Page 12 of Safe Word

Page 12

  Author: Teresa Mummert

  Her breathing was erratic and she was on the verge of a fully blown panic attack.

  “Well if you didn’t come back to fuck me, then tell me why you’re really here, because I know it wasn’t a coincidence. ” I crawled off her body and grabbed my jeans from the floor, tugging them on, then leaving the room before she moved.

  I walked to the fridge and grabbed a new beer. I popped the top off and threw it across the room, watching it strike the wall and come to rest on the rug by the front door.

  “You didn’t used to be so…” Her voice trailed off and I closed my eyes, trying to keep myself from lashing out at her again.

  “What? I didn’t used to stand up for myself? I used to let you walk all over me while you ran off with the whole fucking football team?” I slammed my bottle down on the counter causing it to foam up and froth over my hand.

  “They were my friends. ”

  “As I recall you and I used to be real good friends too. Did you used to grind against them while they pinned you against the lockers too? Or is that still a secret? Don’t want anyone to know you were slumming it with me. ”

  “I shouldn’t have lied about you, Cole, but everything I said about how I felt was real. ”

  “Doesn’t matter now. Whatever your motive is will come out sooner or later. This is bigger than your high school drama. ” I tipped my bottle to my lips and guzzled down the contents.

  “I shouldn’t have come,” Lily said before turning and going back into my room and curling up on the bed.

  “We agree on that. ” I looked up at the ceiling as I tried to focus on the here and now. I had to figure out what Lily was up to before I called back this lawyer asshole and asked for money. If he wasn’t who she said he was, years of planning would be for nothing. I glanced around the corner at Lily curled up on my bed. In another lifetime that image would have made me smile.

  Lily lived her life being afraid, just like Rose. She didn’t take chances unless forced by gunpoint. Something drove her back to me, and if I didn’t find out what it was soon, we might have another mess on our hands.

  My phone vibrated and I grabbed it, answering without looking at the number.


  “Tornado warning. ” Amber’s voice was shaking and I knew shit was about to hit the fan. The front door opened and the phone dropped from my ear as Whitey waltzed in, grinning from ear to ear. Danny followed, flanked by a small skinny man with jet-black hair. I slid my cell into my pocket as my mind raced.

  “What brings you guys back? Whitey was here just a little while ago. ” I struggled to keep my voice even.

  “Something has come up. I need you for a new job. Crank is going to take over from here. ” He nodded to the skinny man beside him, who looked like he hadn’t shaved in a month.

  “That her?” Crank asked, craning his neck to see into my room. I took a step over to block his view but it was too late.

  “I’ve got this under control. ” I widened my stance as Crank pulled off his leather jacket.

  “I know you do, but I have a bigger and better job for you. ” Danny smiled.

  “I’m gonna go try out the merchandise. ” Crank rubbed his hands together before stepping around me and heading toward my room. My entire body tensed as I tried to plan what to do next. Whitey cocked his head to the side as he watched my reaction.

  “You ain’t got a problem with that, do ya?” He let out a low chuckle and I wanted to bury my fist in his fucking face.

  I turned to Danny, putting on my best poker face.

  “As long as he doesn’t mind sloppy seconds. ” The guys laughed and my stomach turned as I heard Lily speaking to Crank in the distance. I knew it was against the rules to fuck with the girls. Lily was safe, but she wouldn’t know it and I wished I could tell her she had nothing to worry about.

  “What’s the job?” I asked, turning my attention back to Danny.

  “We need someone to oversee a large shipment coming in. Details to come. ”

  “Ouch! Fuck!” Crank yelled form my room and I spun around to see what was going on. He was straddling Lily with his fist cocked back. I didn’t have time to second guess as I sprinted to the bedroom and grabbed his arm, yanking him backward with all of my strength. He fell to the floor beside the bed, the wind knocked out of him.

  “I never said you could fuck her on my bed. That’s just fucking rude. ” I took a step back to let him know I wasn’t a threat as Whitey entered, gun in hand. Danny followed, his eyes going from Crank to me and finally landing on Lily.

  “All right. Pissing match is over. Get the fuck off the ground. ” Danny kicked Crank with his boot causing him to grunt in pain. “We don’t put our hands on the ladies. ” Danny’s eyes flicked to Lily. “Don’t worry. I’ll make sure he is sorry. ” He gave her a sickening smile before his expression went blank.

  “I think I should finish up this job. I can do both. ” I glanced over my shoulder at Lily, who looked frightened and was pushing herself against my wooden headboard. “We can’t send her back all fucked up. Those aren’t the rules. ”

  Danny thought over what I said as he stared down Lily.

  “There are no second chances. I’ll be in touch with details about the job. ” He turned to leave the bedroom with Whitey on his heels.

  “Don’t forget your junkie. ” I glared down at Crank as he pushed himself up from the floor and stumbled after them. Whitey grabbed his arm and pulled him along. I couldn’t help but feel a twinge of happiness, knowing that Crank would probably be floating in a river by morning.

