Page 11 of The Son of Tarzan

  Chapter 11

  Korak, returning from the hunt, heard the jabbering of the excitedmonkeys. He knew that something was seriously amiss. Histah, thesnake, had doubtless coiled his slimy folds about some careless Manu.The youth hastened ahead. The monkeys were Meriem's friends. He wouldhelp them if he could. He traveled rapidly along the middle terrace.In the tree by Meriem's shelter he deposited his trophies of the huntand called aloud to her. There was no answer. He dropped quickly to alower level. She might be hiding from him.

  Upon a great branch where Meriem often swung at indolent ease he sawGeeka propped against the tree's great bole. What could it mean?Meriem had never left Geeka thus alone before. Korak picked up thedoll and tucked it in his belt. He called again, more loudly; but noMeriem answered his summons. In the distance the jabbering of theexcited Manus was growing less distinct.

  Could their excitement be in any way connected with Meriem'sdisappearance? The bare thought was enough. Without waiting for Akutwho was coming slowly along some distance in his rear, Korak swungrapidly in the direction of the chattering mob. But a few minutessufficed to overtake the rearmost. At sight of him they fell toscreaming and pointing downward ahead of them, and a moment later Korakcame within sight of the cause of their rage.

  The youth's heart stood still in terror as he saw the limp body of thegirl across the hairy shoulders of a great ape. That she was dead hedid not doubt, and in that instant there arose within him a somethingwhich he did not try to interpret nor could have had he tried; but allat once the whole world seemed centered in that tender, graceful body,that frail little body, hanging so pitifully limp and helpless acrossthe bulging shoulders of the brute.

  He knew then that little Meriem was his world--his sun, his moon, hisstars--with her going had gone all light and warmth and happiness. Agroan escaped his lips, and after that a series of hideous roars, morebestial than the beasts', as he dropped plummet-like in mad descenttoward the perpetrator of this hideous crime.

  The bull ape turned at the first note of this new and menacing voice,and as he turned a new flame was added to the rage and hatred of TheKiller, for he saw that the creature before him was none other than theking ape which had driven him away from the great anthropoids to whomhe had looked for friendship and asylum.

  Dropping the body of the girl to the ground the bull turned to battleanew for possession of his expensive prize; but this time he looked foran easy conquest. He too recognized Korak. Had he not chased him awayfrom the amphitheater without even having to lay a fang or paw uponhim? With lowered head and bulging shoulders he rushed headlong forthe smooth-skinned creature who was daring to question his right to hisprey.

  They met head on like two charging bulls, to go down together tearingand striking. Korak forgot his knife. Rage and bloodlust such as hiscould be satisfied only by the feel of hot flesh between rending fangs,by the gush of new life blood against his bare skin, for, though he didnot realize it, Korak, The Killer, was fighting for something morecompelling than hate or revenge--he was a great male fighting anothermale for a she of his own kind.

  So impetuous was the attack of the man-ape that he found his holdbefore the anthropoid could prevent him--a savage hold, with strongjaws closed upon a pulsing jugular, and there he clung, with closedeyes, while his fingers sought another hold upon the shaggy throat.

  It was then that Meriem opened her eyes. At the sight before her theywent wide.

  "Korak!" she cried. "Korak! My Korak! I knew that you would come.Kill him, Korak! Kill him!" And with flashing eyes and heaving bosomthe girl, coming to her feet, ran to Korak's side to encourage him.Nearby lay The Killer's spear, where he had flung it as he charged theape. The girl saw it and snatched it up. No faintness overcame her inthe face of this battle primeval at her feet. For her there was nohysterical reaction from the nerve strain of her own personal encounterwith the bull. She was excited; but cool and entirely unafraid. HerKorak was battling with another Mangani that would have stolen her; butshe did not seek the safety of an overhanging bough there to watch thebattle from afar, as would a she Mangani. Instead she placed the pointof Korak's spear against the bull ape's side and plunged the sharppoint deep into the savage heart. Korak had not needed her aid, forthe great bull had been already as good as dead, with the blood gushingfrom his torn jugular; but Korak rose smiling with a word ofapprobation for his helper.

