In the Manner of Harold Bell Wright

  On a brisk winter evening in the winter of 1864 the palatial FifthAvenue "palace" of Cornelius van der Griff was brilliantly lighted withmany brilliant lights. Outside the imposing front entrance a small groupof pedestrians had gathered to gape enviously at the invited guests ofthe "four hundred" who were beginning to arrive in elegant equipages,expensive ball-dresses and fashionable "swallowtails".

  "Hully gee!" exclaimed little Frank, a crippled newsboy who was the onlysupport of an aged mother, as a particularly sumptuous carriage droveup and a stylishly dressed lady of fifty-five or sixty stepped outaccompanied by a haughty society girl and an elderly gentleman inclerical dress. It was Mrs. Rhinelander, a social leader, and herdaughter Geraldine, together with the Rev. Dr. Gedney, pastor of anexclusive Fifth Avenue church.

  "What common looking people," said Mrs. Rhinelander, surveying the crowdaristocratically with her lorgnette.

  "Yes, aren't they?" replied the clergyman with a condescending glancewhich ill befit his clerical garb.

  "I'm glad you don't have people like that dans votre eglise, Dr.Gedney," said young Geraldine, who thought it was "smart" to display herproficiency in the stylish French tongue. At this moment the door of thevan der Griff residence was opened for them by an imposing footman inscarlet livery and they passed into the abode of the "elect".

  "Hully gee!" repeated little Frank.

  "What's going on to-night?" asked a newcomer.

  "Gee--don't youse know?" answered the newsboy. "Dis is de van derGriffs' and tonight dey are giving a swell dinner for General Grant. Datlady wot just went in was old Mrs. Rhinelander. I seen her pitcher inde last Harper's Weekly and dere was a story in de paper dis morning dather daughter Geraldine was going to marry de General."

  "That isn't so," broke in another. "It was just a rumor."

  "Well, anyway," said Frank, "I wisht de General would hurry up andcome--it's getting cold enough to freeze the tail off a brass monkey."The onlookers laughed merrily at his humorous reference to the frigidtemperature, although many cast sympathetic looks at his thin threadbaregarments and registered a kindly thought for this brave boy who sophilosophically accepted the buffets of fate.

  "I bet this is him now," cried Frank, and all waited expectantly as avehicle drove up. The cabman jumped off his box and held the carriagedoor open.

  "Here you are, Miss Flowers," he said, touching his hat respectfully.

  A silver peal of rippling laughter sounded from the interior of thecarriage.

  "Why Jerry," came in velvet tones addressed to the coachman, "Youmustn't be so formal just because I have come to New York to live.Call me 'Miss Ella,' of course, just like you did when we lived out inKansas," and with these words Miss Ella Flowers, for it was she, steppedout of the carriage.

  A hush fell on the crowd as they caught sight of her face--a hush ofsilent tribute to the clear sweet womanhood of that pure countenance.A young man on the edge of the crowd who was on the verge of becominga drunkard burst into tears and walked rapidly away to join the nearestchurch. A pr-st---te who had been plying her nefarious trade on theavenue, sank to her knees to pray for strength to go back to her agedparents on the farm. Another young man, catching sight of Ella's pureface, vowed to write home to his old mother and send her the money hehad been expending in the city on drinks and dissipation.

  And well might these city people be affected by the glimpse of thesweet noble virtue which shone forth so radiantly in this Kansas girl'scountenance. Although born in Jersey City, Ella had moved with herparents to the west at an early age and she had grown up in the opencountry where a man's a man and women lead clean sweet womanly lives.Out in the pure air of God's green places and amid kindly, simple, bighearted folks, little Ella had blossomed and thrived, the pride ofthe whole country, and as she had grown to womanhood there was many amasculine heart beat a little faster for her presence and many a manlyblush of admiration came into the features of her admirers as shewhirled gracefully with them in the innocent pleasure of a simplecountry dance. But on her eighteenth birthday, her parents had passed onto the Great Beyond and the heartbroken Ella had come East to live withMrs. Montgomery, her aunt in Jersey City. This lady, being sociallyprominent in New York's "four hundred", was of course quite ambitiousthat her pretty little niece from the West should also enter society.For the last three months, therefore, Ella had been feted at all thebetter class homes in New York and Jersey City, and as Mrs. van derGriff, the Fifth Avenue social leader, was in the same set as Ella'saunt, it was only natural that when making out her list of guests forthe dinner in honor of General Grant she should include the beautifulniece of her friend.

