Page 23 of After the Fall

  "Pfft. Please. You and I and the rest of the world know that's not true. Angels and fae aren't meant to be together. Two different realms? Come on! It would never work."

  "You were willing to do it anyway ... before."

  "Yeah. Maybe because I was lonely. Maybe because I thought he was the only person alive who could love me for who I am, faults and all."

  "He's not."

  I squeezed Spike's arm and stomped my foot in frustration. "I know! I know that now." My voice softened. "But only because of Lars."

  Spike looked from me over to the demon who just stood there, staring at us, saying nothing with no expression on his face. His arms hung at his sides, not threatening but not begging either.

  "So you want to set him free because he told you how I felt."

  "Yeah. Because he kind of allowed you to set me free." The tears came to my eyes unbidden, and my throat closed up a little as I tried to keep myself from crying. "I found out that when someone loves you, like really loves you, no matter what you do, no matter how many stupid mistakes you make or shitty things you say, it sets you free. I feel like I can fly now. Like nothing is holding me back anymore, Spike."

  "Me loving you does that?" he asked, sounding as if he couldn't believe it.

  "Yeah. It does. I know it sounds stupid, but it's true."

  He reached up to brush away the stray hairs from around my face. "It's not stupid. It's who you are; and I like that person or that fae or whatever you are."

  I smiled. "I know that. I feel it. And I feel the same way about you."

  He let out one little laugh and said, "Are we going to say the words now?"

  I raised my eyebrows. "The L-word? Hell no. Not in a dragon's pantry we're not."

  He grabbed me in a hug. "Oh, Jayne. You're so damn cool. I'm so glad that dick told you my secrets."

  "Does this mean I can let him go?" I asked into Spike's shirt where he'd smooshed my mouth and nose.

  "Yeah. But I'm going to leave you to it, because I still feel like punching him in the face."

  I shoved Spike away. "Punching your fairy godfather in the face is a really bad idea," I said, smiling as I put the key in the lock.

  Spike chuckled, walking back to the others to leave me alone with Lars.

  The gate to Lars' cell swung open, and he stepped out, facing me. I didn't think about it, I just did it. I grabbed him into a hug, ignoring the sharp parts of his hide that jabbed into me and the smell of unwashed demon that reminded me of a pair of well-used gym socks.

  At first he just stood there, but eventually he let out a long breath and lifted up an arm to pat me on the back. "You honor me," he said simply.

  I pulled away and looked up into his eyes. They were so dark I felt like I was looking into a black hole out in space somewhere. "No," I shook my head, "you honor me. You did something bad, and you could have ruined not only Spike's life but mine too; but you didn't. You saw a fork in the road, and you took the high road instead of the low road. I owe you my love-life, and I'm starting to realize that without love, life isn't even worth living."

  Lars reached up and patted my shoulder. "You are very wise for someone so young. I believe you are right. This is a lesson it took me many lifetimes to finally learn, but I know that I am ready now. When my time comes, I will make the right choices. You have given me the strength to keep persevering."

  "What are you going to do now?" I asked, sighing heavily at the idea of a lifetime of pain and punishment a fae or person has to go through to get to where Lars was - and he still wasn't free yet.

  "I will take your advice and go to a different part of the realm. Perhaps I can find some like-minded demons and make a life for myself that is devoid of much of the pain that I have experienced here."

  "I hope so. Listen, I have to go now. Are you going to be okay?"

  "Yes. Would you like to know how to get where you need to be?" he asked.

  I felt like whacking myself in the forehead. "Uh, yeah. That would be awesome. First, I need to go get my friend Samantha. She's a witch being held by a silver elf named Maléna. And then I need to go talk to the dragon. The Dark's mate."

  "You wish to speak to Biad?"

  "Yeah, that's her name."

  Lars tilted his head to the side. "Your goal is to be eaten in the Underworld?"

  "No, I'm not going to be eaten. I'm just going to talk to her."

  "She is not one for talking. She is usually just one for eating. Her appetite is legendary."

  I frowned, not sure if I was happy about having that piece of intel. I probably could have lived happier without it, ignorance being bliss and all. "Whatever. I'll do my best not to be her next snack. Can you tell me where to find Samantha?"

