Page 17 of Blood Thief Box Set

  Simon nodded his head as I took a seat on the couch. "Yes. Our objective is to commandeer an armored truck and its contents, and divert them to another location."

  Swift smirked. "So we're thieves now? I guess I can live with that for one night. Where's the truck headed?"

  "The old River Road along the cliffs. Do you know it?" Simon asked him.

  Swift nodded. "Yeah, I know it. So I do what? Provide you some cover from the escort?"

  Simon nodded at me. "You will ensure she is able to climb onto the armored truck, and then you will follow the vehicle."

  My jaw dropped open as Swift arched an eyebrow. "You sure that's a good idea? I don't mind a little rough loving, but I've got to drive, too."

  Simon turned to Swift. "She will be fine provided her stress is kept under a minimum. Her being with you will guarantee you do not do anything too 'stressful,' such as escaping."

  I stalked up to him and clenched my hands at my sides. "Are you nuts? This whole thing is going to be one giant stress-fest! There's no way I can control myself!"

  "You handled yourself in prior circumstances," he pointed out.

  I frowned, but relaxed my stance. "Those circumstances were different! We were getting out of danger, not heading into it!"

  Simon glanced at the windows to his right that overlooked the city. "Fortunately, in this circumstance you will not be alone."

  I followed his gaze and watched a glowing white orb float over the city skyline. The orb formed into a man, and Specter floated through the window into the penthouse.

  Our resident ghost coasted over to our group and looked around at us. "Traffic was murder out there. Have I missed anything?"

  Swift stumbled back over the coffee table and fell butt-first onto the floor. He pointed a shaking finger at Specter and stared at the ghost with wide eyes. "W-what the fuck is that?"

  Specter floated over to him and hovered over the terrified man. "Who's this live stiff?"

  Simon slyly smiled as he gestured to Swift. "He will be your driver for the evening."

  Swift cringed as Specter floated closer to him. The ghost frowned. "He's a little jumpy for this, isn't he?"

  Swift swallowed hard and glared at Specter. "I-I'm not scared, I-I just don't like see-through things, okay?"

  "I'm a ghost, not a thing," Specter corrected him.

  "Perhaps it would be best if you entered Faith's body," Simon suggested.

  Specter shrugged and turned to me. "I'm ready when you are."

  I pursed my lips, but nodded. Specter floated into my body and I felt his mind invade mine. I only hoped he didn't see anything-Wow. I had no idea vampire sex was that insane.

  I glared at the wall in front of me. Stay out of there.

  Staying, staying.

  Swift climbed to his feet and brushed himself off. His eyes flickered to Simon. "Why the fuck are we dealing with a spook?"

  Simon smiled. "To assist us in capturing our prize. Now if you are prepared, we will-"

  "Wait a minute," I spoke up as my narrowed eyes settled on Simon. "What's your part in this?"

  Simon nodded at Certus. "Certus and I will distract the escort vehicles and allow you time to commandeer the truck. If there are no further questions then we should be on our way."

  Learning the task Simon gave to himself left a bad taste in my mouth as we rode the elevator down to the garage. Swift's Shadow car sat in its spot, and nearby were two speedy-looking black sports cars.

  Swift and I climbed into Shadow and the engine roared to life.

  Nice ride.

  You talking in my head isn't going to help me concentrate I scolded Specter.

  But it is going to help distract you from the blood bag beside you he pointed out.

  I glanced over at Swift as he backed us out of the parking spot. His usually easy-going expression was tense as Certus and Simon led us out of the garage.

  "Is this car really that important to you?" I asked him.

  That familiar sly grin slipped onto his lips. "And leave my baby behind? No way. I put in too much time building this thing."

  "But isn't it Rufus's car?" I wondered.

  He shrugged. "He put up the cash and gave me the equipment to build it, so let's just say he was my sugar daddy, and I decided to dump him."

  I snorted. "I can see why your sister thinks you're a handful."

  He pursed his lips and stared ahead. His eyes hardened. "How'd she get mixed up with you guys, anyway?"

