Page 2 of Two to Love

  “God, sweetheart, you feel perfect.” Nate’s head was back as he offered her his body.

  “Yes, you do,” Zane agreed, pressing against her back. His skin was warm against hers, so she knew he had gotten rid of his jeans and T-shirt. His hands slid from around her back and cupped her breasts. His thumbs stroked her nipples, and she could feel the press of hard flesh against the cheeks of her ass. Everything was beginning to whirl deliciously out of control, and Callie was going with it.

  “You’re sure you want this?” Nate seemed cautious, but his eyes were hot.

  Callie nodded. She was sure. She wanted to experience something she’d fantasized about. There was a lot she hadn’t confided in Stef. Her mother was sick. Callie would spend the next months giving her mother every bit of her energy and love. She would have to concentrate on keeping her mom’s spirits up. She wanted one night where she didn’t have to be strong, where she didn’t have to face the future, where she could revel in the here and now simply because it felt good.

  “Baby?” Nate’s hand came up and brushed away a tear she hadn’t known she’d shed. His eyes were a brilliant blue and narrowed in concern. “Are you afraid?”

  The hands on her breasts were gone, wrapping around her shoulders and pulling her back into Zane’s chest. There was a sweetness to his hold, as though he didn’t want to let her go for a minute. That brought fresh tears to her eyes. No one had held her like that since she was a child. The gesture made her feel small and fragile and protected.

  “There’s nothing to be afraid of.” Zane’s voice rumbled along her scalp, his face pressed to the top of her head. “I promise I’ll be gentle.”

  Callie shook her head. “I’m not scared. I’m just…emotional.” Now wasn’t the time or place to spill her guts. She wanted sweetness, not sympathy. She looked straight into Nate’s eyes and asked for what she wanted. “I need to be out of myself for a while.”

  After a long moment, Nate smiled solemnly and leaned in to kiss her. His lips molded hers, and she felt Zane’s mouth on her nape. She was wrapped up in them, and the sensations felt heavenly.

  Nate stepped back and nodded at Zane. Callie glanced at Nate as he started to undress, then Zane swept her up into his arms and grinned down at her. It was a wild, feral thing, that smile of his. He was the bad boy of the two, no question about it. He cradled her to his chest and strode to the bed like she was nothing at all to carry. He tossed her lightly on the huge bed. Her eyes widened as she got her first real look at him.

  “Oh, my god.” His cock was enormous. It was gorgeous.

  He stroked that monster cock of his, and a purely masculine look took over his magazine-cover-ready face. “Don’t worry. I know how to use it.”

  Nate came to stand by his friend. His body was every bit as beautiful as Zane’s. Nate’s body was sleekly muscled, where Zane looked like a bodybuilder. Nate’s mouth was turned up in a slight smile, and he rolled his eyes. “You know, you should never have shown her that thing first. Now she won’t look at me.”

  “Yes, I will.” She was breathless. Nate might not be quite as ridiculous as his friend, but he was amply sized as well. His cock stood at full attention, bobbing against his flat, muscled abs, almost reaching his navel. He wasn’t quite as long as Zane, but he was just as thick. No one could accuse Nate of not being well-hung.

  He winked at her. “I’m glad Zane hasn’t ruined you for me, sweetheart.” He crawled across the white comforter toward her. His big hand pressed her back into the mattress. “Lay back, and let Zane take care of you.”

  She closed her eyes and forced herself to relax. It was going to be okay. She knew it would hurt at first. Nate was distracting her as Zane moved her legs apart. His hands ran from her ankles to her hips, and she tensed, waiting for that big cock to start its assault. Nate’s mouth trailed kisses from her neck down to her breasts.

  Callie gasped as she felt Zane begin. It wasn’t his cock seeking entry. His mouth covered her pussy. The feather-light touch had her shaking. It was an exquisite sensation and not one she had been expecting.

