A bud hath flowered, within? a blue eye

  Within an embrace unto her I smile.

  A breath to the ear, the time for a tea

  With a soft melody while poetry reads.

  So soft is her voice- shivering me

  Whispering warmth passionately.

  Her mystical lips caress the words

  And bring them to life as I've never heard.

  The book upon shelf, syllables softly

  Dance within brilliance of philosophies.

  Never could a mind so capture a heart

  A sharing of souls thus never to part.

  So caustic the breeze which enters a home

  To take one away, to leave one alone.

  But with a late eve a blossom hath sailed

  A glance in the night, a vision beheld.

  They're a lovely pink as the carnation

  And lusciously full, a soft temptation.

  Sending a whisper that graces the air

  Gentle the dove a passion to share...

  Darkness, and she, she has fallen asleep.

  Her dark hair carelessly upon my chest.

  Her slow breathing- soft, sweet, and innocent.

  Who am I to bring harm unto a heart?

  Oh my sleepy one, rest, rest your heavy eyes as I contemplate these the feelings I so avert. Your warmth lies kindly upon, thus sending shivers within, but my slightly heavy breathing is not what disturbs me so. No, one must delve deeper to find this which trembles the fibers of my fidelity.

  Few a night we now have been, together, lying in darkness and moving to the sultry rhythm of our hearts. But now there is silence, a sweet sigh, sleeping innocence. A tenuous song whispers of the arriving dawn, and with, evident truths weigh the heavy on my thoughts. It is but the hours to your awakening, but my silent tears reveal that I wish you not to leave. With the gentle moments of your sleep, we've been freed from our painted words, from our evening guise, and now I hopelessly gaze at your still frame lying in esteemed innocence, emanating the natural splendor of the beauty you possess. But oh how I weep! For with the ending of your sleep you'll heed my false words of apathy, and with a kiss, you'll depart unaware of my feelings for you. Still, I must remain silent! For a false love will fade as a passing flutter of lash or a sudden scent of breeze. No, too many times cupid's dart has fallen harmlessly to the foot of impenetrable solitude, away I watch them flee with teary eye or hardened heart. Oh my sleeping angel, I will not sadden your eyes and taint your loving heart with ill capriciousness or confused dreams of love. But what of these warm passions you send shivering? These confused feelings of love met with morning memories of past betrayal? These silent lips shall refrain from utterance. We lie together, but I've nothing to give except for a fragile heart in need of tenderness. Your eyes, fluttering truth, with the birds bring about the morn. Thus I shall close my heart as you blossom to another day, and my love, silent, shall remain.

  Gently falling the refreshing rain

  Oh please, cleanse my mind, take me away.

  So off, I'm off, I'm ready to flee

  From love unrequited and melancholy.

  But now I'm inside gazing out a window

  In a lonely place where the lonely go

  Though a wonderful place for the people in love

  Or the audacious ones with an ignorance to shove

  Into the ears of the undaunted fools

  Who sit there laughing upon their stools

  Out amid in an evening guise

  Where never a movement misses an eye.

  But I turn my head the silent away

  From all the pretentious games we play.

  A humble etching on a little stone

  'In memory of those who are dying alone'

  But when the light has dimmed from my days

  I see no need for a gathering place

  For the memory a far, far better urn

  Then musing the place of slithering worms.

  Yes, this a stone cast into the sea

  Along with all of our hopes and dreams.

  Thus I feel the cold of death's empty store.

  The humble stone rests upon the sea floor

  Away from the waves of anxiety

  Crashing the shores relentlessly

  With dreams of love, anticipating

  Oh the hours of waiting, waiting

  And the moments pass stagnant and slow

  Like drops of blood dripping below

  To form a dead pool with a silent sound

  Waiting the victim to fall to the ground.

  And slowly they weave, drops on the window

  The rain still falls I'm still sitting alone.

  I've turned away the weather seems colder

  Now a warmer hand is grasping my shoulder.

  Here I stand with a foot in the sea

  My head turned to one beckoning me

  But should I turn as I have turned before

  To stay with my stone upon the sea floor?


  The rain warms the winter evening...

  A kiss of lips and gaze of innocent eyes so sure

  They look back soft as the flight of bird.

  A whisper, a smile, a silent wish it never to end.

  In the passion of night, the vision dims.

  Oh, should I feel the guilt- admiring your flesh so?

  But I'm also of flesh though.

  Entangled together we're more I deem:

  The furthest dream, the truest notion

  The sweetest laughter, a deep emotion

  Undying passion, steadfast sincerity

  The greatest of love, breathtaking ecstasy.

  How can I explain the strength of love

  To one who has seen so little of ?

  And the flower, gave as a symbol

  Withering away by the window

  It's whispering, 'all fair must decline

  slowly to fade in moments of time.'

  Though as life this beauty will perish

  The love it represents I cherish.

  To strive to seek the essence of love

  And where it derives its power from.

  I confess, I'm drawn to nature's fair

  The sweetest blossom gracing the air

  And when I'm enveloped in her grace

  The wandering bee from place to place

  No longer has need to journey on

  for the precious it now rests upon.

  Ah, this is a natural splendor

  The flowing source of love's endeavors

  Misting comfort on a weary mind

  Streaming warmth where there is none to find.

  Oh how empty the pretentious hand

  Nor has vanity a mien to lend...

  And the flower, gave as a symbol

  Wilted, forgotten, by the window.

  But how to explain the strength of love?

  It is I who knows so little of ...

  A flower for a smile and a kiss for a heart to care.

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