  I shrugged. "Simon and her go back. I just met her last night at the track."

  He grinned. "So you saw my show?"

  I nodded. "Yeah. You mentioned something about those rough customers back there not liking what you did."

  Swift frowned. "Yeah. Rufus and his guys got real sore with me for showing it off there. I wouldn't have done it if I knew they'd hacked the system and saw what I was doing through the cameras, but I wanted to show off my baby to my big sis." He stroked the center of the dashboard. "She's great, isn't she?"

  I opened my mouth to reply, but the movement of the two black cars in front of us caught my attention. I glared at the pair as they weaved in and out of traffic ahead of us.

  Swift followed my gaze and glanced between me and the car. "I'm kind of thinking you're mad at your boyfriend for some reason."

  I sank into my seat and frowned. "He's not my boyfriend, but yeah, I'm mad at him. He gets the easy job while I have to jump onto a moving vehicle."

  Swift winked at me. "I'll make it easy for you. As for them-" he nodded at the two black cars, "-they won't have it easy, either. The escort cars have the high ground. They can just stay put and wait out any attackers. The attackers have to figure out a way to get the escort cars out of formation and on a chase, or in the ditch."

  I glanced at him and arched an eyebrow. "You sound like you've done that before."

  He nodded. "Nothing official, just some stuff under the radar on both sides of the game."

  "So how do you think Simon and Certus will work this escort?" I asked him,

  Swift shrugged. "Hard to tell. They probably won't know themselves until they see what they're up against." He pursed his lips and shook his head. "These single-hit runs were always the worst. It was like groping around in the dark for plans. You could think of something, and then probably have to rework that to get the job done."

  I glanced around the interior. "How are we going to get this done?"

  He studied me out of the corners of his eyes. "That depends on what that ghostie inside of you is for."

  Specter poked himself out from my chest. "I'm here for the driver."

  "Aah!" Swift swerved the car and nearly ran into opposing traffic. He righted us and glared at Specter's head. "What the fuck are you doing that for?"

  Specter grinned before he pulled himself back into me. That guy needs to loosen up.

  "You need to stop harassing him," I returned.

  Swift blinked at me. "What's that about?"

  I shook my head. "It's nothing. Anyway, the ghost is for taking care of the driver, but I need to get him aboard the truck."

  He whistled. "Then you've got trouble ahead of you. Does your boyfriend always give you the fun jobs?"

  I sighed. "Yeah." I swept my eyes over the interior. "I don't even know how I'm going to get out of the car."

  Swift grinned. "I know just the thing." He pressed a button on the console. The roof peeled back and revealed a sun roof.

  I sat up and leaned back my head to stare at the clear night sky. "That could work."

  "You just climb out and use those sexy reflexes of yours to jump onto the back of the truck," Swift instructed me. "There should be some handles you can hold until your spook friend gets the job done."

  By this time our three quick cars were out of the busy downtown district and on the old River Road. A few lit houses reminded us some civilization was still around, but for the most part the city buildings were overtaken by thick patches of old-growth forest that skirted either
side of the road. The scent of bay water wafted through the sun roof and into the car.

  Simon and Certus were still in front of us when Swift sat up and leaned over the wheel. "Looks like it's show time."

  I followed his gaze and saw the red taillights of three vehicles as they navigated a turn on the windy road. We'd found our prey.


  Simon and Certus stepped on the gas, and Swift followed suit after he switched off our headlights. I grasped the car door handle and cringed. "Do we really have to go this fast?"

  He nodded at the vehicles. One of them was larger than the other two, but all three were coated in black paint. "That's what we're after. I'll get us close as soon as your boyfriend and his creepy helper get rid of the escorts."

  Swift and I could only watch as Simon and Certus pulled alongside the caravan of cars. The escort vehicles, one in front and another behind the armored truck, kept formation. Simon took the initiative and slammed the side of his car into the front escort. The car fishtailed until the driver regained control and tried to return the compliment. Simon pulled away and stepped on the gas. His antagonizing did the trick. The escort followed him away from the truck. Certus performed the same trick and we were left alone with the unknowing armored vehicle.