  As Ella stepped from the carriage, her gaze fell upon little Frank, thecrippled newsboy, and her eyes quickly filled with tears, for socialsuccess had not yet caused her to forget that "blessed are the weak".Taking out her purse, she gave Frank a silver dollar and a warm look ofsympathy as she passed into the house.

  "Gee, there went an angel," whispered the little cripple, and many whoheard him silently echoed that thought in their hearts. Nor were theyfar from wrong.

  But even an angel is not free from temptation, and by letting Ellago into society her aunt was exposing the girl to the whisperings ofSatan--whisperings of things material rather than things spiritual. Manya girl just as pure as Ella has found her standards gradually loweredand her moral character slowly weakened by the contact with theso-called "refined" and "cultured" infidels one meets in fashionablesociety. Many a father and mother whose ambition has caused them to havetheir daughter go out in society have bitterly repented of that step asthey watched the poor girl gradually succumbing to the temptation of theworld. Let her who thinks it is "smart" to be in society consider thatour brothels with their red plush curtains, their hardwood floors andtheir luxurious appointments, are filled largely with the worn outbelles and debutantes of fashionable society.

  The next minute a bugle call sounded down the street and up drove a teamof prancing grays. Two soldiers sprang down from the coachman's box andstood at rigid attention while the door of the carriage opened and outstepped General Ulysses S. Grant.

  A murmur of admiration swept over the crowd at the sight of his manlyinspiring features, in which the clean cut virility of a life free fromdissipation was accentuated by the neatly trimmed black beard. His erectmilitary bearing--his neat, well fitting uniform--but above all hisfrank open face proclaimed him a man's man--a man among men. A cheerburst from the lips of the onlookers and the brave but modest generallowered his eyes and blushed as he acknowledged their greeting.

  "Men and women," he said, in a voice which although low, one could seewas accustomed to being obeyed, "I thank you for your cheers. It makesmy heart rejoice to hear them, for I know you are not cheering mepersonally but only as one of the many men who are fighting for thecause of liberty and freedom, and for----" the general's voice broke alittle, but he mastered his emotion and went on--"for the flag we alllove."

  At this he pulled from his pocket an American flag and held it up sothat all could see. Cheer after cheer rent the air, and tears came tothe general's eyes at this mark of devotion to the common cause.

  "Wipe the d--d rebels off the face of the earth, G-d d--'em," shouted atoo enthusiastic member of the crowd who, I fear, was a little the worsefor drink. In an instant General Grant had stepped up to him and fixedupon him those fearless blue eyes.

  "My man," said the general, "It hurts me to hear you give vent to thoseoaths, especially in the presence of ladies. Soldiers do not curse, andI think you would do well to follow their example."

  The other lowered his head shamefacedly. "General," he said, "You'reright and I apologize."

  A smile lit up the general's handsome features and he extended his handto the other.

  "Shake on it," he said simply, and as the crowd roared its approval ofthis speech the two men "shook".

/>   Meanwhile within the van der Griff house all were agog with excitementin expectation of the arrival of the distinguished guest. Expensivelydressed ladies fluttered here and there amid the elegant appointments;servants in stylish livery passed to and fro with trays of wine andother spirituous liquors.

  At the sound of the cheering outside, the haughty Mrs. Rhinelanderpatted her daughter Geraldine nervously, and between mother and daughterpassed a glance of understanding, for both felt that to-night, if ever,was Geraldine's opportunity to win the handsome and popular general.

  The doorbell rang, and a hush fell over the chattering assemblage;then came the proud announcement from the doorman--"General Ulysses S.Grant"--and all the society belles crowded forward around the guest ofhonor.

  It had been rumored that the general, being a soldier, was ignorant ofsocial etiquette, but such proved to be far from the case. Indeed, hehandled himself with such ease of manner that he captivated all, and foreach and every young miss he had an apt phrase or a pretty compliment,greatly to their delight.