  "Yes. If she is with the one you call Maléna and her consort Leck, you will most likely find them in the chamber below this one. You must go through that small room in which you saw the orcs, turn right, follow the winding tunnel down, and then take the first tunnel branching off to the right. It will open into a large room much like this one."

  I held out my fist for a bump. "Thanks, dude. I owe you one."

  He looked down at my hand, at a loss for what I wanted. I gestured with my chin, urging him to do the same. Once he was ready, I leaned in, touching my knuckles to his gently. "Keep it real, Lars."

  "Yes, I will keep it to reality. And you do the same."

  I laughed, spinning on my heel to join my friends, leaving him behind to figure out how he was leaving this place and when. Spike and the rest of them were waiting for me at the orc guard station, discussing strategy.

  "I found out where they're keeping Sam," I said, arriving on the scene. "And Spike and I know where the dragons' landing pad is, so I think we're set."

  "Where's Samantha?" asked Jared, a note of urgency in his voice.

  "She's one level below us. Come on ... Lars gave me directions."

  We went into the guard room where we each stopped and gathered whatever weapons we thought we could use. I grabbed my sword and Blackie, putting the dragon fang back in its sheath. It was my last-ditch-effort weapon in this realm for sure, so there was no point in carrying it in my hand. Jared, Niles, Finn, and Spike each grabbed an orc club. The weapons were lumpy and nasty, just like their owners. I deliberately ignored the testicles on the floor, but unfortunately, Tim didn't.

  "Hey, guys! Check out the nads on the ground over here!"

  "You ready to go?" I asked everyone with fake cheer, trying to urge them to the door. It was a battle of wills between Tim and me. Who could capture the attention of our friends? Would the castration of orcs be revealed for all to see?

  Whenever Tim sensed himself losing his audience, he'd do a flip or other midair acrobatic move to bring their attention back to the mayhem I'd left in my wake. I finally had to drop my sword and start coughing and gasping to get them to leave the mess and come into the hallway with me. I put my hand up once they were all there, holding off their concern. "I'm fine now. Let's go." I started down the tunnel, not even looking back.

  Tim came flying up to sit on my shoulder. "Nicely played, berserker. You have more than one hidden talent, I see."

  "Better watch yourself, pixieman, before I start slicing and dicing again." I kept my laughter inside, but it was tough. When he flew out in front of me with his hands cupped over his crotch, a snort escaped.

  "You keep your hack-o-matic to yourself, there, young lady. I'll have you know that I will protect my family jewels at all costs, including pixying your big white butt. So think twice before you wreck yourself."

  "I think I'm supposed to check myself before I wreck myself."

  "Whatever. Just keep my man-fruit out of your murderous equations."

  "Ew, Tim. That's just gross."

  Jared came up beside me. "Maybe you should keep it down a little, since I'm not sure we're in the clear yet."

  I nodded, giving him an apologetic look. I didn't even want to see what Niles was doing behind me - probably listing all the re
asons I should be put down for my own good and the good of the team.

  We followed the contours of the tunnel and found our way to the chamber below the dragon's pantry. Its large wooden door was mostly closed, the crack big enough for my head to fit through, but that was it. We approached cautiously, and I noticed right away there was a cool breeze coming in from the room to the space in the tunnel where we were gathered. Voices were coming from inside, but I couldn't hear what they were saying.


  JARED MOTIONED FOR TIM TO come close. I held out my hand and Tim alighted in my palm, pointing a warning finger at me that nearly had me laughing again. I was pretty sure it meant, Don't chop off my balls.

  "Tim, can you go in there and let us know what we're getting into?"

  Tim saluted. "Aye-aye, Captain! Your wish is my command!" He grinned like a lunatic.

  "I'll take that as a yes," said Jared, forcing himself not to smile, but not completely succeeding.

  Tim flew up and through the space in the door. I expected to have time to fully catch my breath and calm myself before he was back, but less than five seconds had passed before he returned. He landed on my shoulder, gesticulating wildly.

  "There's a spell on the room. No one can go in there. I almost got trapped again. It's that same binding spell that was near the door to the void before. You remember, Jayne ... the one you had to blow your way out of."