  “You taste good, babe.” Zane’s deep grumble was a wave of pleasure rolling across her flesh. His fingers slid through her labia, parting her for the slow slide of his tongue. He licked and nibbled at her tender flesh. His tongue darted all around, lighting up her nerve endings. It wasn’t enough. It felt so, so good, but it wasn’t enough. She wanted more. She’d been nervous before, wondering if this was the right thing to do. But now, as his tongue worshipped her, she wondered why she’d waited. This was so sweet. Callie pushed her pussy toward Zane’s face, begging for more. He growled and speared her with his tongue. His strong tongue went straight up her pussy and then he pulled out. He licked in forceful strokes from her clit all the way down. Callie was building toward something she’d never felt before. The minor pleasures she’d gained from her fingers were nothing like this.

  Nate’s lips pulled at her nipple. He rolled the one he wasn’t suckling with his fingers. When Callie managed to get her head up off the bed, she watched the two men pleasuring her with their mouths and hands. It was a beautiful sight. Zane slipped a finger into her pussy.

  “She’s going to be incredibly tight.” He moaned, coming up for air. Callie could see the evidence of her arousal on his chin and lips. His tongue came out to lap it up as he curled his finger deep inside her.

  Nate came off her breast. “I think I need to try some of that honey of hers.” He turned his body around and leaned over. While Zane added a second finger, Nate’s tongue worked her clit. Zane added a third finger. He fucked her gently, curling his fingers deep inside. Callie’s hands clawed at the comforter, and her hips moved restlessly under their ministrations.

  “She’s close.” Zane was watching her carefully, his deep green eyes hooded with lust.

  Zane was right. When Nate sucked her clit between his lips, she went off like a rocket. Every muscle she had tensed and released in a great wash of relief. It started in her pussy and rolled over her body like a wave. Callie cried out. Little tremors shook her as Nate continued to lave her clit gently now. Zane pulled his fingers out and moved up the bed.

  “Up, babe.” He pushed her up, sliding in behind her. “Don’t worry about a thing. It won’t hurt for long.”

  Callie opened her eyes, and Nate was on his knees, rolling a condom over his cock. Zane’s hands smoothed down her hair. He whispered soothing words into her ear as Nate arranged her legs and started to penetrate her.

  “Oh, Callie, baby, you feel so fucking good.” Nate’s face was contorted with the effort it took him to thrust slowly.

  She tensed as his cock stretched her. It hurt. He was so big and she was small. He took his time, thrusting in slowly and retreating. He gained ground inch by inch. All the while, Zane told her how pretty she was, how he couldn’t wait to be the man fucking her. She struggled to breathe as the pressure seemed to expand. Zane nibbled on her ear as Nate worked his way in carefully. She wanted to yell at him, to tell him to get it over with, but every time she thought she couldn’t take another second of the maddening advance and retreat, Zane would lick or gently bite her sensitive lobe, and she would shiver with the touch. Gradually, she relaxed, and Nate finally pressed forward. She felt something tear and then he was in. He was inside her body. It was wildly intimate. She felt so connected. The pain was a small thing in comparison to the pleasure they were giving her.

  Nate held himself still. A fine sheen of sweat clung to his skin. It transferred to her where they touched, a sweet adhesive keeping them bound together. His body shook as he looked down at her. “Okay, now?”

  She responded by wrapping her legs around his lean waist and pushing up to take him deeper. It still hurt a bit, but she wanted more. She wanted the deep connection she felt. His cock filled her, and she loved the way he started to shake when she clamped down on him. She pushed up against him, wanting to experiment with this feeling. It was delicious and decadent to be so filled with another huma
n being. Behind her, Zane’s cock pressed against her spine. Zane’s hips were moving, twitching against her back.

  “Fuck,” Nate groaned and started thrusting. He leaned over and ate at her lips. He kissed her, never letting up on the slow slide of his cock. His tongue played with hers, fucking her mouth as he did the same to her pussy. He hissed and pushed himself up. Callie let her hands caress his waist. She wanted to touch every part of him. She let her head loll against Zane’s neck. She was nestled in between them. What would it feel like to have them both?