  "Pleased to know you"--"Glad to shake the hand of such a prettygirl"--"What a nice little hand--I wish I might hold it allevening"--with these and kindred pleasantries the general won the wayinto the graces of Mrs. van der Griff's fair guests, and many a femaleheart fluttered in her bosom as she gazed into the clear blue eyes ofthe soldier, and listened to his well chosen tactful words.

  "And how is the dear General this evening?"--this in the affected toneof old Mrs. Rhinelander, as she forced her way through the crowd.

  "Finer than silk," replied he, and he added, solicitously, "I hope youhave recovered from your lumbago, Mrs. Rhinelander."

  "Oh quite," answered she, "and here is Geraldine, General," and theambitious mother pushed her daughter forward.

  "Comment vous portez vous, mon General," said Geraldine in French, "Ihope we can have a nice tete-a-tete to-night," and she fawned upon herprey in a manner that would have sickened a less artificial gathering.

  Were there not some amid all that fashionable throng in whom idealsof purity and true womanhood lived--some who cared enough for thesacredness of real love to cry upon this hollow mockery that was beingused to ensnare the simple, honest soldier? There was only one, and shewas at that moment entering the drawing room for the purpose of beingpresented to the general. Need I name her?

  Ella, for it was she, had been upstairs busying herself with her toiletwhen General Grant had arrived and she now hurried forward to pay herhomage to the great soldier. And then, as she caught sight of his face,she stopped suddenly and a deep crimson blush spread over her features.She looked again, and then drew back behind a nearby portiere, her heartbeating wildly.

  Well did Ella remember where she had seen that countenance before, andas she stood there trembling the whole scene of her folly came back toher. It had happened in Kansas, just before her parents died, on onesunny May morning. She had gone for a walk; her footsteps had led her tothe banks of a secluded lake where she often went when she wished to bealone. Many an afternoon had Ella dreamed idly away on this shore, butthat day, for some reason, she had felt unusually full of life and notat all like dreaming. Obeying a thoughtless but innocent impulse, withno intention of evil, she had taken off her clothes and plunged thusn-k-d into the cool waters of the lake. After she had swum around alittle she began to realize the extent of her folly and was hurriedlyswimming towards the shore when a terrific cramp had seized her lowerlimbs, rendering them powerless. Her first impulse, to scream for help,was quickly checked with a deep blush, as she realized the consequencesif a man should hear her call, for nearby was an encampment of Unionsoldiers, none of whom she knew. The perplexed and helpless girl was insore straits and was slowly sinking for the third time, when a beardedstranger in soldier's uniform appeared on the bank and dove into thewater. To her horror he swam rapidly towards her--but her shame was soonchanged to joy when she realized that he was purposely keeping his eyestight shut. With a few swift powerful strokes he reached her side, and,blushing deeply, took off his blue coat, fastened it around her, openedhis eyes, and swam with her to the shore. Carrying her to where she hadleft her clothes he stayed only long enough to assure himself that shehad completely recovered the use of her limbs, and evidently to spareher further embarrassment, had vanished as quickly and as mysteriouslyas he had appeared.

  Many a night after that had Ella lain awake thinking of the splendidfeatures and, the even more splendid conduct of this unknown knight whowore the uniform of the Union army. "How I love him," she would whisperto herself; "but how he must despise me!" she would cry, and her pillowwas often wet with tears of shame and mortification at her folly.

  It was shortly after this episode that her parents had taken sick andpassed away. Ella had come East and had given up hope of ever seeing herrescuer again. You may imagine her feelings then when, on entering thedrawing room at the van der Griffs', she discovered that the strangerwho had so gallantly and tactfully rescued her from a watery grave wasnone other than General Ulysses S. Grant.

  The poor girl was torn by a tumult of contrary emotions. Suppose heshould remember her face. She blushed at the thought. And besides whatchance had she to win such a great man's heart in competition with thesesociety girls like Geraldine Rhinelander who had been "abroad" and spokeFrench.

  At that moment one of the liveried servants approached the general witha trayful of filled wine glasses. So engrossed was the soldier heroin talking to Geraldine--or, rather, in listening to her alluringchatter--that he did not at first notice what was being offered him.

  "Will you have a drink of champagne wine, General?" said Mrs. van derGriff who stood near.

  The general raised his head and frowned as if he did not understand.