  I resisted the urge to growl at him and shove him into my armpit. "Tim says there's a binding spell in there that'll snare anyone entering."

  "How'd he get in and out, then?" asked Finn.

  "Tell him I felt the vibration in my wings. I ignored it last time, but I won't this time."

  "He felt it in his wings."

  "Tim ... can you go back in and try to figure out the boundaries of the spell? And also tell us who's in there and what they're talking about."

  "Of course. I live to serve! ... To sacrifice my life in the service of others! To ..."

  "Tim, could you do this today, maybe?" I asked, cutting him off.

  "Thhhppbbttt!" and a squeak from Tim's butt were the last things I heard before he disappeared into the room again.

  We waited in tense silence, standing on either side of the door, all of our eyes glued to the opening.

  Tim came through a few very long minutes later, flying over to sit on my shoulder, his words flowing out in a rush. "Okay, so we have four fae inside and that's it. Leck, Maléna, Ben and Samantha. The boundaries of the spell are actually a lot narrower than I thought. They are only in front of this door and one on the other side of the room."

  "You went all the way around the room?" I whispered, pissed he'd taken such a risk.

  Tim sniffed haughtily. "I completed my mission, if that's what you're asking."

  I rolled my eyes, shaking my head. "You're nuts."

  "Aaaanywho, Jayne, if you will please fill in the others while I try and remember everything they were saying in there, that'd be extra special."

  I looked at Jared. "He says there are four fae in there: Ben, Maléna, Leck and Samantha. The boundaries of the spell are just at this door and one on the other side of the room. I guess if we can get past it here, we can move around the room without a problem."

  Tim nodded. "Oh, and they were talking about their troops and friends."

  "What troops and friends?" I asked. I looked at Jared. "That's what they were talking about."

  "Maléna and Leck seem to be filling Ben in on their progress, and he's getting angry about something, but I couldn't tell what."

  "Ben's angry. That's ... interesting. What about Samantha? What's she doing?"

  "She's just sitting there with her standard scowl. Very sexy."

  "Does she look like she's in on it or a prisoner?"

  Jared frowned at me, so I shrugged. It didn't hurt to be sure.

  "I can't tell. She just sat there saying nothing. Leck mentioned a spell they needed her to do, but she didn't respond."

  "So what's the dang plan, then," said Finn. "We're spendin' too much time yappin' and not enough time doin' as far as I'm concerned."

  Niles grunted his agreement.

  "Well, we have to assume Samantha won't act against us." Jared looked at me before continuing. "And Leck has no powers he can use against us ..."

  I held up a finger. "Uh, except the brain-melting thing. He can do that, and I'm here to tell you that it's pretty damn effective at making you do almost anything in order to make it stop."

  "Samantha can block him from affecting us that way. She knows the incantation. And Maléna is basically defenseless too. The only thing they have on us is orc muscle, and I'm confident we can take any orcs down if they show up."

  I glanced at the weapons my friends held, hoping they were as handy with a club as they were with a knife or axe. I flexed my forearm muscle by squeezing my sword's handle. "So let's do this," I said, anxious to get it over with. "Tim, how much space between the door and the spell?"

  "You have about the length of your sword before you come into contact. If you walk out and side-step about two sword-lengths, you should be able to avoid it. Stop immediately if you feel a noose tightening anywhere on your body."

  I repeated Tim's instructions and his warning, and everyone nodded in response. I caught Spike's eye, and he winked at me.

  "Alright ... Niles first, then me, then Finn, Spike, and Jayne. We fan out and just approach them straight-on. I don't think sneaking around is going to work, am I right, Tim?"

  Tim nodded. "Kind of difficult to sneak around an open space."

  I amplified Tim's words. "He says it's wide open, no sneaking possible."

  Everyone moved together towards the entrance, stopping just at the edge of the door. I looked down at Niles and wished him good luck silently. He nodded once and then disappeared from the room.

