Page 36 of Saving Faith

  new bills. She did a quick count. Tens of thousands. She put the lid back down.

  Sobel was standing outside the booth when she opened the door. He returned the box to the vault.

  "Can I see the sign-in register for this box?"

  He showed her the signature log. It was Ken Newman's handwriting; she knew it well. A murdered FBI agent and a box full of cash under an alias. God help them.

  "Did you find anything helpful?" Sobel asked.

  "I need this box impounded. Anyone shows up wanting to get inside, you're to call me immediately at these numbers." She handed him her card.

  "This is serious, isn't it?" Sobel suddenly looked very unhappy that he had been assigned to this branch.

  "I appreciate your help, Mr. Sobel. I'll be in touch."

  Reynolds returned to her car and drove as quickly as possible toward Anne Newman's house. She called from her car and confirmed the woman would be home. The funeral was scheduled to take place in three days.

  It would be a big affair, with top officials from the Bureau as well as law enforcement agencies from across the country attending. The funeral motorcade would be especially long and would pass between columns of somber, respectful federal agents and men and women in blue.

  The FBI buried its agents who died in the line of duty with the great honor and dignity they deserved.

  "What did you find out, Brooke?" Anne Newman wore a black dress, her hair was nicely styled, and there was a touch of makeup on her face.

  Reynolds could hear talk coming from the kitchen. There were two cars parked out front when she had arrived. Probably family or friends offering condolences. She also noted platters of food on the dining room table. Cooking and condolences seemed, ironically, to go hand in hand; grief was better digested on a full stomach, apparently.

  "I need to see records of your and Ken's bank accounts. Do you know where they are?"

  "Well, Ken always handled the finances, but I'm sure they're in his office." She led Reynolds down the hallway and they went into Ken Newman's home office.

  "Do you have more than one bank you deal with? ""No That much I do know. I always get the mail. It's just the one bank. And we only have a checking account, no savings. Ken said the interest they paid was a joke. He was really good about money. We own some good stocks, and the kids have their college accounts."

  While Anne looked for the records, Reynolds idly glanced around the room. Stacked on one bookshelf were numerous hard plastic containers in various colors. While she had noted the coins encased in clear plastic on her previous visit, she hadn't really focused on these.

  "What's in those containers?"

  Anne looked at where she was pointing. "Oh, those are Ken's sports cards. Coins too. He was really good at it. He even took a course and became certified to grade both cards and coins Just about every weekend he was at some show or another." She pointed up to the ceiling. "That's why there's a fire detector in here. Ken was really afraid of fire, in this room especially. All that paper and plastic.

  It could go up in a minute."

  "I'm surprised he found the time for collecting."

  "Well, he made the time. He really loved it."

  "Did you or the kids ever go with him?"

  "No. He never asked us to."

  Her tone made Reynolds drop that line of inquiry. "I hate to ask this, but did Ken have life insurance?"

  "Yes. A lot."

  "At least you won't have to worry about that. I know it's little enough consolation, but so many people never think about those things.

  Ken obviously wanted you all to be taken care of if anything happened to him. Acts of love often speak louder than words." Reynolds was sincere, yet that last statement had sounded so incredibly lame that she decided to shut her mouth on the subject.

  Anne pulled out a three-inch red notebook and handed it to Reynolds.

  "I think this is what you're looking for. There are more in the drawer. This is the most current one."

  Reynolds looked down at the binder. There was a laminated label affixed to the front flap of the notebook indicating that it contained checking account statements for the current year. She flipped it open.

  The statements were neatly labeled and organized chronologically by month, the most recent month on top.

  "The canceled checks are in the other drawer. Ken kept them divided by year."

  Damn! Reynolds kept her financial records stuffed in an assortment of drawers in her bedroom and even in the garage. Tax time at the Reynolds household was an accountant's worst nightmare.

  "Anne, I know you have company. I can look through these by myself."

  "You can take them with you if you want."

  "If you don't mind, I'll look at them here."

  "Okay. Would you like something to drink or eat? Lord knows we've got plenty of food. And I just put on a fresh pot of coffee."

  "Actually, coffee would be great, thanks. Just a little cream and sugar."

  Anne suddenly looked nervous. "You still haven't told me if you found out anything."