  "Come, mon General," cried Geraldine gayly, "We shall drink a votresucces dans la guerre," and the flighty girl raised a glass of wine onhigh. Several of the guests crowded around and all were about to drinkto the general's health.

  "Stop," cried General Grant suddenly realizing what was being done, andsomething in the tone of his voice made everyone pause.

  "Madam," said he, turning to Mrs. van der Griff, "Am I to understandthat there is liquor in those glasses?"

  "Why yes, General," said the hostess smiling uneasily. "It is just alittle champagne wine."

  "Madam," said the general, "It may be 'just champagne wine' to you,but 'just champagne wine' has ruined many a poor fellow and to me allalcoholic beverages are an abomination. I cannot consent, madam, toremain under your roof if they are to be served. I have never takena drop--I have tried to stamp it out of the army, and I owe it to mysoldiers to decline to be a guest at a house where wine and liquor areserved."

  An excited buzz of comment arose as the general delivered thisultimatum. A few there were who secretly approved his sentiments, butthey were far too few in numbers and constant indulgence in alcohol hadweakened their wills so that they dared not stand forth. An angry flushappeared on the face of the hostess, for in society, "good form" is moreimportant than courage and ideals, and by his frank statement GeneralGrant had violently violated the canons of correct social etiquette.

  "Very well, Mr. Grant," she said, stressing the "Mr."--"if that's theway you feel about it----"

  "Stop," cried an unexpected voice, and to the amazement of all EllaFlowers stepped forward, her teeth clenched, her eyes blazing.

  "Stop," she repeated, "He is right--the liquor evil is one of the worstcurses of modern civilization, and if General Grant leaves, so do I."

  Mrs. van der Griff hesitated for an instant, and then suddenly forced asmile.

  "Why Ella dear, of course General Grant is right," said she, for it waswell known in financial circles that her husband, Mr. van der Griff, hadrecently borrowed heavily from Ella's uncle. "There will not be a dropof wine served to-night, and now General, shall we go in to dinner? Willyou be so kind as to lead the way with Miss Rhinelander?" The hostesshad recovered her composure, and smiling sweetly at the guest of honor,gave
orders to the servants to remove the wine glasses.

  But General Grant did not hear her; he was looking at Ella Flowers. Andas he gazed at the sweet beauty of her countenance he seemed to feelrising within him something which he had never felt before--somethingwhich made everything else seem petty and trivial. And as he looked intoher eyes and she looked into his, he read her answer--the only answertrue womanhood can make to clean, worthy manhood.

  "Shall we go a la salle-a-manger?" sounded a voice in his ears, andGeraldine's sinuous arm was thrust through his.

  General Grant took the proffered talon and gently removed it from him.

  "Miss Rhinelander," he said firmly, "I am taking this young lady as mypartner," and suiting the action to the word, he graciously extended hisarm to Ella who took it with a pretty blush.

  It was General Grant's turn to blush when the other guests, with a fewexceptions, applauded his choice loudly, and made way enthusiasticallyas the handsome couple advanced to the brilliantly lighted dining room.

  But although the hostess had provided the most costly of viands, I amafraid that the brave general did not fully appreciate them, for in hissoul was the joy of a strong man who has found his mate and in his heartwas the singing of the eternal song, "I love her--I love her--I loveher!"

  It was only too apparent to the other guests what had happened and totheir credit be it said that they heartily approved his choice, forMrs. Rhinelander and her scheming daughter Geraldine had made countlessenemies with their haughty manners, whereas the sweet simplicity ofElla Flowers had won her numerous friends. And all laughed merrily whenGeneral Grant, in his after dinner speech, said "flowers" instead of"flour" when speaking of provisioning the army--a slip which caused boththe general and Miss Flowers to blush furiously, greatly to the delightof the good-natured guests. "All the world loves a lover"--truer wordswere never penned.

  After dinner, while the other men, according to the usages of bestsociety, were filling the air of the dining room with the fumes ofnicotine, the general, who did not use tobacco, excused himself--amidmany sly winks from the other men--and wandered out into theconservatory.

  There he found Ella.

  "General," she began.

  "Miss Flowers," said the strong man simply, "Call me Ulysses."

  And there let us leave them.

Donald Ogden Stewart's Novels