  How tall and fine she was! Had she changed suddenly within the fewhours of his absence, or had his battle with the ape affected hisvision? He might have been looking at Meriem through new eyes for themany startling and wonderful surprises his gaze revealed. How long ithad been since he had found her in her father's village, a little Arabgirl, he did not know, for time is of no import in the jungle and so hehad kept no track of the passing days. But he realized, as he lookedupon her now, that she was no longer such a little girl as he had firstseen playing with Geeka beneath the great tree just within thepalisade. The change must have been very gradual to have eluded hisnotice until now. And what was it that had caused him to realize it sosuddenly? His gaze wandered from the girl to the body of the deadbull. For the first time there flashed to his understanding theexplanation of the reason for the girl's attempted abduction. Korak'seyes went wide and then they closed to narrow slits of rage as he stoodglaring down upon the abysmal brute at his feet. When next his glancerose to Meriem's face a slow flush suffused his own. Now, indeed, washe looking upon her through new eyes--the eyes of a man looking upon amaid.

  Akut had come up just as Meriem had speared Korak's antagonist. Theexultation of the old ape was keen. He strutted, stiff-legged andtruculent about the body of the fallen enemy. He growled and upcurvedhis long, flexible lip. His hair bristled. He was paying no attentionto Meriem and Korak. Back in the uttermost recesses of his littlebrain something was stirring--something which the sight and smell ofthe great bull had aroused. The outward manifestation of thegerminating idea was one of bestial rage; but the inner sensations werepleasurable in the extreme. The scent of the great bull and the sightof his huge and hairy figure had wakened in the heart of Akut a longingfor the companionship of his own kind. So Korak was not aloneundergoing a change.

  And Meriem? She was a woman. It is woman's divine right to love.Always she had loved Korak. He was her big brother. Meriem aloneunderwent no change. She was still happy in the companionship of herKorak. She still loved him--as a sister loves an indulgentbrother--and she was very, very proud of him. In all the jungle therewas no other creature so strong, so handsome, or so brave.

  Korak came close to her. There was a new light in his eyes as shelooked up into them; but she did not understand it. She did notrealize how close they were to maturity, nor aught of all thedifference in their lives the look in Korak's eyes might mean.

  "Meriem," he whispered and his voice was husky as he laid a brown handupon her bare shoulder. "Meriem!" Suddenly he crushed her to him.She looked up into his face, laughing, and then he bent and kissed herfull upon the mouth. Even then she did not understand. She did notrecall ever having been kissed before. It was very nice. Meriem likedit. She thought it was Korak's way of showing how glad he was that thegreat ape had not succeeded in running away with her. She was gladtoo, so she put her arms about The Killer's neck and kissed him againand again. Then, discovering the doll in his belt she transferred itto her own possession, kissing it as she had kissed Korak.

  Korak wanted her to say something. He wanted to tell her how he lovedher; but the emotion of his love choked him and the vocabulary of theMangani was limited.

  There came a sudden interruption. It was from Akut--a sudden, lowgrowl, no louder than those he had been giving vent to the while hepranced about the dead bull, nor half so loud in fact; but of a timbrethat bore straight to the perceptive faculties of the jungle beastingrained in Korak. It was a warning. Korak looked quickly up fromthe glorious vision of the sweet face so close to his. Now his otherfaculties awoke.
His ears, his nostrils were on the alert. Somethingwas coming!

  The Killer moved to Akut's side. Meriem was just behind them. Thethree stood like carved statues gazing into the leafy tangle of thejungle. The noise that had attracted their attention increased, andpresently a great ape broke through the underbrush a few paces fromwhere they stood. The beast halted at sight of them. He gave awarning grunt back over his shoulder, and a moment later comingcautiously another bull appeared. He was followed by others--bothbulls and females with young, until two score hairy monsters stoodglaring at the three. It was the tribe of the dead king ape. Akut wasthe first to speak. He pointed to the body of the dead bull.

  "Korak, mighty fighter, has killed your king," he grunted. "There isnone greater in all the jungle than Korak, son of Tarzan. Now Korak isking. What bull is greater than Korak?" It was a challenge to anybull who might care to question Korak's right to the kingship. Theapes jabbered and chattered and growled among themselves for a time.At last a young bull came slowly forward rocking upon his short legs,bristling, growling, terrible.

  The beast was enormous, and in the full prime of his strength. Hebelonged to that almost extinct species for which white men have longsought upon the information of the natives of the more inaccessiblejungles. Even the natives seldom see these great, hairy, primordialmen.