  "I want to make absolutely sure before I say anything. I don't want to be wrong." As Reynolds looked into the poor woman's face, she felt tremendous guilt. Here she was letting the man's wife unknowingly assist her in possibly tarnishing her husband's memory.

  "How are the kids holding up?" Reynolds asked, doing her best to shake this traitorous feeling.

  "How any children would be, I suppose. They're sixteen and seventeen, so they understand things better than a five-year-old would. But it's still hard. For all of us. Only reason I'm not still bawling is that I ran out of tears this morning. I sent them to school. I decided it couldn't be any worse than sitting around here while a parade of people came through talking about their dad."

  "You're probably right."

  "You can only do the best you can. I knew there was always the possibility. God, Ken was an agent for twenty-four years. The only time he ever got hurt on duty was when his car got a flat and he wrenched his back changing the tire." Anne smiled briefly at this memory. "He was even talking about retirement. Maybe moving away when the kids were both in college. His mother lives in South Carolina.

  She's getting to the age where she needs some family close by."

  Anne looked like she might start crying again. If she did, Reynolds wasn't sure she wouldn't join her, given her own mental state right now.

  "You have children?"

  "Boy and girl. Three and six."

  Anne smiled. "Oh, still babies."

  "I understand it gets tougher as they get older."

  "Well, let's put it this way, it gets more complex. You go from spitting, biting, potty-training, to battles over clothes, boys, money.

  About age thirteen they suddenly can't stand being around Mom and Dad.

  That one was tough, but they finally came back. Then you worry yourself sick over alcohol and cars and sex and drugs."

  Reynolds managed a weak smile. "Gee, I can't wait. ""How long have you been with the Bureau?"

  "Thirteen years. Joined after one incredibly boring year as a corporate

  "It's a dangerous business."

  Reynolds stared at her. "It certainly can be."

  "You're married?"

  "Technically, yes, but in a couple of months, no."

  "Sorry to hear that."

  "Believe me, it's best all around."

  "You're keeping the children?"


  "That's good. Children belong with their mothers, I don't care what the politically correct folk say."

  "In my case, I wonder-I work long, unpredictable hours. All I know is that my children belong with me."

  "You say you have a law degree?"

  "From Georgetown."

  "Lawyers make good money. And it's not nearly as dangerous as being an FBI agent."

  "I suppose not." Reynolds finally realized where this was going.

  "You might want to think about a career change. Too many
nuts out there now. And too many guns. When Ken started at the Bureau, there weren't kids just out of diapers running around with machine guns shooting people down like they were in some damn cartoon."

  Reynolds had no answer for that. She just stood there hugging the notebook to her chest, thinking of her kids.

  "I'll bring your coffee."

  Anne closed the door behind her and Reynolds sank into the nearest chair. She was having a sudden vision of her body being put inside a black pouch while the palm reader delivered the bad news to her bereaved children. I told your mother so. Shit! She shook off these thoughts and opened the notebook. Anne returned with her coffee, and then, left to herself, Reynolds made considerable progress. What she found out was very disturbing.

  For at least the last three years, Ken Newman had made deposits, all in cash, to his checking account. The amounts were small-a hundred dollars here, fifty there-and they were made at random times. She pulled out the log Sobel had given her and ran her eye down the dates Newman had visited the safe-deposit box. Most of them corresponded with the dates he had also deposited cash into his checking account.

  Visit the box, put fresh cash in, take some old cash out and deposit it in the family bank account, she surmised. She also figured he would have gone to another bank branch to deposit the money. He couldn't very well take cash out of his box as Frank Andrews and deposit it as Ken Newman, all at the same branch.

  It all added up to a significant amount of money, yet not a vast fortune. The thing was, the total balance of the checking account was never very large because there were always checks written on the account that depleted this balance. Newman's FBI payroll checks were on direct deposit, she noted. And there were numerous checks written to a stock brokerage firm. Reynolds found those records in another file drawer and quickly determined that while Newman was far from wealthy, he'd had a nice stock portfolio going, and the records showed he religiously added to it. With the long bull market still steaming along, his investments had grown considerably.

  Except for the cash deposits, what she was looking at wasn't really that unusual. He had saved money and invested it well. He wasn't wealthy, but he was comfortable. Dividends from the investment account were also deposited to the Newmans' checking account, further muddling the income picture. Simply put, it would be difficult to conclude that there was anything suspicious about the agent's finances unless one really took a very close look. And