within dashing colors and dancing flame.

  His lips are tilted, breath sweet ambrosia

  to her innocence delight.

  Cryptic kisses covertly given,

  among the swirling, sinuous coryphées.

  Friends are transient,

  lovers unknown, affiliations mute.

  When the mind releases its passion

  to the charade of twilight's masked sphinx.

  Her stomach quavers, fingers deftly agitated,

  butterflying in ripples across his dance dampened skin.

  Feathered faces, gloved fingers, pulsating laughter

  to match palpitating beats.

  Never-ending, whirling, maddening, dark.

  An insane pool of rippling silk and fiery gems.

  Her innocence taken by the Midnight King,

  who vigorously gambols his lascivious disappearance through the

  mystique of night's masquerade ball.

  Clairvoyant Disease

  The passionate torture of a daedalian entity creates my clairvoyant disease.

  The intuitive pressure thrashes through my conscious soul.

  Hands grasped in a muttered attempt at sanity.

  Festering malady of a mental persuasion,

  drowns the thoughts of personal gratification.

  Eyes tight clenched against the fury of profanity.

  Finally even my sweet inner demons relinquish my soul.

  To end the affliction of my clairvoyant disease

  Hate's Demise

  Hate is such a powerful emotion

  Causing another lifetime of pain

  To spear the finality of our demise

  The reality of our position

  Gating the internal rain

  And blocking the likes of an aspiration

  Of financial maddening insane

  To clean the slate of our enterprise

  And be the program of those yet as slain

  Is an act of pure affords devotion

  An overwhelming operation

  That brings unhinged a death campaign

  And stops the wrong of those rights surprise

  the fuzzy aura is our abstain

  And at the
same time brings us to rise

  And from this lively roar. We’re caused to eternally refrain

  And the original life, begins to take shape as prize

  We are enhancing the lovers’ only emotion

  The color that of one unknown pain

  Brings on the attack of our hates demise.

  Chapter Five: Lost in the Mist

  Logical Desire

  The Siren's Spell

  A Writer's Soul

  The Crystal

  Butterflies Flight

  And I Say to Myself

  Rhythm of the Ages

  Love's Remembrance

  Logical Desire

  In the darkest depths

  of human souls

  There dwells a hope.


  That which burns with fervored fire

  spills beyond the eyes.

  A love of logical desire

  is the love that never dies.

  Siren's Spell

  The Island nests beneath a stormy sea.

  Where Cliffs abide in rigored prose.

  Sweet crimson copper mars the lay

  of a shrouded nest and reef rocked bay.

  Clouds caress the siren's prose.