  One-by-one, we left the safety of the outer hallway and entered the room where the fae who'd sold us out waited. Hopefully there was also a fae in there expecting a rescue - one who'd traded her allegiance to them for one with us. Samantha had seemed so genuine when I was with her in that cage and at Maggie's, and I truly believed she cared about Jared. But I knew better than anyone how convincing Ben could be when he was determined, and he sure as crap wanted Samantha's power on his side. Who knew what he'd been filling her head with while we were gone. It was probably a fifty-fifty chance that she was still with us.

  "Well, look who's joined the party," said Maléna, sounding very pleased with herself. I had hoped for fear or surprise from her at least, so this reaction just made me nervous.

  "Right on cue," said Leck, sneering directly at me.

  Tim was buzzing high above us, and I noticed none of the fae sitting in chairs set in a circle paid him any attention.

  Jared held out his arm to stop us from going any closer. "No one step into their circle," he said, watching Maléna very carefully.

  I looked over at Samantha, but could read nothing in her expression. She kept her gaze forward, saying nothing, only staring at Ben like she was trying to drill holes through him with her eyes.

  "You have nothing to fear from this circle," said Maléna, standing in front of her high-backed wooden chair. "You have already entered the one that matters."

  Jared spun around, and I followed his gaze to the edge of the room. Drawn on the floor was a soot-black ring, totally encircling the entire chamber. It had been drawn right over the threshold of the door, all of us stepping over it without even realizing it. I had no idea what this meant in real terms, but I knew in every witchy book I'd ever read that this is where their most powerful spells were cast. Fuck and doublefuck!

  "Let's begin, shall we?" said Maléna, gesturing for Leck to join her. Ben stood too, walking over to stand on her other side.

  "Ben!" I yelled, trying to get his attention. "What are you doing?"

  He looked at me, no emotion on his face. "Something that just needs to be done, Jayne. Don't worry. You'll be able to lea
ve when we're through."

  "I'm not worried about myself, I'm worried about the others. And you." It wasn't a total lie. Whatever he'd gotten himself into with Maléna and Leck, it couldn't be that bad or that far gone that he couldn't get out of it.

  He smirked. "You're worried about me? How sweet."

  "Ben, for once in your life, could you please not be an arrogant ass? Think about Tony and your friendship with him. Doesn't that mean anything to you?"

  A muscle in Ben's jaw twitched. "Tony would understand. He is rational and logical, and what we're doing here makes sense for everyone."

  "Then why isn't he here supporting you?"

  Ben said nothing. He just glared at me.

  "It's because you know he wouldn't approve, isn't it? So just walk away, Ben. Leave the two dipshits to drown in their own evil. You don't need to do this." I wasn't even sure what this was, but it couldn't be good. "You have an important role to play. You're going to be a portal guardian ... zzz companion." My weak finish wasn't that inspiring, but I could hardly make a bold statement about him being a portal guardian himself when that wasn't what he actually was doing as the dragon's partner.

  "What I do here isn't going to do anything to change that. I'll just be a different guardian's companion too. My role will be enhanced."

  I frowned. "You think you're going to be a companion to Biad?"

  "Yes. As soon as we're done here, that is the proposal that will be made and secured."

  "Iiiiii'm pretty sure that's not going to work," I said, looking around at my friends, soliciting their feedback. Everyone just stared back at me blankly or with shoulders shrugging.

  "Yes, it is. I am equally of the Hawthorne and the Blackthorne lines, Jayne. I can control both portals and both guardians. And not you or anyone else can stop me from accomplishing all that I've been working for ... all that we've been working for." He looked to his right, acknowledging his partners in crime.

  Leck's chin lifted a little, his arrogance making me want to barf.

  I shook my head at Ben, now understanding what he'd been getting at all this time. The dots finally connected for me, from all the way back to our talk in the diner when we'd first met to what he'd just said now. "So you think you're going to control the portals and then control the crossings of the dead and undead, freaking the humans out and forcing them to take us into their communities? You're going to be the ruler of the whole friggin world, the Here and Now, the Overworld, and the Underworld too?" I started laughing. "Oh, that's not just rich ... dude, that's fucking hilarious!" I looked around at all my friends, none of whom were joining me; but that didn't stop me from getting hysterical. I bent over double with the pain of overused abdominal muscles, trying to get a grip on myself before I peed my pants. My face was sore from the permanent smile it was stretched into.