  I waited for the door to latch before turning to look at Lily. She looked terrified, and I hoped she knew that I wouldn’t have let him hurt her. I was willing to fuck everything up in that moment to keep her safe. I held out my hand to her. Her eyes drifted from my fingers to eyes before she finally released her grip on the headboard and tentatively reached out to me. As her fingers slid over my palm, I closed my hand around hers. I pulled her toward me and her free arm flew around my neck as she buried her face against my chest. It was unusual being the one to comfort someone who was scared. I was the one who gave the nightmares.

  I released her fingers and put my hands in her hair, rubbing over it soothingly.

  “Shh…” I whispered as I pressed my lips to the top of her head. Her hands slid down my neck to my shoulders as she whimpered. Her nails pushed into my flesh as if she were clinging to her last morsel of hope. “I wouldn’t have let him hurt you,” I spoke into her hair. I felt a warm teardrop fall onto my chest and roll down over the ridges of my stomach. I pulled her back and tilted her chin up to look her in the eye. Her hands trailed down over my shoulders and slid down my stomach to the edge of my jeans. “Don’t…” I warned, struggling to keep my old feelings for her at bay.

  Her fingers slipped lower, cupping my cock from the outside of my jeans. A small growl escaped my throat as I grabbed her wrist and pushed my body against hers.

  “This what you want, Lily?” I cocked my head to the side and inched my face closer until our breath mingled. “Just because I won’t let someone else hurt you doesn’t mean I don’t want to. ” I took a step back as she stood beside my bed, dazed. “Remember how you fucking got here, Lily. I’m not your friend anymore. ”

  That was too close of a call with Danny, and I needed to keep on my toes and not let my feelings for Lily get us both killed.

  Chapter Seven

  So Fucking Perfect

  I cooked a late lunch and allowed Lily to watch television while I made a few phone calls and got myself set up for my new job with Danny. By the time I was finished, Lily was all but asleep on the couch.

  “Bored?” I asked as I sat down on the far end of the couch. She yawned and stretched like a cat before her eyes fell on me.

  “I thought being kidnapped would be more exciting. ”

thought about it. Interesting. ”

  She rolled her eyes and let out a sad laugh.

  “No. Not like that. I’ve thought of what it would be like to just run away from everything. ”

  “Again, you mean. ”

  She made a face before focusing her attention on her nails. The paint was chipped and she frowned as she peeled away little pieces of blue and let them flutter to the ground.

  “I didn’t run from you, Cole. ”

  I adjusted in my seat and took in a deep breath. I didn’t want to think of her worthless fucking stepfather who tried to take advantage of her every chance he got.

  “What are you running from now?” I leaned forward, resting my elbows on my knees so I could see her face better.

  “The past. ” She shrugged as she grabbed a clump of her brown hair and twisted it in her long fingers, inspecting it for split ends.

  “You picked a bad place to escape your past. ” Her eyes rose to mine and I winked at her, unable to stop myself from smiling. It was easy to fall back into conversation with her. We had a lot of unresolved issues, but before any of that we just had each other.

  “Why are you looking at me like that?” Rose asked as she twirled her hair between her fingers.

  “Like what?” I stepped closer to her, grabbing the belt loops on her jeans and pulling her body against mine.

  “I dunno. ” She chewed on her lip as she tried not to grin nervously.

  “I hate having to hide with you like this. ”

  Her smile quickly vanished, replaced with annoyance.

  “You know why we have to do this, Cole. ” Her head tilted to the side and she put her hand on her hip. I pulled her closer still.

  “I know. I just don’t see why you care what everyone else thinks. Who gives a fuck if people find out we’re together. No one will say shit to you, or I’ll make sure they don’t speak for a week. ”

  She rolled her eyes at my threats and laughed.

  “My mother would kill me if she knew. ”

  “Your mother hasn’t killed Craig” I shouldn’t have said it, but I found it insane that her mother, who would allow her own husband to molest Rose, would object to the boy from the wrong side of the tracks.

  “Why would you say that?” Rose pulled back from me and crossed her arms over her chest.

  “I didn’t mean it like that. Rose. Fuck. I just want to be able to walk down the fucking street with you without someone thinking you’re about to be attacked. ”

  “I know you aren’t the bad guy, Cole. Maybe if you stopped goofing off in class and actually applied yourself…”

  “This is about my education?” I laughed but I felt like I was on the verge of losing my mind. “What, I’m not smart enough? You know I have a higher IQ than anyone in this school. I don’t have a big enough…trust fund?”

  “We just have to wait until graduation. We can go wherever we want. And yes, it wouldn’t hurt for you to try a little and maybe be able to get a good job to help support us. ”

  “I love you, Rose. Doesn’t that mean anything?”

  “I don’t want this to go wrong for us. If I get grounded from you, I have nothing. ”

  “You have everything, Rose. You just need to open your eyes. ”

  “Where did you go, just now?” Lily asked as she tucked her legs underneath her.

  “I just have a lot on my mind. ” It struck me that I was the one who needed to open my eyes. I had been looking at the world through my own Rose-colored glasses. I had obsessed over her since I was a teenager, and now she was sitting on my couch. I only wish I knew why.

  “You want to talk about it?”

  I ran my hand over my face and chuckled as I shook my head.

  “You want to be my friend, Lily? You want me to feel guilty and open the front door for you?”

  “No. ” She sat back, offended.