  “I’m not going to last.” Nate’s eyes were pleading. His face bunched up, and the muscles of his shoulders corded.

  Zane seemed to know exactly what to do. His right hand slid in between their bodies and found her clit as Nate pressed in and withdrew. The pad of Zane’s big thumb made circles around her clit. He started wide and got closer and closer as Nate tunneled in and pulled back out. Callie’s head rolled against Zane’s warm chest as the feeling built. Each thrust had Callie moaning.

  “Please.” She couldn’t take it anymore. She had to know where this was going. She tried not to think because, even in her passion, that question scared the crap out of her. Even while she was fighting for her orgasm, she knew this was more than sex for her.

  “Give it to her, Zane. I can’t take it anymore.”

  When Zane pushed down on her throbbing clit, she cried out as she came.

  The sound seemed to break something in Nate. His carefully measured strokes lost their rhythm, and his head fell forward. He ground his pelvis against hers, pressing Zane’s hand between them, making her come all over again. She let her head fall back and felt Zane’s mouth on her cheek, kissing her as he rubbed that nubbin of flesh that dominated her life in those moments. Nate pressed deep and then shouted as he came. He thrust one last time, holding himself against her before falling into her arms.

  Callie let herself float for a moment. It felt so good to be between them, but Zane had a problem. “Zane?”

  He laughed against her ear. “Already taken care of, babe. You were so hot I came like a fucking fifteen-year-old.” He pressed against her back. She could feel he was already getting hard again. “But I’ll be inside you soon enough.”

  Nate looked up, his eyes heavy. “One night isn’t enough. Stay with us for the weekend.”

  A weekend? Not a good idea. She was crazy about them now. What would she feel like if she really got to know them? Could her heart handle it?

  Callie decided she would rather have a broken heart than never to have risked it. She let her hands tangle in Nate’s hair as she whispered her answer. One night was definitely not enough.

  Chapter Two

  Zane stared at Callie Sheppard several hours later. She looked slightly out of place in the big, elegant suite. Not that he felt comfortable here. It was comfortable. Like no one in their right mind wouldn’t be comfortable here, but he was more used to motels.

  Callie, though, would be much more at home in the woods. After all, that was where nymphs lived. The pretty ones, not the maniac kind. He’d known a couple of those, and some had been pretty but not the same way. There was something otherworldly about her. Ethereal. That was the word he was looking for. Callie was a fairy nymph. Right? He let his mind drift back to some old college classes and decided that she was definitely a nymph. A superhot, curvy, sweet-as-sin nymph.

  “So, where are you from?” Callie asked.

  Why had Nate left them alone? After they’d left the club portion of The Club—who named their club that?—they’d come up here and Nate had said he was grabbing some food for them and left them alone.

  He swallowed nervously. He wasn’t used to talking to women about anything serious. He searched his thoughts to come up with the last actual date he’d been on. Was it a date if you paid for the beers and then screwed the chick in the back room of the bar? There hadn’t been a lot of talking with that one.

  “Fort Worth.” It was simple enough. He could answer her questions. He’d just be really brief. “But I was born in Austin. My dad moved us to Fort Worth when I was eight, and then he was gone by the time I was ten. I think my mom always missed Austin, though.”

  Where the hell had that come from? She didn’t care that his mom had been left alone. She had been a crappy mom, but at least he understood that much about her. But Callie was only making small talk. She couldn’t really be interested in him.

  “I bet you missed it, too. It must have been hard leaving home like that. I can’t imagine living anywhere but Bliss.” She leaned forward on the couch, the edges of her terry cloth robe gaping open. Her bags had arrived earlier, and she’d slipped into the comfy thing after her shower. He’d wanted to hop into the shower with her but held back. She was probably sore. He could be overwhelming.

  God, he didn’t want to hurt her.

  “It was hard to leave. I didn’t fit in real well up here.” That was an understatement. “After my dad left, I didn’t even feel like I fit in at home. My mom was on edge. I think she kind of wished she didn’t have me.”

  “I’m sure that’s not true.”