  Swift eased us within two yards of the truck. "Now's your time."

  The wind whistled over us as we took the corners at a clip greater than the recommended speed. I shrank down away from the sun roof. "I-I can't do this."

  Yes you can! Specter insisted.

  I shook my head. "I can't!"

  Swift reached over and grasped my hand. I looked at him, and he gave me a grin and a wink. "Of course you can. You've got my blood in you, remember? And with that you can do anything."

  His immodesty made me snort. "You're something, you know that?"

  He nodded. "Yep, and you're going to make something more of me by getting out there and jumping."

  Sounds reasonable enough Specter retorted.

  I swallowed my fear and stood on my shaky legs. I stuck my head out the sun roof and was met with a blast of cold air. My hair whipped behind me and a few bugs lodged themselves into my teeth. I leaned down and climbed over the sun roof and onto the thin gap between the windshield and hood. Swift sidled the car beside the rear of the truck so I only had three feet to jump to the bumper.

  Three long, deadly feet.

  With or without that idiot's blood, you can do this Specter encouraged me.

  I pursed my lips and lowered my body for the spring.

  Oh, and if you don't make this and we both become ghosts, I'm never speaking to you again.

  "Great vote of confidence. . ." I muttered.

  Just saying. You know, just in case.

  I took a deep breath and leapt the short distance. My leaping skills over-performed, and I ended up slamming into the rear doors of the armored truck. I got a foothold on the bumper and clung to the thick handles. My heart thumped so hard in my chest I thought it would slam the doors open. I performed a small prayer to the god of jumping and straightened.

  My turn.

  I watched Specter float from my body and drift through the thick doors. With my footing firm and my heart less firm against my rib cage, I risked standing on my tiptoes and peering over the top of the armored vehicle. The treacherous road ahead of us grew narrower as we traveled farther from the city, and I could just make out the tail lights of four vehicles as they duked it out.

  Specter's head shot out of the top of the cab. It was surreal to see his hair perfectly still while everything around him blew backwards. "We have a problem!"

  The truck swung to the left and slammed into its rear into the front of Swift's car. I clung to the top and gritted my teeth. "That's not what I want to hear!"

  "The driver's a vampire!"

  My mouth dropped open. "Seriously?" The outline of a fist slammed the top of the cab and created a large bump. That was as good an answer as any.

  Specter floated to the passenger side of the cab. "Now do you believe me?"

  "All right, but what do we do about it?" I shouted.

  Specter floated free of the car and slammed his transparent body into me. I nearly lost my grip as he melded with me and entered my mind. We fight him.

  "You're joking, right?" I asked him.

  Speak in your mind! And I'm not joking! he shouted.

  I winced. All right, don't give us both a heart attack.

  A car horn honked and I glanced over my shoulder at the Shadow car. Swift waved his hand through the sun roof. I pointed at the front of the truck. Swift pressed on the gas and flew past us. I leaned over the side and watched him sidle up to the driver's window.

  That's when the driver turned the wheel and slammed the side of the truck into Shadow. The car swerved away and I saw a sizable dent in the passenger door.

  We've got to get that vampire out of there!

  Like how? Ask nicely? I retorted.

  You ever seen those action movies where the person swings feet-first into the cab and knocks the driver out the other door?

  I snorted. Are you serious? That's your suggestion?

  Do you have a better one?

  I pursed my lips. There really weren't too many options, and the vampire had left a nice hand hold above him.

  Wish us luck I told him.

  I took a deep breath and climbed atop the truck. The slick roof and skittish driving swept me left and right. I lunged for and succeeded in grabbing the fist-shaped knob.

  I looked up at the coming road. The scenery around us was now changed. The forest still stood off to our left, but to our right were the tall cliffs of the bay. I shook my head and ignored the long, deadly drop.

  I scooted my feet so they hung over the driver's side of the cab.

  On my mark Specter offered.

  No countdown!

  What about a count up then?