  Korak advanced to meet the monster. He, too, was growling. In hismind a plan was revolving. To close with this powerful, untired bruteafter having just passed through a terrific battle with another of hiskind would have been to tempt defeat. He must find an easier way tovictory. Crouching, he prepared to meet the charge which he knew wouldsoon come, nor did he have long to wait. His antagonist paused onlyfor sufficient time to permit him to recount for the edification of theaudience and the confounding of Korak a brief resume of his formervictories, of his prowess, and of what he was about to do to this punyTarmangani. Then he charged.

  With clutching fingers and wide opened jaws he came down upon thewaiting Korak with the speed of an express train. Korak did not moveuntil the great arms swung to embrace him, then he dropped low beneaththem, swung a terrific right to the side of the beast's jaw as heside-stepped his rushing body, and swinging quickly about stood readyover the fallen ape where he sprawled upon the ground.

  It was a surprised anthropoid that attempted to scramble to its feet.Froth flecked its hideous lips. Red were the little eyes. Bloodcurdling roars tumbled from the deep chest. But it did not reach itsfeet. The Killer stood waiting above it, and the moment that the hairychin came upon the proper level another blow that would have felled anox sent the ape over backward.

  Again and again the beast struggled to arise, but each time the mightyTarmangani stood waiting with ready fist and pile driver blow to bowlhim over. Weaker and weaker became the efforts of the bull. Bloodsmeared his face and breast. A red stream trickled from nose andmouth. The crowd that had cheered him on at first with savage yells,now jeered him--their approbation was for the Tarmangani.

  "Kagoda?" inquired Korak, as he sent the bull down once more.

  Again the stubborn bull essayed to scramble to his feet. Again TheKiller struck him a terrific blow. Again he put the question,kagoda--have you had enough?

  For a moment the bull lay motionless. Then from between battered lipscame the single word: "Kagoda!"

  "Then rise and go back among your people," said Korak. "I do not wishto be king among people who once drove me from them. Keep your ownways, and we will keep ours. When we meet we may be friends, but weshall not live together."

  An old bull came slowly toward The Killer.

  "You have killed our king," he said. "You have defeated him who wouldhave been king. You could have killed him had you wished. What shallwe do for a king?"

  Korak turned toward Akut.

  "There is your king," he said. But Akut did not want to be separatedfrom Korak, although he was anxious enough to remain with his own kind.He wanted Korak to remain, too. He said as much.

  The youth was thinking of Meriem--of what would be best and safest forher. If Akut went away with the apes there would be but one to watchover and protect her. On the other hand were they to join the tribe hewould never feel safe to leave Meriem behind when he went out to hunt,for the passions of the ape-folk are not ever well controlled. Even afemale might develop an insane hatred for the slender white girl andkill her during Korak's absence.

  "We will live near you," he said, at last. "When you change yourhunting ground we will change ours, Meriem and I, and so remain nearyou; but we shall not dwell among you."

  Akut raised objections to this plan. He did not wish to be separatedfrom Korak. At first he refused to leave his human friend for thecompanionship of his own kind; but when he saw the last of the tribewandering off into the jungle again and his glance rested upon thelithe figure of the dead king's young mate as she cast admiring glancesat her lord's successor the call of blood would not be denied. With afarewell glance toward his beloved Korak he turned and followed the sheape into the labyrinthine mazes of the wood.

  After Korak had left the village of the blacks following his lastthieving expedition, the screams of his victim and those of the otherwomen and children had brought the warriors in from the forest and theriver. Great was the excitement and hot was the rage of the men whenthey learned that the white devil had again entered their homes,frightened their women and stolen arrows and ornaments and food.

  Even their superstitious fear of this weird creature who hunted with ahuge bull ape was overcome in their desire to wreak vengeance upon himand rid themselves for good and all of the menace of his presence inthe jungle.

  And so it was that a score of the fleetest and most doughty warriors ofthe tribe set out in pursuit of Korak and Akut but a few minutes afterthey had left the scene of The Killer's many depredations.