  “Nah, I was a hard kid to deal with.” He didn’t seem capable of stopping. “I got in trouble a lot. I wasn’t very smart. She’d gotten pregnant real young and I screwed things up for her.”

  “That wasn’t your fault.” Her voice had dropped to a sympathetic tone. “You were a kid. You were her responsibility. And your father’s. Was he not around after the divorce?”

  “I actually don’t remember much about my dad. Even when he lived with us, he worked most of the time. He spent a lot of time with his friends. He wasn’t much of a family guy. After he left, Mom dated a lot. She partied. And then she started dating this guy who was an administrator at a private school. They got serious. He found out I was a pretty good offensive lineman. They had a great quarterback, but no one to defend him so he got me a scholarship.”

  “Is that where you met Nate?”

  He nodded. “Nate was a pretty good quarterback. He was way better after I started knocking down everyone who came after him. He was my roommate. We’ve been close ever since.”

  Callie scratched at the robe and readjusted it. She seemed uncomfortable. He couldn’t help but think about what he’d been told about her. Had Stefan been telling them the truth about Callie?

  “You can take that off if you want.” He wouldn’t mind her sitting around naked. It might be nice.

  Her face bunched up sweetly. “Are you sure? I know the naked thing freaks some people out.”

  He was damn sure. The idea of being naked with her didn’t bug him at all. As a matter of fact, it might be easier to talk if he could see her boobs. He pulled his T-shirt over his head. “If it makes you feel more comfortable, I can take off my clothes, too.”

  She shrugged out of the robe. “It’s okay. I know I’m weird, but I like being like this. It feels natural. It’s not like I don’t wear clothes in public or anything. I’m actually quite prim.”

  He bet she would look like a cute librarian, if the khaki skirt and button-up blouse he’d seen her unpack earlier were any indication. It did nothing to lessen her appeal. Callie sat back, completely naked, and Zane realized Stefan had been right about his “almost” sister.

  Damn but she was beautiful. She relaxed back against the mocha-colored sofa. She was sitting on top of her robe, her whole body on display, but there was oddly nothing particularly sexual about it. She was simply comfortable in her skin. There was a lovely air of innocence around her. It brought out his protective instincts. Zane knew that he’d beat the crap out of anyone who tried to break her of it.

  “That was a fierce look. What were you thinking?” Her eyes were wide and curious.

  He took a deep breath. He didn’t want to scare her off. That was the last thing he wanted to do. She didn’t need to meet his inner caveman yet. “Nothing, babe. I was just thinking I’ve told you an awful lot about me. Why don’t you tell me something? Tell me something yo
u’ve never told anyone else.”

  He wanted to know her. He couldn’t put his finger on it, but she was important. Even if he wasn’t sure he wanted her to be.

  She gnawed on her bottom lip. “I don’t think I have any secrets. Not anything big. I’m pretty boring.”

  She was anything but boring, and suddenly he wanted her to know something about him. Something he hadn’t even told Nate. “I’m starting a job in a couple of days, and I don’t really want it.”

  “Why are you doing it, then?”

  That was the million-dollar question. Why was he going into a job that scared the crap out of him? “I won’t let Nate go alone.”

  He looked down, unable to stare into her eyes.

  She nudged his head up. “That is the sweetest thing I ever heard.”

  He felt himself flush and quickly changed the subject. “Now, there has to be something you can tell me.”

  He let his hand sink into her hair.

  “I’ve lived a pretty sheltered life,” she said. “I grew up in a small town, but it’s also the most tolerant place on earth. That bubble people talk about? We popped it a long time ago. You come to Bliss, people will accept you if you try even a little. But I was the only girl. That made things hard.”

  He wasn’t sure why. If she’d been the only girl, things should have been super easy. She should have had every boy in her town panting after her. He would have been. He would have been her slave from the time he’d figured out what his dick was for. “I don’t understand.”

  Her skin flushed the sweetest pink. “Uhm, the boys I hung out with, they thought of me as a sister.”

  “They weren’t interested in you?” Did they not have eyes?