  I took a deep breath and pushed off using my hands. I swooped through the window and into the cab. My feet connected to the side of the driver's face, and he tumbled to the other side of the interior. I landed neatly in his place, but at an angle so my feet still faced the passenger side window.

  The vampire didn't quite roll out as we'd hoped. His back hit the other car door and rattled the truck, but the door didn't open. Instead, the vampire driver lifted his head and his red eyes fell on me. A hiss escaped his pressed lips as he crawled towards me.

  I scooted back against the driver's door. "He didn't drop out!"

  I can see that! Just keep kicking him!

  I flailed my feet and grabbed the steering wheel as we careened down the road. A loud horn caught our attention, and the vampire and I looked through the windshield.

  A sharp corner was coming, and if we didn't make this one we were going to go for a swim.

  My eyes widened and I slid into the driver's seat. The vampire grabbed the steering wheel and tried to push me out of the way. We shoved each other as the truck careened towards our doom.

  Specter floated out of my body and shoved himself into the vampire's face. The undead jerked back, and I slammed my elbow into his gut. He doubled over and I turned the wheel and slammed on the brakes just as we reached the corner.

  The truck performed the turn on two wheels and a lot of prayer. All three of us leaned to the left and gritted our teeth as the glistening waters of the bay invited us for an eternal swim. Numerous fresh skid marks from the road to the edge of the cliff told me Simon and Certus were either good at their jobs, or this had been their last job. There was no doggy-paddling for me that night, though, as I navigated the corner and the truck dropped back onto all four tires. Swift drove in front pf us, and he honked his horn as a form of clapping.

  The vampire jumped at me and tried to shove me out the driver's door, so I gave him what he wanted. I fumbled for the handle and opened the door. I flew out, but kept a firm grip on the bottom of the open window. The vampire lost his balance when he lost me to s
hove, and he dropped out. He performed a few bounces before he tumbled to a stop.

  I swung back into the truck, slammed the door shut and took a deep breath. "If I ever get a hold of Simon I'm going to kill him."

  Specter floated back into me and chuckled. Maybe he'll give you a nice reward.

  I glared at the windshield. "I told you not to-" Something caught my attention. I glanced in the rear view mirror. The vampire stood up and raced after us, and he was just as fast as me. He pumped his arms and closed the gap between the truck and him.

  Behind you! Specter yelped.

  I gripped the steering wheel and slammed on the gas. "I can see that!"

  Even with the added speed the vampire kept gaining on us. We flew past a thick patch of woods with an abandoned road. Two black shadows flew from the darkness and tailed us. They looked like bad news that I didn't need to hear, or see.

  "You've got to be kidding me!" I yelled.

  That's not who you thin it is Specter spoke up. Just watch.

  The cars gained on the vampire and the pair of vehicles flanked him. The vampire looked from left to right, and I could see the whites of his red eyes widen. He threw up his arms just as the cars slammed into his sides.

  I looked away, but I couldn't drown out the horrible, pain-filled scream of the vampire. I risked a look in the mirror and watched the former driver disappear beneath the wheels of the left-hand car. What came out the back wasn't pleasant.

  The two cars sped up while I slowed down. The left-hand car took the lead in front of Swift while the other one guarded the rear. I didn't need three guesses to know it was Simon in that vehicle.

  He led us a few more miles down the road before we turned off onto an abandoned road. We stopped out of sight of the main road. I shut off the truck and dove out so I could kiss the gritty dirt. Mother Earth never felt so good.


  A shadow fell over me. I looked up and glared at the tense face of Simon. Specter floated out of me and glanced at both of us as our other two companions crowded around us.

  I jumped to my feet and jabbed a finger into Simon's chest. "What the hell were you thinking making me deal with a vampire?"

  He grasped my hand and shook his head. "If I had known the security team was comprised of other undead I would not have placed you in such a position."

  I leaned back and arched an eyebrow. "So you're saying you didn't know?"

  He nodded. "I am."

  "That's a first," Specter spoke up as he floated closer to us. He folded his arms and crossed his legs. "I thought you knew all the night businesses."