  The youth and the ape had traveled slowly and with no precautionsagainst a successful pursuit. Nor was their attitude of carelessindifference to the blacks at all remarkable. So many similar raidshad gone unpunished that the two had come to look upon the Negroes withcontempt. The return journey led them straight up wind. The resultbeing that the scent of their pursuers was borne away from them, sothey proceeded upon their way in total ignorance of the fact thattireless trackers but little less expert in the mysteries of woodcraftthan themselves were dogging their trail with savage insistence.

  The little party of warriors was led by Kovudoo, the chief; amiddle-aged savage of exceptional cunning and bravery. It was he whofirst came within sight of the quarry which they had followed for hoursby the mysterious methods of their almost uncanny powers ofobservation, intuition, and even scent.

  Kovudoo and his men came upon Korak, Akut and Meriem after the killingof the king ape, the noise of the combat having led them at laststraight to their quarry. The sight of the slender white girl hadamazed the savage chief and held him gazing at the trio for a momentbefore ordering his warriors to rush out upon their prey. In thatmoment it was that the great apes came and again the blacks remainedawestruck witnesses to the palaver, and the battle between Korak andthe young bull.

  But now the apes had gone, and the white youth and the white maid stoodalone in the jungle. One of Kovudoo's men leaned close to the ear ofhis chief. "Look!" he whispered, and pointed to something that dangledat the girl's side. "When my brother and I were slaves in the villageof The Sheik my brother made that thing for The Sheik's littledaughter--she played with it always and called it after my brother,whose name is Geeka. Just before we escaped some one came and struckdown The Sheik, stealing his daughter away. If this is she The Sheikwill pay you well for her return."

  Korak's arm had again gone around the shoulders of Meriem. Love racedhot through his young veins. Civilization was but a half-rememberedstate--London as remote as ancient Rome. In all the world there werebut they two--Korak, The Killer, and Meriem, his mate. Again he drewher close to him and covered her willing lips with his
hot kisses. Andthen from behind him broke a hideous bedlam of savage war cries and ascore of shrieking blacks were upon them.

  Korak turned to give battle. Meriem with her own light spear stood byhis side. An avalanche of barbed missiles flew about them. Onepierced Korak's shoulder, another his leg, and he went down.

  Meriem was unscathed for the blacks had intentionally spared her. Nowthey rushed forward to finish Korak and make good the girl's capture;but as they came there came also from another point in the jungle thegreat Akut and at his heels the huge bulls of his new kingdom.

  Snarling and roaring they rushed upon the black warriors when they sawthe mischief they had already wrought. Kovudoo, realizing the dangerof coming to close quarters with these mighty ape-men, seized Meriemand called upon his warriors to retreat. For a time the apes followedthem, and several of the blacks were badly mauled and one killed beforethey succeeded in escaping. Nor would they have gotten off thus easilyhad Akut not been more concerned with the condition of the woundedKorak than with the fate of the girl upon whom he had always looked asmore or less of an interloper and an unquestioned burden.

  Korak lay bleeding and unconscious when Akut reached his side. Thegreat ape tore the heavy spears from his flesh, licked the wounds andthen carried his friend to the lofty shelter that Korak had constructedfor Meriem. Further than this the brute could do nothing. Nature mustaccomplish the rest unaided or Korak must die.

  He did not die, however. For days he lay helpless with fever, whileAkut and the apes hunted close by that they might protect him from suchbirds and beasts as might reach his lofty retreat. Occasionally Akutbrought him juicy fruits which helped to slake his thirst and allay hisfever, and little by little his powerful constitution overcame theeffects of the spear thrusts. The wounds healed and his strengthreturned. All during his rational moments as he had lain upon the softfurs which lined Meriem's nest he had suffered more acutely from fearsfor Meriem than from the pain of his own wounds. For her he must live.For her he must regain his strength that he might set out in search ofher. What had the blacks done to her? Did she still live, or had theysacrificed her to their lust for torture and human flesh? Korak almosttrembled with terror as the most hideous possibilities of the girl'sfate suggested themselves to him out of his knowledge of the customs ofKovudoo's tribe.

  The days dragged their weary lengths along, but at last he hadsufficiently regained his strength to crawl from the shelter and makehis way unaided to the ground. Now he lived more upon raw meat, forwhich he was entirely dependent on Akut's skill and generosity. Withthe meat diet his strength returned more rapidly, and at last he feltthat he was fit to undertake the journey to the village of the blacks.